Hello, hello, baby; You called, I can't hear a thing 宝贝你好,你打了电话,我听不见
I have got no service in the club, you see, see… 我在俱乐部里收不到信号,你知道了吧
Wha-Wha-What did you say? 你说的什么什么什么?
Oh, you're breaking up on me… 哦,你要和我分手
Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy 抱歉,我听不见你,我现在有点忙
K-kinda busy K-kinda busy 有点有点有点忙
Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy 抱歉,我听不见你,我现在有点忙
Just a second, it's my favorite song they're gonna play 就一秒钟,他们就要放我最爱的歌
And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh… 而且我又不能拿着酒给你发短信
You shoulda made some plans with me you knew that I was free.
And now you won't stop calling me; 但你现在不停地给我打电话
I'm kinda busy. 我有点忙
Stop callin', stop callin' 不要再打电话了
I don't wanna think anymore! 我现在不想思考
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor. 我的身心都留在了那舞池中
Stop callin', stop callin', 不要再打电话了
I don't wanna talk anymore! 我现在不想说话
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor 我的身心都留在了那舞池中
eh eh eh eh eh…… Stop telephonin' me! 不要再打电话给我了!
eh eh eh eh eh…… I'm busy! 我很忙
eh eh eh eh eh……Stop telephonin' me! 不要再打电话给我了!
Can call all you want, but there's no one home 你愿什么时候打就什么时候打,但没有人在
and you're not gonna reach my telephone! 而且你不会接通我的电话!
Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub 在club那边,我正在和个家伙喝酒