English Vs Chinese: Ten Pairs of Features
1. Synthetic vs. Analytic(综合语与分析语)
A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of
inflected forms (曲折变化形式,词尾变化的词语) to express grammatical
1.1 Inflectional vs Non-inflectional
E.g. He moved astonishingly fast. 他行动之快令人惊讶。
1.2 Word Order: Flexible vs. Inflexible
E.g. What in the world do you mean? 你的意思究竟是什么?
1.3 The Use of Function Words: English and Chinese Employ Different
Types of Function Words
E.g. She was with a child. 她身边带着一个孩子。She was with child. 她怀有身孕。
Chinese is rich in particles.
1.4 Intonation vs. Tone(语调与声调)
E.g.你呀,老这样下去可不行啊!(加重语气)Look! You can’t go on like this.
2. Rigid vs. Supple (刚性与柔性)
However long and complicated, English sentences can be reduced to five basic
patterns: SV, SVP, SVO, SVoO, and SVOC. English sentences are characterized by
their variants(变式), expansion(扩展), combination(组合), omission(省略),
or inversion (倒装).
Chinese is relatively free from the government of the rigid S-V concord. The
subject-predicate structure is usually varied, flexible, and therefore complicated
and supple.
E.g.文章翻译完了。The essay has been translated.
3. Hypotactic vs. paratactic (形合与意合)
Hypotaxis (形合)is the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship
of clauses with connectives. English sentence building is characterized by
hypotaxis. Parataxis (意合) is the arranging of lauses one after another without
connectives showing the relation between them
Chinese sentence building is featured by parataxis.
E.g. We will not attack
we are attacked.人不犯我, 我不犯人。
4. Complex vs Simplex (繁复与简短)