century 用法
Century 用法
Century 这个词汇常常用来描述一个世纪或一个时代。在英语中,
1. Century 是指一个世纪。
• A century is a period of 100 years.
• The 20th century was marked by significant advancements
in technology.
• The 21st century is often referred to as the age of
2. Century 还可以用来表示某种特定的风格、观念或事物。
a. Fifteenth-century Renaissance paintings (15世纪文艺复兴时期的绘画)
• The fifteenth-century Renaissance was a time of great
cultural development in Europe.
• The museum has an extensive collection of fifteenth-
century paintings.
b. 21st-century technology (21世纪技术)
• The advancements in 21st-century technology have
revolutionized the way we live.
• Our company specializes in developing state-of-the-art
21st-century technologies.
3. 在习语和短语中的用法
a. Turn of the century (世纪之交)
• The turn of the century refers to the time when one
century ends and another begins.
• Many people celebrated the turn of the century with
extravagant parties.
b. The dawn of a new century (新世纪的曙光)
• The dawn of a new century brings hope for a better
• The company is striving to be at the forefront of
innovation in the dawn of the new century.
c. A once-in-a-century event (百年一遇的事件)
• The earthquake that hit the city was described as a
once-in-a-century event.
• The discovery of a new species was considered a once-in-
a-century event for the scientific community.
d. A battle of the centuries (之间的世纪之争)
• The debate between the two scientists was like a battle
of the centuries, each defending their respective
• The sports match between the two teams was referred to
as a battle of the centuries due to their long-standing
在英语中,century 这个词汇可以用来表示一个世纪、特定的风
域,century 都广泛运用,帮助我们描述并理解不同时代的变化和发
4. Century 还可以用来形容某种长期持续性的现象或趋势。
a. A century-old tradition (百年传统)
• The festival is a century-old tradition that has been
celebrated by generations.
• The family-owned business has upheld a century-old
tradition of craftsmanship.
b. A century-long struggle (百年持久的斗争)
• The country has experienced a century-long struggle for
• The book explores the century-long struggle for civil
rights in the United States.
5. Century 还可以用来表示时间的过去或未来。
a. In the past century (在过去的一个世纪里)
• In the past century, scientific advancements have
changed the world.
• Many social and cultural changes have occurred in the
past century.
b. In the next century (在下一个世纪里)
• In the next century, we can expect even greater
technological advancements.
• The scientist’s research aims to address the challenges
that future generations will face in the next century.
6. 在具体年份和世纪的表达中的用法
a. The twenty-first century (21世纪)
• The twenty-first century has seen significant progress
in the field of medicine.
• Many technological innovations have emerged in the
twenty-first century.
b. The early 1900s (20世纪初)
• The early 1900s marked a period of rapid
industrialization in many countries.
• The early 1900s were characterized by major political
and social changes.
通过以上几个用法及例句的介绍,我们可以看到 century 这个词
达对过去和未来的描述。无论在历史、文化、科技领域,century 都