I Want to Work at an Animal Shelter
Ever since I was a little kid, I've loved animals. I think they are
the cutest, most amazing creatures on the planet! I have two
dogs at home, Buddy and Rex, and they bring me so much joy
and happiness. Whenever I'm feeling sad or upset, just spending
time with them and playing fetch or giving them belly rubs
makes me feel better. Animals have a special way of cheering me
up that nothing else can.
My love for animals is why I really want to work at an animal
shelter when I grow up. At an animal shelter, I could spend all
day caring for cats, dogs, bunnies, guinea pigs, and so many
other furry friends! I would get to play with them, feed them,
give them baths, walk the dogs, and make sure they are healthy
and happy. What could be better than that?
The main reason I want this job is because I feel terrible
knowing there are so many homeless animals out there without
a family to love them. It makes me really sad to think of dogs and
cats living on the streets, struggling to find food and shelter.
They must be so scared, hungry and cold. At the animal shelter,
at least they would have a warm place to stay, food, water, toys
to play with, and people to care for them.
My dream is that one day, there will be no more homeless
pets and every animal will have a loving forever home. But until
that happens, animal shelters are so important to give these
animals a safe temporary place to live. As an employee, I could
help find families to adopt the pets and give them the love and
care they deserve.
I would be so good at working at a shelter because I'm very
patient, nurturing, and affectionate towards animals. I know how
to be very gentle with them and not scare them. I'm also a really
hard worker who isn't afraid to scoop up poop or clean out cages
- I already do that for my dogs at home! I have a lot of energy to
run around and play with the animals to make sure they get
plenty of exercise and socialization. Most importantly, I will treat
every animal at the shelter like they are my own pet. They will get
just as much love and attention from me as Buddy and Rex do.
Certain things do make me a little nervous about this job
though. I really hate seeing animals suffering or in pain, and I
know some of them at the shelter may be sick, injured, or
traumatized from neglect or abuse. That would be so upsetting
to me. I'm also afraid I might get too attached to the animals and
then be devastated when they get adopted to go to their new
forever homes. As happy as I'd be for them, it would also make
me really sad to say goodbye. I know it would be hard, but I'd
have to remember that being adopted is the best thing for them.
Other than that, I can't think of any downside to this career!
Every day would be like going to work to play. I'd get to be
around the animals I love so much and know that I'm helping
them and making their lives better. Cleaning up messes, giving
baths, walking endless loops around the yard - I'd be totally fine
with all of it as long as I got to hang out with the animals. Their
unconditional love, sweet faces, and cuddles would make every
bit of hard work worth it.
My other idea for the future is to one day open up my own
animal rescue farm or sanctuary. I would save up all my money to
have a huge place in the country with big fields, barns, and
plenty of room for all types of animals to run around. Any stray,
neglected or abandoned pets could come to my farm, and I'd
care for them and find them perfect forever homes. We'd have
horses, pigs, goats, chickens, and any other farm animals too! It
would be like a miniature zoo.
I know working at an animal shelter is a lot of really hard
work and can be sad at times too. But I'm up for the challenge
because of how much I love animals and want to help them.
Giving them comfort, medical care, love, and finding permanent
families for them is such an important mission. Not everyone is
cut out for this job, but I know I have the right nurturing spirit. So
if you're looking to hire someone passionate, energetic and
caring, I'm your girl! Just don't be surprised if I try to smuggle
home a few too many four-legged friends. I can't resist those
sweet puppy dog eyes!