Samsung is set to launch
a device in its flagship premium smartphone range, expected to
be named the Galaxy S4.
Galaxy S4。
It follows the S3, a handset that has sold more than 40 million u
nits. The Galaxy handsets are seen as the clo
sest competitor to Apple's iPhone.
Analysts predict software that tracks where users are looking a
nd automatically scrolls down the page as it is read, without it
being touched.
There is also expected to be a souped-
up camera and processor.
But crucial to
Samsung's future success, analysts say, is how the South Kore
an company plans to turn its strong position in the smartphone
market into greater success with other devices such as tablets.
Prior to Thursday's launch in New York, Samsung has unleashe
d a huge advertising cam
paign, including a series of videos involving a small boy tasked
with looking after a "top secret" box.
Heavy customisation
Like the S3, the S4 is expected to run on Google's And
roid operating system - but analysts are predicting some heavy
customisation from Samsung in order to give
the device a more distinctive feel and, crucially, set it apart fro
m its competitors' Android-based handsets.
This is important, says Gartner analyst Roberta Cozza, if Sams
ung is to gain a higher level of loyalty to its device range.
Unlike with Apple, where a large number of iPhone owners grav
itate towards the iPad when they decide to purchase a tablet, th
e same cannot be said of other br
ands, where customers more likely to mix and match.
"We will see more of
a step towards more 'stickiness' towards the brand," Ms Cozza
"Already the Galaxy S3 can be seen as an alternative to the iPh
one, [but] the integration that
Apple offers with iPad is still not matched. Samsung is not there
The expectation the S4 will feature eye-
tracking capability has been heightened by existing technology i
n the Galaxy S3 - the phone's Smart Stay function stops the scr
een from dimming when somebody is looking at it.
Furthermore, the New York Times notes that Samsun
g filed for a couple of trademarks this year named "Eye Scroll" a
nd "Eye Pause".