2024年5月3日发(作者:vivo x21s参数)
Lesson 16
A Polite Request
Traffic police usually give you a ticket if you park your car in the wrong writer found
a polite note on his car in traffic policeman wanted him to pay attention to their stre
et ne can't fail to obey a request like this.(48 words)
练习答案 Key to written exercises
A The word if has been used four times.
C 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4will get 5 enjoys 6 is
D…if I listen to the radio…If I do something wrong, don't shout at me. If the house is untidy, don't
blame me. If you want me to do something, don't forget to say‘please’. If I am playing a nice gam
e, don't send me to bed. If I ask for something…If it is cold don't put the cat out…
1 pay attention 2 remind 3 are knocking 4 look after 5 Remember me
1. a根据课文3-4行 Traffic police are sometimes very polite.只有a. occasionally very polite 同这
2. a根据课文第4-5行During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car,只有
a. parked his car in the wrong place and received a polite notefrom the police与课文实际内容相
3. d以if引导的条件句是现在时,主句应该用将来时will.
a. will 时态正确,但不符合题目意思,应该用否定形式;b. wouldn't, c. didn't 都不符合时态
要求;只有d. won't 符合时态要求和题目意思。
4. a选a是因为动词let做谓语的时候后面只能跟不带to的动词不定式。 其他3个选择都
5. b本句是前一句We welcome you to our city 的另一种表达方式。只有选b. are welcome才
6. a No parking 是“禁止停车”的意思,只有a. Don't leave your car here 同它意思接近。 其
b. without parking 没有停车c. don't stop 别停下来d. There's no room to park here. 这里没有
7. d为了说明前一句This note is only a reminder(这张字条只是一个提醒.)的强调语气词only
只是,仅仅是.只有选d. nothing more 意思最接近,其他3个选择意思都不对.
a. nothing 什么也没有b. no one 没人c. nothing extra 没有多余的d. nothing more 只是, 再没
8. a只有a. district(区)与此同时前一句的area(地区)意思最接近. 而b. country(国家,乡村),c.
surrounding(周围环境),d. kingdom(王国)这3个都同area意思不同.
9. d本句需要对前一句you will enjoy your stay(你会过得很快乐)作进一步解释。
只有选d. It will please you(它会使你快乐)才同前一句的意思一致。 注意:enjoy 是“享受„„
乐趣”,“喜欢,喜爱”的意思,它的主语一般是人。sb. enjoys sth.表示“某人喜欢某物”。 please
是“使高兴,使喜欢”的意思,它的主语通常是物(但也可以是人)。sth. please sb. 表示“某
物使某人高兴”,这句话主语变成了it ,所以选d. please 词意思是最准确的。 而a. amuse(使
欢乐,使娱乐或消遣)意思不够准确;b. enjoy 不能用it作主语;c. laugh at (嘲笑)词意思不对;
10. d本句是要说明前一句的stay(停留,逗留时间)的,只有选d. remain(停留,呆在某地)才
11. d前一句的reminder 是"提示,提醒"的意思,只有选D. you to remember才能解释reminder
的含义.而其它的三个选择a. you remind(使...想起), b your souvenir(你的纪念
品), c. your remembrance(你的记忆/回忆)既不符合题意思,也不符合语法.
12. a b. deny(否认,否定); c. resist(抵抗,反抗); d. withdraw(收回),这三个都不符合题意思.只
有 a.
refuse(拒绝),最符合题的意思,与前一句 You cannot fail to obey it(你不能不服从它)的意思一
Lesson 17
Always Young
My aunt Jennifer is an is over thirty years often appears on the stage as a y
oung er will act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play never tells anyone
how old she really is.(46 words)
新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 17
练习答案 Key to written exercises
A She must be(1.1); Jennifer will have to take(1.3); she must appear(1.4); she had to wear(11.5-
6); it must be terrible(11.7-8)
C 1 You must/will have to see a doctor. 2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise? 3 She
said we must/had to/would have to stay here. 4 I must/have to have some help. 5I've had to go o
ut last night.
A 1 in the position of 2 because 3 At the time when B 1 grow 2 suit 3 costume 4 dress
1. d根据课文第1-2行
She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite ofthis , she often appears on the stage as a youn
g girl, 只有d. She is too old to appear on a stage as a young girl是课文所暗示的情况,而其他3
2. b课文第1行有She must be at least thirty-five years old(她至少也有35岁了),这只是个
推测,并没有告诉读者她的确切年龄有多大,因此a. We know exactly how old Jennifer is 与
课文内容不符; c. Jennifer is thirty-five years old也与课文内容不符,因为课文中没有明确较
大她确切的年龄是35岁; d. Jennifer is over thirty-five years old 也不够准确,因为作者推测
她至少有35岁,可能超过35岁,也可能正好35岁;只有b. We do not know