RAF scrambles fighters to intercept Russian bombers
Russia’s ambassador to the UK was summoned to the Foreign Office on Thursday after
two Russian bombers disrupted civilian air traffic over the English Channel. The RAF scrambled
fighters to intercept them. 两架俄罗斯轰炸机干扰英吉利海峡上空的民用航空交通
The incident is the latest increasingly tense brush with Russian aircraft in the skies
above Britain and other Nato-countries’ borders. 因俄罗斯飞机在英国以及其他北
It was also one of the most serious around British airspace so far, according to
Whitehall officials. Russia’s ambassador, Alexander Yakovenko was last summoned by the Foreign
Office in July over an incident involving the expulsion of a diplomat. He has not been called to
account for increased Russian aerial activity by Britain before. 英国政府官员称,这也
(Alexander Yakovenko)上一次被英国外交部召见是在去年7月,起因是一起驱逐外交官事件。
The two huge Russian Tu-95 bombers, known by fighter pilots as bears, flew across one
of the busiest civilian flightpaths in Europe and had their transponders turned off, meaning that
they could only be detected by radar and would have been invisible on regular air traffic control
systems. 这两架巨型俄罗斯图-95(Tu-95)轰炸机(北约战斗机飞行员称其为“熊”)
The UK’s air traffic controller, Nats, was forced to re-route commercial flights as a
result. The decision was a “precautionary measure,” a government official said. 英
The bombers — whose distinctive outline once made them one of the most
recognisable symbols of the cold war — were initially intercepted by Norwegian fighters after
taking off from Russia. They flew south from Norway over the North Sea towards UK airspace,
continuing down the Channel and then along France’s Atlantic coast. 这两架轰炸机的
Nato countries saw a threefold increase in provocative Russian activity in the skies last
year. In Britain, RAF fighters have had to be scrambled once a month on average since tensions
with Moscow began to rise. 去年,俄罗斯在北约国家上空的挑衅行为增加了3倍。
Jock Lowe, a former head of flight operations at British Airways, said the incident over
the Channel this week was a marked departure from the tactics of the Soviet air force at the
height of the cold war. 英国航空(British Airways)前飞行任务主管乔克•罗威(Jock
In the 1970s and 1980s, Tu-95 long-range bombers would test UK air defence over the
North Sea, often performing dummy bombing runs but they did not come as far south as the
Channel. 上世纪70年代和80年代,图-95远程轰炸机会在北海上空测试英国的空
Despite a bulked-up Nato fighter mission in the Baltic and countries such as the UK
being on a state of high alert for Russian incursions, the Kremlin has shown little indication that it
will scale back its activities. 尽管北约战斗机对俄罗斯入侵高度警惕,在巴尔干半岛
President Vladimir Putin reinstated long-range patrols of nuclear-capable bombers in
2007 and has significantly increased the regularity and scale of their manoeuvres of late.
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)在2007年恢复了可携带核弹头的轰炸机的远程