1. 我决定在酒店多住一晚,因为我喜欢这个城市的氛围,想多留几
天。I decided to stay one more night at the hotel because I
love the atmosphere of this city and want to spend a few
more days here.
2. 她在机场等了4个小时才能搭上飞机,但她还是选择在那里等待,
因为她不想错过这次旅行。She waited at the airport for 4 hours
before she could catch her flight, but she chose to stay there
because she didn't want to miss this trip.
3. 明天我打算在家里待着,看看电影,享受一个悠闲的周末。I'm
planning to stay at home tomorrow, watch some movies, and
enjoy a relaxing weekend.
4. 在这个酒店,你可以享受一整天的日光浴,然后在泳池留下来吃
晚饭。At this hotel, you can spend the whole day sunbathing
and then stay at the pool for dinner.
5. 我们在这个城市的公园里散步,欣赏美丽的景色,决定在这里多
待一会儿。We took a walk in the park of this city, enjoyed the
beautiful scenery, and decided to stay here for a little while
6. 昨天晚上我在酒吧里跳了一晚上的舞,并与新认识的朋友们一起
玩得很开心,我决定在这里再待一夜。Last night, I danced all
night at the bar and had a great time with new friends, so I
decided to stay here for one more night.
7. 当我们到达海滩时,天气开始变得阴沉,但我还是决定在那里多
待几个小时,享受这个美丽的地方。When we arrived at the
beach, the weather started getting gloomy, but I still decided
to stay there for a few more hours and enjoy this beautiful
8. 我们在这个小镇的民宿里住了一晚,发现这里非常宁静和美丽,
于是决定在这里多待一天。We stayed in a homestay in this
small town for one night and found it very peaceful and
beautiful, so we decided to stay here for one more day.
9. 这个博物馆有很多有趣的展览,我决定在这里多待几个小时,仔
细观看每一件展品。This museum has many interesting
exhibitions, and I decided to stay here for a few more hours
to carefully examine each exhibit.
10. 昨天晚上,我们在这个城市的夜市上品尝了许多美食,玩得很
开心,于是决定在这里多待一晚。Last night, we tasted many
delicious foods and had a great time at the night market of
this city, so we decided to stay here for one more night.