


0,0:00:49.71,0:00:53.27这赛季的F1,已经变成了经典 what has turned into a classic Formula 1


0,0:00:55.75,0:00:58.24天气状况如此飘忽不定 with the weather conditions so uncertain,

0,0:00:58.25,0:01:00.65 车手们要准备好 the drivers

0,0:01:01.72,0:01:03.92赛道仍旧湿滑、危险 the track is still dangerously wet,

0,0:01:03.93,0:01:07.24 但经过车手会议, 大家作出了决定 but following a drivers meeting, a

decision has been taken.

0,0:01:07.25,0:01:10.92 离出发还有三分钟 大家请站离发车区 Three minutes to go.

Everybody off the grid now.



0,0:01:24.95,0:01:29.16 在一级方程式比赛里, 每个赛季开始时都有25名车手参加 25

drivers start every season in Formula 1,

0,0:01:29.17,0:01:32.26 而每年都会有两名车手去世 and each year, two of us die.

0,0:01:33.02,0:01:36.41 做这种工作的都会是些什么人啊? What kind of person does a job

like this?

0,0:01:36.42,0:01:38.95 肯定不会是普通人 Not normal men, for sure.

0,0:01:38.96,0:01:40.09 叛逆者 Rebels,

0,0:01:40.10,0:01:41.45 疯子 lunatics,

0,0:01:41.46,0:01:43.13 梦想家 dreamers.

0,0:01:43.43,0:01:45.99 这些迫不及待想要留名历史的人 People who are desperate to make a


0,0:01:46.00,0:01:48.30 都作好了赴死的准备 and are prepared to die trying.

0,0:01:50.31,0:01:52.03 我叫尼基·劳达 My name is Niki Lauda,

0,0:01:52.04,0:01:55.23 赛车界的人会因两件事记住我 and racing people know me for two


0,0:01:55.24,0:01:58.41 第一就是我和这位的对抗 The first is my rivalry with him.


0,0:02:06.52,0:02:09.01亨特呢?他换了吗?What about Hunt? Has he changed?

0,0:02:09.02,0:02:10.55不,他还是用雨胎No, he's going on wets.

0,0:02:10.56,0:02:13.52 我也不知道这对抗为什么就变得如此重要 I don't know why it

became such a big thing.

0,0:02:13.53,0:02:18.06 我们只是两个争得你死我活的车手 We were just drivers busting each

other's balls.

0,0:02:18.07,0:02:20.26 对我来说,这再普通不过了 To me this is perfectly normal,

0,0:02:20.27,0:02:22.49 但其他人不这么看 but other people saw it differently,

0,0:02:22.50,0:02:26.00 他们觉得,我们之间的竞争 还会深化下去 that whatever it was

between us went deeper.


0,0:02:41.99,0:02:44.08 能让人记住我的另一件事 The other thing I'm remembered for

0,0:02:44.09,0:02:47.75 就是在1976年8月1日的那天 is what happened on 1st August 1976,

0,0:02:47.76,0:02:50.82 我是如何像个玩命的混球一样 疯狂地追赶他 when I was chasing

him like an asshole.


0,0:03:19.13,0:03:22.19对,就是那个, 在第二个架子上,谢谢Yeah, that's the one. On the

second shelf. Thank you.

0,0:03:22.20,0:03:23.42请把治疗创伤的推车推来Trauma trolley, please.

0,0:03:23.43,0:03:26.12赛车场应该打过电话了吧 说我要过来I think the racetrack telephoned

ahead that I was coming.

0,0:03:26.13,0:03:27.97我叫亨特,詹姆斯·亨特Hunt. James Hunt.

0,0:03:32.41,0:03:36.00怎么了? 没人见过流血吗?What's the matter? No one ever seen a spot

of blood before?

0,0:03:36.01,0:03:38.77- 你没事吧? - 完全好得很- Are you all right? - Absolutely fine.

0,0:03:41.55,0:03:43.76我们都以为你出了事故We all thought you'd been in an accident.

0,0:03:43.77,0:03:44.84没错I have.

0,0:03:44.85,0:03:46.52如果你觉得If you call a friendly disagreement

0,0:03:46.53,0:03:49.05和另一位车手发生无害的争执 也算事故的话with another driver an


0,0:03:54.16,0:03:56.29你们都吵些什么了?What did you disagree about?

0,0:03:56.30,0:03:58.16这就不关你的事了It's none of your business.


0,0:04:00.80,0:04:02.03他老婆His wife.

0,0:04:04.17,0:04:06.03这里可能需要缝两针了That's going to need a couple of stitches.

0,0:04:06.04,0:04:08.33- 伤口不轻啊 - 的确打挺狠的- It's a nasty cut. - It was a nasty blow.

0,0:04:08.34,0:04:10.44他拿个该死的撬棍打的Done with a bloody crowbar.

0,0:04:10.88,0:04:14.07- 为什么?你都干嘛了? - 没什么- Why? What did you do? - Nothing.

0,0:04:14.08,0:04:16.74只做了他老婆让我做的事而已Only what she asked me to do.


0,0:04:20.76,0:04:23.75你想的话我很乐意给你展示一下I'd be happy to show you if you like.


0,0:04:29.16,0:04:32.96 女人为什么会喜欢车手呢, 我有这么一个理论 I have a theory why

women like racing drivers.

0,0:04:32.97,0:04:35.73 并不是因为她们尊重我们的职业 It's not because they respect what we


0,0:04:35.74,0:04:38.23 我们只不过是不停地跑圈而已 driving round and round in circles.

0,0:04:38.24,0:04:40.20 她们多半还认为这挺可悲的 Mostly they think that's pathetic

0,0:04:40.21,0:04:42.23 这可能说得没错 and they're probably right.

0,0:04:42.24,0:04:44.73 她们的原因是 我们能如此地接近死亡 It's our closeness to death.

0,0:04:45.15,0:04:48.77 你离死亡越近 就越能感到自己是活着的 The closer you are to death,

the more alive you feel.

0,0:04:48.78,0:04:52.38 而你越是如此地活着, 她们就能看出来 The more alive you are. And

they can see that in you.

0,0:04:52.39,0:04:54.38 能感觉到 They feel that in you.

0,0:04:54.99,0:04:57.32 我叫詹姆斯·亨特 My name is James Hunt.

0,0:04:57.33,0:04:59.45 父亲是一名股票经纪人 My father is a stockbroker,

0,0:04:59.46,0:05:01.55 姐姐是律师 my sister is a barrister

0,0:05:01.56,0:05:04.16 哥哥是会计 and my brother is an accountant.

0,0:05:04.17,0:05:05.71 而我 And I,

0,0:05:05.72,0:05:08.25 我就是做这个的 well, I do this.

0,0:05:09.24,0:05:14.00 能这样活着简直太棒了 也是唯一让我飞速驾驶的方法 It's a

wonderful way to live. It's the only way to drive.

0,0:05:14.01,0:05:16.81 就像每一天都是生命的最后一天 As if each day is your last.


0,0:05:25.72,0:05:28.35我以前还从没来过大奖赛的现场呢I've never been to a Grand Prix


0,0:05:28.36,0:05:30.01那你的确还没去过You still haven't.

0,0:05:30.02,0:05:32.93- 这是F3 - F3是什么?- This is Formula 3. - What's that?

0,0:05:33.29,0:05:35.75级别更低一些That's a lower division,

0,0:05:35.76,0:05:38.52像我这样的一帮蠢货们开着车where idiots like me mess about

0,0:05:38.53,0:05:41.89希望能被车队看中挑去开F1in the hop of being talent-spotted to race in


0,0:05:41.90,0:05:44.06- 你看上去很失望啊 - 没有- You look disappointed. - No.

0,0:05:44.07,0:05:47.23你跟我上床只是因为 你以为我是个名人啊You only slept with me

because you thought I was famous.

0,0:05:47.24,0:05:48.94才不是!That's not true!

0,0:05:49.28,0:05:51.74别担心,以后我会的Don't worry. I will be one day.

0,0:05:51.75,0:05:53.14大家早上好啊Morning, everyone.

0,0:05:53.15,0:05:55.12- 这位是小护士 - 我叫杰玛- This is Nursie. - Gemma.

0,0:05:55.38,0:05:58.41小护士,这位是车队经理霍斯利, 外号“泡泡”Nursie, this is Bubbles

Horsely, team manager.

0,0:05:58.42,0:05:59.94你好How do you do?

0,0:05:59.95,0:06:01.48- 泡泡? - 没错- Bubbles? - Yeah.

0,0:06:01.49,0:06:03.78波索斯维特博士,我们的设计师Doc Postlethwaite, our designer.

0,0:06:03.79,0:06:05.15你好How do you do?

0,0:06:05.16,0:06:08.79然后这是亚历山大,赫斯基车队的主人And Alexander, Lord Hesketh,

the team's owner.

0,0:06:09.80,0:06:11.73你好吗How do you do?

0,0:06:12.07,0:06:13.52我很好,谢谢Fine, thanks.

0,0:06:13.53,0:06:15.83干得不错嘛,大明星!Well done, Superstar!

0,0:06:15.84,0:06:18.13- 这就是你的车? - 没错,就是她- That's the car? - Yep, that's her.

0,0:06:18.14,0:06:19.54莲花59号Lotus 59.

0,0:06:19.91,0:06:22.731000cc,改进过的考斯沃斯引擎1000cc. Cosworth Mae engine.

0,0:06:22.74,0:06:25.94可能看上去不怎么漂亮 但跑起来很带劲She's no beauty, but goes like

the slappers.

0,0:06:32.15,0:06:34.38没什么可担心的, 他每场比赛前都这样Nothing to be worried about.

Does it before every race.

0,0:06:34.39,0:06:37.02其实是个好的征兆, 说明他兴奋起来了Good sign, actually. Means he's


0,0:06:37.03,0:06:39.72所有的F3赛车去装配区集合All Formula 3 cars to the assembly area.

0,0:06:39.73,0:06:41.13现在集合Now, please.

0,0:06:52.04,0:06:车手请把赛车开至验车区...drivers please bring them to the

scrutineering bay now.

0,0:06:55.91,0:06:57.80还好吗,大明星?All right, Superstar?

0,0:06:57.81,0:06:59.37再好不过了,老大Never better, patron.

0,0:06:59.38,0:07:01.85- 拿这个漱漱口 - 谢谢- Have a gargle with this. - Thank you.

0,0:07:03.92,0:07:05.88再来片这个Quick toke of this.

0,0:07:05.89,0:07:09.18今天的水晶宫赛道, 由詹姆斯·亨特杆位发车At Crystal Palace today,

James Hunt's on pole,

0,0:07:09.19,0:07:12.75而奥地利的新人尼基·劳达 和他同排发车with Austrian newcomer

Niki Lauda alongside him

0,0:07:12.76,0:07:15.49戴夫紧接第一排之后and Dave Walker completing Row 1.

0,0:07:15.50,0:07:18.42第二排是麦克·布特勒和戴夫·摩根Row 2 is Mike Beuttler and Dave


0,0:07:18.43,0:07:20.19接下来是托尼·特里莫和杰瑞·比瑞尔with Tony Trimmer and Gerry


0,0:07:20.20,0:07:21.33那个是谁?Who's that?

0,0:07:21.34,0:07:22.39新人He's new.

0,0:07:23.20,0:07:25.93- 德国人吧 - 奥地利的- Some German. - Austrian.

0,0:07:26.24,0:07:29.20他早上5点就来赛道上晃了He's been here since walking the


0,0:07:29.21,0:07:31.94你今天可能真的要 集中精力好好开了,詹姆斯You might actually

have to concentrate today, James.

0,0:07:31.95,0:07:33.68这些你之后会用得上的You'll need these.





好了,发动吧Okay, start her up.

啊!听这音乐!Ah! What music!

那些发明了汽车的先驱们They could never have imagined it,

应该怎么也想不到吧those pioneers who invented the automobile,

0,0:07:43.49,0:07:45.45它们会让我们如此痴迷that it would possess us like this,

0,0:07:45.46,0:07:48.02让我们魂牵梦绕in our imaginations, our dreams.

0,0:07:48.03,0:07:50.52小护士啊,男人很爱女人Nursie, men love women,

0,0:07:50.53,0:07:52.49但真要说爱得更深的话but even more than that,

0,0:07:52.50,0:07:55.09还是车啊!men love cars!

0,0:08:02.98,0:08:06.21- 加油,詹姆斯! - 那是他!继续,詹姆斯!- Come on, James! - It's James!

Go on, James!

0,0:08:07.15,0:08:08.45快啊,詹姆斯!Go, James!

0,0:08:16.09,0:08:17.32 亨特仍旧领先 Hunt's still in the lead,

0,0:08:17.33,0:08:20.02 但尼基·劳达紧追不放! but Niki Lauda is right on his tail!

0,0:08:28.27,0:08:31.33 亨特和劳达已经确立了自己的领先地位 Hunt and Lauda are proving

to be in a class of their own.

0,0:08:31.34,0:08:33.46 把大车队远远甩在身后 They're leaving the pack far behind.

0,0:08:33.47,0:08:36.03劳达红魔般的速度紧追着亨特Herr Red Devil's on his tail.

0,0:08:40.92,0:08:43.25 劳达看了看弯道内侧 Lauda takes a look down

0,0:08:44.42,0:08:47.01成功地骗过了他! and he's sold him a dummy!

0,0:08:49.89,0:08:52.42 劳达超过去了!他领先了! Lauda is through! He's in the lead!

0,0:08:52.43,0:08:55.88 亨特一定要弥补自己刚才的失误了 Hunt will be determined to make

up for that mistake.

0,0:09:01.77,0:09:03.46 亨特处于劳达的后背气流里 Hunt's in Lauda's slipstream.





而劳达没有让出任何缝隙 Lauda's not leaving any gap.

莲花赛车决定从内道超车 The Lotus goes for the inside.

亨特此举侵略性十足 It's an aggressive move from Hunt.

车蹭到了! There's contact!

0,0:09:27.23,0:09:31.06 领先的二位出了赛道! 劳达的车停在了反方向! The leaders have

spun out! Lauda's facing the wrong way!

0,0:09:31.07,0:09:33.33 后面的车超过去了! The back marker's gone through!

0,0:09:33.94,0:09:36.03 我们也明白为什么亨特的其他对手 You can see why Hunter's fellow

drivers call him.

0,0:09:36.04,0:09:37.77 叫他“亨特变道王” "Hunt the Shunt."


0,0:09:42.21,0:09:44.14- 加油啊,詹姆斯! - 那德国佬退出了!- Go on, James! - The Kraut's

out of it!

0,0:09:44.15,0:09:46.07 劳达显然怒火中烧 Lauda is clearly furious.

0,0:09:46.08,0:09:49.27 完全可以理解他现在心里如何骂亨特的 There's every reason to

expect sharp words in the pit.

0,0:09:49.28,0:09:51.51 亨特即将赢得比赛 It's going to be victory for Hunt.

0,0:09:51.52,0:09:55.01 而对于尼基·劳达来说, 是可耻的失利 It's going to be an ignominious

defeat for Niki Lauda.

0,0:09:59.36,0:10:02.85 所以这是詹姆斯·亨特这个赛季的 So James Hunt scores his third

major Formula 3 win

0,0:10:02.86,0:10:04.99 第三个冠军,在水晶宫赛道拿下 of the season here, at Crystal Palace,

0,0:10:05.00,0:10:07.83 比赛中他和尼基·劳达拼到最后 after a desperate battle with Niki


0,0:10:07.84,0:10:09.83 在亨特那侵略性的超车之后 Lauda was unable so restart

0,0:10:09.84,0:10:12.73 两人双双飞出赛道, 而劳达无法重新发动赛车 after Hunt's

aggressive move caused them both to spin out

0,0:10:12.74,0:10:15.03 这一切都发生在最后一圈的较量 in the last lap of the race.

0,0:10:15.04,0:10:16.87这次是难啊,下次运气会更好Hard luck. Better luck next time.

0,0:10:16.88,0:10:18.00嘿,混球!Hey, asshole!

0,0:10:19.81,0:10:22.17那是我的车道,那弯道是我的That was my line. I had that corner.

0,0:10:22.18,0:10:23.94你是说那个你飞出去了的弯道?You mean the one that you spun out of

0,0:10:23.95,0:10:25.78最后还停反了方向的?and finished facing the other way?

0,0:10:25.79,0:10:27.55是那个弯道吃了你吧I think that corner had you.

0,0:10:27.56,0:10:30.28那完全是自杀行为 如果我当时没刹车呢?That move was total suicide.

What if I hadn't braked?

0,0:10:30.29,0:10:33.02- 那就肯定撞车了 - 但没撞不是吗?- We'd have crashed. - But we

didn't, did we?

0,0:10:33.03,0:10:36.26真要多谢你那无可挑剔的求生本能啊Thanks to your impeccable

survival instincts.

0,0:10:37.30,0:10:39.53去你的!你叫什么?Fuck you! What's your name?

0,0:10:40.80,0:10:43.20詹姆斯·赛门·沃利斯·亨特James Simon Wallis Hunt.

0,0:10:43.57,0:10:45.83好好记住吧,我们的老鼠朋友Remember it, my little Jerry friend.

0,0:10:45.84,0:10:48.93- 没错!好好记着吧 - 很好记的- Jawohl! Remember ze name. - It's very


0,0:10:48.94,0:10:51.27亨特,跟“怂货”还押韵呢Hunt, it rhymes with cunt!

0,0:10:51.28,0:10:54.54拿来形容你再合适不过了A word that happens to describe you perfectly.

0,0:10:55.02,0:10:56.14那是谁呀?Who was that?

0,0:10:56.15,0:10:59.45不知道,他长得很像老鼠对吧?I've no idea. He looks like a rat, doesn't


0,0:11:01.02,0:11:02.51 在我的家乡维也纳 In my hometown, Vienna,

0,0:11:02.52,0:11:04.82 我的家族因一个词而有名 my family's famous for one thing:

0,0:11:04.83,0:11:05.95 经商 Business.

0,0:11:06.16,0:11:08.95 我的祖父是个商人 My grandfather was a businessman,

0,0:11:08.96,0:11:10.52 我父亲也是 my father, too.

0,0:11:11.13,0:11:14.42 所以当他们听说 我打算开赛车谋生的时候 So when they heard I

wanted to race cars for a living,

0,0:11:14.43,0:11:16.30 就有话要说了 They are a few things to say.




















0,0:12:03.18,0:12:05.81 所以既然家里不肯帮忙 So if my family wasn't going to help me,

0,0:12:05.82,0:12:09.35 我决定冒一个巨大的风险, 自己去贷款 I decided to risk everything

and take out a Loan myself.

0,0:12:09.36,0:12:12.28 我找到一个F1车队,车还行 I found a Formula 1 team with an Ok car

0,0:12:12.29,0:12:14.59 车队主人正缺钱 and an owner who had run out of money

0,0:12:14.60,0:12:16.92 愿意接受我的条件 and was willing to accept my terms.

0,0:12:16.93,0:12:18.96那么,女士们,先生们And so, ladies and gentlemen,

0,0:12:18.97,0:12:20.76我很高兴在此宣布...I'm delighted

0,0:12:20.77,0:12:23.43今年赛车记者协会大奖的归属that the winner of the Guild of Motoring

Writers Award.

0,0:12:23.44,0:12:25.73年度车手是...Driver of

0,0:12:25.74,0:12:27.14詹姆斯·亨特is James Hunt.

0,0:12:30.38,0:12:31.87大好的消息啊!Superb news!

0,0:12:32.81,0:12:34.91- 干得漂亮,詹姆斯 - 大明星!- Well done, James. - Superstar!


0,0:12:39.15,0:12:40.81- 很棒的一年 - 非常感谢- Well done. - Thank you so much.


0,0:12:41.96,0:12:45.26我父母一直都想让我成为医生My parents always wanted me to be a


0,0:12:45.93,0:12:48.49或者股票经纪人什么的or a stockbroker or something. They gave me

0,0:12:48.50,0:12:51.76他们给了我最一流的教育 但我的路是越走越错了the first-class

education, but that went all terribly wrong

0,0:12:51.77,0:12:54.20最终跟你们这帮人混一起了and I ended up with you lot.

0,0:12:56.47,0:12:59.27谢了,我现在比你更需要来一口Thank you. I need it more than you do.

0,0:13:00.17,0:13:02.40我是说,我性子急I mean, I have a hot head,

0,0:13:02.41,0:13:04.47完全无法忍受各种规矩an inability to

0,0:13:04.48,0:13:06.17- 是啊! - 千真万确!- Yes! - Very true!

0,0:13:06.18,0:13:08.77我经常跟不同的人吵架I fall out with people left and right.

0,0:13:08.78,0:13:10.78我真正爱过的东西The only creatures I've ever really loved

0,0:13:10.79,0:13:13.28或者说好好对待过的 只有我的虎皮鹦鹉or treated honorably are


0,0:13:14.82,0:13:18.02所以在其他任何普通的行业里, 我都会是,或者我就是So in any

normal area of life, I'd be, or I am,

0,0:13:18.03,0:13:19.52完完全全的负担a total liability.

0,0:13:19.53,0:13:21.99我唯一会做的就是开车快The only thing I've got going for me is I'm

quick in a car.

0,0:13:22.00,0:13:24.12所以谢谢这个奖,和对我的肯定So thank you for this and for

acknowledging that.

0,0:13:24.13,0:13:25.99我会把它给我的父亲I'm going to give it to my father

0,0:13:26.00,0:13:27.46让他放在壁炉上and tell him to put it on the mantelpiece

0,0:13:27.47,0:13:30.40就当成是医学学位好了and imagine it's a first-class degree in medicine.

0,0:13:44.85,0:13:46.81漂亮,大明星Well done, Superstar.

0,0:13:46.82,0:13:48.15再这样开一个赛季Another season like that,

0,0:13:48.16,0:13:49.55我就带你去更大的舞台I'll move you up to the big time.

0,0:13:49.56,0:13:51.32拜托,你觉得我现在不行吗?Come on, you don't think I'm ready now?

0,0:13:51.33,0:13:52.55当然行You are.

0,0:13:52.56,0:13:54.89但我不行,我得先给你找辆车I'm not. I've got to find you a car first.

0,0:13:54.90,0:13:56.49那就快去啊Well, go on, then.

0,0:13:56.50,0:13:58.19赶紧,别等太久了Chop chop. Don't wait too long.

0,0:13:58.20,0:13:59.89你可不想看到他跟劳达一样吧You don't want him to do what Lauda

just did.

0,0:13:59.90,0:14:02.83- 怎么了?他干嘛了? - 他给自己找了辆车,BRM车队- Why? What

did he do? - Got himself a drive, with BRM.

0,0:14:02.84,0:14:04.93他怎么找到的?这人谁都不是吧How the hell did he do that? He's a


0,0:14:04.94,0:14:06.30什么比赛都没赢过啊He's never won a bloody thing.

0,0:14:06.31,0:14:08.40显然他是贷了一笔款,花钱买进去的Apparently, took out a Loan and

bought his way in

0,0:14:08.41,0:14:10.27花了两百万奥地利先令with two million Austrian shillings.






我是尼基·劳达Niki Lauda.

我来做季前试车,BRM车队的Here for pre-season testing. BRM?

把表格填了,我会让他们知道你来了Sign the release form. I'll let them

know you're here.

0,0:14:50.05,0:14:51.81- 斯坦利先生 - 早上好- Mr. Stanley. - Good morning.

0,0:14:51.82,0:14:53.75- 早上好 - 克雷!- Good morning. - Clay!

0,0:14:54.46,0:14:57.41我现在给你介绍我们的一号车手Let me introduce you to our number

one driver.

0,0:14:57.42,0:14:59.19克雷·列加佐尼Clay Regazzoni.

0,0:15:00.79,0:15:02.79- 你好吗? - 很好- How are you? - Good.


0,0:15:04.27,0:15:06.82这些是你的技师And these are your mechanics.

0,0:15:06.83,0:15:09.36他们只为你一人工作They're reporting exclusively to you,

0,0:15:09.84,0:15:11.30根据我们的合同as per contract.


0,0:15:12.41,0:15:14.84- 想看看车吗? - 当然- Do you wanna see the car') - Sure.


0,0:15:23.08,0:15:25.38这就是了,型号P160There she is. P160.

0,0:15:26.22,0:15:29.68- 跟列加佐尼的一样? - 各方面完全一致- Same as Regazzoni's? -

Identical in every detail.

0,0:15:29.99,0:15:31.78车重多少?How much does she weigh?

0,0:15:31.79,0:15:34.35- 600千克 - 这也太离谱了- 600 kilos. - But that's crazy.

0,0:15:34.36,0:15:37.05- 怎么会这么重? - 里面装的是V12的引擎- Why so heavy? - It's a

V12 engine.

0,0:15:37.06,0:15:40.12光那个就有190千克了That lump weighs 190K on its own.


0,0:15:42.14,0:15:44.76马力有多少?490?What horsepower are you getting?

0,0:15:44.77,0:15:47.36- 没有,450 - 这不够啊- No, no, 450. - It's not enough.

0,0:15:47.37,0:15:48.80得有500马力才行It needs to be 500.

0,0:15:48.81,0:15:50.43引擎也必须减轻20千克And the engine needs to be.

0,0:15:50.44,0:15:52.27- 我们试过了 - 试什么?- We already tried. - Tried what?


0,0:15:53.28,0:15:54.77我们更换了整个排气系统We replaced the entire exhaust system.

0,0:15:54.78,0:15:58.38- 几乎没有效果 - 你们用了镁合金零件吗?- Barely made the

difference. - Are you using magnesium parts?

0,0:16:11.23,0:16:12.52然后是发动机缸体Now the engine block.

0,0:16:12.53,0:16:15.46所有装好的板子都拿下来Any mounting or fixing plates, strip it out


0,0:16:15.47,0:16:16.89做完之后When you've done that,

0,0:16:16.90,0:16:18.83我们再研究一下空气动力学we have to look at the aerodynamics,

0,0:16:18.84,0:16:20.53前翼和尾翼front and rear wing.

0,0:16:37.73,0:16:40.09好的,多谢,晚安Okay, thank you. Good night.

0,0:17:00.11,0:17:02.38列加佐尼用时多少?What was Regazzoni's time?


0,0:17:04.99,0:17:08.28好,现在让他开我的车试试 他能再快2秒Okay, now put him in my car

and he'll go 2 seconds faster.

0,0:17:08.29,0:17:11.26- 不可能的 - 没门- Well, that's impossible. - No chance.

0,0:17:13.53,0:17:16.39我们昨晚可是彻夜工作了We've been working on it all night.

0,0:17:16.40,0:17:18.86让列加佐尼开开看怎么样Put Regazzoni in the car. See what happens.

0,0:17:18.87,0:17:20.32我不明白了,为什么让我开这辆?I don't understand. Why am I

supposed to do this?

0,0:17:20.33,0:17:21.33我也不知道,克雷I don't know, Clay.

0,0:17:21.34,0:17:23.83他想让你试试看而已He wants you to take it for a spin.

0,0:17:25.01,0:17:26.23手套给我Gloves, please.

0,0:18:11.99,0:18:14.81- 我们再... - 好吧- I'd say we - All right.

0,0:18:14.82,0:18:17.08你们到底把车怎么改的?What did you do to the car?

0,0:18:17.09,0:18:18.92这是机密信息That's information I'll share with you

0,0:18:18.93,0:18:20.88只有满足条件我猜能共享under certain conditions only.

0,0:18:20.89,0:18:21.92接着说Go on.

0,0:18:23.13,0:18:25.16确保车队中我的位置A guaranteed place in the team.

0,0:18:25.17,0:18:26.86以及跟列加佐尼相同条款的合同And a paid contract on equal terms

0,0:18:26.87,0:18:29.16为期两年的with Regazzoni for two years.

0,0:18:29.17,0:18:30.69你是疯了吗?Are you crazy?

0,0:18:30.70,0:18:33.06克雷是F1的老将了Clay's a senior figure in F1.

0,0:18:33.07,0:18:34.73你只是个菜鸟!You're just a rookie!

0,0:18:34.74,0:18:37.40你能来这车队的唯一原因 只是因为你给钱了The only reason we took

you on is because you're paying us.

0,0:18:37.41,0:18:39.77那现在这状况,如果你还想让我继续留下Well, as of now, if you want

me to stay,

0,0:18:39.78,0:18:42.27之前的合同作废,我不会再付钱了we rip up the contract, I don't pay

you a cent.

0,0:18:42.28,0:18:44.11不可理喻!That's outrageous!

0,0:18:44.12,0:18:46.38他开我的车是不是更快了?Was he quicker in my car?

0,0:18:46.85,0:18:48.82没错吧?He was, wasn't he?

0,0:18:49.39,0:18:51.91是不是快了有2秒?Did he go two seconds faster?

0,0:18:55.20,0:18:56.692.3秒Two point three.

0,0:18:59.50,0:19:01.96那么,考虑一下吧So, have a think,

0,0:19:01.97,0:19:05.10想想你们的要务,再给我回复work out your priorities and get back to


0,0:19:19.49,0:19:20.45嘿,尼基Hey, Niki.

0,0:19:23.19,0:19:26.38我知道你会说什么,说“不关你事”I know what you're going to say, that

it's none of my business.


0,0:19:28.73,0:19:32.13你今晚是不是邀了赛道经理去约会If it's the track manager you're

taking on your date tonight.

0,0:19:33.07,0:19:34.83的确不关你事It's none of your business.

0,0:19:34.84,0:19:37.06好吧,但如果我能说我的建议的话Okay, but if you want my advice,

0,0:19:37.07,0:19:38.87这位还是算了I'd let this one go.

0,0:19:39.77,0:19:43.00我并不是在质疑你的品味, 她是个不错的女孩子,但是...I'm not

questioning your taste. She is a great girl,

0,0:19:45.05,0:19:47.20阿格尼丝的上一任男友Agnes' last boyfriend

0,0:19:47.21,0:19:49.37是一个英国的F2车手was a British Formula 2 driver

0,0:19:49.38,0:19:51.78那车手因两件事情出名who has a reputation for two things,

0,0:19:51.79,0:19:54.34开车有点疯狂...for being a little crazy on

0,0:19:54.35,0:19:57.08然后整日整夜地and for going all night and all day

0,0:19:57.09,0:19:59.78不停地跟女人上床 他是个好车手and all night again in bed. He's a

good driver,

0,0:19:59.79,0:20:02.15但显然也是个死都不会变的混账but an immortal fuck apparently.

0,0:20:02.16,0:20:04.09我不知道你啊,但我自己的话I don't know about you, but that's not an


0,0:20:04.10,0:20:06.12是不会学他的样的I'd like to follow.

0,0:20:08.24,0:20:10.90但如果你不介意的话...But if that doesn't

0,0:20:12.31,0:20:15.00那个车手,叫什么?What's his name, the driver?

0,0:20:15.91,0:20:17.71亨特,詹姆斯·亨特Hunt. James Hunt.

0,0:20:21.28,0:20:23.77你看,你资源共享的话You see, you share information

0,0:20:23.78,0:20:25.78我也可以共享and I share information.

0,0:20:26.09,0:20:28.42队友的意义就在于此That's what teammates are for.

0,0:20:38.80,0:20:42.10- 我们这到底是去哪? - 我保证不虚此行- Where the hell are we

going? - I promise it'll be worth it.

0,0:20:42.47,0:20:44.23眼睛闭好Just keep them closed.

0,0:20:44.24,0:20:45.43等一下Wait for it.

0,0:20:46.51,0:20:47.91再等一下Wait for it.


0,0:20:52.85,0:20:54.11你觉得怎样?What do you say?

0,0:20:54.41,0:20:56.01这是F1赛车啊She's Formula 1.

0,0:20:56.28,0:20:58.51是的,没错,大明星Yes, she is, Superstar.

0,0:20:58.52,0:21:01.45你哥哥和我一起找人精打细算了一下Your brother and I got together

with the bean counters.

0,0:21:01.46,0:21:03.51因为经营F1And since the economics of F1 are not

0,0:21:03.52,0:21:06.22和经营F2在经济上来说没有太大不同so significantly different to the

economics of F2,

0,0:21:06.23,0:21:09.12所以我们觉得如果要赔钱的话well, we thought if we were going to be

losing money,

0,0:21:09.13,0:21:12.26我们不如在F1这个更大的轮盘赌上赔we might as well be doing it on

the big roulette table in F1.

0,0:21:12.27,0:21:15.53你这个世上最美最亲的胖子啊,过来You fat, little, inbred beauty. Come


0,0:21:19.91,0:21:23.47其实要说这想法从哪里来的, 还要感谢尼基Actually, credit where it's

due, we got the idea from Niki.

0,0:21:23.48,0:21:25.07- 谁? - 劳达- Who? - Lauda.

0,0:21:25.08,0:21:27.47他花钱买合同进车队Bought his way in rather than mess about

0,0:21:27.48,0:21:28.87而不是在低级别赛事折腾 我就想...in the lower divisions. I thought

0,0:21:28.88,0:21:30.17“该死,他是对的啊。”"Bloody hell, he's right."

0,0:21:30.18,0:21:32.08没有赞助商哦,大明星No sponsorship, Superstar.

0,0:21:32.09,0:21:33.44希望你能接受I hope you approve.

0,0:21:33.45,0:21:37.18没有那些粗俗的香烟和套套的商标No vulgar logos for cigarettes or


0,0:21:37.93,0:21:39.98纯白车体,印着国旗Just plain white with the flags.

0,0:21:39.99,0:21:42.05还有赛车服And racing overalls

0,0:21:43.06,0:21:44.19上面写着which read

0,0:21:44.77,0:21:47.46“性爱:冠军的早餐”"Sex. Breakfast of champions."

0,0:21:49.87,0:21:51.43我们时候时候开始?So when do we start?

0,0:21:52.77,0:21:55.20- 你准备好了就开始 - 准备好?- Soon as you're ready. - Ready?

0,0:21:55.21,0:21:57.87我这辈子都在等这一天I've been waiting for this my whole life.

0,0:21:58.78,0:22:01.11华金谷赛道VILLAGE OF WATKINS GLEN

0,0:22:09.02,0:22:11.05 本赛季开始的时候,人们在疑惑 When the season started, people


0,0:22:11.06,0:22:12.92 赫斯基和他的车队 whether Lord Hesketh and his team

0,0:22:12.93,0:22:15.32 这些狂热爱好者 会给比赛带来更多的魅力呢 of upper-class

enthusiasts were bringing glamour

0,0:22:15.33,0:22:18.13 还只是徒增笑料 to the racing community or just comedy.

0,0:22:18.47,0:22:20.86 显然这是人们第一次见到 Certainly it was the first time anyone had


0,0:22:20.87,0:22:24.00 有管家在提供牡蛎和鱼子酱 a Butler sewing oysters and caviar in the


0,0:22:24.27,0:22:27.16 但他们已经有了一定影响力 But they have made quite an impact.

0,0:22:27.17,0:22:30.77 法国站第六,英国站第四, 荷兰站第三 6th in France, 4th in Britain

and 3rd in Holland.

0,0:22:30.78,0:22:33.90 所有赛道上的车手请注意旗语 All drivers on the track, caution flags

are out.

0,0:22:33.91,0:22:36.44 S弯处发生了严重事故 A severe crash at the Esses.

0,0:22:36.45,0:22:38.88 红旗终赛,有车冲出了赛道 Red flag. There's a car off the track.

0,0:22:38.89,0:22:40.88 我得到的现场消息是 And reports are reaching me that there's been

0,0:22:40.89,0:22:43.11 排位赛中发生了严重事故 a serious accident in qualifying.

0,0:22:43.12,0:22:45.32 出事的车手是谁我们暂时未知 The identity of the driver we don't

currently have,

0,0:22:45.33,0:22:48.19 但从现场的情况我们可以看出 but as you can tell from all the activity

going on

0,0:22:48.20,0:22:51.92 这显然是一次致命的事故 towards the track, it was clearly a grave

incident indeed.

0,0:22:51.93,0:22:54.49 等我们有了更多的消息会进一步报道 We will, of course, have more

information as we get it,

0,0:22:54.50,0:22:57.96 F1比赛中这样的场景,没有人愿意见到 but it is the sight and sound of

F1 nobody likes to see.

0,0:23:02.48,0:23:04.97- 放开我! - 嘿,快走!- Get your hands off me! - Hey, come on!

0,0:23:14.32,0:23:17.85 过去四个赛季我们失去的顶级车手 Drivers of top stature we've lost

just in the past 4 seasons

0,0:23:17.86,0:23:20.05 有皮尔斯·柯瑞吉 have included Piers Courage,

0,0:23:20.33,0:23:21.42 约琛·林特 Jochen Rindt,

0,0:23:22.30,0:23:23.49 乔·西福特 Jo Siffert,

0,0:23:24.43,0:23:25.89 罗杰·威廉森 Roger Williamson

0,0:23:25.90,0:23:28.03 然后今天的华金谷赛道 and today, at Watkins Glen,

0,0:23:28.04,0:23:30.94 F1又失去了一名车手 Formula 1 has claimed another driver.

0,0:23:31.24,0:23:33.96 泰瑞尔车队已经退出了比赛 The Tyrrell team have withdrawn from

the race.

0,0:23:33.97,0:23:36.27 场上他们的车位将空缺 Their places on the grid will be left empty.

0,0:23:36.28,0:23:38.94- 可怕 - 他们应该取消比赛- Terrible. - They should cancel the race.


0,0:23:40.45,0:23:43.44是他自己大意,进弯道速度过快He made a mistake, went into the corner

too fast.

0,0:23:43.45,0:23:44.81是他自己的错It's his fault.

0,0:23:44.82,0:23:47.04- 是吗? - 很明显- Is that right? - It's obvious.

0,0:23:47.05,0:23:49.11自己看轮胎印Look at the tyre marks.

0,0:23:49.12,0:23:52.45瞧瞧这位无名氏说的 自己花钱买车开So says the nobody, who had to

pay for his own drive.

0,0:23:52.46,0:23:54.38话说你这钱花得怎么样了?How's that working out for you, by the



0,0:23:55.96,0:23:57.92一直排后几位感觉如何?How is it at the back?

0,0:23:57.93,0:24:00.40没打算在后面呆太久Not planning on being there for long.

0,0:24:01.27,0:24:04.10十分钟后开始暖胎圈,十分钟Ten minutes to the warm-up lap. Ten




0,0:24:10.24,0:24:13.57 到了大饭店前的发卡弯,换二档 Heading into the Grand Hotel hairpin,

second gear.

0,0:24:13.58,0:24:16.57 大力转弯,寻找晚的近弯点 Turn in hard, looking for late apex,

0,0:24:16.58,0:24:18.24 慢着点 gentle with the bar.

0,0:24:19.05,0:24:21.38 进入波蒂埃连续右弯,二档 Heading into Portier, second gear,

0,0:24:21.39,0:24:22.71 弯道顶点过弯 clip the apex,

0,0:24:22.72,0:24:24.45 轻刹车,仍旧二档 light brake, stay in second,

0,0:24:24.46,0:24:26.35 寻找好的出弯口 looking for a good exit.

0,0:24:26.36,0:24:28.29 通过隧道,慢慢加速 Heading through the tunnel, gradual right,

0,0:24:28.30,0:24:31.25 三档,四档,五档 up through third, fourth,

0,0:24:31.26,0:24:33.10亚历山大在吗?ls Alexander around?

0,0:24:34.20,0:24:35.86啊,刚才还在Yes, he was.

0,0:24:36.40,0:24:38.40他回自己家接电话了He went back to the house to take a call.

0,0:24:38.41,0:24:40.10马上就会回来He'll be back shortly.

0,0:24:40.11,0:24:43.10他只是想给我展示下他的“骄傲”和“快乐”He only wanted to show me

his pride and Joy.

0,0:24:43.11,0:24:45.80如果你要问的话,这两个词跟“公子哥”押韵Rhymes with 'boy' if you

ask me.

0,0:24:45.81,0:24:47.07还有“玩物”And 'toy.'

0,0:24:47.81,0:24:49.51天哪,它真是好单薄God, it's so flimsy.

0,0:24:49.52,0:24:52.11尤其在价格这么高的情况下For something that costs so much.

0,0:24:52.12,0:24:55.82完全没有舒适的座椅,保护装置, 什么都没有There's no comfort, no

protection, nothing.

0,0:24:56.16,0:24:58.85说真的它只是个小棺材No, it's just a little coffin, really.

0,0:24:58.86,0:25:01.76周围灌满了高辛烷值的燃料Surrounded by high-octane fuel in here.

0,0:25:02.06,0:25:04.76时速170公里Being driven round 170 mph.

0,0:25:05.07,0:25:08.40不管怎么看这玩意都是安在轮子上的炸弹啊To all intents and

purposes, this thing's a bomb on wheels.

0,0:25:09.24,0:25:11.23你就是詹姆斯,对吧?You're James, aren't you?


0,0:25:14.98,0:25:16.91挺符合他们的描述You fit the description.

0,0:25:17.24,0:25:18.51是吗?Is that right?

0,0:25:19.55,0:25:21.81我是苏西,亚历克斯的朋友Suzy. Friend of Alex's.

0,0:25:21.82,0:25:23.01啊,是啊Yeah, yeah.

0,0:25:23.45,0:25:25.08我知道你是谁I know exactly.

0,0:25:26.49,0:25:28.35他们怎么描述的?What was the description?

0,0:25:28.36,0:25:30.01在外貌方面大多是好话Mostly positive in terms of appearance.


0,0:25:30.02,0:25:32.22只有说到人品才有坏话Negative only in terms of character.

0,0:25:32.23,0:25:34.69我被告知要离你远点I've been told to avoid you.

0,0:25:34.93,0:25:36.09谁告诉你的?By whom?


0,0:25:38.00,0:25:40.02他说你是个坏家伙He says you're a bad boy.

0,0:25:40.03,0:25:42.13亚历山大都不知道自己在说什么呢Alexander doesn't know what he's

talking about.

0,0:25:42.14,0:25:44.19我以前是,现在不这样了I was. I'm not anymore.

0,0:25:44.20,0:25:46.26这个全新的我是非常有职业精神的The new me is very professional.

0,0:25:46.27,0:25:48.00早睡早起Early to bed, early to rise.

0,0:25:48.01,0:25:49.34枯燥的生活All very dull,

0,0:25:49.74,0:25:51.17但据车队的说法呢but according to the team,

0,0:25:51.18,0:25:54.30这是击败那循规蹈矩的德国佬的最好的方法the best way to keep

beating the goose stepper.'

0,0:25:54.31,0:25:56.24我刚才进来的时候你在做的是?Is that what you were doing when I

came in?

0,0:25:56.25,0:25:59.18是,一种视觉方法,记住赛道Yes, visualization techniques, memorising

the circuit,

0,0:25:59.19,0:26:01.92这个是摩纳哥赛道,下一站比赛in this case Monaco, which is up next.

0,0:26:06.79,0:26:09.22我个人一直认为Personally I've always been a great believer

0,0:26:09.23,0:26:11.15白天工作,晚上消遣in getting there on the day, putting my foot down

0,0:26:11.16,0:26:13.39跟朋友们打闹and playing chicken with everyone else.

0,0:26:14.90,0:26:16.46但他们不允许我再这样了But they don't want me doing that anymore.

0,0:26:16.47,0:26:20.10他们希望我的身边变成庙宇 脑子变成僧人They want my body like a

Temple and my mind like a monk.

0,0:26:20.94,0:26:23.43那你的心和灵魂呢?And what about your soul, your heart?

0,0:26:23.44,0:26:25.84这方面他们也有话说They've got ideas about that, too.

0,0:26:26.28,0:26:28.41他们让我不要再寻欢作乐了They want me to stop messing around,

0,0:26:28.42,0:26:31.74安定下来,跟下一个遇见的好女孩结婚settle down, get married with the

next nice girl I meet.

0,0:26:31.75,0:26:33.94他们觉得那会对我有好处They think that'd be good for me.

0,0:26:33.95,0:26:35.45你觉得呢?What do you think?

0,0:26:35.46,0:26:37.48太...It sounds fucking awful.

0,0:26:39.96,0:26:42.49但因为大多数时候他们说的都是对的But sine they're right about most


0,0:26:42.50,0:26:44.96这件事搞不好也说得没错they're probably right about that too.

0,0:26:45.27,0:26:48.20你可不想结婚,对吧?You don't fancy getting married, do you?


0,0:27:15.06,0:27:16.79(新婚!)JUST MARRIED

0,0:27:17.26,0:27:19.26嘿,嘿!Hey, hey, hey!

0,0:27:22.70,0:27:25.00- 他是怎么了? - 没什么,没什么- What's going on with him? -

Nothing. Nothing.

0,0:27:25.01,0:27:27.00不想破坏你今天的好心情Didn't want to ruin your day.


0,0:27:28.44,0:27:30.91- 是那个德国佬 - 他怎么了?- it's the Kraut. - What about him?

0,0:27:31.98,0:27:34.10他刚刚跟法拉利签约了He's just been signed by Ferrari.

0,0:27:34.11,0:27:35.98你开玩笑呢吧?You're kidding me?

0,0:27:36.35,0:27:38.14天哪,怎么会这样?Jesus. How did that happen?

0,0:27:38.15,0:27:39.94那也是他花钱买的吗?Did he buy his way in there too?

0,0:27:39.95,0:27:42.81老头子找回了列加佐尼Well, the old man took Regazzoni back

0,0:27:42.82,0:27:45.02而且显然是他自己坚持要的and he insisted on it apparently.

0,0:27:45.03,0:27:48.22他说尼基在调试车辆方面是个天才He says that Niki's a genius setting

up the cars.

0,0:27:55.77,0:27:58.14意大利费奥拉诺,法拉利试车场FERRARI TEST TRACK FIORANO,


0,0:28:06.51,0:28:08.97太差劲了,跟猪一样笨重It's terrible. Drives like a pig.

0,0:28:08.98,0:28:11.88- 你可不能这么说 - 为什么不能?- You can't say that. - Why not?

0,0:28:11.89,0:28:14.38- 这可是辆法拉利! - 这就是狗屎!- It's a Ferrari! - It's a shitbox!

0,0:28:14.39,0:28:16.41转向不足太严重了It understeers like crazy and the weight distribution

0,0:28:16.42,0:28:17.88重量分布也差得要命is a disaster.

0,0:28:17.89,0:28:19.28不可思议啊,你们设施这么好It's amazing, all these facilities

0,0:28:19.29,0:28:21.73却造出这样的垃圾车and you make a piece of crap like this.





0,0:28:52.23,0:28:53.92“法拉利大家庭”"Ferrari family,"

0,0:28:53.93,0:28:55.72“我们的好朋友克雷·列加佐尼”"our good friend Clay Regazzoni."

0,0:28:55.73,0:28:58.05想要当总司令的家人和朋友You are family and friend to the


0,0:28:58.06,0:28:59.39得赢比赛才行as long as you win.

0,0:28:59.40,0:29:00.99要是赢不了了,拜拜The minute you don't, ciao, ciao.

0,0:29:01.00,0:29:02.49完全理解I totally understand.

0,0:29:02.50,0:29:03.89生意嘛It's business.

0,0:29:03.90,0:29:05.30是我也会这样I would do the same.

0,0:29:05.31,0:29:07.50但这不仅仅是做生意吧?But it isn't just business, is it?

0,0:29:07.51,0:29:10.13我们做的事,是有热情和爱的What we do. It's passion, love.

0,0:29:10.14,0:29:13.10这也是为什么我们会为此赌上性命Which is why we are prepared to

risk our lives for it.

0,0:29:13.11,0:29:14.14我可不Not me.

0,0:29:14.15,0:29:16.31如果我在其他领域有才华If I had more talent and could earn better


0,0:29:16.32,0:29:18.78并且能挣钱,我会改行with something else, I would.

0,0:29:18.79,0:29:20.78你怎么知道你能开F1挣钱?How do you know you will make money






你还没开始挣钱吧You haven't yet.

还没有,但我会的Not yet, but I will.

如果你能,那我也能If you can, I can.

我想问,你有不这么混蛋的时候吗?You know, are you ever not an


0,0:29:34.33,0:29:36.33- 我混蛋? - 这个...- Why am I an asshole? -

0,0:29:36.34,0:29:39.90现在我开车比你快,调试车也比你好By now I'm both quicker than you

and better at setting up a car.

0,0:29:39.91,0:29:42.17你应付不过来,混蛋的是你才对You can't deal with it, so you're the


0,0:29:42.18,0:29:43.44去你的吧Screw you.

0,0:29:50.78,0:29:52.21我今天带你一起来I brought you along today

0,0:29:52.22,0:29:54.24因为你看上去还蛮孤单的because you seem like a lonely kind of guy.

0,0:29:54.25,0:29:56.41我想如果我给你介绍几个好朋友I thought if I introduced you to some

nice people,

0,0:29:56.42,0:29:58.11可以改变改变你that could rub off on you.

0,0:29:58.12,0:29:59.28算了吧Forget it.

0,0:29:59.29,0:30:00.92自己交朋友去吧Make your own friends.

0,0:30:00.93,0:30:02.35拜托,克雷Come on, Clay.

0,0:30:02.36,0:30:03.76抱歉啊I'm sorry.

0,0:30:39.30,0:30:40.93你要走了吗?Are you leaving?


0,0:30:43.27,0:30:45.26你能顺路载我去最近的镇上吗Can you give me a lift to the nearest






只要有火车站的就行anywhere with a train station?


特伦托镇从这里开车大概半小时Trento's half an hour's drive.

上车吧Get in.

0,0:31:20.17,0:31:21.83你干嘛呢?What are you doing?

0,0:31:21.84,0:31:23.90听见那个声音了吗,你加速的时候就会有的You hear that noise when

you accelerate?

0,0:31:23.91,0:31:26.17- 没有 - 你的风扇带子松了- No. - Your fan belt is loose.

0,0:31:26.18,0:31:27.41什么?My What?

0,0:31:27.88,0:31:30.44还有你刹车的时候,你的脚一直踩到底And when you brake, your foot

goes all the way down,

0,0:31:30.45,0:31:32.28也就是说动力系统里面有空气which means there's air in the system.

0,0:31:32.29,0:31:34.45- 还有别的问题吗? - 没了- Anything else? - No.

0,0:31:35.42,0:31:38.12除了后刹车已经老化以外Apart from the rear brakes are worn out,

0,0:31:38.76,0:31:40.38前面后边轮胎有点发软the front right tyre is a bit soft,

0,0:31:40.39,0:31:42.99所以才会这么晃来晃去which explains why you're weaving so much.

0,0:31:43.46,0:31:45.02你怎么看出来的?How can you tell?

0,0:31:45.03,0:31:46.89- 我的屁股 - 什么?- My ass. - Sorry?

0,0:31:46.90,0:31:49.09上帝给了我一个还算可以的大脑God gave me an Ok mind,

0,0:31:49.10,0:31:52.13但给了我很棒的屁股, 能感受到车子的一切but a really good ass

which can feel everything in a car.

0,0:31:52.14,0:31:53.76你完全不知道自己在说什么You don't know what you're talking about.

0,0:31:53.77,0:31:56.23这车好得很,我一个礼拜前刚检修过This car is fine. I just had a service

a week ago.

0,0:31:56.24,0:31:57.30那检修得不怎么样嘛Not a good one.

0,0:31:57.31,0:32:00.17是很好的检修,很贵的Yes, a very good one, very expensive.

0,0:32:00.18,0:32:02.74这车好得跟新车一样,放松点吧This car's as good as new. Relax.

0,0:32:09.89,0:32:12.35- 你不赶时间吧? - 没有- You're not in a hurry, are you? - No.

0,0:32:12.36,0:32:15.19只要礼拜一早上回马拉内罗就行了As long as I'm back in Maranello

Monday morning.

0,0:32:16.30,0:32:18.30我们可以说德语, 你是维也纳来的,对吧?











0,0:32:57.80,0:33:00.30不然我们永远都走不了了 毕竟这是意大利

0,0:33:20.30,0:33:23.30还不差吧?就三秒钟 承认吧,你觉得这还挺厉害



0,0:33:41.75,0:33:44.54- 的确需要 - 这是我的荣幸,尼基- Actually, we do, yeah. - It's my

honor, Niki.

0,0:33:44.55,0:33:47.01- 谢谢 - 我的车就是你的车- Thank you. - My car is your car.

0,0:33:47.02,0:33:48.95不过有一个条件On one condition, though.

0,0:33:48.96,0:33:50.98这是辆破车,狗屎一样It's a piece of shit. It's dog shit.

0,0:33:50.99,0:33:53.98但如果你开过它, 我的生命都无憾了,尼基But if you drive it, you

make my life, Niki, eh?


0,0:34:10.78,0:34:13.30能不能有谁告诉我这是怎么回事?Would someone please tell me

what's going on?

0,0:34:13.31,0:34:16.25- 你是谁?我该听说过你吗? - 怎么,你不知道?- Who are you?

Should I know you? - What, you don't know?

0,0:34:16.78,0:34:19.21他是尼基·劳达,F1车手He's Niki Lauda, Formula 1 driver,

0,0:34:19.22,0:34:21.04刚刚跟法拉利车队签约and he just signed with Ferrari.

0,0:34:21.05,0:34:22.38- 他? - 是啊- Him? - Yes.

0,0:34:22.39,0:34:24.38- 不可能 - 为什么?- Impossible. - Why?

0,0:34:24.39,0:34:26.88你们想,F1车手嘛Well, you know, Formula 1 drivers,

0,0:34:26.89,0:34:29.09都长发飘飘,十分性感they have long hair,

0,0:34:29.10,0:34:31.02衬衫扣子开到这儿their shins are open to here.

0,0:34:31.03,0:34:32.72- 多谢了 - 不用- Thank you. - Yes.

0,0:34:32.73,0:34:36.07而且,看看他开车的样子,跟老头子一样Anyway, look at the way he's

driving, like an old man.

0,0:34:40.37,0:34:42.20没必要开快车There's no need to drive fast.

0,0:34:42.21,0:34:44.90只会增大风险系数It just increases the percentage of risk.

0,0:34:44.91,0:34:47.07我们又不赶路,我也没收钱We're not in a hurry. I'm not being paid.

0,0:34:47.08,0:34:49.84现在,没有任何激励或奖赏Right now, with zero incentive or reward,

0,0:34:49.85,0:34:51.84我为什么要开那么快?why would I drive fast?

0,0:34:53.42,0:34:55.82因为我让你开快点Because I'm asking you to.



0,0:35:59.32,0:36:02.31 不可思议的较量 This is an incredible battle between Niki Lauda


0,0:36:02.32,0:36:04.75 红色法拉利赛车中的尼基·劳达 in the red Ferrari and James Hunt

0,0:36:04.76,0:36:06.73 以及白色赫斯基赛车中的詹姆斯·亨特 in the white Hesketh.

0,0:36:07.46,0:36:09.22尼基·劳达的挑战... the challenge of

0,0:36:09.23,0:36:12.26 劳达对亨特发起进攻 他从内侧超车了 Lauda attacking Hunt. He gets

through on the inside.

0,0:36:12.27,0:36:14.06 出弯角度很宽 Goes wide at the exit.

0,0:36:14.07,0:36:15.53 亨特超过去了 Hunt is past again.

0,0:36:15.54,0:36:18.80 再一次地,劳达想从内侧超车 Once more, Lauda tries to sneak up the


0,0:36:18.81,0:36:22.17 他们现在完全是车贴车,轮贴轮 They're absolutely side by side, wheel

to wheel.

0,0:36:22.18,0:36:24.13 势均力敌 So evenly matched.

0,0:36:24.14,0:36:27.00 两位伟大车手的精彩较量 Fantastic battle between these two great


0,0:36:27.01,0:36:29.24 亨特现在又领先了 Hunt is now ahead once more.

0,0:36:30.38,0:36:32.38 但劳达又逼上来了 But Lauda's coming back again now.

0,0:36:32.39,0:36:35.24 劳达再一次从内侧超车 Lauda once more sneaks up the inside.

0,0:36:35.25,0:36:38.25 他又是出弯过宽了,再一次的,赫斯基的 And again he runs wide.


0,0:36:38.26,0:36:41.45- 苏西,我们准备好了,来吧 - 再等一下- Suzy, we're ready, come on. -

Just one second.

0,0:36:41.89,0:36:44.69- 可以开始了吗? - 好了- Can we go, yeah? - Okay, yeah.

0,0:36:45.13,0:36:48.26 现在是华金谷赛道大奖赛的最后几圈 We're in the closing laps of this

race at Watkins Glen.

0,0:36:48.27,0:36:50.13 他们俯冲下坡了 They come down the hill.

0,0:36:50.87,0:36:52.80 亨特的车出问题了! And Hunt's got a problem!

0,0:36:52.81,0:36:55.26 亨特靠左边停了! Hunt pulls across to the left!

0,0:36:55.27,0:36:58.11 劳达独自超了过去 Lauda goes ahead on his own.

0,0:36:59.18,0:37:02.10 精彩的战斗,结局有点悲伤啊 A sad end to a wonderful battle.

0,0:37:02.11,0:37:04.81 亨特一把推开了官员 Hunt pushing off the marshal.

0,0:37:13.23,0:37:15.92 胜利的黑白格子旗正等待着劳达 The chequered flag is waiting for


0,0:37:15.93,0:37:17.36 和法拉利车队! and for Ferrari!

0,0:37:18.80,0:37:21.76 冠军归属尼基·劳达 The title going to Niki Lauda,

0,0:37:21.77,0:37:23.16 他赢得了这场比赛 who wins the race,

0,0:37:23.17,0:37:26.40 也赢得了世界冠军头衔 who wins the World Championship.

0,0:37:38.92,0:37:41.94现在我看上去像个赛车手了吧?Do I look like a racing driver now?

0,0:38:07.18,0:38:09.98- 恭喜 - 谢谢- Congratulations. - Thank you.


0,0:38:13.75,0:38:15.85你的车那么好With a car like that, the rest of us

0,0:38:15.86,0:38:17.98我们其他人是半点机会都没有对吧?never stood a chance, did we?

0,0:38:17.99,0:38:20.98或许我的车这么好,也是有我的原因Maybe the car being so good has

something to do with me.

0,0:38:20.99,0:38:22.75拜托,尼基,你开的是法拉利Come on, Niki. You're in a Ferrari.

0,0:38:22.76,0:38:24.02我开的是赫斯基I'm in a Hesketh.

0,0:38:24.03,0:38:25.86要是跟F3时候一样,条件相同Equal terms, the way it was in Formula 3,

0,0:38:25.87,0:38:28.22- 我会赢过你的,你也知道 - 不可能- Id' beat you and you know it. -


0,0:38:28.23,0:38:30.39你可能会赢我一两次You might win one race, maybe two,

0,0:38:30.40,0:38:31.83因为你很有侵略性because you're aggressive.

0,0:38:31.84,0:38:33.76但长远来看,从整个赛季的角度看But in the long run, over the course

of a season,

0,0:38:33.77,0:38:34.90不可能的no chance.

0,0:38:34.91,0:38:36.17好吧,为什么?Right. Why is that?

0,0:38:36.18,0:38:37.83因为要想成为冠军Because to be a champion,

0,0:38:37.84,0:38:39.14需要的不仅仅是开得快it takes more than just being quick.

0,0:38:39.15,0:38:40.77要看全局It's the whole picture.

0,0:38:40.78,0:38:43.04你只是个突袭者加派对男You're just a charger and a party guy.

0,0:38:43.05,0:38:44.74所以人人都喜欢你That's why everybody likes you.

0,0:38:44.75,0:38:47.69继续说啊,再告诉我你不嫉妒Try saying that and tell me you're not


0,0:38:47.89,0:38:50.75我干嘛要嫉妒?想想看吧Why would I be jealous? Think about it.

0,0:38:50.76,0:38:53.05所有的这些喜爱,和微笑All that affection, all those smiles,

0,0:38:53.06,0:38:55.02都是不尊重的标志is a sign of disrespect.

0,0:38:55.03,0:38:57.75他们都不惧怕你,相比我来说They don't fear you. Whereas compared

that to me.

0,0:38:57.76,0:39:00.16是啊,相比你来说,没人喜欢你Yes, compared to you, whom no one


0,0:39:00.17,0:39:01.99- 没错 - 连自己的队友都不喜欢你- Right. - Not even his own


0,0:39:02.00,0:39:04.83没错,因为我是个严肃认真的人Right. Because I'm a serious guy.

0,0:39:04.84,0:39:07.50我每天早睡,照顾自己,照顾自己的车I go to bed early, I look after

myself, after my car.

0,0:39:07.51,0:39:10.50- 是啊,你真是太乖了 - 然后去工作,收拾对手们- Yes, you're very

well-behaved. - Go to work, kick ass.

0,0:39:10.51,0:39:12.13比赛结束之后,回家And then, after the race, I go home

0,0:39:12.14,0:39:13.74而不是去酒吧instead of going to bars

0,0:39:13.75,0:39:16.51和这些混蛋说这么多废话and talk all this bullshit with all these



0,0:39:18.25,0:39:20.78你也该多回回家You should go home more often too.

0,0:39:24.06,0:39:25.99我听说你结婚了I heard you got married.

0,0:39:27.23,0:39:28.78是啊,没错Yes, I did.

0,0:39:30.06,0:39:33.23那这位神秘的妻子在哪里呢?So where is she, this mysterious wife?

0,0:39:33.97,0:39:35.73在纽约,工作In New York, working.

0,0:39:37.34,0:39:39.83你知道吗,我从没见过你和她一起来You know, I've never seen you

with her once.


0,0:39:43.01,0:39:46.00或许那是因为你一直呆在家里Well, maybe that's because you're always

at home,

0,0:39:46.01,0:39:48.17一个人呆着,照顾自己on your own, looking after yourself,

0,0:39:48.18,0:39:50.17做个乖孩子being a good little boy.

0,0:39:54.12,0:39:56.32帮我也喝一杯,詹姆斯Take a drink on me, James.

0,0:39:57.29,0:40:00.19谢了,尼基,我要喝它两杯Thank you, Niki. I might just have two.

0,0:40:11.04,0:40:12.46好了,泡泡Right, Bubbles,

0,0:40:12.47,0:40:15.13明年我要击败那个混蛋,不管要我怎么做whatever it takes to beat that

prick next year,

0,0:40:15.14,0:40:16.40尽管说just say it,

0,0:40:16.41,0:40:18.17你的话就是我的指引you're word is my command.

0,0:40:18.18,0:40:20.47没有什么我不能做的There are no lengths to which I will not go.

0,0:40:20.48,0:40:22.11我是认真的And I mean it.

0,0:40:23.92,0:40:26.08这里是怎么回事?What the hell's going on?

0,0:40:27.95,0:40:29.81人都到哪去了?Where is everybody?

0,0:40:29.82,0:40:31.35怎么了?What's the matter?

0,0:40:36.03,0:40:38.42你知道今天的日期吗?Do you know what the date it is today?

0,0:40:38.43,0:40:41.29嗯,今天11月14号,怎么了?Yes. It's November, the 14th. Why?

0,0:40:41.30,0:40:45.17你知道今天这日子有什么意义吗?Do you have any idea of the

significance of that date?

0,0:40:46.97,0:40:50.37我不知道,到了打野鸡的时候了?I don't know. Time to start killing


0,0:40:52.41,0:40:55.54其实,今天是确定赞助商的截止日Actually, it's the deadline for securing


0,0:40:55.55,0:40:58.24给下个F1赛季的for the forthcoming Formula 1 season.


0,0:40:59.25,0:41:01.31昨晚午夜就是时限了Which elapsed at midnight last night

0,0:41:01.32,0:41:03.78- 我们一个赞助商都没找到 - 哦,所以呢?- and we didn't attract any. -

Well, so?

0,0:41:03.79,0:41:06.08我们不需要赞助商We aren't looking for sponsorship.

0,0:41:06.09,0:41:09.93你说过的,套套和香烟,多粗俗啊,不是吗?Like you said, condoms an

cigarettes, vulgar, right?


0,0:41:13.13,0:41:15.43那是我们,或者当时我们...Except we are, or were.

0,0:41:18.24,0:41:21.43我当初有计算失误I've made something of a miscalculation.

0,0:41:21.84,0:41:24.97关于F1的经济现状The economics, Formula 1, realities thereof.

0,0:41:26.38,0:41:30.01其实跟低级别的赛事完全不同It turns out not like the lower divisions at


0,0:41:32.05,0:41:33.85你在说什么呢?What are you saying?

0,0:41:35.82,0:41:38.45我在说,一切都结束了,大明星I'm saying it's over, Superstar.

0,0:41:39.16,0:41:43.09银行已经介入了,开始大量裁员The banks have stepped in, started

laying everyone off.

0,0:41:44.30,0:41:46.86估计这房子我也得卖了Probably have to sell this place.

0,0:41:47.83,0:41:49.10噢,天哪On, Christ.

0,0:42:30.08,0:42:34.07我需要开车,皮特 你快给我找辆车开啊I need a drive, Pete. I need you

to find me a drive.

0,0:42:34.28,0:42:36.44莲花车队呢?I mean, what about Lotus?

0,0:42:36.98,0:42:38.74你不会想知道的You don't wanna know.

0,0:42:38.75,0:42:40.91- 我倒想听听了 - 好吧- Actually, I do. - Okay.

0,0:42:43.49,0:42:46.08他们觉得你的名声比你本人更响They felt your reputation preceded


0,0:42:46.09,0:42:48.03那什么意思?And what does that mean?

0,0:42:49.16,0:42:52.49我另外一个电话响了 我再打回去It's my other line. Look, I'll get back

to you.

0,0:42:54.83,0:42:55.93这里是彼得·亨特Peter Hunt.

0,0:43:08.11,0:43:11.01别着急了,会有机会出现的Don't worry. Something will turn up.

0,0:43:18.22,0:43:20.99喝双份的更有帮助Doubt that will help in the meantime.

0,0:43:23.30,0:43:25.96我们这周末一起出门去,怎么样?Why don't we go away at the



0,0:43:27.73,0:43:29.93在我回纽约之前Before I go back to New York.

0,0:43:32.81,0:43:35.90跟我说说话吧,詹姆斯 不要当我像陌生人Talk to me, James. Don't

make a stranger of me.

0,0:43:35.91,0:43:39.47你知道吗,苏西 只有陌生人会在这个时候You know, Suzy, only a

stranger would invite me skiing

0,0:43:40.41,0:43:43.81知道我没车开了,还找我去滑雪!when they know I haven't got a fucking


0,0:43:49.39,0:43:51.08我看不下去了I can't watch this.

0,0:43:51.79,0:43:54.45你都期待什么呢?What were you hoping for anyway?

0,0:43:54.46,0:43:57.05精心准备好的盔甲闪闪发光的骑士?A well-adjusted knight in shining


0,0:43:57.06,0:43:58.79你倒不必担心这个No danger of that.

0,0:43:59.10,0:44:01.29- 我给你条建议吧 - 我听着呢- Let me give you some advice. - I'm all


0,0:44:01.30,0:44:03.26别期待那些开车跑圈愿意赴死的男人Don't go to men who are willing

to kill themselves

0,0:44:03.27,0:44:05.56会是什么正常人driving in circles looking for normality.

0,0:44:05.57,0:44:07.23我从没期待过什么正常I never expected normality.

0,0:44:07.24,0:44:09.27老天爷知道我结婚不是随便闹着玩的God knows I walked into this

with my eyes open.

0,0:44:09.28,0:44:11.97我只是希望我嫁的那个人I just hoped I'd married someone who is half

as impressive

0,0:44:11.98,0:44:14.00内心有他的外貌一半好!on the inside as he is on the outside!

0,0:44:14.01,0:44:16.04至少你开始说真话了嘛At least there's something behind the facade.

0,0:44:16.05,0:44:19.11- 詹姆斯 - 滚去纽约吧,亲爱的- James. - Fuck off to New York, dear.

0,0:44:19.12,0:44:21.41肯定有什么面霜或者眼影There must be a moisturiser or an eye shadow


0,0:44:21.42,0:44:24.36急着要涂在你那厚脸皮上吧that needs your vapid mush to flog it.

0,0:44:59.93,0:45:01.52- 喂? - 嗨,詹姆斯- Hello? - Hi, James.

0,0:45:01.53,0:45:04.72是我,皮特,迈凯轮车队那边有消息It's Peter. Something's up at


0,0:45:05.20,0:45:07.76- 你有听说什么吗? - 没有啊,怎么了?- What have you heard? -

Nothing. Why?

0,0:45:07.77,0:45:10.76我听说艾默森(·费蒂帕迪)去别家了, 把他们害惨了I heard Emerson's

off. He's dumped them in it.

0,0:45:10.77,0:45:12.90天哪,快让我跟他们见一面,皮特Jesus. Get me in there, Pete.

0,0:45:12.91,0:45:15.20不管说什么,让我能去一趟就行Say anything, just get me in that room.

0,0:45:20.08,0:45:22.24那我就开门见山了I'll come straight to the point.

0,0:45:22.25,0:45:25.27- 我们令人尊敬的首席车手... - 那个费蒂帕迪- Our esteemed lead

- Fitti-fucking-paldi.

0,0:45:25.28,0:45:27.91他在最后关头抛弃了我们去了别家车队Has ditched us for another

team at the last minute.

0,0:45:27.92,0:45:30.18- 那个Copersucar车队 - 所以我们需要人顶替- Coper-fucking-sucar. -

And we need a replacement.


0,0:45:33.03,0:45:35.75幸运的是已经有人提出有意愿Fortunately a few hands have already

gone up,

0,0:45:35.76,0:45:37.09都是好车手good people.

0,0:45:37.10,0:45:40.03- 杰基·伊克斯 - 我比杰基开得快- Jacky Ickx. - I'm quicker than Jacky.

0,0:45:40.27,0:45:43.16但他作风如一,可信赖But he's consistent, dependable.

0,0:45:43.17,0:45:44.43更成熟A grown-up.

0,0:45:44.44,0:45:47.90好吧,那他愿意做别人不会做的事吗?Right, and will he go for that gap

when no one else will?

0,0:45:47.91,0:45:50.73在事关重要的时候,会赌上自己的性命吗?Will he put his life on the

line the day it really matters?

0,0:45:50.74,0:45:52.30赞助商们喜欢他The sponsors like him.

0,0:45:52.31,0:45:54.40你们是找车手呢还是找卖刷子的推销员?What do you want, a driver

or a brush salesman?

0,0:45:54.41,0:45:56.47- 我们想要取得成功 - 是,我也是- We wanna be successful. - Yes, so

do I.

0,0:45:56.48,0:45:58.01但这就是说要战胜尼基·劳达But that means beating Niki Lauda,

0,0:45:58.02,0:45:59.81而不是讨好赞助商not being a show pony for sponsors.

0,0:45:59.82,0:46:01.48我听说了你和尼基之间的较量I heard about this thing with Niki.

0,0:46:01.49,0:46:02.95大家都听说过Everyone has.

0,0:46:03.42,0:46:05.01你真的认为自己可以战胜他?You really thing you can beat him?

0,0:46:05.02,0:46:06.32我会开着迈凯轮的车战胜他I'd beat him in a McLaren.

0,0:46:06.33,0:46:09.26这是唯一在速度上能跟法拉利匹敌的车It's the only car out there as

quick as the Ferrari.

0,0:46:09.53,0:46:12.05所以我才来这里,请求你们Which is why I'm here, begging.

0,0:46:12.06,0:46:13.49你们说什么我都照做I'll do whatever you ask.

0,0:46:13.50,0:46:15.76我会打领带,对赞助商微笑I'll put on a tie, I'll smile for sponsors,

0,0:46:15.77,0:46:17.76说该说的话say the right things.

0,0:46:17.77,0:46:20.20我能战胜这家伙,相信我I can beat this guy, trust me.

0,0:46:20.91,0:46:23.20给我这个机会Just give me the drive.

0,0:46:23.21,0:46:25.43是啊,他有时候会行为懒散Yeah, he can be a loose canon.

0,0:46:25.44,0:46:27.84也会让你气疯And, yeah, he will drive you all mad,

0,0:46:27.85,0:46:30.97但如果说才华和正经事but in terms of raw talent and right stuff,

0,0:46:30.98,0:46:33.24世界上没有更好的车手了there is no better driver in the world.

0,0:46:33.25,0:46:35.48他是真金啊泰迪He's the real thing, Teddy.

0,0:46:35.49,0:46:38.08我们努力到今天等的就是他这种车手He's what we all came into this


0,0:46:38.09,0:46:40.38十天里面有九天你会气得怒发冲冠Nine days out of ten you'll be

pulling your hair out,

0,0:46:40.39,0:46:43.45但就是那第十天,詹姆斯会战无不胜but on that tenth day James will be


0,0:46:43.46,0:46:46.05而就是那天,你会希望他开着的是你的车That is the day you will wish

you had him in your car.

0,0:46:46.06,0:46:48.89 用杰基·伊克斯的话你永远赢不了冠军 You'll never win the

championship with Jacky Ickx.

0,0:46:48.90,0:46:51.70用詹姆斯就有可能You just might with James.

0,0:46:58.84,0:47:01.241976年1月,巴西大奖赛GRANDE PREMIO DO BRAZIL


0,0:47:02.21,0:47:03.411976年1月JANUARY 1976

0,0:47:13.09,0:47:16.29 欢迎来到巴西圣保罗的因特拉格斯赛道 Welcome to S盲o Paulo,

Brazil,and the Interlagos circuit

0,0:47:16.30,0:47:19.56 这是1976年第一场F1大奖赛 for the first race in the 1976 Formula 1


0,0:47:19.57,0:47:22.89 主要新闻是詹姆斯·亨特在排位赛中跑出最快 where the main news is

James Hunt qualified fastest,

0,0:47:22.90,0:47:25.36 击败了法拉利车队的尼基·劳达,取得杆位 beating Niki Lauda's

Ferrari to pole position

0,0:47:25.37,0:47:28.10 只快了二百分之一秒 by just 200th of a second.

0,0:47:29.44,0:47:30.77新车啊New car.

0,0:47:31.18,0:47:33.34- 我注意到了 - 还有杆位- I noticed. - Pole position.

0,0:47:33.98,0:47:35.44那个我也注意到了I noticed that too.

0,0:47:35.45,0:47:38.21现在是公平竞争了,我的老鼠朋友Level playing field now, my rally

little friend.


0,0:47:39.22,0:47:41.44看看跑完第一圈之后怎么样吧Let's see where we are after lap one.

0,0:47:41.45,0:47:44.22看看比五次赛之后会怎么样吧Let's see where we are in five races time.

0,0:47:45.06,0:47:47.42 亨特拥有维修站通道的杆位 Hunt has the pit Lane pole position,

0,0:47:47.43,0:47:49.05 应该是个很好的机会 which should give him the best chance

0,0:47:49.06,0:47:51.22 可以进一步阻挡劳达的法拉利车 of outdragging Lauda's Ferrari.

0,0:47:51.23,0:47:53.06 如果有人怀疑过 If ever there was a doubt about

0,0:47:53.07,0:47:56.12 本赛季劳达有没有实力相当的竞争者 whether Lauda had a serious

challenger to this season,

0,0:47:56.13,0:47:59.43 亨特和他的迈凯轮车队已经给出了答案 Hunt and his McLaren have

certainly given us the answer.

0,0:48:08.41,0:48:10.14巴西站:劳达获胜BRAZIL LAUDA WINS

0,0:48:10.15,0:48:12.17亨特引擎故障HUNT HAS ENGINE FAILURE

0,0:48:13.89,0:48:15.881976年南非大奖赛GRAND PRIX SOUTH AFRICA 76

0,0:48:15.89,0:48:18.38 在今天的南非,詹姆斯·亨特 Here in South Africa, James Hunt is


0,0:48:18.39,0:48:21.92 决定为上一次在巴西站的惨痛退赛作出补偿 to make amends after

that disastrous retirement in Brazil.

0,0:48:23.03,0:48:26.69 但最终劳达在这卡亚拉米赛道取得了胜利 But it's Lauda who takes

the flag here at Kyalami.

0,0:48:26.70,0:48:28.72 詹姆斯·亨特以第二名完赛 James Hunt comes home second

0,0:48:28.73,0:48:31.16 终于让自己成为了冠军的竞争者之一 to confirm his championship

challenge at last

0,0:48:31.17,0:48:34.20 取得了本赛季的第一个积分 and score his first points of the season.

0,0:48:34.87,0:48:38.77你现在吹着的风,那是我在你脖子下面呼吸That wind you can feel is

me breathing down your neck.

0,0:48:38.78,0:48:40.80下次我要赢你Next time I'll have you.

0,0:48:41.88,0:48:43.68那就西班牙见了We'll see in Spain.

0,0:48:44.30,0:48:46.301976年5月 西班牙大奖赛

0,0:49:00.37,0:49:03.16西班牙站:亨特获胜,劳达第二SPAIN-HUNT WINS LAUDA 2ND

0,0:49:03.87,0:49:07.36詹姆斯·亨特终于取得了本赛季的第一次胜利James Hunt finally takes

his first victory of the season

0,0:49:07.37,0:49:10.20在今天的西班牙大奖赛中他发挥完美here in Spain, after a brilliant


0,0:49:10.21,0:49:12.77这只是个时间问题It was only a matter of time.

0,0:49:29.13,0:49:31.99- 太宽了 - 取消资格- It's too wide. - Disqualified.

0,0:49:32.00,0:49:34.46- 什么? - 你被取消资格了- What? - You're disqualified.

0,0:49:34.47,0:49:36.36我们怎么能被取消资格?How can we be disqualified?

0,0:49:36.37,0:49:38.70- 1.5厘米 - 这是跟赛前同一辆车啊- 1.5 cm. - It's the same car.

0,0:49:45.88,0:49:迈凯轮的M23造成了很大争议...McLaren M23 has proved very

controversial here.

0,0:49:50.45,0:49:52.84改窄一点,我不管怎么改Just make it narrower. I don't care how.

0,0:49:52.85,0:49:54.88新的后悬挂,新的横臂New rear suspension. New wishbones.

0,0:49:54.89,0:49:57.75我要确保车是符合规则的,毫无疑问的I wanna make sure this thing is

legal, no doubts.

0,0:49:57.76,0:50:00.48那我们最好把油箱降温器移回原来的位置Then we'd better move the

oil coolers to the old position.

0,0:50:00.49,0:50:03.02- 翼支架需要...- The wing - Fuck.

0,0:50:03.03,0:50:05.69你以为我们在干嘛啊?What the fuck d'you think we're doing?

0,0:50:09.10,0:50:11.001976年摩纳哥大奖赛GRAND PRIX MONACO 76

0,0:50:15.01,0:50:18.00 在取得西班牙站冠军紧接着被取消资格后 And with Hunt

disqualified from his Spain win,

0,0:50:18.01,0:50:20.84 亨特的冠军争夺道路走得并不顺 his championship here is not going


0,0:50:20.85,0:50:23.31 现在摩纳哥站又出差错了! And now it's all gone wrong here at


0,0:50:23.32,0:50:25.22 他的引擎冒烟了! His engine is smoking!

0,0:50:27.25,0:50:30.21 迈凯轮的赛车冒着浓烟! Smoke pouring from the engine of that


0,0:50:30.22,0:50:31.55 詹姆斯·亨特退出了比赛! And James Hunt is out!

0,0:50:31.56,0:50:33.34能告诉我们发生了什么吗?Can you tell us what happened?

0,0:50:33.35,0:50:35.25当然,多神奇啊,我们有很好的车Sure. It's magic, we've taken a great


0,0:50:35.26,0:50:37.15技师也很好,然后一夜之间a great piece of engineering and overnight

turned it

0,0:50:37.16,0:50:39.76就把车变成了大粪into a big, huge stinking turd.

0,0:50:40.50,0:50:42.731976年5月,比利时大奖赛BELGIUM MAY 1976


0,0:50:56.85,0:50:58.84你们都干什么去了?这车简直是罪恶!What the hell have you done?

The car's evil!

0,0:50:58.85,0:51:00.54根本没法开!It's fucking undriveable!

0,0:51:00.55,0:51:03.11如果车有问题,我们会修好If there's a problem with the car, we'll fix it.

0,0:51:03.12,0:51:05.18这车就是一堆破烂,你该去要求这个The car is a piece of shit. You

should be appealing this.

0,0:51:05.19,0:51:07.02- 我们已经提出了 - 我们会解决的- We are appealing. - We'll son it


0,0:51:07.03,0:51:09.48- 对手们正在逼死我们 - 走吧,去床上爽一把吧- They're killing us out

there. - Go an get your dick wet.

0,0:51:09.49,0:51:11.45- 你就是个下半身动物! - ...- You're a wanker! - Fuck you!

0,0:51:11.46,0:51:13.42你只知道到处上床!You're fucking wanker!

0,0:51:13.43,0:51:15.52今天的比赛你比得不错啊,尼基?But this was a good race for you, no,


0,0:51:15.53,0:51:16.93比赛大家都比得不错It's good for everyone

0,0:51:16.94,0:51:18.83最快的车又正好是合乎规则的that the quickest car happens to be a legal


0,0:51:18.84,0:51:21.73詹姆斯,在冠军积分榜你已经落后劳达50分James, your 50 points

behind Lauda in the championship.

0,0:51:21.74,0:51:23.50今天你又再一次退赛You've had another retirement today.

0,0:51:23.51,0:51:25.03出了什么问题?What's going wrong?

0,0:51:25.04,0:51:27.04都是肮脏的政策和伎俩It's dirty politics and dirty tricks,

0,0:51:27.05,0:51:28.94这就是问题所在that's what's going wrong.

0,0:51:28.95,0:51:31.17 所以就在今年的F1比赛 So as we approach the halfway point

0,0:51:31.18,0:51:33.21 赛季即将过半的时候 in this year's Formula 1 season,

0,0:51:33.22,0:51:36.48 法拉利车队和尼基·劳达似乎已遥遥领先 Ferrari and Niki Lauda

seem clearly on top

0,0:51:36.49,0:51:39.82 而詹姆斯·亨特和迈凯轮车队还在挣扎 and James Hunt and McLaren

are struggling.

0,0:51:39.83,0:51:43.16那么,五场比赛了,你现在怎么样了?So, five races in, how's it going so


0,0:51:43.50,0:51:47.09好得很,只不过有一只奥地利的老鼠It's fine. Just got a little problem

with an Austrian rat

0,0:51:47.10,0:51:50.16和他车队那些意大利骗子们 把我的车给毁了and his team of Italian

cheats who've destroyed my car.

0,0:51:50.17,0:51:53.30- 你在说什么? - 西班牙站是我赢了- What are you talking about? -

About the race in Spain I won.

0,0:51:53.31,0:51:55.16是啊,开着不符合规定的车赢的Yeah, in a car which is not legal.

0,0:51:55.17,0:51:56.90就宽了八分之五英寸Five eighths of an inch too wide.

0,0:51:56.91,0:51:59.20你也知道这根本不会影响到速度You know that doesn't have the

slightest effect on speed.

0,0:51:59.21,0:52:00.90但你提出来了,你的那群律师们But you complained and your team of


0,0:52:00.91,0:52:03.87倚仗那些机构,现在我们被迫要重新改车leaned on the authorities.

Now we've had to rebuild the car

0,0:52:03.88,0:52:06.48- 就变成了彻底的怪物 - 至少是合规定的怪物- and it's become a

monster. - At least it's a legal monster.

0,0:52:06.49,0:52:08.28你只能靠作弊了You've had to resort to cheating.

0,0:52:08.29,0:52:11.55你开着不合规定的车还说我作弊? 太可悲了You're driving an illegal

car and call me a cheater? Pathetic.

0,0:52:11.56,0:52:15.22- 规定就是规定 - 是啊,那老鼠就是老鼠- Rules are rules. - Yes, and

rats are rats.

0,0:52:15.23,0:52:17.16谢谢,谢谢Thank you. Thank you.

0,0:52:19.43,0:52:22.02你觉得这样说我真的会不爽吗,詹姆斯Do you really think it upsets me,


0,0:52:22.03,0:52:24.99因为我长得像,就说我是老鼠?calling me a rat because I look like one?

0,0:52:25.00,0:52:26.37我无所谓I don't mind it.

0,0:52:26.91,0:52:28.90老鼠很丑,是当然, 也没人喜欢它们Rats are ugly, sure, and nobody

like them,

0,0:52:28.91,0:52:30.37但它们很聪明but they're very intelligent

0,0:52:30.38,0:52:32.73而且有很强的求生直觉and they have a strong survival instinct.



0,0:52:36.18,0:52:38.24难怪她离开了他No wonder she left him.

0,0:52:55.23,0:52:57.17有人见到苏西了吗?Anyone seen Suzy?

0,0:52:58.54,0:53:01.03她今天本来是要来的She's supposed to be here today.

0,0:53:01.04,0:53:04.53我们不想在比赛之前告诉你We didn't wanna tell you before the race.

0,0:53:05.01,0:53:06.14告诉我什么?Tell me what?

0,0:53:06.95,0:53:09.20 苏西加入伯顿大戏 (当时理查德·伯顿、伊利莎白·泰勒与苏西的


0,0:53:09.21,0:53:12.11 亨特妻子与演员约会,利兹(泰勒)飞回娘家 HUNT'S WIFE SEES



0,0:53:14.85,0:53:16.18 金发模特苏西·亨特 Blonde model Suzy Hunt

0,0:53:16.19,0:53:18.88 昨日卷进 stepped on to the dizzy Elizabeth Taylor-Richard Burton

0,0:53:18.89,0:53:20.98 泰勒-伯顿纠缠不清的关系 roundabout of romance yesterday.

0,0:53:38.38,0:53:39.90那个是他送的?Is that from him?


0,0:53:48.05,0:53:50.15这都是什么时候开始的?So when did all this start?

0,0:53:51.42,0:53:53.72那个周末我去滑雪了That weekend I went skiing.

0,0:53:56.53,0:53:58.93你来这里干嘛,詹姆斯?Why have you come here, James?

0,0:53:59.46,0:54:01.43我来带你回去I've got to get you back.

0,0:54:02.17,0:54:04.29你根本不想要我回去You don't want me back.

0,0:54:04.30,0:54:06.13你一开始就根本不想结婚You never wanted to be married in the first


0,0:54:06.14,0:54:08.80- 我想 - 噢拜托了,詹姆斯- Yes, I did. - Oh, come on, James.

0,0:54:08.81,0:54:11.43你这么做是因为希望这能改变你You did it because you hoped it might

change you,

0,0:54:11.44,0:54:13.54安定下来,帮助提高赛车成绩settle you down, help with the racing.

0,0:54:13.55,0:54:15.07不是这样的No, I didn't.

0,0:54:15.08,0:54:17.47谁知道呢,如果你只是酗酒And who knows, if it had been just the


0,0:54:17.48,0:54:20.47或者嗑药,或者不忠,或者情绪失控or the dope, or the infidelity or the


0,0:54:21.02,0:54:23.01搞不好会有用呢it might even have worked.

0,0:54:23.02,0:54:25.01- 但你几样一起来... - 是我我知道,我糟糕透顶- But when it's all of

- Yes, I know, I'm terrible.

0,0:54:25.02,0:54:27.01不,你没有糟糕透顶No, you're not terrible.

0,0:54:27.73,0:54:31.25你只是在人生的这个阶段做你自己You're just who you are at this point

in your life.

0,0:54:33.06,0:54:35.50上帝会帮助那些想得到更多的人God help anyone who wants more.

0,0:54:37.47,0:54:39.16那理查德·伯顿And Richard Burton,

0,0:54:39.17,0:54:41.73他能给你更多吗?will he be able to give you more?

0,0:54:42.11,0:54:45.73你也知道,他也有着花花公子的坏名声You know, he has quite the bad

boy reputation himself.

0,0:54:45.74,0:54:48.47重要的是我的感受What's important is how it feels to me,

0,0:54:48.48,0:54:51.47我感到,他是爱慕我的and it feels like he adores me.


0,0:54:59.09,0:55:01.52你和苏西会复合吗?Are you and Suzy getting back together?

0,0:55:01.53,0:55:03.79一切都很和谐It's all very amicable.

0,0:55:03.80,0:55:06.25我老婆给她找了个新靠山...My wife has found herself a

0,0:55:06.26,0:55:09.02我是说,情人,能让她感到开心的I mean, lover, which makes her happy.

0,0:55:09.03,0:55:11.79伯顿先生也找到了恢复青春的方法And Mr. Burton has found a way of

feeling young again,

0,0:55:11.80,0:55:12.99他自己也很开心which makes him happy.

0,0:55:13.00,0:55:15.96希望他腰包够厚,那是必须的Let's hope his pockets are deep. They'll

need to be.

0,0:55:15.97,0:55:18.43我也有了恢复单身的机会And I found a way to be single and have an


0,0:55:18.44,0:55:20.44这位前妻不会跟我要一分钱without it costing me a Penny,

0,0:55:20.45,0:55:23.21这应该是我职业生涯最大的胜利了which has to go down as the biggest

win of my career.

0,0:55:23.75,0:55:25.77我还要赶飞机I have a flight to catch.

0,0:55:59.18,0:56:01.81苏西·亨特冲向理查德·伯顿SUZY HUNT RACES TO RICHARD


0,0:56:48.07,0:56:50.47法国大奖赛 保罗·李卡赛道CIRCUIT PAUL RICARD


0,0:56:52.90,0:56:55.16 整个赛季以来 We haven't seen this sort of intensity

0,0:56:55.17,0:56:57.37 我们还从未看到詹姆斯·亨特如此爆发过 from James Hunt all season


0,0:56:57.38,0:57:00.17 整周从迈凯轮营地传来的各种报告显示 Reports have been coming

out of the McLaren camp all week

0,0:57:00.18,0:57:03.77 他们的车已经完全合法 并且前所未有的快 that their car is now fully

legal and faster than ever.

0,0:57:07.25,0:57:09.28法国站 亨特胜出 劳达退赛FRANCE-HUNT WINS LAUDA


0,0:57:13.39,0:57:16.05 管他什么雨胎 我们就是快 Never mind the bloody wets. We're still


0,0:57:16.06,0:57:17.82英国大奖赛BRITISH GRAND PRIX

0,0:57:17.83,0:57:19.491976年7月18日 星期天 布兰兹·哈奇赛道BRANDS HATCH


0,0:57:19.50,0:57:21.79 在驰向德鲁伊弯道时 Hunt has really closed the gap on Lauda

0,0:57:21.80,0:57:23.77 亨特已经追上与劳达的差距 as they head into Druids.

0,0:57:25.00,0:57:28.00 尼基·劳达承受了来自詹姆斯·亨特的巨大压力 Niki Lauda is under

real pressure from James Hunt

0,0:57:28.01,0:57:30.67 就在他们冲上高处 进入德鲁伊角弯道的时候 as they go up the hill

into Druids Corner.

0,0:57:36.08,0:57:38.68 现在亨特领先劳达了! And Hunt is in front of Lauda!

0,0:57:45.89,0:57:48.18 詹姆斯·亨特收获了观众的热烈掌声 So James Hunt gets the plaudits

of the crowd,

0,0:57:48.19,0:57:50.75 自1964年的吉姆·克拉克之后 (英国大奖赛,亨特第一,劳达第

二) the first Briton to win a British Grand Prix

0,0:57:50.76,0:57:54.22 布兰兹·哈奇赛道第一次由英国人赢得英国大奖赛冠军 at Brands

Hatch since Jim Clark in 1964.

0,0:57:56.77,0:57:59.73詹姆斯 此刻你相对其他人有着绝好的优势James, at the moment

you've got a terrific edge over the rest,

0,0:57:59.74,0:58:02.00 这个优势是怎么确立的? how have you achieved this advantage?

0,0:58:02.01,0:58:03.17胆够大Big balls.

0,0:58:05.11,0:58:08.04 西班牙大奖赛 在关于车手詹姆斯·亨特 Following an inquiry into the


0,0:58:08.05,0:58:11.01 是否被剥夺资格的一项调查后 of driver James Hunt from the Spanish

Grand Prix,

0,0:58:11.02,0:58:14.28 结论是推翻剥夺资格的决定 it has been decided to overturn this


0,0:58:14.29,0:58:17.85 重新承认他的胜利和补回他的积分 and to restore his victory and

reinstate his points.


0,0:58:24.96,0:58:27.92几周前你完全不在状态A few weeks ago you were out of the running


0,0:58:27.93,0:58:30.79现在你恢复了 是什么改变了你?and now you're right back in it. What's


0,0:58:30.80,0:58:32.73一些因素的集合It's a combination of factors,

0,0:58:32.74,0:58:35.23我不准备在这里全部加以讨论not all of which I'm prepared to discuss


0,0:58:35.24,0:58:38.33但公义得到了声张 西班牙的取消资格作废But justice being done re

the disqualification in Spain

0,0:58:38.34,0:58:41.40这帮到了我 让我的车又回到了最佳状态helps and having my car back

at its best again.


0,0:58:44.22,0:58:46.01你担心吗?Are you worried?





















0,1:01:29.75,1:01:32.31 欢迎来到传奇的纽博格林 Welcome to the legendary Nurburgring.

0,1:01:32.32,1:01:35.01 这是全长14.2英里的赛道 This is a 14.2 mile track,

0,1:01:35.02,1:01:38.46 一共185个转角和弯道 complete with 185 corners and bends.





0,1:02:37.08,1:02:39.111976年8月1日 比赛日 欢迎来到纽博格林 Welcome to the


0,1:02:39.12,1:02:41.98 赛季日程上最高危的赛道 the most dangerous circuit on the season


0,1:02:41.99,1:02:43.54 在F1比赛中又被称为 In Formula 1 it is known

0,1:02:43.55,1:02:45.08 "坟场" as "The Graveyard."

0,1:02:45.09,1:02:46.95 气候条件远非理想 The weather conditions are far from ideal

0,1:02:46.96,1:02:50.42 最新预报显示短时间内没有改善迹象 and latest reports indicate there

is no relief in sight.


0,1:02:57.03,1:02:59.83先生们 请安静Well, gentlemen, please be quiet.

0,1:02:59.84,1:03:01.13谢谢Thank you.

0,1:03:01.14,1:03:03.00- 尼基·劳达 - 谢谢- Niki Lauda. - Thank you.

0,1:03:04.51,1:03:07.94我发起这次会议 因为就如各位车手所知的I called this meeting

because, as all you drivers know,

0,1:03:07.95,1:03:10.47纽博格林是世界上最愚蠢 野蛮 老旧 the Nurburgring is the

moststupid, barbaric, outdated

0,1:03:10.48,1:03:12.27还有危险的赛道and dangerous track in the world.

0,1:03:12.28,1:03:14.44你们都看到了今天的雨势You've all seen the rain that has been falling


0,1:03:14.45,1:03:16.48你们当中有经验的都知道Those of you with experience know the ring

0,1:03:16.49,1:03:19.35赛圈需要在完美条件下 才能在风险计算上needs perfect conditions to

be even remotely acceptable

0,1:03:19.36,1:03:20.95达到可接受的下限in terms of risk.

0,1:03:20.96,1:03:23.25而今天在这样的雨势下 完全不能叫完美And today, with the rain, it's

anything but perfect,

0,1:03:23.26,1:03:26.29所以我召集这次会议 是想投票取消比赛so I called this meeting to

take vote to cancel the race.

0,1:03:26.30,1:03:27.99取消比赛?Cancel the race?

0,1:03:28.47,1:03:31.03就积分来说There would be no change to the situation

0,1:03:31.04,1:03:32.36不会对现状有任何改变as far as points is concerned.

0,1:03:32.37,1:03:33.96就只是赛事被取消了The race would simply be cancelled.

0,1:03:33.97,1:03:35.03这是扯淡!This is bullshit!

0,1:03:35.04,1:03:37.17假如赛事取消 我们所有人就没有比赛奖金了If the race is cancelled,

none of us get our race fees.

0,1:03:37.18,1:03:39.50没错 你没拿钱就离开了That's true, you leave without your fee,

0,1:03:39.51,1:03:41.77但你至少是带着命离开but you might leave with your life.

0,1:03:41.78,1:03:45.75那这也意味着你可以直接赢了世界冠军了It also means that you would

effectively win

0,1:03:46.12,1:03:48.94我能看出为什么你觉得这可行So I can see why this suits you just fine.


0,1:03:50.02,1:03:51.91我也一样没有积分There won't be no points for me either.

0,1:03:51.92,1:03:55.45没错 可是少了一场比赛 让我或这儿其他任何人No, but there'd be

one race less where I, or anyone else here,

0,1:03:55.46,1:03:57.75- 可以追上你 - 詹姆斯说得对- could catch you. - James is right.

0,1:03:57.76,1:03:59.82这是他的策略!This is just tactics!

0,1:03:59.83,1:04:02.43也许他只是害怕了Maybe he's just frightened.

0,1:04:03.10,1:04:05.30哪个混球说的这句?Which asshole said this?

0,1:04:10.41,1:04:12.77没错 我当然害怕Yes, of course, I'm frightened,

0,1:04:12.78,1:04:14.21你们也该如此and so are you.

0,1:04:15.81,1:04:17.84我接每次当我坐进车内I accept every time I get in my car

0,1:04:17.85,1:04:21.08我有20%的几率会死 我能接受这个there's 20% chance I could die, and

I can live with it,

0,1:04:21.09,1:04:23.18但多一个百分点都不行but not one percent more.

0,1:04:23.19,1:04:25.95而今天 考虑到下雨 风险已经多了And today, with the rain, the risk is


0,1:04:25.96,1:04:29.05我认为这取决于你在雨中驾车有多好I suppose that all depends on how

good you are in the rain.

0,1:04:29.06,1:04:30.99我有赛事记录支持I have the track record here.

0,1:04:31.00,1:04:33.92我是史上唯一在7分钟内完成这个赛圈的人I'm the only person in

history to do the ring in under 7 Min.,

0,1:04:33.93,1:04:37.46所以事实上 今天我在这儿我是有优势的so, actually, it's to my

advantage to race here today.

0,1:04:37.97,1:04:40.40因为我比你们所有人都快Because I'm quicker than all of you.

0,1:04:41.94,1:04:45.13- 得了 - 好 那就比赛啊- Come on. - Fine. Then let's race.


0,1:04:46.91,1:04:49.20- 尼基 比赛吧 - 先生们 谢谢- Niki, let's race. - Gentlemen, please.

0,1:04:49.21,1:04:51.48我们为什么在这儿 尼基? 拜托Why are we here, Niki? Come on.

0,1:04:55.95,1:04:59.45所有支持取消赛事的Well, all those in favor of cancelling the race.

0,1:05:09.53,1:05:12.06所有支持比赛的All those in favor of racing.

0,1:05:18.01,1:05:20.10先生们 比赛如期举行Gentlemen, the race is on.

0,1:05:26.25,1:05:29.15- 太蠢了 - 真是浪费时间- Ridiculous. - What a waste of time.

0,1:05:29.79,1:05:31.51知道吗 尼基 不管什么时候You know, Niki, every now and then

0,1:05:31.52,1:05:34.01讨人喜欢会对你有帮助的it helps if people like you.


0,1:05:49.11,1:05:51.47 赛道部分地点仍然很危险的湿着 In places the track is still

dangerously wet,

0,1:05:51.48,1:05:54.14 但在车手集会过后 做出了一项决定 but following a drivers meeting,

a decision has been taken.


0,1:06:02.42,1:06:04.29 一分钟倒计时 One minute to go.

0,1:06:13.80,1:06:17.00约琛决定换干胎 你想换吗?Jochen's going on slicks. You wanna


0,1:06:17.44,1:06:19.79- 尼基换了吗? - 没有- Is Niki gonna change? - No.

0,1:06:19.80,1:06:22.14那我们也继续用雨胎Then we stay on wets too.

0,1:06:29.51,1:06:32.24- 尼基 还好吗? - 我很好- Niki, okay? - I'm good.

0,1:06:33.45,1:06:35.68好了 发动吧All right, fire her up.

0,1:06:49.87,1:06:53.06 本赛季F1世界冠军赛的争夺 This season's fight for the F1 World


0,1:06:53.07,1:06:56.10 目前是两个人的对决 has so far been the story of two men.

0,1:06:56.11,1:06:59.93 到现在尼基·劳达都是非常顺利的 Thus far it's been going pretty much

the way of Niki Lauda.

0,1:06:59.94,1:07:02.50 但詹姆斯·亨特在排位赛第一 But James Hunt has qualified fastest


0,1:07:02.51,1:07:05.14 在今天的德国大奖赛上他杆位发车 He is on pole position for the

German Grand Prix

0,1:07:05.15,1:07:08.41 尼基·劳达在他旁边 开着血红色的法拉利 with Niki Lauda alongside

in the blood-red Ferrari.

0,1:07:10.45,1:07:11.98 这个赛程很长 It's a long race.

0,1:07:11.99,1:07:13.98 如果跑道开始变干 If the track starts to dry out,

0,1:07:13.99,1:07:17.52 雨胎的速度就会跟不上 the wet-weather tyres will no longer be as


0,1:07:38.05,1:07:39.91 尼基·劳达和詹姆斯·亨特 Niki Lauda and James Hunt,

0,1:07:39.92,1:07:42.01 齐头并进冲在方阵最前 side by side on the front of the grid,

0,1:07:42.02,1:07:44.42 就像一骑绝尘一样! go away absolutely as one!

0,1:07:58.47,1:08:00.53 劳达对亨特非常有侵略性 Lauda very aggressive on Hunt there,

0,1:08:00.54,1:08:03.17 逼迫迈凯轮赛车跑上了草坪 forcing the McLaren onto the grass.

0,1:08:06.94,1:08:10.54 劳达现在领先! 他领先跑过第一个拐角! Lauda has the lead right now!

He leads into the first corner!

0,1:08:10.55,1:08:12.74 亨特在第二位! Hunt is in second place!

0,1:08:17.52,1:08:19.88 梅斯飞一般地超过了亨特! Mass storming past Hunt!

0,1:08:19.89,1:08:23.35 他使用干胎的决定是对的 He made the right choice to go with the

dry-weather tyres.

0,1:08:24.13,1:08:26.22 现在梅斯超过了劳达! Mass passing Lauda now!

0,1:08:26.23,1:08:30.26 约琛·梅斯 迈凯轮队的12号现在领跑! Jochen Mass, in the number 12

McLaren, takes the lead!

0,1:08:30.27,1:08:32.99 约琛·梅斯 显著领先 Jochen Mass, the clear leader, with everybody


0,1:08:33.00,1:08:35.16 让其他人都决定换胎 making the decision to change tyres

0,1:08:35.17,1:08:36.90 在仅仅开了一圈之后 after just one lap of this race.

0,1:08:36.91,1:08:38.77快 快行动!Come on, let's go!

0,1:08:46.92,1:08:50.88看? 我跟你说用干胎了 你该听我的See? I told you to go on slicks. You

should've taken my advice.

0,1:08:50.89,1:08:53.11滚尼玛的 尼基在哪儿?Fuck off. Where's Niki?

0,1:08:53.12,1:08:56.25在你后面 他犯了和你一样的错误Behind you. He made the same


0,1:09:08.11,1:09:09.09快点!Come on!

0,1:09:12.54,1:09:15.17快! 搞什么?Come on! What's going on?

0,1:09:15.48,1:09:19.27 换胎狂潮引起了维修站的一片匆忙 The tyre-changing frenzy caused a

huge reshuffling of the pack,

0,1:09:19.28,1:09:22.12 - 约琛·梅斯依然领跑 - 好了 出发! - with Mass in the lead now. -

You're clear. Go!

0,1:09:24.96,1:09:27.15劳达催促他的技师赶紧Lauda urging his mechanics to hurry.

0,1:09:29.99,1:09:32.76简直是灾难! 赶紧!It's a disaster! Come on!

0,1:09:43.71,1:09:45.37搞什么 混球?What's going on, you assholes?

0,1:10:08.83,1:10:11.49 比赛到现在他都很不顺利 This race has gone wrong for him so far.

0,1:10:11.50,1:10:13.43 他的总冠军对手 詹姆斯·亨特 His championship rival, James Hunt,

0,1:10:13.44,1:10:15.46 已经在前面好远了 is a long way up the road.

0,1:10:25.82,1:10:28.14 劳达超越一辆又一辆车 不断超越 Lauda passing car after car. He's

just going past.

0,1:10:28.15,1:10:30.42 那是莲花车队的马里奥·安德烈蒂 Mario Andretti's Lotus there.


0,1:11:24.14,1:11:25.47把我弄出来!Get me out!

0,1:11:25.74,1:11:26.71救我!Help me!

0,1:11:29.41,1:11:31.31 有数辆车被波及 Several cars are involved.

0,1:11:31.32,1:11:33.72 好像是法拉利当中的一辆 Looks like it might be one of the Ferraris.

0,1:11:40.86,1:11:43.19- 走这边! - 快点 快!- Come this way! - Come on, come on!

0,1:11:55.47,1:11:56.87继续试Keep trying

0,1:12:04.05,1:12:06.18- 走这边 - 好- Come this way. - Okay.





0,1:13:44.15,1:13:47.01 在科罗拉多州 冲掉大汤普森峡谷的山洪 The flood, which swept

down Big Thompson Canyon in Colorado,

0,1:13:47.02,1:13:49.44 达到了有记录以来最糟 was the worst since records began.

0,1:13:49.45,1:13:52.21 今天的F1赛事 对胜利的庆祝变得无声 In Formula 1 today, victory

celebrations were muted

0,1:13:52.22,1:13:54.42 因可怕的事故发生在一位世界冠军 after a horrific accident involving

world champion.

0,1:13:54.43,1:13:56.12 尼基·劳达身上 Niki Lauda.

0,1:13:56.13,1:13:58.15 在赛前出于安全考虑 Due to safety concerns before the race,

0,1:13:58.16,1:14:00.45 这位奥地利人已经说了他不愿上场 the Austrian had said he would not

take pan,

0,1:14:00.46,1:14:02.43 但最后他还是上场了 but in the end he did.

0,1:14:03.23,1:14:05.83 他在弥补换胎时间的时候冲出了赛道 He was making up for lost time

when he went off the track,

0,1:14:05.84,1:14:08.16 法拉利赛车的油箱被撞穿 puncturing the Ferrari's fuel tank.

0,1:14:08.17,1:14:11.13 车手布雷特·隆格没能避开火灾现场 Brett Lunger was unable to avoid

the flaming wreck

0,1:14:11.14,1:14:14.07 但他毫发无伤 并且加入其他人一起拯救劳达 but was unhurt and

joined other drivers to rescue Lauda,

0,1:14:14.08,1:14:17.10 后者严重烧伤 被送去了美瀚医院 who was taken to Manheim

Hospital with severe burns,

0,1:14:17.11,1:14:20.74 这个事故再次提醒了我们F1赛事的危险性 the incident reminding us

again of the dangers of Formula 1.

0,1:14:20.75,1:14:22.84 尼基·劳达在800度以上的高温地狱中 Niki Lauda was trapped for

almost a minute

0,1:14:22.85,1:14:25.91 被困几乎有1分钟 in a searing inferno of 800-plus degrees.





0,1:16:10.03,1:16:14.96 詹姆斯·亨特因尼基·劳达的缺席而受益 James Hunt gains on the

absent Niki Lauda.

0,1:16:18.17,1:16:21.071976年8月29日 入院第28天28th DAY IN HOSPITAL 29th August










0,1:19:12.18,1:19:14.53- 早上好 伙计们 - 嘿 大人物来了- Morning, chaps. - Hey, here's the


0,1:19:14.54,1:19:15.88气色不错Looking good.

0,1:19:19.45,1:19:22.01- 发生了什么事? - 我的上帝 是尼基- What's going on? - Jesus. It's


0,1:19:22.02,1:19:24.21- 他怎么了? - 他来这儿了- What about him? - He's here.

0,1:19:24.22,1:19:26.14- 什么? - 他来比赛- What? - He's racing.


0,1:19:49.38,1:19:51.01那么可怕啊?It's that bad, huh?


0,1:19:54.38,1:19:57.91在医院 我要他们直说 少扯淡In hospital, I asked them straight, no


0,1:19:57.92,1:20:00.75我的样子糟到什么程度how bad my appearance would be.

0,1:20:00.76,1:20:03.75他们说随着时间过去会没事的They said with time it would be fine.

0,1:20:03.76,1:20:05.09但是不会But it won't.

0,1:20:06.20,1:20:09.22从你的反应 我能看出来I can tell, seeing your reaction.

0,1:20:10.13,1:20:11.99在我的余生I'll spend the rest of my life

0,1:20:12.00,1:20:14.84这张吓人的脸都会陪伴我了with a face that frightens people.

0,1:20:17.17,1:20:20.53知道吗 尼基 我后来有试过写信给你You know, Niki, I tried to write

you a letter at the time,

0,1:20:20.54,1:20:22.03向你道歉to apologise.

0,1:20:22.78,1:20:25.44关于在德国 比赛前车手的那个会议The drivers' meeting in Germany,

before the race.

0,1:20:25.45,1:20:28.31- 我影响了大家 - 没错 是你- I swayed the room. - Yes, you did.

0,1:20:28.32,1:20:31.08那场比赛从开始就不该进行的That race should never have gone ahead.

0,1:20:31.09,1:20:32.88是的 是不该No, it shouldn't.

0,1:20:32.99,1:20:36.88所以从很多角度 我感到我对发生的负有责任...So in many ways I feel

responsible for

0,1:20:36.89,1:20:38.16你是有责任You were.

0,1:20:39.96,1:20:41.19但相信我But, trust me,

0,1:20:42.80,1:20:45.03看着你赢那些比赛watching you win those races,

0,1:20:45.04,1:20:47.53在我为求生而拼搏的时候while I was fighting for

0,1:20:49.11,1:20:52.77你对我能重回赛场也负上了同样的责任you were equally responsible

for getting me back in the car.

0,1:21:20.14,1:21:22.76- 感觉如何 尼基? - 很好- How are you feeling, Niki? - Fine.


0,1:21:24.27,1:21:27.83能跟我们分享下你经历的具体疗程can you confirm to us exactly which

procedures you had

0,1:21:27.84,1:21:29.84还有你康复的预期情况吗?and the expectations for you recovery?


0,1:21:31.15,1:21:33.14我做了个植皮手术I had a skin graft operation

0,1:21:33.15,1:21:36.05医生把我右大腿的一半皮肤植到了我的脸上where they put half my

right thigh in my face.

0,1:21:37.46,1:21:39.65看着不怎么好看Now, it doesn't look too good,

0,1:21:39.96,1:21:42.22但一个意外的好处就是but one unexpected advantage is

0,1:21:42.23,1:21:44.38经过植皮手术后就没可能流汗了it's impossible to perspire through a

skin graft,

0,1:21:44.39,1:21:46.79所以汗水再也不会流进我的眼睛so sweat will never run into my eyes


0,1:21:46.80,1:21:49.16对车手来说 这很好which is good for a driver.

0,1:21:50.23,1:21:52.26当听到你的情况后When they heard about your condition,

0,1:21:52.27,1:21:54.90法拉利立刻任命了替代车手Ferrari immediately hired a replacement


0,1:21:54.91,1:21:56.20卡洛斯·鲁伊特曼Carlos Reutemann.

0,1:21:56.21,1:21:59.77是的 甚至还在去医院前Yeah, before ever reaching the hospital.

0,1:22:00.24,1:22:03.51- 鲁伊特曼今天也会上场吗? - 是的- Is Reutemann driving today too? -


0,1:22:03.98,1:22:06.04而且非常想留下好印象And keen to make an impression.

0,1:22:06.05,1:22:08.04所以我们今天看鲁伊特曼先生能跑到哪儿So let's see where Mr.

Reutemann finishes

0,1:22:08.05,1:22:10.38还有我能跑到哪儿吧and where I finish today.

0,1:22:11.02,1:22:13.01詹姆斯·亨特和迈凯轮车队James Hunt and McLaren have caught up a


0,1:22:13.02,1:22:14.98在你不在的时候赶上了很多while you were away.


0,1:22:16.53,1:22:18.32这里面有提问吗So is there a question now

0,1:22:18.33,1:22:21.26还是你只是为了惹毛我?or are you just trying to piss me off?

0,1:22:22.90,1:22:25.29你依然觉得自己能赢吗?You still think you can win?

0,1:22:25.30,1:22:26.99没错 当然的Yes, of course.

0,1:22:27.00,1:22:28.49我有了更好的车I have the better car.

0,1:22:29.04,1:22:31.83而且或许我自己也是更好的车手And possibly I'm the better driver.

0,1:22:31.84,1:22:34.40不过他是个聪明人 善于利用时间...But he's a clever guy and he's used

his time well

0,1:22:34.41,1:22:37.07同时我正半死的躺在医院里while I was lying half-dead in hospital

0,1:22:37.08,1:22:38.91而他在挣积分to win some points.

0,1:22:40.15,1:22:43.71你的妻子在看到你的脸后 她说了什么?And what did your wife say

when she saw your face?

0,1:22:49.03,1:22:50.82她说 "亲爱的"She said, "Sweetie",

0,1:22:51.16,1:22:54.22"你不需要靠脸去开车 你只需要右脚"you don't need a face to drive.

You just need the right foot."

0,1:22:55.80,1:22:57.20我说真的I'm being serious.

0,1:22:57.80,1:23:00.53你真的觉得你的婚姻能维持下去Do you really think your marriage can


0,1:23:00.54,1:23:03.03当你变成了这个样子吗?with the way you look now?

0,1:23:04.87,1:23:06.93我也说真的And I'm being serious too.

0,1:23:09.45,1:23:11.38记者招待会结束Press conference over.

0,1:23:16.15,1:23:19.41- 你问得很贱啊 - 你知道怎么吸引注意- That was hairy. - You know

how to get noticed.

0,1:23:19.42,1:23:21.21坦白说 我觉得很成功I thought it went well, to be honest.

0,1:23:21.22,1:23:23.18不顺他们的意 他们就不爽They don't like it when it's not going their


0,1:23:23.19,1:23:24.82这只是游戏规则That's the game.

0,1:23:24.83,1:23:26.95- 再见 - 以后见- See you. - See you later.

0,1:23:26.96,1:23:29.16- 詹姆斯 还好吗? - 很好- James, are you all right? - Good, yeah.

0,1:23:29.17,1:23:31.86我觉得对你最后那个问题 我有些料要给你I think I've got something

for you on that last question,

0,1:23:31.87,1:23:34.61- 关于尼基的 - 你听到了啊?- About Niki. - You heard about that?


0,1:23:45.48,1:23:47.21求求你 詹姆斯?Please,

0,1:23:47.48,1:23:51.15回家找你老婆 问她你现在是什么样子Now go home to your wife and

ask her how you look.


0,1:24:11.34,1:24:13.87 尼基·劳达 在经历纽博格林 So Niki Lauda, just 42 days

0,1:24:13.88,1:24:16.47 几乎致死的事故42天后 accident at Nurburgring, after his near-fatal

0,1:24:16.48,1:24:18.14 今天将在蒙扎再次比赛 will race here today, at Monza

0,1:24:18.15,1:24:21.98 违背所有医护建议 承受毫无疑问的巨大痛苦 against all medical

advice and no doubt in incredible pain.

0,1:24:26.72,1:24:30.03 摄影师 请后退 请清理赛道 Photographers, please, clear the grid.

0,1:25:07.43,1:25:09.65尼基 到时间了Niki, it's time.


0,1:25:19.18,1:25:21.11 请让出跑道 Please, clear the grid.

0,1:25:23.28,1:25:25.25 倒计时1分钟 One minute to go.


0,1:26:11.46,1:26:14.39 回归的尼基·劳达似乎心不在焉 The returning Niki Lauda seems


0,1:26:14.40,1:26:17.26 他被一辆又一辆车超越 He's been overtaken by car after car.



0,1:26:26.41,1:26:29.71 劳达偏离了路线 他开上了草坪 Lauda's off line. He runs wide onto

the grass.

0,1:26:34.72,1:26:36.78 他挣扎回到了赛道 He wrestles it back onto the track,

0,1:26:36.79,1:26:39.08 但对尼基来说那一刻很糟 but that was a bad moment for Niki.

0,1:26:43.05,1:26:45.49 尼基·劳达是卫冕世界冠军 Niki Lauda's the reigning world champion,

0,1:26:45.50,1:26:48.72 但以他现在的状态 他在场上也许是个危险 but maybe in his current

state he's a danger out there,

0,1:26:48.73,1:26:51.79 对他自己 还有赛场上的其他选手 to himself and to the rest of the


0,1:26:53.27,1:26:57.36 斯塔克和马里奥·安德烈蒂的洛特斯撞上了! And Stuck has collided

with Mario Andretti's Lotus!

0,1:26:57.37,1:27:00.34 尼基插在中间! 他没有脱逸的地方! Niki's boxed in! He's got nowhere

to go!

0,1:27:15.09,1:27:17.28 尼基·劳达竟然有所行动了 Niki Lauda's actually making a move.

0,1:27:17.29,1:27:19.42 他咬住了布兰比拉的车尾 He's on Brambilla's tail.

0,1:27:21.93,1:27:25.06 他躲过尾部气流,成功超车 He pulls out of the slipstream to overtake.

0,1:27:25.07,1:27:27.26 劳达开始找到了 Lauda's starting to find the form

0,1:27:27.27,1:27:30.10 稍早时我们认为他已经失去的比赛状态 that early in this race we

believed he'd lost.

0,1:27:36.15,1:27:38.84 劳达现在跑道比鲁伊特曼快 Lauda's now lapping faster than


0,1:27:38.85,1:27:41.56 缩小了和前面的差距 and closing the gap ahead.

0,1:27:44.12,1:27:46.48 劳达在接近卡洛斯·鲁伊特曼 Lauda closing on Carlos Reutemann,

0,1:27:46.49,1:27:50.42 后者是法拉利车队招来替补他的 the man called in to be his


0,1:27:58.98,1:28:01.13 而詹姆斯·亨特的迈凯轮 And there's James Hunt's McLaren,

0,1:28:01.14,1:28:04.44 冒着烟 停靠在路边上了 smoking stationary by the side of the road.

0,1:28:06.84,1:28:10.14 这对亨特的冠军梦来说真是坏消息啊 This is bad news for Hunt's

championship hopes.

0,1:28:14.82,1:28:16.28 罗尼·彼得森 It's Ronnie Peterson

0,1:28:16.29,1:28:18.66 蒙扎站的冠军跑完了 who comes home the winner here at Monza.

0,1:28:18.67,1:28:21.85 但所有目光都汇聚在那个跑出第四的了不起的男人身上! But all eyes

are on the man who finishes a brilliant fourth!

0,1:28:22.36,1:28:23.83 尼基·劳达! Niki Lauda!

0,1:29:05.30,1:29:07.83 这是怎样一场比赛啊 又是怎样的男人 怎样的一个赛季 What a race,

what a man, what a season.

0,1:29:07.84,1:29:10.00 作为第四个完成比赛的选手 获得了无价的3分 With a 4th-place

finish and three priceless points,

0,1:29:10.01,1:29:12.10 尼基·劳达离蝉联他的总冠军 Niki Lauda is a major step closer

0,1:29:12.11,1:29:14.91 又迈出了重要一步 to retaining the World Championship.


0,1:30:12.54,1:30:16.30 这个漫长 痛苦 和无比戏剧化的赛季 So the long, grueling and

incredibly dramatic season

0,1:30:16.31,1:30:19.23 终于到了最后一站 日本 comes down to this final race in Japan,

0,1:30:19.24,1:30:21.77 被富士山的阴影笼罩 in the shadow of Mount Fuji.

0,1:30:22.08,1:30:25.20 富士赛道是尼基·劳达的决定性一役 Niki Lauda goes into this

deciding race at Fuji

0,1:30:25.21,1:30:27.51 他只领先詹姆斯·亨特3分 just three points ahead of James Hunt,

0,1:30:27.52,1:30:30.51 亨特知道 他必须正大光明的击败奥地利人 Hunt knowing he must

beat the Austrian fair and square

0,1:30:30.52,1:30:32.57 才能获得殊荣 to take the title.

0,1:30:33.26,1:30:36.85詹姆斯 你觉得你能应付压力吗?James, do you think you can cope with

the pressure?

0,1:30:36.86,1:30:39.22我从来不知道压力为何物Well, I've never really understood what that


0,1:30:39.23,1:30:42.36我爱我的工作 我爱竞技 我爱赛车I love my job. I love competing. I

love racing.

0,1:30:43.33,1:30:45.56可能你该问尼基 他是世界冠军Maybe you should ask Niki. He's the

World Champion.

0,1:30:45.57,1:30:47.19他的包袱大多了He's got everything to lose.

0,1:30:47.20,1:30:49.50劳达先生 你现在有压力吗?Mr. Lauda, are you feeling pressure?

0,1:30:49.51,1:30:51.81我看着像有压力吗?Do I look like I'm feeling pressure?

0,1:30:53.88,1:30:55.27我是世界冠军I'm World Champion

0,1:30:55.28,1:30:58.34而且离再次胜利只一步之遥and on the verge to become World

Champion again.

0,1:30:58.35,1:31:00.77亨特有胜出的机会Hunt now has the opportunity to win,

0,1:31:00.78,1:31:02.54但要成为冠军并不容易but it's not so easy to become a champion.

0,1:31:02.55,1:31:05.28你必须要真正相信 才能实现它You have to really believe it to make it


0,1:31:05.59,1:31:08.01詹姆斯 你有什么需要补充的吗?James, is there anything you'd like to


0,1:31:08.02,1:31:10.41假如尼基是在绕圈子If Niki is being tricky and getting a kicky

0,1:31:10.42,1:31:12.81想在思想的交锋上领先out of playing mind games,

0,1:31:12.86,1:31:14.52那么很好 我受宠若惊then fine, I'm flattered.

0,1:31:14.53,1:31:17.93事实是我充满斗志 感觉不能再好了The fact is momentum is with me.

I've never felt better.

0,1:31:18.30,1:31:20.76我完全相信在下一场记者会上I fully expect the next press conference

we will have

0,1:31:20.77,1:31:22.40我将会是世界冠军will be with me as World Champion.

0,1:31:27.01,1:31:29.50 今日富士预报说 Intermittent heavy rain has been forecast

0,1:31:29.51,1:31:32.41 会有间歇的豪雨 还有强风 here at Fuji today, along with strong winds

0,1:31:32.42,1:31:36.25 以及从山间吹来的偶尔大雾 rolling in from the mountain.

0,1:31:38.02,1:31:40.51 今天的日本大奖赛即将开始 And so with today's Japanese Grand Prix

to come,

0,1:31:40.52,1:31:42.98 劳达只领先3分 Lauda's lead a mere three points.

0,1:31:42.99,1:31:44.85 赛季会以怎样的方式结束 What a way to finish the season.

0,1:31:44.86,1:31:46.25 亨特还是劳达? Hunt or Lauda?

0,1:31:46.26,1:31:49.83 终章即将揭晓 我们将带给各位深度的报道 The final chapter will

unfold when we bring you

0,1:31:49.84,1:31:51.19他们得取消比赛They've got to cancel the race.

0,1:31:51.20,1:31:52.56外面情况太恶劣了It's lethal out there.

0,1:31:52.57,1:31:54.46比赛将进行The race is going ahead.

0,1:31:54.47,1:31:56.96全世界的电视转播权都已经卖光了Television rights have been sold all

around the world.

0,1:31:56.97,1:31:58.33你和尼基的决战The showdown between you and Niki

0,1:31:58.34,1:31:59.93是所有人都希望看到的is all anyone wants to see.

0,1:31:59.94,1:32:03.04 随着豪雨在富士赛场继续落下 With heavy rain continuing to fall here

at Fuji,

0,1:32:03.05,1:32:05.30 大赛最终做出了决定 a decision has finally been made.

0,1:32:05.31,1:32:09.16 1976年日本大奖赛将如期进行 The 1976 Japanese Grand Prix will go


0,1:32:09.89,1:32:12.48 所有车手请各就各位 All drivers to your cars, please.

0,1:32:36.91,1:32:38.85 倒计时5分钟 Five minutes to go.

0,1:33:21.22,1:33:22.95- 还行吗? - 还行- All right? - All right.

0,1:33:22.96,1:33:25.35- 别动啊 - 你在做什么?- Hold still. - What the hell are you doing?

0,1:33:25.36,1:33:27.02避免凝雾To let the condensation out.

0,1:33:27.03,1:33:29.89- 它也会让水流进来 - 你领跑就不会- It'll also let the water in. - Not if

you're leading.

0,1:33:29.90,1:33:33.13相信我 这场比赛的关键在于开局Trust me, this race is all about the


0,1:33:33.77,1:33:36.40- 要帮手吗? - 嗯 握住这儿 泰迪- Need a hand here? - Yeah, hold it,






好了 发动这该死的Okay, start the bastard.

祝你好运 小子Good luck, kid.

好运 詹姆斯!Good luck, James!

还有30秒30 seconds to go.

0,1:35:01.12,1:35:03.32 富士赛场气氛紧张 Electric tension here at Fuji.

0,1:35:03.33,1:35:05.79 8万名满身泥水的赛车迷 80,000 bedraggled race fans

0,1:35:05.80,1:35:08.92 见证十年来最宿命的赛车对决 and the racing grudge match of the


0,1:35:08.93,1:35:11.16 杆位发车的是马里奥·安德烈蒂 And there's Mario Andretti in pole


0,1:35:11.17,1:35:13.23 詹姆斯·亨特在他旁边 James Hunt alongside him.

0,1:35:14.40,1:35:16.53 在第二排的 On row two of the grid,

0,1:35:16.54,1:35:18.10 是尼基·劳达 there is Niki Lauda,

0,1:35:18.11,1:35:20.93 在第三排 是来自南非的乔·谢各特 and on row three of the grid, Joe

Schecketer from South Africa

0,1:35:20.94,1:35:22.40 驾驶六轮泰利尔车 in the six-wheel Tyrrell.

0,1:35:22.41,1:35:25.44 他身后是其他25辆车的车阵 Behind him, the rest of the 25-car field.

0,1:35:42.43,1:35:46.80 旗帜打出 日本大奖赛终于开始 is underway!

0,1:35:59.15,1:36:01.74 在这种条件下 驾驶450马力的车 In this conditions it must be almost


0,1:36:01.75,1:36:04.45 几乎是不可能的任务! to drive a 450-horsepower car!

0,1:36:31.35,1:36:33.51 安德烈蒂处于领先 And it's Andretti who has the lead,

0,1:36:33.52,1:36:34.94 但亨特发起了冲锋 but Hunt is attacking.

0,1:36:34.95,1:36:37.18 亨特在安德烈蒂的外圈绕过! Hunt's going round the outside of


0,1:36:37.19,1:36:39.04 尼基·劳达紧随其后! Niki Lauda following him through!

0,1:36:39.05,1:36:42.02 亨特领先进入第一个右拐弯! Hunt leads into the first right-hander!

0,1:37:24.70,1:37:27.86 亨特完成了第一圈 处于领跑位置 Hunt comes through to complete

his first lap leading the field.

0,1:37:27.87,1:37:30.03 至少他获得了清晰的眼前视界 At least he has clear vision in front of


0,1:37:30.04,1:37:32.97 尼基·劳达在他身后 被在他的水花包围 Niki Lauda behind him,

eating his spray.

0,1:37:52.09,1:37:53.49 劳达减速了! Lauda is slowing!

0,1:37:53.50,1:37:57.36 尼基·劳达将法拉利1号开进了维修站! Niki Lauda is bringing the

Ferrari no. 1 into the pit!

0,1:37:58.03,1:38:00.83 出现了什么问题 我们无从得知 Some sort of problem, we can't

imagine what,

0,1:38:00.84,1:38:02.80 比赛才刚开始 so early in the race.

0,1:38:07.51,1:38:08.94车有什么问题?What's wrong with the car?

0,1:38:09.55,1:38:11.45车有什么问题?What's wrong with the car?

0,1:38:12.08,1:38:14.21尼基! 车有什么问题?Niki! What's wrong with the car?

0,1:38:14.22,1:38:16.45没问题 车很好Nothing. Car's perfect.

0,1:38:20.79,1:38:22.31你在做什么?What are you doing?

0,1:38:22.32,1:38:23.42我在停止比赛I'm stopping

0,1:38:23.43,1:38:25.48 他的技师问他出了什么问题 His mechanics are asking what the

problem is.

0,1:38:25.49,1:38:28.05 可是等等! 尼基·劳达从车里走了出来! But wait! Niki Lauda's

getting out of the car!

0,1:38:28.06,1:38:29.82 这太不可思议了! This is sensational!

0,1:38:29.83,1:38:31.99 卫冕冠军尼基·劳达 The reigning World Champion, Niki Lauda,

0,1:38:32.00,1:38:33.76 退出了这场比赛 is out of this race.

0,1:38:33.77,1:38:35.24太危险了It's too dangerous.

0,1:38:35.44,1:38:37.13尼基 你需要我Niki, you want me to say

0,1:38:37.14,1:38:39.70跟媒体说车出了问题吗?there was a problem with the car, for the media?


0,1:38:41.81,1:38:43.24跟他们说实话Tell them the truth.

0,1:38:43.91,1:38:45.80 发生了什么事? Now, what is happening?

0,1:38:45.81,1:38:47.77 他们在和车队经理对话 They're talking to the team manager.

0,1:38:47.78,1:38:50.22 劳达在解释什么 Lauda explaining something.

0,1:39:04.90,1:39:08.06 随着劳达退出 詹姆斯·亨特知道 With Lauda out, James Hunt knows

he has to finish

0,1:39:08.07,1:39:12.10 他必须以第三或更高完成这场比赛 才能赢得世界冠军 this race in

third place or higher to be World Champion.

0,1:39:12.11,1:39:15.07 但詹姆斯·亨特的活还没完 But the job's not done yet for James Hunt.

0,1:39:15.08,1:39:16.87 在这样恶劣的环境下 In these dreadful conditions,

0,1:39:16.88,1:39:19.40 他仍然有一大段里程要跑 he still has to go the distance.

0,1:39:20.72,1:39:22.94 富士赛道 还有15圈 Fifteen laps to go here at Fuji.

0,1:39:22.95,1:39:24.98 詹姆斯·亨特还是尼基·劳达? James Hunt or Niki Lauda?

0,1:39:24.99,1:39:28.05 这个精彩绝伦的赛季还没有结束 This extraordinary season is not over


0,1:39:28.06,1:39:31.39 在这充满艰险的最后一圈, 詹姆斯·亨特能坚持住吗? In this

treacherous final round, can James Hunt hang on?

0,1:39:32.13,1:39:35.35 排名板显示已到58圈 (第58圈,亨特继续领先) And the scoreboard

tells a story. Lap 58.

0,1:39:35.36,1:39:37.16 亨特领先 Hunt in the lead.

0,1:39:38.47,1:39:41.06噢天哪,他的轮胎起泡了Oh, God, his tyres, they're blistering.

0,1:39:41.97,1:39:45.90 布朗比拉一直很接近,并试图超车 Brambilla very close behind him,

closing on him all the time.

0,1:39:45.91,1:39:49.23 他正试图从内道超过亨特 And he's trying to drive inside James Hunt.

0,1:39:49.24,1:39:52.20 亨特压过弯道 Hunt cuts across the orange March nose.

0,1:39:52.21,1:39:54.24 亨特没有给他机会,而他的车失控打转了 Hunt not having that at all.

And he's spinning.

0,1:39:54.25,1:39:58.01 他错失了超车机会,还几乎逼亨特退赛了 He missed Hunt but almost

took James Hunt out of the race

0,1:39:58.02,1:40:00.05 那也意味着失去世界冠军头衔 and out of the world championship.

0,1:40:00.06,1:40:03.42 我们现在看到马里奥·安杰蒂也在逼近亨特 Now we find Mario

Andretti closing on James Hunt.

0,1:40:07.86,1:40:10.02 马里奥·安杰蒂超过了亨特! Mario Andretti's going past Hunt!

0,1:40:10.03,1:40:13.16 亨特减速了,詹姆斯·亨特似乎遇到了问题 Hunt is slowing. James

Hunt seems to have a problem.

0,1:40:18.41,1:40:20.17 除了现在湿滑的路况 Despite this wet conditions,

0,1:40:20.18,1:40:22.66 雨胎也是消耗极快的 these wet-weather tyres wear extremely fast.

0,1:40:22.67,1:40:24.82亨特的轮胎,不行了Hunt's tyres, they're gone.

0,1:40:24.83,1:40:28.21 亨特正把车开回维修站 Hunt nursing his car back to the pit stop.

0,1:40:30.19,1:40:33.15 后面的慢车又超过了亨特 That back marker's going past Hunt.

0,1:40:33.16,1:40:35.52第七十圈 剩余4圈LAP 70 4 LAPS TO GO

0,1:40:44.33,1:40:47.79 快看那左前轮啊 不好意思,是右前轮 Look at that left front tyre, right

front tyre, sorry.

0,1:40:47.80,1:40:51.06 完全没了形状,另外一只也磨平了 No tread on it at all. And the other

one is flat.

0,1:40:51.07,1:40:52.54快点!快点!Let's go! Let's go!

0,1:40:57.48,1:41:00.14怎样了?你的变速杆什么时候坏了?Okay? When did you break your

gear lever?

0,1:41:00.15,1:41:01.94九、十圈以前的事了Nine or ten laps ago.

0,1:41:01.95,1:41:04.31- 阿利斯泰,我们要把车抬起来 - 快点啊!- Alistair, we need to lift it!

- Come on!

0,1:41:04.32,1:41:06.05- 前面! - 快点!- At the front! - Let's go!

0,1:41:06.06,1:41:09.15 列加佐尼驾驶的法拉利和 利吉尔车队杰克·拉斐特 Regazzoni's

Ferrari and Jacques Lafitte in the Ligier

0,1:41:09.16,1:41:10.88 已经超了过去 have gone ahead.

0,1:41:10.89,1:41:12.29快点,赶紧!Come on, hurry!

0,1:41:12.83,1:41:15.96你成功了,你会是世界冠军了!You did it. You're going to be World


0,1:41:16.47,1:41:17.48还没有Not yet.

0,1:41:17.49,1:41:21.06 几圈之前,詹姆斯·亨特还是板上钉钉的冠军 A few laps ago, James

Hunt was looking like champion elect.

0,1:41:21.07,1:41:23.97 现在看上去一切都乱套了 Now it looks as though it's all gone wrong

for him.

0,1:41:25.37,1:41:26.80- 詹姆斯 - 快点!- James. - Come on!

0,1:41:26.81,1:41:27.93- 听着 - 什么?- Listen. - What?

0,1:41:27.94,1:41:30.30当心点开Just go easy out there.

0,1:41:30.31,1:41:34.21- 你说什么呢? - 我是说,照顾好自己- What are you saying? - I'm

saying look after yourself.

0,1:41:34.22,1:41:36.44我们要看到你完整地回来We want you back in one piece.

0,1:41:36.45,1:41:39.81你落后太多了,前面的车有很多You're too far back. There's too many

drivers in front of you.

0,1:41:39.82,1:41:43.22- 总有下一年的 - 那就这样吗?就结束了?- There's always next year.

- So that's it? It's over?



0,1:41:48.40,1:41:50.39- 让开! - ...!- Clear! - Fuck it!

0,1:41:54.77,1:41:57.56 詹姆斯·亨特以第六名的位置重返赛道 James Hunt rejoins the race in

sixth position.

0,1:41:57.57,1:42:01.81 只剩四圈了,显然英国人已经没有退路了 There are four laps to go.

Surely no way back for the Brit.

0,1:42:21.40,1:42:23.09注意力集中,大明星Concentrate, Superstar.

0,1:42:23.10,1:42:25.09 刚刚好把车救了回来,没有失控! (第71圈,剩余3圈) Just brings

it back under control!

0,1:42:25.10,1:42:28.07 他把这辆迈凯轮赛车用到了极限 Sliding the McLaren on the very

edge there.

0,1:42:29.97,1:42:32.83 亨特的赛车晃动很厉害,还有他的刹车 Hunt's M23 twitching this way

and that under braking.

0,1:42:32.84,1:42:34.20 刚才差点失控 And he almost loses it right there.

0,1:42:34.21,1:42:35.80 亨特追到了杰克·拉斐特身后 Hunt on the tail of Jacques Lafitte

0,1:42:35.81,1:42:37.37 这辆蓝色利吉尔赛车 in the blue Ligier.

0,1:42:44.99,1:42:46.75别超车,詹姆斯Don't do it, James.

0,1:42:49.26,1:42:51.02 他离护墙只有几英尺远! He's inches away from the pit wall!

0,1:42:51.03,1:42:53.15 离利吉尔赛车也只有几英尺远! He's inches away from the Ligier!

0,1:43:02.10,1:43:04.30 詹姆斯·亨特又追上了一位 James Hunt has made up another place,

0,1:43:04.31,1:43:07.47 但这还不够,而比赛也快结束了 (第72圈,剩余2圈) but it's not

enough and this race is running out.

0,1:43:15.92,1:43:18.85 沃特森侧滑了!沃特森侧滑了! And Watson has spun! Watson has


0,1:43:22.19,1:43:25.22 亨特成功得穿过了这辆套圈慢车 Hunt manages to weave his way

between the back marker

0,1:43:25.23,1:43:27.49 和另外一辆停下的Penske车队赛车 and the stationary Penske.

0,1:43:27.50,1:43:30.12 他在追赶列加佐尼,但现在情况 (第73圈,最后一圈) He's catching

Regazzoni, but in these conditions,

0,1:43:30.13,1:43:33.76 追上容易但超车太难 it's one thing to catch up, quite another to


0,1:43:36.91,1:43:39.46 他已经追到了克雷·列加佐尼身边! He's alongside Clay Regazzoni!

This could be

0,1:43:39.47,1:43:41.41 这或许就是冠军点! the world championship!

0,1:43:49.08,1:43:50.81 他超过了! He's got him!


0,1:44:06.24,1:44:08.09 亨特冲过了终点线 Hunt crosses the line.

0,1:44:08.10,1:44:11.20 他需要以至少第三名完赛 He needed to finish third to score enough


0,1:44:11.21,1:44:12.80 才有足够的积分成为世界冠军 to be World Champion,

0,1:44:12.81,1:44:15.13 现在情况很让人困惑 and in the confusion here we're being told

0,1:44:15.14,1:44:16.87 我们有消息称他可能是第五名完赛的 that he may have finished 5th.

0,1:44:16.88,1:44:18.01他第五名?He finished fifth?

0,1:44:19.25,1:44:21.84 我们的记录显示他是第三名 Our lap charts show Hunt in third place.

0,1:44:21.85,1:44:23.71 如果现场的排名板是对的 Well, if the scoreboard's right,

0,1:44:23.72,1:44:26.35 那说明他是错失了世界冠军 it means he's just missed out on the


0,1:44:26.36,1:44:29.98 如此英勇的比赛之后,这真是沉重的打击 Crushing defeat for Hunt

after such a heroic drive.

0,1:44:33.96,1:44:36.22 我们看见赛事官员正在商议 I can see the race stewards conferring,

0,1:44:36.23,1:44:38.49 检查官方的记录 examining the official lap charts.

0,1:44:38.50,1:44:41.73 现在只能等待他们给出判断了 We're just going to have to wait for

their verdict here.

0,1:44:58.39,1:44:59.85赶紧下车来吧,老兄Let's get you out of here, buddy.

0,1:44:59.86,1:45:02.11对不起,泰迪,我以为我能追上的I'm sorry, Teddy. I thought I could

make up the ground.

0,1:45:02.12,1:45:04.22对不起?你说什么呢? 你做到了!Sony? What are you talking about?

You did it!

0,1:45:04.23,1:45:07.12- 做到什么? - 天哪!你这疯狂的混蛋!- Did what? - Jesus! You crazy


0,1:45:07.13,1:45:09.76你得了第三名!积分足够了!You came 3rd! You got the points!

0,1:45:09.77,1:45:11.39你是世界冠军了!You're champion of the world!

0,1:45:11.40,1:45:14.43 现在官方正式宣布 James Hunt is now officially confirmed

0,1:45:14.44,1:45:17.03 詹姆斯·亨特在日本大奖赛取得第三 as finishing third here in Japan,

0,1:45:17.04,1:45:20.30 也就是说,他是世界冠军 and that means he is champion of the world.

0,1:45:22.01,1:45:24.70 我们的新任世界冠军,詹姆斯·亨特 Our new World Champion, James


0,1:45:24.71,1:45:27.24 一分之差险胜 by just one single point.

0,1:45:33.06,1:45:34.96 我们真的赢了? Did we really win?

0,1:45:38.03,1:45:40.19世界冠军啊!World bloody Champion!

0,1:45:48.97,1:45:52.84- 你现在有什么打算? - 应该去一醉方休吧- What are you going to do

now? - I shall be getting drunk.

0,1:45:53.81,1:45:56.28太棒了,像梦一样It's wonderful, absolute dream.





0,1:46:42.79,1:46:46.42 有请特别来宾,F1世界冠军, 詹姆斯·亨特 And our special guest,

Formula 1 champion, James Hunt.

0,1:46:46.43,1:46:49.09詹姆斯·亨特,世界冠军JAMES HUNT WORLD CHAMPION

0,1:46:59.01,1:47:01.03《詹姆斯·亨特排除万难》JAMES HUNT AGAINST ALL ODDS

0,1:47:10.89,1:47:12.91等一等,过来Wait. Come on.

0,1:47:15.46,1:47:18.82没有比Havoline更好的机油了There's no better motor oil than Havoline.

0,1:47:29.70,1:47:33.00- 是啊,我也是。我们这是去哪? - 我想去哪就去哪- Yes, me too.

Where we going? - Anywhere I want to go.

0,1:47:33.01,1:47:35.47而且飞机也不用劫的And I don't have to hijack it, either.

0,1:47:35.48,1:47:37.74只要是我付钱的As long as I pay for it.

0,1:47:37.75,1:47:40.18我饿死了,去吃东西吧I'm starving. Let's get some food.

0,1:47:46.25,1:47:48.25意大利波罗格纳BOLOGNA, ITALY

0,1:47:50.86,1:47:52.82- 你去哪? - 你们先过去- Where are you going? - You lot go ahead.

0,1:47:52.83,1:47:54.73我很快就来I won't be a minute.


0,1:48:00.24,1:48:01.73很高兴见到你啊!Good to see you!

0,1:48:06.04,1:48:08.00我听说你花了很多时间I heard you were spending more and more time

0,1:48:08.01,1:48:10.24- 在它们身上 - 你开飞机吗?- in one of these. - Do you fly?


0,1:48:11.25,1:48:13.97- 他们应该没给我投保险做这个 - 你应该试试的- I don't think they'd

insure me. - You should try.

0,1:48:13.98,1:48:15.21对训练有帮助It's good for discipline.

0,1:48:15.22,1:48:16.78你必须遵循守则You have to stay within the rules,

0,1:48:16.79,1:48:18.48控制在规定范围内,自我控制stick to regulation, suppress the ego.

0,1:48:18.49,1:48:20.41对赛车有帮助的It helps with the racing.

0,1:48:20.42,1:48:23.15我刚才还以为你会来个抒情朗诵呢And there I was thinking you were

about to wax lyrical

0,1:48:23.16,1:48:26.72- 说开飞机怎么浪漫什么的 -没有,那都是扯淡- about the romance of

flight. - No, that's all bullshit.

0,1:48:28.20,1:48:30.06你怎么会来这的?So what brings you here?

0,1:48:30.07,1:48:31.82一个朋友的婚礼A friend's wedding.

0,1:48:31.83,1:48:33.16至少我以为是婚礼吧At least I think it was a wedding.

0,1:48:33.17,1:48:34.39也有可能是生日聚会什么的Might have been a birthday or something.

0,1:48:34.40,1:48:36.06一切都晕晕乎乎的It's all a bit of a blur.

0,1:48:36.07,1:48:38.96- 你去过费奥拉诺了吗? - 季前测试- Have you been at Fiorano? -

Pre-season testing.

0,1:48:38.97,1:48:40.93- 你这也太凶狠了吧 - 谢了- You're relentless. - Thank you.

0,1:48:40.94,1:48:42.87我可不确定自己是在夸你I'm not sure that was meant as a compliment.

0,1:48:42.88,1:48:45.74你什么时候开始试车?下礼拜?When do you start testing? Next week?

0,1:48:45.75,1:48:47.44才不会,你疯了吗?No. What, are you nuts?

0,1:48:47.45,1:48:49.07我刚刚赢下了人生最重要的荣誉I didn't just win the biggest thing of

my life

0,1:48:49.08,1:48:51.39可不是为了马上就回去继续工作的so I could get right back to work.

0,1:48:51.79,1:48:54.03为什么?那是你必须的Why? You have to.

0,1:48:54.49,1:48:56.41向人们证明To prove to all the people

0,1:48:56.42,1:48:58.25那些说你赢了冠军只是因为...who will always say you just won it

0,1:48:58.26,1:49:01.70因为什么?因为你的事故?Because of what? Because of your


0,1:49:02.83,1:49:05.76尼基,是别人这么说,还只是你?Niki, is that other people or is that


0,1:49:05.77,1:49:07.16我赢了,好吗?I won, okay?

0,1:49:07.17,1:49:08.96在那至关重要的最后一天On the all-important day when it came down

to it,

0,1:49:08.97,1:49:11.90我们同等情况、同样好的车较量we raced on equal terms, equally good


0,1:49:11.91,1:49:14.13我冒着生命危险,最终赢了And I put my life on the line and I saw it


0,1:49:14.14,1:49:16.17- 你觉得你这是赢了? - 那是- And you call that winning? - Yes.

0,1:49:16.18,1:49:18.80当时的风险之高完全无法接受The risks were totally unacceptable.

0,1:49:18.81,1:49:20.47你是准备好要赴死的You were prepared to die.

0,1:49:20.48,1:49:23.01- 对我来说,那就是输了 - 没错,我的确是,我承认- To me, that's

losing. - Yes, I was. I admit it.

0,1:49:23.02,1:49:25.84那天,我为了击败你,已准备付出生命I was prepared to die to beat you

that day.

0,1:49:25.85,1:49:27.85这就是你在我身上起到的作用And that's the effect you have on me.

0,1:49:27.86,1:49:30.92你把我逼成那样的,而且感觉很不错!You'd pushed me that far. And it

felt great!

0,1:49:31.43,1:49:34.05这难道不是我们开赛车的意义吗?I mean, hell, isn't that what we're in

this for?

0,1:49:34.06,1:49:36.86直视死亡,并戏弄它?To stare death in the face and to cheat it?

0,1:49:37.77,1:49:39.86拜托,这很高尚的Come on, there's nobility in that.

0,1:49:39.87,1:49:41.77像骑士精神It's like being knights.

0,1:49:42.07,1:49:44.46你们英国人,就是混账啊You English, you're such assholes.

0,1:49:44.47,1:49:46.73你知道我的底线You know my position.

0,1:49:46.74,1:49:47.9720%的风险20% risk.

0,1:49:47.98,1:49:50.74不,尼基,不要说什么几率了No, Niki, don't bring the percentages into


0,1:49:50.75,1:49:52.20别当专家了Don't be a pro.

0,1:49:52.21,1:49:54.94你这么想的时候,就扼杀了赛车的精髓The minute you do that, you kill

what's good about this.





扼杀了运动的精髓You kill the sport.



我得走了I've got to go.

0,1:50:09.40,1:50:11.46开飞机当心点Careful in this thing.


0,1:50:19.11,1:50:22.70在医院的时候,最痛苦的治疗就是清肺In hospital, the toughest part of

my treatment was the vacuum.

0,1:50:23.18,1:50:25.24把肺里的脏东西都抽出来Pumping the shit out of my lungs.

0,1:50:25.25,1:50:26.77炼狱一般It was hell.

0,1:50:27.22,1:50:29.81治疗的时候,我正看着电视And while doing it, I was watching


0,1:50:29.82,1:50:32.74- 看着你把我的分数都赢走 - 你的分数?- You winning all my points.

- Your points?

0,1:50:32.75,1:50:35.75“那个混账亨特,”我说,“我真是恨他。”"That bastard, Hunt," I'd say.

"I hate that guy."

0,1:50:35.76,1:50:37.52然后有一天,医生过来对我说And one day, the doctor came and said,

0,1:50:37.53,1:50:40.15“劳达先生,我能提个建议吗?”"Mr. Lauda, may I offer a piece of


0,1:50:40.16,1:50:42.39“不要把生命中的宿敌"Stop thinking of it as a curse to have been given

0,1:50:42.40,1:50:43.99认为是个诅咒”an enemy in life."

0,1:50:44.00,1:50:45.99“它也可以是恩赐”"It can be blessing too."

0,1:50:46.00,1:50:47.56“聪明人从敌人那里学到的东西”"A wise man gets more from his


0,1:50:47.57,1:50:49.46“比笨蛋从朋友那里学到的还要多”than a fool from his friends."

0,1:50:49.47,1:50:52.24你知道吗?他说得没错And you know what? He was right.

0,1:50:54.14,1:50:55.47看看我们吧Look at us.

0,1:50:55.48,1:50:58.17我们认识的时候,都还只是孩子We were both a pair of kids when we


0,1:50:58.18,1:51:00.44F3赛场的热血愣头青Hot-headed jerks in Formula 3.

0,1:51:00.45,1:51:03.54家里人不认我们,也没处去Disowned by our families. Headed nowhere.

0,1:51:04.22,1:51:07.08而现在,我们都是世界冠军了And now we're both champions of the


0,1:51:07.09,1:51:08.78这也不太坏嘛It was not bad.

0,1:51:09.16,1:51:11.18嗯,是不坏No, it's not bad.

0,1:51:11.19,1:51:13.35所以别让我失望了So don't let me down now.

0,1:51:13.36,1:51:15.25我需要你把我逼到疯I need you busting my balls.

0,1:51:15.26,1:51:18.26- 回去工作去 - 我会的,尼基- Get back to work. - I will, Niki, I will.

0,1:51:18.80,1:51:21.16但我还是想先享受享受But I intend to enjoy myself first.

0,1:51:21.17,1:51:23.73有些人生是需要享乐的Some of life needs to be for pleasure.

0,1:51:23.74,1:51:26.93就算有了一百万个冠军,和飞机What's the point of having a million

cups, medals and planes

0,1:51:26.94,1:51:29.41如果无法享乐,又有什么意义呢?if you don't have any fun?

0,1:51:29.88,1:51:32.14那又怎么算是赢呢?How is that winning?

0,1:51:33.08,1:51:35.94- 詹姆斯! - 我们不等你了先走了哦!- James! - We're gonna leave

without you!


0,1:51:41.09,1:51:43.25我们比赛时候见吧,冠军I'll see you on race day, champ.



0,1:51:49.06,1:51:51.26你看上去很不错,尼基You look good, Niki.

0,1:51:51.27,1:51:55.13唯一一个烧伤了反倒美容了的人嘛The only guy to have burnt his face

and it be an improvement.

0,1:52:01.04,1:52:03.74 他当然没听我的话 Of course he didn't listen to me.

0,1:52:04.01,1:52:07.24 对詹姆斯来说,一个世界冠军头衔就足够了 For James, one world title

was enough.

0,1:52:07.25,1:52:10.24 他已经证明了他所需要证明的 He had proved what he needed to


0,1:52:10.52,1:52:14.08 给他自己,也给所有质疑他的人 to himself and anyone who doubted


0,1:52:14.99,1:52:17.85 两年之后,他退役了 And two years later he retired.

0,1:52:17.86,1:52:21.06 当七年后我再一次在伦敦见到他时 When I saw him next in London

seven years later,

0,1:52:21.40,1:52:23.49 我又成为了世界冠军 me as champion again,

0,1:52:23.50,1:52:25.22 他是广播播报员 him as broadcaster,

0,1:52:25.23,1:52:29.14 光脚骑着自行车,车胎还是扁的 he was barefoot on a bicycle, with a

flat tyre.

0,1:52:29.74,1:52:32.87 仍旧把每天都当做人生的最后一天过着 Still living each day like his


0,1:52:34.04,1:52:37.88 当我听说他45岁时因心脏病去世 When I heard he'd died aged 45, of

a heart attack,

0,1:52:38.18,1:52:40.15 我并不吃惊 I wasn't surprised.

0,1:52:40.75,1:52:42.77 只感到悲伤 I was just sad.

0,1:52:43.28,1:52:46.25 人们总认为我们俩是对手 People always think of us as rivals,

0,1:52:46.79,1:52:49.99 但他是我喜欢的很少数的人之一 but he was among the very few I


0,1:52:50.83,1:52:53.73 更是极少我尊重的人之一 and even fewer that I respected.

0,1:52:56.90,1:52:59.99 更是我唯一羡慕过的人 He remains the only person I envied.





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