, grip, grasping, gripping
, respire, perspire, expire
e, receive, perceive, conceive
te, motive
e, denote, denounce, announce, pronounce
, provoke, revoke, invoke
evoke: to cause (sth) to be expressed or remembered
revoke: to say officially that (an agreement, permission, law etc) is no longer in effect
invoke: to request or ( a power) to help when you want to improve a situation
provoke: to make or try to make a person or an animal angry or annoyed
t, inhabit, exhibit, prohibit, inherit
ion, delusion, illusion, disillusion
ient, efficient, deficient, sufficient
, produce, deduce, induce, conduce
than, rather than, no more than, not more than, no more…than, not more……than, no
other than, less than no time, more often than not, as often as not, as likely as not, no sooner…than, barely/hardly…when
(see grammar book 294)
, worthy, worthwhile (see vocabulary book 587)
, probable, possible (see vocabulary book 386)
cuous, ambiguous
t, inflict, conflict,
afflict v. to make someone suffer or experience serious problems →affliction (n.)
*be afflicted by/with…
Italy has been afflicted by political corruption for decades.
inflict v. to make someone suffer sth. unpleasant →infliction (n.)
*inflict sth. on/upon sb.
He inflicted a great deal of suffering on his wife and children.
*inflict yourself on: (humorous) to visit or be with someone when they do not want you
Frank’s in-laws are inflicting themselves on us for the weekend.
conflict v. n. not in harmony
*in conflict with
The principles of democracy are sometimes in conflict with political reality.
*conflict of interest/interests
faint: not having brightness, clearness; strength, etc
The handwriting on the page was very faint. She gave a faint cry.
obscure: ①not easy to see, understand 模糊不清的;晦涩的;难懂的②not famous
The shapes of the buildings were obscure because of the mist.
vague: not certain or definite, esp. in talking, writing, etc.
She was very vague about her plans.
He was the son of an obscure writer.
misty: not clear or bright; of or like mist
Without glasses every thing is just a misty blur.
opaque: ①not allowing light to pass through 不透明的;不透光的
The glass in the door was opaque.
②hard to understand very opaque style of writing →transparent(oppo.)
24. trample/tram/tranquil
25. manifest/confess/
26. literal/literate/literary
27. likeness/likelihood/liking
28. hypothesis
29. exclusive/inclusive/conclusive/excessive
30. excursion/incursion
31. eligible/illegible
32. eloquent/subsequent/consequent
33. detain/retain/contain
34. impulse, repulse, compulsory
35. concede/recede/proceed/accede
36. inverse/converse/reverse
37. disperse, dispatch, dispel, discard, dispose, dispense, discharge
38. compose, dispose, repose, impose
39. describe, ascribe, inscribe, prescribe
40, ascend, ascent, descent, descend, descendant
41. restrain, constrain
42. tempt, attempt, contempt
43, destitute, constitute, institute
44. compel, impel, repel, compile
compile: to collect information and arrange it in a book, list report, etc
45. as a whole, on the whole