


Comparison Between General Businessman And


When we comes to businessman and entrepreneur,it seems that

looking after the profit is their final goals,and they can devote their whole

life to completing the highest of people agree the

idea,because either the general businessman or the entrepreneur are

businessman,it is of essense and great importance for them to take the

least resource and cost to finish the profit maximization.

However,on the way of completing the goals,there existes amounts

of difference about the general businessmen and entrepreneurs all the

y,comparing to the entrepreneurs,the general businessman trend

to take any of messures to come to his goal although the messures are

unreasonable and irrational,even are adverse in of them

not only can not think problem in comprehensive and overall angles,but

also they look down upon some considerable factors and elements when

they make great decision.

Secondly,to be honest,the entrepreneurs think more highly of the

development of personality,skill of prefession,innovative spirit,and

literary competence .They can control their own emotion,and never burst

smut into the profit is not the only goal of them,they

can try their best to achieve the win-win situations where the

entrepreneurs,partners,staffs and the labors get the most rewards.


Most importantly,the entreprenuers are filled with more

responseability sense than the general can consider

more social profit rather than private make a hosts of

contributions to the company as well as the sociaty,like educating and

developing the talent for the company,in addition,donating all kinds of

goods of life and money for the place which is suffering catastrophe is

their admirable entrepreneurship.

Above all,there are pretty of differences between the general

businessman and enrepreneur,I absolutely believe the perspective that the

general businessman is supposed to spend more time and energy to learn

the entrepreneurship.






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