Unit 4 Classroom Management
37. Teachers’ roles:
Before the class---Planner
During the class---1 Controller, 2 Assessor, 3 Organizer
4 Prompter , 5 Participant, 6 Resource-provider
After the class---Evaluator
38. Further comments on the different roles that the teachers play in the
language classroom:
Controller: The teacher controls:
1). the space (activities run smoothly),
2) .the time (do lockstep activities)
3. the whole class (Ss have equal chance)
4. the production ( a degree of accuracy)
Assessor: The teacher does two things:
1). Correcting mistakes (not making a big fuss大惊小怪but gentle by
2). Organizing feedback (discouraging for the teacher to be critical不提倡吹毛疵, focusing on Ss’ success progress)
Organizer: The teacher should be important and difficult as it:
1). Using creative/unlimited way
2). Envisaging设想activities,
3). Anticipating the problems
4). Giving clear and concise instructions
5). Demonstrating
6 .Using native language to clarify if necessary
7. Walking around and monitoring
8. Rectifying订正
9. Taking mental notes轮流惦记
Prompter: The teacher should do:
1). Giving hints (just like time, place…)
2). Eliciting more (by saying” and…?”“Anything else?” Yes, but why…?
(Ss. read the example)
The teacher shouldn’t dominate or appear to be authoritative.
We have criticized the jug-and-mug method, but the teacher should
withhold his/her readiness to provide resources.
39. What are the most common types of Ss grouping? And their
Pair work,
Group work,
Individual study:
40. Further suggestions about S grouping
Teacher speaking little, Trying to elicit replies/answers
Pair work:
Teacher giving clearest instructions,
Keeping eyes on,
Rearranging the seating,
Explaining the problem,
Encouraging Ss
Group work:
Grouping Ss according to seating arrangement,
Ss selecting their own group members,
Mixing strong and weak Ss,
Giving different tasks to strong and weak Ss separately,
Grouping Ss by drawing lots,
All these methods have advantages and disadvantages.
Individual study: It has some conditions: 1. Self-access centers,
2. Materials aimed at
3. Flexible time arrangement
41. Harmer’s suggestions on measures for undisciplined acts and badly
behaving Ss:
1). Act immediately
2). Stop the class
3).Rearrange the seats
4).Change the activity
5).Talk to Ss after class
6).Use the institution制度
42. In order not to hurt the Ss, Ur’s advice on problems in class:
1).Deal with it quietly
2).Don’t take things personally 对事不对人
3).Do not use threats