Tianshan Mountain tianchi Heaven lake pool : Tianchi - concentrated tianshan essence
scene In Urumqi, If the weather is fine, sunny, You can see the grand snow mountain Bogda
Peak. Tianchi is located on the mountainside of Bogda Peak. It is 110 kilometers away from
urumqi. Tianchi is an high mountain lake located above 1980 meters above sea level. at an
altitude of 1,980 meters, because the lake is crystal as bright as jade, In myth, Tianchi is said to
be the treasure mirror on the west Queen Mother's dressing table, Where It integrates
mountains, lakes, spruce forests and snowy mountains, It can be said that it has concentrated
the essence scenery of Tianshan , It is known as the “Pearl of Tianshan Mountain” . 天山天
池:天池――浓缩天山精华景致 在乌鲁木齐, 如果天气晴朗, 可以看到雄伟的雪山博格达峰。 天池
就位于博格达峰的山腰地带, 距离乌鲁木齐市110公里。 天池是一座位于海拔1980米之上的高山
湖泊, 因湖水晶莹如玉, 神话中把天池说成是西王母梳妆台上的宝镜, 那里融高山湖泊、云杉林和
雪山为一体, 可以说浓缩了天山的精华景致, 被誉为“天山明珠”。 Towering tianshan
Mountain bears tianchi Heaven pool in mouth, that spans more than 2500 kilometers,
north-south width of 250 to 350 kilometers. Kazakhstan border in the west, east to
XingXingXia gorge, stretches 1700 kilometers in the territory of China. The whole Entire
Tianshan Mountains range is composed of three columns mountains ranges, from north to
south, respectively called north tianshan mountain, middle tianshan mountains and south
tianshan mountain. Tianchi lake is located in the north tianshan mountain's middle section
Bogedo mountainous in the central part of the north slope. Borg mountainous mountain
Gradually's high and steep to the west . More than 20 mountain peaks whose elevation are
5000 meters above sea level open the vast length and breadth of land,
far-reaching,magnificent, the risk steep other side .looking eastward across the back Gradually
low , to the mountain. All of a sudden,Suddenly, the Bogda peak In the upright posture 5445
meters above sea level in steep mountains. straight posture steep stands up in the mountains.
With the other two at respectively an altitude of 5287 meters and 5213 meters mountains
peaks form the famous "three snow peak", , become the symbol of xinjiang. Tianchi is because
of rise abruptly in height seem steep exception appear high and abnormal. In fact, it is 1943
meters above sea level, strictly speaking, is not to less than"halfway up the mountain." 巍巍天
星峡,在我国境内绵延1700公里。整个天 山山系由3列山脉组成,由北往南分别称为
北天山、中天山和南天山。 天池即位于北天山中段的博格多山北坡。 博格多山向西,山势逐渐高峻
。20多座海拔5000米以上的山峰将广袤、 深远的新疆奇丽、险峭的另一面打开。而回