agricultural and sideline products 农副产品
agricultural commodities 农产品
agro-food systems 农业粮食系统
air stripping 空气清除
an agribusiness specialist 农业企业的专家
aquaculture farming system 水产养殖系统
artificial diet 加工的食物
biological agents 生物因子
biological control 生物控制
breeding cycle 生殖周期
capture-based aquaculture 基于捕捞的水产养殖
cereal importers 人物进口国
chemical contaminants 化学污染物
chemical herbicides 化学除草剂
chromosomal manipulation 染色体控制
chronic hunger 长期饥饿
circulation period 循环期
coastal plain 滨海平原
confined aquifer 被限制的含水层
conservation agriculture 保护性农业
control diet 对照食物
control of foot-and-mouth disease 口蹄疫防治
counter-season vegetables 反季节蔬菜
cover crops 覆盖作物
crop and livestock productivity 作物和家畜的生产率
crop failures 作物歉收
crop residues 作物秸秆
crop rotation 作物轮种
crossbreeding 杂交育种
deforestation rate 森林砍伐速度
degradation and overexploitation of natural resources 自然资源的退化和过度开
depleted and overexploited areas 已经枯竭和过度开发地区
developmental stage 发育阶段
diagnostic reagent 诊断试剂
direct seeding 直接播种
disease and pest problems 病虫害
diversified food production 多样化粮食生产
double cropping 两季作物
drainage basin 排水盆地(阵雨形成的地表径流和地下水流具有共同出口的区域)
drainage canal 排放沟渠
dung water 粪水
early reaction to food crises 粮食危机早期反应
emergency food assistance 紧急粮食援助
extension systems 推广系统
farming techniques 耕作技术
farm power constraints 农机等制约因素
farm subsidy 农产品补贴
fodder crops 饲料作物
food chain 食物链
food crisis and implementation of the Comprehensive Framework for Action
Food Price Index 粮食价格指数
food processing, preservation and storage technologies 粮食加工、保存和储藏
food quality and safety 食品质量与安全
food security 食品安全
forest coverage 森林覆盖
genetic resources for food and agriculture 粮食农业遗传资源
green manure crops 绿肥作物
input technologies 投入技术
integrated pest management practices 病虫害综合治理方法
land degradation 土地退化
land reclamation 开垦荒地
low-cost technologies 低成本技术
major grain exporters 主要粮食出口国
market instability 市场不稳定性
mechanical tillage 机械松土
mixed-farming systems 混合耕作制度
mutation breeding 突变繁殖
New Stone Age 新古器时代
Non-agricultural purposes 非农用途
organic agriculture 生态农业
organic farming 有机耕作
persistent drought 持续干旱
pollution-free vegetables 无公害蔬菜
post-harvest food losses 收获后和销售信息
primitive society 原始社会
residues of antibiotics 抗生素残留
rural households and communities 农户和社区
slaughter animals 宰杀家畜
small-scale agro-processing 小规模农产品加工
small-scale farmers 小农
soil biota 土壤生物
soil consistency 土壤坚固性
soil erosion 土壤侵蚀
soil improvement 土壤改良
soil micro-organisms 土壤微生物
soil nutrient balancing 土壤养分平衡
subsidize food 补贴粮食
subsistence farmers 生计农民
sustainable aquaculture 可持续水产养殖
sustainable food security policies 可持续食品安全政策
sustainable intensification of rained agriculture 雨育农业的可持续集约化
terrestrial and marine ecosystems 陆地和海洋生态系统
the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 国际农业发展基金
the World Food Program (WFP) 世界粮食计划署
tidal day 潮汐日
tillage function 松土功能
transfer and use of technologies 转让和使用技术
undernourished people 营养不良的人
waterborne disease 水源的疾病
water carrying capacity of a canal 渠道输水能力
weed control 控制杂草
zero or minimum tillage 零耕或少耕
Eroding purchasing power through a combination of falling incomes and real
exchange rates afflicts the affordability of food, however cheap it has become on
the international marketplace.
The problems of hunger and food insecurity have global dimensions and even
increase dramatically in some regions.
We need to take urgent action to combat pests, drought, and natural resource
Poverty, hunger and malnutrition are some of the principal causes of
accelerated migration from rural to urban areas in developing countries.
Progress should include targeting on minimizing the vulnerability to, and
impact of, climate fluctuations and pests and diseases.
Natural and man-made disasters can often be anticipated or even prevented,
and response must be timely and effective to assist recovery.
Food prices remained high in many developing countries, and access to food
by the poor also continued to be threatened by loss of employment, income and
other effects of the global economic crisis.
The bumper crop had facilitated replenishment of global reserves to pre-crisis
Investing in agriculture is the key to reducing hunger and poverty.
The increase in hunger is not the consequence of poor global harvests but is
caused by the world economic crisis.
The present situation of world food insecurity cannot leave us indifferent.
Investment in agriculture must be increased because for the majority of poor
countries a healthy agricultural sector is essential to overcome poverty and hunger
and is a prerequisite for overall economic growth.
To reduce the number of hungry people in the world, governments, supported
by the international community, need to protect core investments in agriculture.
A bumper cereal crop is expected this year.
High food prices added to the difficulties of the global poverty reduction
efforts and affected regional stability.
保护耕地 protect arable land
病虫害防治 pest and disease control
播种面积 sown area
“菜篮子”工程 the Vegetable Basket Project
餐饮业 catering trade
产业化扶贫 reduce poverty through industrial development
城乡低保 urban and rural recipients of subsistence allowances
单位面积产量 yield per unit area
滴灌 drip irrigation
动植物检疫 animal and plant quarantine
扶贫 poverty alleviation/anti-poverty effort
扶贫政策 poverty relief policy
复种 multiple cropping
副产品 by-products
副业 sideline production
耕地保护制度 system for protecting arable land
耕作设施 farming equipment
灌溉面积 irrigated area
国家收购粮 grain purchased by the state
旱地 arid/non-irrigated land
洪涝灾害 flood and waterlogging
集体林权制度改革 reform of the system of collective forest rights
加强农产品市场调控 strengthen regulation of the farm products market
减免农业税 reduce and exempt the agricultural tax
减轻农民负担 lighten the burden on the peasants
建设高标准农田 develop farm plots that meet high standards
节约用地制度 system for economizing on the use of land
经济作物 cash crops
开垦荒地 reclaim wasteland
抗病/虫/旱性 disease-/pest-/drought-resistant
科教兴农 invigorate agriculture by relying on science and education
联合国粮食与农业组织 the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
良种补贴 subsidies for superior crop varieties
粮食产业建设项目 projects for industrializing grain production
粮食储备 grain reserves
粮食品种 grain varieties
粮食直补 direct subsidies to grain producers
粮食综合生产能力 overall grain production capacity
粮食最低收购价 minimum grain purchasing prices
粮食作物 cereal crops
绿色革命 Green Revolution
绿色证书 green certificate
苗圃 seedling nursery
民工潮 farmer’s frenzied hunt for work in cities
内陆水域 inland waters
农产品精深加工和销售 intensive processing and sale of agricultural products
农产品质量监管 monitor the quality of agricultural products
农村公益事业性建设项目 rural public facilities
农村集市 rural fair
农村居民人均纯收入 rural per capita net income
农村民生工程 projects designed to improve the lives of rural residents
农村综合改革 comprehensive reforms in rural areas
农机具购置补贴 subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools
农林牧副渔全面发展 all-round development of/in farming, forestry, animal, sideline
production and fishery
农贸市场 farm produce market
农民的积极性 farmers’ enthusiasm
农民工 rural migrant workers
农民专业合作社 specialized farmer cooperatives
农田水利化 bring land under irrigation
农田水利建设 construction of water conservancy works
农业基础设施 agricultural infrastructure
农业科技创新成果推广 expand application of innovations in agricultural science
and technology
农业科技投入 spend on agricultural science and technology
农用物资 farm inputs
农资综合补贴 general subsidies for agricultural production supplies
喷灌 sprinkler irrigation
人均占有量 per capita availability
“三农” agriculture, rural areas and farmers
社会主义新农村 Socialist New Country side
收购价 purchasing price
薯类作物 tuber crops
水产业 aquatic products industry; fishery
水稻田 paddy field
水利设施 water conservancy facilities
水土保持 water and soil conservation
太空育种 space breeding
糖料作物 sugar-bearing crops
特色现代农业 modern agriculture with distinctive local features
梯田 terraced field
土地承包经营权流转 transfer of land use rights
土壤肥力 soil fertility
脱贫 shake off poverty
温饱型企业 subsistence agriculture
沃地 fertile land
消费信贷 consumer credit
小城镇建设 development of small towns
小额信贷 microcredit; microloan; microlending
兴修水利 undertake water conservancy projects
畜牧业 animal husbandry
遗传学研究 genetic research
议价粮 grain sold at a negotiated price
优化品种结构 optimize the variety mix
油料作物 oil-bearing crops
有机肥 organic fertilizer
More than 70 percent of China’s population is farmers.
To promote the construction of a new socialist countryside, we must focus on
developing the rural economy and increasing farmers’ incomes.
We must develop modern agriculture and promote the building of a new
countryside through government policy, funding, application of science and
technology and reform.
The issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers have a major impact
on building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and on the
modernization drive.
We will continue to stabilize and improve the basic system for rural operations
and continue to tailor measures to suit local conditions, proceed from the reality,
respect the wishes of farmers, safeguard their rights and interests, and oppose
formalism coercion and commandism.
We will consolidate and strengthen the position of agriculture as the
foundation of the economy, promoting steady development of agriculture and
continuous increase in farmer’s incomes.
We will effectively keep the area planted with grain crops stable, focus on
increasing the yield per unit area and optimizing the variety mix, and increase the
country’s grain production capacity.
We will adjust the agricultural structure based on market demand.
We will increase farmers’ incomes in a variety of ways.
We will intensify our efforts to alleviate poverty through development.
We will significantly raise minimum grain purchasing prices and keep the
prices of agricultural products at a reasonable level to encourage farmers to grow
We will ensure that existing land contract relationships remain stable and
unchanged for a long time to come and allow farmers, including migrant workers
who leave their home villages, to enjoy their full and guaranteed rights to contract
and manage land.
The transfer of land use rights must proceed on the basis of voluntary
participation and compensation and in accordance with the law.
我们要启动新一轮农村电网改造, 扩大农村沼气建设规模。
We will begin a new round of the upgrading of rural power grids and build
more rural methane facilities.
We will increase the overall carrying capacity of cities and towns, ensure that
urban areas stimulate the development of surrounding rural areas, and promote
positive interaction between urbanization and the building of a new countryside.
When developing urban and rural areas, we must adhere to the strictest
systems for protecting arable land and economizing on land to protect the
legitimate rights and interests of farmers.
We will develop the processing industry for agricultural products, promote
industrialization in agriculture, support and the upgrading and renovation of
markets for wholesale and farm produce, and maintain closer ties between
production and the market.
We will work unremittingly to eradicate poverty and backwardness so that
rural residents can soon live a prosperous and happy life.
We will increase fiscal support for major grain-producing counties.