monkey around
Paraphrase: be mischievous, make a row or cause
disturbance without obvious reasons
Example sentence: Don't monkey around me,please!
wash off
Paraphrase: wash away,take out
Example sentence:Mother told the boy to wash the soap off.
sign out
Paraphrase: log out
Example sentence:Before I sign out I would also like to wish
everyone happy holidays.
plug up
Near-synonym: block; stoppage
Paraphrase: to insert a tampon;
Example sentence: Using the vacuum or the pressure may be
ineffective in clay soils because it may plug up holes in the tank.
make for
Near-synonym: lead to; bring about;
Paraphrase: to be one thing, or the most important thing,
that causes something; Example sentence:
①This feature make for transformation of energy from the
soft inclusion to the hard inclusion.
② Everyone agreed that filming inside a chocolate factory
would make for good television.
figure out
Near-synonym: quarry; find out
Paraphrase: to understand someone or something, or to find
the answer to something by thinking;
Example sentence:
①I’ve never been able to figure her out.
② Can you figure out how to open this?
go in for
Near-synonym: favor
Paraphrase: decide to take part in a particular activity it as a
hobby or interest; Example sentence: They go in for tennis and
lighten up
Near-synonym: lighten;buoy up;brighten
Paraphrase: make more cheerfulless; become more cheerful;make lighter or brighter
Example sentence:
(1)The conversation lightened me up a bit
(2)After a glass of wine, he lightened up a bit
(3)The paint will brighten the room up
rip up
Near-synonym:; tear up; shred
Paraphrase: tear into shreds
Example sentence: He rip up the manuscript in a fit of
think about
Near-synonym: to think over /to consider; The view on
something; remember something
Paraphrase: v. ①think over、consider;②have a view on
something;③let somebody remember something
Example sentence:
①I should like to think about your suggestion before I give a
definite reply.
②What do you think abou t him?
③She was thinking about her childhood days。
settle down
Near-synonym: touch down; make one's pitch; quiet down;
sink; appease Paraphrase: ①fall to the ground;②settle;③calm
down;④go to the bottom;
⑤make one's pitch
Example sentence:
①The dust slowly settled down.
②He should get a house and settle down.
③Has that noisy class settled down yet?
④The damaged ship leaned over and slowly settled down on
the ocean floor.
⑤Wait till the police hunt has settled down and then make
your escape.
turn off
Near-synonym: ①douse;②complete;③fire;④make a
turn;⑤don’t think Paraphrase: ①douse;cause to stop
operating by disengaging a switch;②finish;
③fire somebody;④turn a corner;⑤do not think and no
longer listen Example sentence:
①The tap won't turn off and there is water all over the floor.
②I turned off a good piece of work this morning.
③I have turned off my maid.
④They turned off at the foot of a hill.
⑤The boy often turns off his mother.
ring up
Near-synonym: telephone
Paraphrase: to perform and record a sale on a cash register;
Example sentence: Did a girl called Gao Hong ring up for me
this morning? tell apart
Near-synonym: distinguish; differentiate
Paraphrase: detect with the senses; mark as different
Example sentence:
①These two signatures are very similar, can you tell them
② The two things are very hard to tell apart.
bump into
Near-synonym: collide violently with an obstacle.
Paraphrase: run into,jar against,butt against,knock
Example sentence: I tried to avoid her, but it was just my luck
to bump into her. dry off
Paraphrase: to become dry or make sth dry; kiln dry; stoving
We went swimming then lay in the sun to dry off.
We dried our boots off by the fire.
catch on (to sth)
Paraphrase: (1) to become popular or fashionable.
(2)to understand sth (Informal)
He invented an electric car, but it never really caught on
He is very quick to catch on to things.
fight back (against sb/sth)
Paraphrase: to resist strongly or attack sb who has attacked
Don’t let them bully you. Fight back!
It’s time to fight back against street crime.
Stick to
Paraphrase: to continue doing something despite difficulties
to continue doing or using something and not want to
change it Example sentence: She finds it impossible to stick to a
He promised to help us and he stuck to his word.
‘Shall we meet on Friday this week?’ ‘No, let's stick to
She stuck to her story.
Paraphrase: to point upwards or be above a surface
Example sentence:The branch was sticking up out of the
Stick with
Paraphrase: to stay close to somebody so that they can help
to continue with something or continue doing something
Example sentence:Stick with me and I'll make you a
They decided to stick with their original plan.
stop off
Paraphrase: to make a short visit somewhere during a trip in
order to do something Example sentence: We will stop off at a
restaurant for dinner.
Jack has to stop off school for his illness.
hand back
Near-synonym: return
Paraphrase: to give or return something to the person who
owns it or to where it belongs
Example sentence: I'll hand your dictionary back to you on
The ticket was handed back to the passenger.
Near-synonym:watch out, lookout
Paraphrase: ① to watch what is happening and be careful
②said or shouted in order to tell someone that they are in
③to keep trying to find something or meet someone
Example sentence: Look out! There's car coming.
The police have warned shopkeepers to look out for forged
notes believe in
Near-synonym: trust in; trust on
Paraphrase: have a firm conviction as to the goodness of
Example sentence: I believe in exercise is really good for your
count up
Near-synonym: amount; sub total; add together
Paraphrase: the sum of part of a group of numbers;
Example sentence:
①I mus t count up how much money I've spent today.
②Count up to ten before you open your eyes.
get together
Near-synonym: gathering; concentrate; partying
Paraphrase: n. a small informal social gathering
v. ① get people together
② get together socially or for a specific purpose
③ work together on a common enterprise of project
④ become part of; become a member of a group or
organization; Example sentence:
We should get together to discuss this.
Villagers get together every year to keep this age-old
tradition alive.
knock off
Near-synonym: drop; toss off; get rid of; thieve; dash off
Paraphrase: to reduce the price or value of sth;to complete
sth quickly and without much effort; to murder sb; to steal sth; to
stop doing sth, especially work
Example sentence:
They knocked off$60 because of a scratch.
He knocks off three novels a year.
He had many motives for wanting to knock off her
Two nervous teenagers knocked off a café.
Do you want to knock off early today?
bring over
Near-synonym: bring back; bring around
Paraphrase: to return sb or sth;persuade sb to agree with
Example sentence:
When are you going to bring the rest of your family over?
What we said brought him over to our opinion.
Doze off
Near-synonym: dope off
Paraphrase: changing from a waking to a sleeping state
Example sentence:
I closed my eyes for a minute and must have dozed off.
put on
Near-synonym: assume; apply; stage; dramatize; robe;
enhance; boost; improve; simulate; accelerate
Paraphrase: n.
1. a composition that imitates somebody's style in a
humorous way
2. something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery
intended to gain an advantage
3. a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
1. put clothing on one's body
2. add to something existing
3. put on the stove or ready for cooking
4. carry out (performances)
5. add to the odometer
6. prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for
execution or performance
7. apply to a surface
8. fool or hoax
9. increase (one's body weight)
Example sentence:
1. She took off the old dress and put on a new one.
band are hoping to put on a UK show before the end
of the year
3.I can eat what I want but I never put on weight.
4. I put on the light by the bed.
5. Let's go into the study and put on some music.
take over
Near-synonym: receive; take charge of
1. a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or
by force
2. a change by sale or merger in the controlling interest of a
1. seize and take control without authority and possibly with
force; take as one's right or possession
2. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities
3. free someone temporarily from his or her obligations
4. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another
5. take over ownership of; of corporations and companies
6. do over
7. take up and practice as one's own
8. take up, as of debts or payments
Example sentence:
1.A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over
Trans World Airways.
2. The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations
3. His widow has taken over the running of his empire,
including six London theatres
4. Cars gradually took over from horses
break though
Near-synonym: strike; penetrate though
Example sentence:
Stoke always looked dangerous on the break though and
only a last-ditch tackle from Ian Evatt prevented Jones from
bursting through on goal.
Do over
Paraphrase: do something again; rework; decorate again;
knock out sb; wear out Example sentence:
① You’ll have to do over the work because it still in a mess.
② We’ve done over the entire living room; it looks nice.
③ The robbers did the old woman over before they robbed
④ All that walking really did me over.
Blow up
Paraphrase: to blow up the tyre; explode; flatter; lose one’s
Example sentence:
① To blow up the tyre well, so that you can ride the bike.
② The bomb blew up.
③ The wind had blown up a rain.
④ I’m sorry that I blew up at you.
Cut down
Paraphrase: chop down; reduce; put to death; abate a price
Example sentence:
① Half of the forest was cut down to make room for the road.
② They have to cut down the office staff.
③ This article is too long, you have to cut it down to 1,000
④ In the end I cut the dealer down by another five- dollar.
Pull over
tive and intransitive verb stop vehicle at roadside: to
drive a vehicle to the side of a road and stop, or make the driver
of a vehicle do this
If people pull you over while you're driving because you're
black, this could have a huge effect on how you feel welcome in
this society on race relations and so on.
sitive verb stop at roadside facility:to stop at a facility
beside a road such as
a rest stop or restaurant
Stress out
affect or be affected by stress: to affect somebody with
emotional, mental, or physical stress, or be so affected(informal)
Women are more likely to suffer from depression and stress
out than their cool male counterparts.
Blow away
tive and intransitive verb move by wind: to move
something from its place,
or to be moved, by the force of a current of air or the wind
to blow away the cigar smoke
tive verb kill somebody: to shoot somebody dead
( slang )
to blow away a few reporters
tive verb defeat somebody decisively: to subject
somebody to an
overwhelming defeat ( slang )
to be blown away by her beauty
tive verb overwhelm somebody: to affect somebody
emotionally in an overwhelming way ( slang )
"an epic movie that just blew me away"
Crack down
Near-synonym: ban; suppress;
Paraphrase: To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or
Example sentence: The police decided to crack down on drug
Put up
Near-synonym: afford; construct; lend
Paraphrase: (1) To erect; (2) To preserve; can; (3) To nominate;
(4) To provide (funds) in advance; (5) To provide loadings for
(6) To offer for sale; (7) To make a display or the appearance
(8) To engage in; carry on
Example sentence: (1) The mother put up six jars of jam after
(2) The candidate was put up at a convention;
(3) The director is putting up money for the new musical.
(4) He kindly put his friend up for the night;
(5) The man had to put up his antiques at last;
(6) He always likes to put up a bluff;
(7) The two armies put up a good fight last month.
Talk to
Near-synonym: blame for; cry shame on
Paraphrase: have a talk with somebody about something bad
Example sentence: He talked to me about the present
I must talk to him about his rough behavior.
Go away
a place
We’re going away for a holiday.
ear; fade
The smell still hasn’t gone away.
The pain will go away soon.
4. Lead; be in front
The runner is going away nicely now, and is sure to win.
Let in
To let in a pattern.
to enter; grant entry to
The question is how many and what sort of people Britain
should let in from elsewhere
Put past
consider sb capable of doing sth malicious,illegal.
I wouldn’t put it past him to steal money from his mother.
talk down to
to talk to someone as if they were less intelligent than you
or not important, to speak to someone in a simple way as if the
person cannot understand things as well as you can
example: our teachers never talk down to me as even I was
break off
separate a part from a large piece, to become separate
example: I broke off a piece of bread.
end a relationship
example: they have broken off their friendship.
deal with
develop a way to manage or relate to someone, to talk
to someone or meet someone, especially as part of your job
example: she is used to dealing with difficult customers.
develop a way to manage or relate to something, to take
action in order to achieve something or in order to solve o
example: we need to deal with problems in the experiment
by ourselves.
be about or be on the subject of something
example: my experiment deals with the relationship between
the heavy metal and toon.
give back:return;revert;send back
1. When can you give back the money that you owe?
2. Give back there. The express is due.
student who will graduate should give back the
academic gown first.
4. But a gift we can give back to God again and again.
5. Joshua forgot to give back the things he borrowed.
6. Meanwhiles our consumer source give back at with steady
steps ascension.
7. Whatever Mike took, he was always sure to g i ve Back.
8. At last, we give back some parts of application code.
9. I must give back the two books to the library before Friday.
10. They give back some of their profits to the community。
know about:Know, understand
1. Keep quiet, we don't want the whole world to know about
2. We know about magnetism by the way magnets act.
3. I want to know about this thing now from beginning to
4. I know about him, but I've never met him.
5. Now I want to know about this thing from beginning to
6. I happened to know about him.
7. Even those on the outside know about it.
8. Very few people know about it.
9. Do you know about that matter, Sir?
10. I don't know about that matter.
punch in
check in formally at a job upon arrival.
Synonym: clock in, clock on;
Example sentence: Have all the workers punched in yet?
Example sentence: Punch in the nails and then fill the holes
flush with putty.
Example sentence: If you say that again, I'll punch you in the
nose! switch on
Example sentence: why does he switch on the light?
Just put the plug in the socket and switch on the machine.