Do you have any friends or colleagues who are negative? If
so, you’ll know they aren’t the most enjoyable people to be
around. Negative people can be real downers in any conversation.
No matter what you say, they have a way of spinning things in a
negative direction. Some negative people can be so negative that
it feels draining just being around them.
I’ve dealt with a fair share of negative people in my life.
When I was in junior college, I was basically surrounded by a
college population of negative students and teachers. My school
wasn’t the best of the lot, so most people inside were
disgruntled by virtue of being there. While I was initially taken
aback by negativity of the people, I eventually learned to manage
it and channel it into conscious action.
Today, I deal with negativity on-and-off in my personal
development work, especially if there are readers or coaching
clients in distress. Rather than be affected by others’ negative
energy, I’m now able to consciously deal with it. Here, I’ll share
with you 9 tips to deal with negative people in your life:
1) Don’t get into an argument
One of the most important things I learned is not to debate
with a negative person. A negative person likely has very staunch
views and isn’t going to change that just because of what you
said. Whatever you say, he/she can find 10 different reasons to
back up his/her viewpoint. The discussion will just swirl into more
negativity, and you pull yourself down in the process. You can
give constructive comments, and if the person rebutts with no
signs of backing down, don’t engage further.
2) Empathize with them
Have you ever been annoyed by something before, then
have someone tell you to “relax”? How did you feel? Did you
relax as the person suggested or did you feel even more worked
From my experience, people who are negative (or upset for
that matter) benefit more from an empathetic ear than
suggestions/solutions on what he/she should do. By helping
them to address their emotions, the solutions will automatically
come to them (it’s always been inside them anyway).
3) Lend a helping hand
Some people complain as a way of crying for help. They may
not be conscious of it though, so their comments come across as
complaints rather than requests. Take the onus to lend a helping
hand. Just a simple “Are you okay?” or “Is there anything I can
do to help you?” can do wonders.
4) Stick to light topics
Some negative people are triggered by certain topics. Take
for example: One of my friends sinks into a self-victimizing mode
whenever we talk about his work. No matter what I say (or don’t
say), he’ll keep complaining once we talk about work.
Our 1st instinct with negative people should be to help bring
them to a more positive place (i.e. steps #2 and #3). But if it’s
apparent the person is stuck in his/her negativity, the
unhappiness may be too deeply rooted to address in a one-off
conversation, or for you to help him/her unravel it. Bring in a new
topic to lighten the mood. Simple things like new movies, daily
occurrences, common friends, make for light conversation. Keep
it to areas the person feels positive towards.
5) Ignore the negative comments
One way to help the negative person “get it” is to ignore
the negative comments. If he/she goes into a negative swirl,
ignore or give a simple “I see” or “Ok” reply. On the other
hand, when he/she is being positive, reply in affirmation and
enthusiasm. Do this often and soon he/she will know positivity
pays off. He/she will adjust to be more positive accordingly.
6) Praise the person for the positive things
Negative people aren’t just negative to others. They’re
also negative to themselves. If you already feel negative around
them, imagine how they must feel all the time. What are the
things the person is good at? What do you like about the person?
Recognize the positive things and praise him/her for it. He/she
will be surprised at first and might reject the compliment, but on
the inside he/she will feel positive about it. That’s the first seed
of positivity you’re planting in him/her and it’ll bloom in the
7) Hang out in 3′s or more people
Having someone else in the conversation works wonders in
easing the load. In a 1-1 communication, all the negativity will be
directed towards you. With someone else in the conversation,
you don’t have to bear the full brunt of the negativity. This way
you can focus more on doing steps #1 (Empathizing) and #2
(Helping the person).
8) Be responsible for your reaction
Whether the person is negative or not, ultimately you’re the
one who is perceiving the person is negative. When you
recognize that, actually the negativity is the product of your lens.
Take responsibility for your perceptions. For every trait, you can
interpret it in a positive and a negative manner. Learn to see the
goodness of the person than the negative. It may be tough
initially, but once you cultivate the skill, it becomes second nature.
9) Reduce contact with them / Avoid them
If all else fails, reduce contact with them or avoid them
altogether. If it’s a good friend, let him/her know of the severity
of the issue and work it out where possible. It’s not healthy to
spend too much time with people who drain you. Your time is
precious, so spend it with people who have positive effects on
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Rap 说唱
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Meditation2 冥想
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Relaxation3 放松
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Fusion 融合爵士
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Mainstream Jazz 主流爵士