2024年4月18日发(作者:vivo x9s上市价格)
为什么军训是必要的 Why Military Training Is Necessary
Every year, when September comes, the first lesson for Chinese students is to
get the military training, which has become the tradition for freshmen. Some
people question about the necessity of these training. As a matter of fact, military
training plays the important role in helping students adapt to the new
疑训练的必要性。事实上,军训在帮助学生适应新环境上扮演了重要的角色。For a lot of
students, especially the college students, it is the first time for them to stay away
from their parents. Coming to the new environment, they must feel lonely and
don’t know how to take care of themselves. Military training though seems to be
a little cruel for them, they can be trained with strong will and have good temper,
which makes them the popular people.对很多学生来说,特别是大学生,他们第一次远
点残忍,但是可以培养坚强的意志和好脾气,使他们成为受欢迎的人。What’s more,
military training provides students a good chance to make friends. During the
training days, students will be impressed by the things they have been through.
Thus they will get to know each other and cherish this memory. The gain of
friendship makes them no longer lonely in the new situation.更重要的是,军训给学
再孤独。As the new semester is coming, military training will be a nice experience
when they look back at it.随着新学期的到来,当他们以后回首的时候就会发现军训将是