The Polite Language in English Language
Name: JiaYing Student Number: 1
Class: one
(Foreign college in ChiFeng University)
Abstract: The expressive ways of politeness is closely
associated with the typical behaviors of some particular social
groups. Generally, polite discourses such as address, greeting
and leave-taking, thanks, apology and compliment play a vital
role in people’s daily life, so studying communication manners
to be a polite man is essential. This paper makes a detailed
analysis to the polite discourses in English culture. According to
the analysis, people can learn English better as well as have a
deeper understanding of polite language in English.
1. Introduction: People all communicate with others all time.
No matter how well they understand each other, how familiar
each other, politeness are often at the root of communication
challenges. The polite language influences how people approach
problems, and how they participate in groups and in
communities. When they participate in groups they are often
surprised at how differently people approach their work together.
To have a better discourses with people need some ways of
2. The importance and definition of polite language
In order to appeal to people build a modern civilization
colorful world, we must lay stress on material civilization and
spiritual l civilization, especially spiritual civilization. The spiritual
civilization’s build need all of people’s efforts and joints. So
speaking polite language and know what is polite language and
how important it is become necessary.
2. 1The importance of polite language
At present, we are in the time of across-culture, the
appropriate words and deeds are playing a decisive role in
achieving successful communication. To be polite is an important
part of communication, especially when we talk to others. Polite
language is not only important in people’s communication, but
also essential in tourism, business and others work areas. From
the visitor’s viewpoint, the benefit of cultural awareness makes
them receives a positive first impression, feels more relaxed,
senses a feeling of warmth, sees company as being enlightened,
encouraged to do business again. Likely to recommend company
to others, and from the business’s viewpoint, businesses that
are culturally aware set themselves apart from their competitors
by: finding out about their foreign client , their likes, dislikes and
expectations by: equipping their key staff, especially front and
some ground rules for looking after
them, Avoiding giving offence to their visitor through
ignorance or assumptions. From these above words we can know
the importance of intercultural communication with polite
language, so learning polite language is necessary.
2. 2 The definition of polite language
What is polite language? Generally speaking, the courteous
language in the broadest sense of the word means all the
manners and the caused consequences by using polite language.
While the narrow one only means some special words expressing
ceremony which are reasonable and acceptable in various
communication occasions. To be polite not only demands the
sentence “reasonable”, but also “acceptable” in the specific