



1. Do you like this mini show? 你喜欢这部学生小剧场吗?( )答案:Yes, I like

it. 是,我喜欢。;Yes, I like it very much. 是,我非常喜欢。

2. To what extend does this mini show inspire you to learn this chapter? 这部学

生小剧场在多大程度上鼓舞你进行本章的学习?( )答案:A lot. 非常

大。;Quite a few. 还不少。


1. According to the definition of consumer behavior, how a consumer disposes

of an idea and accepts another is part of consumer behavior. ( )答案:对

2. A(n) ________ is a person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase,

and then disposes of a product. ( )答案:consumer

3. Age, gender, and social class are all used ________. ( )答案:to divide market

4. Which marketing philosophy emphasizes interacting with customers on a

regular basis and giving them reasons to maintain a bond with a company’s

brands over time? ( )答案:Relationship marketing

5. People often buy products for what they mean, not what they do. ( )答案:


1. Rules of conduct that guide actions in the marketplace are called ________. ( )

答案:business ethics

2. Which of the following values is most associated with materialists? ( )答


3. Cause marketing is the same as social marketing. ( )答案:错

4. Sustainability and green marketing are the same thing.( )答案:错

5. LOHAS is a segment of consumers who worry about the environment, want

products to be produced in a sustainable way, and spend money to advance

what they see as their personal development and potential. ( )答案:对


1. Unlike computers, people do not passively process whatever information

happens to be present. ( )答案:对

2. Companies that think carefully about the impact of sensations on product

experiences are practicing ________. ( )答案:sensory marketing

3. The first step in the perception process is called attention.( )答案:错

4. The minimum difference that can be detected between two stimuli is known

as the ________. ( )答案:just noticeable difference

5. ________ is a discipline that studies the correspondence between signs and

symbols and their meaning. ( )答案:Semiotics


1. A relative permanent change of behavior is called ________. ( )答案:learning

2. Which theory stresses the importance of internal mental processes? ( )答

案:Cognitive learning theory

3. Which theory listed below assumes that learning take place as the result of

responses to external events? ( )答案:Behavioral learning

4. ________ memory permits the temporary storage of information we receive

from our senses. ( )答案:Sensory

5. Memories of products are often replaced (forgotten) as we learn additional

information. This displacement of information is called ________. ( )答



1. A degree of arousal is called a drive.( )答案:对

2. ________ suggests that expectations of achieving desirable outcomes—positive

incentives—rather than being pushed from within motivate our behavior. ( )

答案:Expectancy theory

3. Mary Chen is torn between going home for the holidays to visit her parents in

China or going on a skiing trip with friends from college. Mary would love to

be able to do both. Which of the following motivational conflicts will Mary

most likely experience as she makes her decision?( )答案:An approach-

approach conflict

4. When a woman buys expensive jewelry, which of the following needs is most

likely being expressed? ( )答案:Hedonic

5. Product involvement refers to a consumer’s level of interest in a product.( )



1. ________ summarizes the beliefs a person holds about his own attributes and

how he/she evaluates their self on those qualities. ( )答案:Self-concept

2. A person’s conception of how he/she would like to be is called ________. ( )

答案:ideal self

3. Self-esteem refers to the intensity and stability over time of a person’s self-

concept. ( )答案:错

4. ________ is when the person tries to evaluate their appearance by comparing it

to the people depicted in these artificial images. ( )答案:Social comparison

5. Gender identity is a very important component of a consumer’s self-concept.

( )答案:对


1. Personality refers to a person’s unique psychological makeup and how it

consistently influences the way a person responds to his or her environment.

( )答案:对

2. According to Freud, the part of the personality that seeks immediate

gratification is called the ________. ( )答案:id

3. In Freudian system, which part of the self follows the reality principle? ( )


4. Lifestyles are identified by a convergence of personality, product and setting.

( )答案:对

5. People in different cultures hold the same core values with the same priority.

( )答案:错


1. A(n) ________ is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself),

objects, advertisements, or issues. ( )答案:attitude

2. Psychologist David Katz developed the ________ of attitudes. ( )答

案:functional theory

3. A component of the ABC model of attitude is ________. ( )答案:all of the rest

4. Which of the following status indicates the highest level of commitment to an

attitude?( )答案:Internalization

5. Balance theory helps explain why consumers like being linked to positively

valued objects. ( )答案:对


1. Decisions driven by our emotional responses to a product are called ________.

( )答案:affective

2. The first stage in the consumer decision-making process is ________.( )答

案:problem recognition

3. Needs are created when the actual state of a customer declines. ( )答案:对

4. ________ describes consumption at the low end.( )答案:Inertia

5. According to the ________ rule, a product with a low standing on one attribute

cannot make up for this position by being better on another attribute. ( )



1. Which of the following is considered a post-purchase process?( )答

案:Consumer satisfaction

2. Clothing choices are often heavily influenced by the situation in which the

consumer needs to wear them. ( )答案:错

3. Most customers who experience an environment that is both pleasant and

arousing will interpret it as an exciting environment.( )答案:对

4. A coupon-dispensing machine in a grocery aisle and an employee handing

out free samples of a new product are both examples of ________. ( )答

案:POP stimuli

5. According to the expectancy dis-confirmation model, when a product or

service perform the way that a consumer thought it would, she may not think

much about it; but if it fails to live up to expectations, this may create

negative feelings. ( )答案:对


1. ________ argue(s) that each of us has several "selves that relate to groups." ( )

答案:Social identity theory

2. A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n)

________ reference group.( )答案:membership

3. ___ is a group of consumers who share a set of social relationships based on

usage of or interest in a product/brand. ( )答案:A brand community

4. Word-of-mouth (WOM) is product information that individuals transmit to

other individuals. ( )答案:对

5. A set of socially relevant nodes connected by one or more relations is called a

social ________.( )答案:network


1. Discretionary income is the money available to a household over and above

that required for a comfortable standard of living.( )答案:对

2. A consumer’s belief about what the future holds is an indicator of consumer

confidence.( )答案:对

3. ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.

( )答案:Social mobility

4. The best predictor of major expenditures that do not have status or symbolic

value is ________.( )答案:social class and income

5. When a Rolls-Royce, a Cartier diamond, and an Andy Warhol painting are

bought and displayed as markers of social class, they are ________.( )答

案:status symbols


1. A ________ is defined as a group whose members share beliefs and common

experiences that set them apart from others. ( )答案:subculture

2. A component of a person's subculture is ________.( )答案:all of the rest

3. An age ________ consists of people of similar ages who have undergone similar

experiences. ( )答案:cohort

4. In China, people born in 2020s are labelled as "Z-lennials" ( )答案:对

5. Hanfu refers to the traditional clothing and accessories people wore during

the Han Dynasty, in ancient China. ( )答案:对


1. Which functional area of culture is most closely related to the idea of a

common worldview? ( )答案:Ideology

2. In a culture , ________ usually dictate what is right and wrong, acceptable or

unacceptable.( )答案:Norms

3. A culture production system is a set of individuals and organizations that

create and market cultural products.( )答案:对

4. In many cultures, myths feature talking animals that act as mediating figures.

( )答案:对

5. Profane consumption involves consumer objects and events that are

ordinary.( )答案:对





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