They stayed all afternoon chatting、 她们待了整个下午聊天。
She stayed late to finish the report、 为了完成报告,她工作到很晚。
stay (at) home :I decided to stay home、 我决定待在家里。
stay for a year/ten minutes/a week etc :Isabel stayed for a year in Paris to
study、 伊莎贝尔在巴黎待了一年学习。
[+ in]: Stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids、 卧床休息,多喝水。
stay here/there:Stay right there! I’ll be back in a minute、 就待在那里!我
stay to dinner/stay for lunch etc:Why don’t you stay for supper? 您干吗不
[+ behind/after]:Some of the students stayed after class (= remained after
others had gone ) to talk、 有几个学生课后留下来说话。
stay and do sth :I should stay and help、 我应该留下来帮忙。
2、处于某种状态[I always + adv/prep, linking verb,连系动词] to continue to be in
a particular position, place, or state, without changing
Rollings will stay as chairman this year、 罗林斯今年将继续担任主席一职。
Nine women gained weight, and four stayed the same 、 九名女性体重增加,
[+ adj] Eat right to stay healthy、 要合理饮食以保持健康。
It was hard to stay awake、 困得快睁不开眼了。
[+ away/in/on etc] Stay away from my daughter! 不要缠着我女儿!
You stay on this road for a mile before turning off、 顺着这条路走一英里,然后
[+ around] Most of her boyfriends don’t stay around (= stay with her ) very
long、 她得男朋友大多数都没能与她维持多久。
3、暂住,留宿How long are they going to stay? 她们打算住多久?
[+ at/with]My mother is staying with us this week、 我母亲这星期来我们家住。
[+ in] They’re staying in the same hotel、 她们住在同一家酒店。
stay the night/stay overnight/stay over (=stay from one evening to the next
Did you stay the night at Carolyn’s? 您在卡罗琳家里过夜了?
4、stay put待在原处,不动
Stay put until I get back、 待在原地直到我回来。
5、be here to stay被普遍接受[使用];成为风尚
Professional women’s basketball is here to stay、 职业女子篮球运动已得到普遍
6、stay after (school)放学后留校〔常作为惩罚〕
7、stay the course〔克服困难〕坚持到底
Dieters should try hard to stay the course、 节食者应该努力坚持到底。
8、stay tuned
to continue watching or listening to the same television channel or radio
station 继续收瞧〔同一电视频道〕;继续收听〔同一电台广播〕
used to say that you should look or listen for more information about a
particular subject at a later time 继续留意〔信息〕,继续关注〔消息〕
The project is still under discussion, so stay tuned、 方案仍在讨论之中,请继续
10、stay sb’s hand阻止某人做某事
11、stay an order/ruling/execution etc暂缓[延缓]执行命令/判决/处决等
1、stay 停留,逗留
to not leave a place, or to be in a place for a particular period of time
Stay where you are and don’t move、 待在原地不要动。
John only stayed at the party for a couple of hours、 约翰在派对上只待了几个
2、remain 停留,留下〔在书面英语中,remain比stay更为常用,因为remain更正式〕
Some 2,000 protesters remained outside the building and refused to leave、 约
3、linger 流连,不愿离开
He lingered outside the lecture hall, hoping for a chance to talk to her、 她在
There are plenty of small cafés where you can linger over a cappuccino、 有不
4、loiter 游荡〔伺机做坏事或违法得事〕
The two men had been seen loitering in the area on the day that the car was
stolen、 汽车被盗那天,有人瞧见两名男子在该地区游荡。
5、hang around 闲荡
There are gangs of boys hanging around on street corners、 有几伙男孩在街角
6、stick around 待在…附近,继续处于…情况中〔尤指等待某事发生或某人到来〕
I decided to stick around and see how it all turned out、 我决定待一会儿,瞧瞧
PHRVB 短语动词
stay in1、〔晚上〕待在家里
I was tired, so I decided to stay in、 我很累,因此决定晚上待在家里不出去了。
stay on1、〔在通常或预定得时间后〕继续留下来工作[学习]
He resigned as chairman, but stayed on as an instructor、 她辞去了主席职务,
stay out1、夜不归宿,晚上不回家
He started staying out late , drinking、 她开始夜不归宿,在外面喝酒。
You stay out of it 、 It’s none of your business、 您别掺与进去,这不关您得事。
stay up1、熬夜,深夜不睡觉
We stayed up all night talking、 我们没睡觉,聊了一整夜。
I let the kids stay up late on Fridays、 我允许孩子们星期五晚点睡。