Perception and Cognition
Ara Norenzayan, Incheol Choi, & Kaiping Peng
To appear in S. Kitayama, & D. Cohen (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Psychology. Guilford
Perception and Cognition
1. Introduction and Historical Overview
For more than a century, most psychologists have based their discussions of human
thinking on the cardinal assumption that basic cognitive processes are the same for all normal
adult human beings, whether in the plains of Central Asia, the villages of East Africa, or the
urban centers of Europe and North America. Cultural differences influence the content of minds,
or the domains of thinking to which cognitive strategies are applied. For example, children in the
Amazon might categorize snake varieties with the same interest that children in suburban
America categorize video game varieties. Although what people think about varies considerably
across cultures, the very habits of thought--the information processing strategies that people use
recurrently in order to know the world around them—have been assumed to be the same
Several historical developments in psychology have conspired to uphold cognitive
universality as a foundational assumption in much of theorizing and research. First, the origins of
psychology have been profoundly influenced by biology (Benjamin, 1988), leading to an
assumption of universality in at least two respects: much research on the biological basis of
human psychology is conducted analogically in other species. But if we begin with the view that
humans in one culture share psychological mechanisms with other species, it follows that these
same psychological mechanisms are assumed to be shared universally within humans
themselves. Furthermore, to the extent psychology is grounded in biology, it inherits the
theoretical foundation of evolutionary theory as well (Barkow, Cosmides, & Tooby, 1992;
Pinker, 1997). Because evolutionary reasoning depends on the assumption of a shared species-
wide genome, this theoretical foundation encourages psychologists to accept psychic unity as a