social skill

social skill


A social skill is any skill facilitating interaction and communication with others.

Social skills are most often thought of as a set of skills that allow people to

communicate, relate and socialize with others. One should note that these skills

may be defined differently from one culture to another. Social skills include both

verbal and nonverbal forms of communication. They often are the way others

determine a person's status, consider people as potential friends or mates, and

consider them for employment or promotions in the workplace.

Do you think social skills are necessary?

When we speak of social skills and emotional skills, we are also addressing

self-discipline. All people need discipline, that is, the ability to control their own

behavior and to act responsibly, and show respect for oneself and others.

Social and emotional skills, including self-discipline, are not something which

can be "taught" to others. They are attributes. We see evidence that these skills are

emerging when people show a growing confidence in their abilities, develop

increasing self-control, and are able to develop and maintain friendships with

other people, including people who are different from them. Here are three key

social skills which people must have in order to be happy and satisfied.

First ,Developing Self-confidence

Truly confident people believe that they will succeed at whatever they do,

including dealing with people, and they are confident that they can ask others for

information and for help, when necessary. Self-confidence requires knowing your

own values, attitudes, skills and desires. Sometimes people are over confident in

some areas, often misjudging their capabilities in other areas. They can easily

become frustrated and discouraged if they are hindered from completing tasks

they are expected to do. For this reason, they must have realistic expectations of

what they are permitted to do, and must, where possible, plan experiences that are

sufficiently challenging, but also attainable.

If you are a team leader or a supervisor, self-confidence is further developed

by taking an interest in, and over sighting the activities of the people you are

supervising, as well as being developed by the supervisor being genuinely

interested in what others are interested in. This approach is very often over-looked

by supervisors, who are comfortable with co-workers generating or initiating

dialogue, and managing themselves. However, taking an active and genuine

interest in others is the one thing critical to developing a rapport or a team spirit,

which in turn will help the team leader.

Building rapport requires team leaders to actively ask their co-workers

questions about their work activities, in order for the team leader to know what is

going on, to know what discoveries or problems have been unearthed, and to

implement quality control. It also requires the team leader to test what questions

are appropriate to ask, where and when, about their co-worker's personal lives and

interests, because we are all human beings with personal lives, and usually we like

both to ask questions and to be asked questions.





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