1.关于开学的英语日记 篇一
The new semester has begun, and we are facing
new classmates and new teachers. At this point, I
started a new study and started my second grade
study life.
In the afternoon, we finished the registration
and came to the school. Many students transfer
red from other schools came here to register, an
d many students transferred to other schools. Th
ere are four classes in our fourth grade. It is ine
vitable that we will be separated from some goo
d friends and some teachers.
At the beginning of school, everyone is very
happy that they can gain new knowledge, make
new friends, have new teachers and have a new
start and new efforts.
The happy holiday is almost over, and the b
eginning of school, that is, learning, means that
we will face failure, face success, and face a bet
ter future, which may be harder and more diffic
ult than before. Whether it is the great light or
the fog, we must face, challenge, and overcome.
The new semester has begun. We must face
it bravely, defeat it, and cheer!
2.关于开学的英语日记 篇二
After two months' rest, we returned to the
familiar and friendly campus. Looking at our
long-lost classmates and teachers, we felt excited.
We talked and laughed happily.
We have changed from the classroom on the
first floor to the classroom on the second floor,
and the area has increased, which makes it mor
e spacious. When I entered the classroom, I saw
that the desks and chairs were covered with du
st, but they were neatly arranged. I also found t
hat several white pipes were added to the walls
on both sides in front of the classroom. Listen t
o the teacher, our school is going to set up a c
ampus TV station. These pipes are prepared to c
onnect the campus TV network. In the future, we