






The best monitor setting for the Web is 800 X 600 pixels with

thousands of colors. Here's why. You may have already noticed

that your monitor can be set to different screen resolutions and

set to display different numbers of colors. Let's walk through it.

Screen Colors

Setting the number of colors is also important. Unless you

are working with professional graphics and photography and

have a computer with lots of memory, avoid using 16 million

colors. The best practical resolution to use on the Web is 64,000

colors. You can get near photographic quality using thousands of

colors, and you'll find many web graphics, like those on Learn

the Net, look much better than when your display is set to only

256 colors. One thing to keep in mind, many multimedia CD-

ROMs with animations require you to set your display to 256

colors. Even though you may need to change your color settings

once in awhile, you will find the Web more visually exciting if

you surf at thousands of colors.

Screen Resolution

Most people think of resolution in terms of photographs or

television. In those media, resolution means sharpness. But in

the computer world, screen resolution refers to the dimensions

of the pixels displayed on a monitor. Your computer probably

came set to a resolution of 640 X 480 pixels. That means that your

computer will display a screen of 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels

high on the monitor —— whether you have a 14, 15, or 17-

inch monitor. The size of the monitor does not determine the

screen resolution. But the bigger the monitor, the bigger the

screen resolution you can use. Try it for yourself. If you have a 14

or 15-inch monitor, switch the resolution from 640 X 480 to 800

X 600 and to 1024 X 768 if your video card supports it. You will

quickly see that everything gets smaller as the resolution goes

up. That's because the monitor is displaying a larger number of

pixels in the same screen space. Most people find everything is

too small at 1024 X 768 on a 14-inch monitor, but try it on a

17-inch monitor and you'll find you have tons of screen real

estate you can use.

On the Web you want as large a resolution as you can get.

The larger the resolution, the more you can fit on the screen.

Web pages are almost always too large to fit on one screen, so

a larger resolution is better. We recommend using a resolution of

800 X 600 if you have a 14 or 15-inch monitor, and a resolution

of 1024 X 768 for 17" and larger monitors.

Under settings, there is a control panel folder with an icon

called Display. Double-click on the icon. Then click the Settings

tab to see the current screen resolution.

Try changing the resolution to the largest you can, probably

1024 X 768. Unless you have a 17-inch or larger monitor,

everything will be too small to see. But you will have a lot of

screen space.





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