国家和地区代码(Country and region code)
Code Chinese name, English name
LB Lebanon Republic Lebanese Republic
SD Republic of the Sudan Republic of the Sudan
ES Kingdom of Spain Kingdom of Spain
LU Grand Duchy of Luxemburg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
WS Independent Samoa Samoa State of
GL Greenland Greenland
MX United States of Mexico United States of Mexico
NL Kingdom of the Netherlands Kingdom of the Netherlands
AO Republic of Angola, Republic of Angola
MV Republic of Maldives Republic of Maldives
Tuvalu TV Tuvalu
RW Republic of Rwanda, Republic of Rwanda
BT Kingdom of Bhutan Kingdom of Bhutan
TT Republic, of, Trinidad, and, Tobago, Republic of Trinidad
and Tobago
PA Republic of Panama, Republic of Panama
CD Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of
AZ Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Azerbaijan
SZ kingdom of Swaziland Kingdom of Swaziland
US United States of America United States of America
AT Republic of Austria Republic of Austria
DZ Democratic People s Republic of Algeria, Democratic People's
Republic of Algeria
MY Malaysia Malaysia
TG Republic of Togo, Republic of Togo
BO Republic of Bolivia, Republic of Bolivia
MQ Martinique Martinique
TD Republic of Chad Republic of Chad
HR Republic of Croatia, Republic of Croatia