1. Accurate: Predicting correctly or precisely; having a
high degree of precision and correctness. 。
2. Precise: Proceeding from one step to another in a
definite, logical order; characterized by exactness or care in
the use of words.
3. Careful: Cautious, showing caution or attentiveness;
exercising prudence or thoughtfulness in action or decision-
4. Reliable: Dependable; consistent, trustworthy; likely to
remain valid or accurate under varying conditions or
5. Consistent: Always behaving in the same way, especially
with regards to a certain value or belief; unchanging over time.
7. Accurate: Conforming exactly to the truth; not containing
any errors or mistakes; free of any inaccuracies.
8. Logical: Following a line of reasoning; using good cause-
and-effect reasoning; based on logical principles.
9. Systematic: Carried out or organized according to an
established procedure or plan; following a definite procedure.
11. Precise: Explicit, exact; clearly expressed; expressed
with precision and without ambiguity.
12. Insightful: Showing careful thought and analysis;
demonstrating intelligence and insight.
13. Imaginative: Characterized by creative, innovative
thinking; having a vivid imagination.
14. Valid: Having legal force or effect; sound or
justifiable on logical principles; accurate or true.
16. Persistent: Continuing to be firmly in place; lasting
over time; steadfast despite opposition or difficulty.
20. Innovative: Thinking in new and creative ways;
introducing new methods or ideas; breaking away from
conventional approaches.