1. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 1970. 4/yr. (环境科学与技术评
ED: Terry J. Logan, Department of Agronomy, Ohio state University, Columbus, OH, USA.
715B0006 ISSN 1064-3389
2. Journal of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. 1958. 6/ry. (环境科学与技
术学会志) *
ED: Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 940 E. Northwest Highway, Mt.
Prospect , IL 60056-3422, USA.
Tel: 847 255 1561
Fax: 847 255 1699
E-mail: InstEnvSci@
715B0007 ISSN 1098-4321
3. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Environmental Research Section B. 1977. 9/yr. (生
ED:International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental sor Goto,
Institute of Ecotoxicology, GakushuinUniversity, 5-1 Mejiro 1 chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171,
E-mail: apcs@
715B0010 ISSN 0147-6513
s of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1962. 4/yrSpringer-verlag,175 Fifth
Ave, New York, NY,10010 (环境污染与毒物学评论)
715B0013 ISSN 0179-5953
5.Environmental Progress. 1982. 4/yr. American Institute of ChemicalEngineers, 34E.47th St.
New York, NY 10017-2395. USA. (环境进展) *
Tel: 212 705 8100
Fax: 212 705 8400
715B0014 ISSN 0278-4491
6. Water Environmental Research. 1989. 7/yr. Water Environmental Federation, 601
ST., Alexandria, VA 22314-1994, USA. (水环境研究) *
Fax: 703 684 2492
E-mail: Kroy@
715B0084-2 ISSN 1061-4303
7. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 1907.12/yr. Air and Waste
Management Association, Po Box 2861, Pittsburgh, PA 15230, USA.(空气与废物管理协会会
715B0085 ISSN 1096-2247
8. Environmental Science and Technology. 1967. 24/yr. American Chemical Society,
Member and Subscriber Service Dept L-0011 Columbus, Oh 43268-0011, USA.(环境科学与技
ED: American Chemical Society, Member and Subscriber Services, Dept. L-0011,
Columbus, OH 43268-0011, USA.
Tel: 614 447 3776
Fax: 614 447 3671
E-mail: service@
715B0086 ISSN 0013-936X
9. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 1973. 6/yr. (噪声控制工程杂志) *
ED: Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Po Box 3206, Arlington Branch, POUGHKEEPSIE,
NY 12603,USA>
715B0105 ISSN 0736-2501
10. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic-Hazardous Substances and
Environmental Engineering. 1965. 8/yr.(环境科学与保健杂志 A B C) *
ED: Shahamat U. Khan, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
E-mail: journals@
715B0109-1 ISSN 1093-4259
11. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1972. 12/yr (环境卫生展望)
ED:National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, US Dept. Of Healthand Human
Services . Gibert S. Omenn, University of Michigan, AnnArbor, Michigan
E-mail: gomenn@
715B0130 ISSN 0091-6765
12. Environmental Engineering Science. 1984. 6/yr.(环境工程科学)
ED:Domenico Grasso, Rosemary Bradford Hewlett Professor and Chair, PickerEngineering
Program, Smith College, Northampyon, MA 01063
E-mail: dgrasso@
E-mail: liebert@