2024年3月5日发(作者:oppo r15是什么处理器)
a priori distribution 先验分布绝对邻域收缩核a priori probability
abbreviation abbreviate 略简化absolute quadric abridge 略绝对absolute norm 绝对范数先验概率absolute parallelism
二次曲面absolute ramification index
绝对分歧指数绝对平行性absolute number 不名数a summable a可和的abacus 算盘简算记号abridged notation
abscissa 横坐标abscissa of absolute convergence absolute rotation 绝对旋转absolute space 绝对空间绝对收敛坐标abscissa of summability absolute space time 绝对时空absolute term 常数项可和性坐标绝对单位absolute 绝对形abscissa of uniform convergence absolute unit
absolute value 绝对值一致收敛横坐标absolute velocity 绝对速度绝对地址absolutely continuous 绝对连续的continuous
、绝对编码absolute coding function
absolute value sign 绝对值符号absolute address
absolute class field 绝对类域absolutely
绝对上同调absolute cohomology
absolute conic 部分absolute curvature vector
绝对连续分布/函数/测度/绝对二次曲线absolutely continuous transformation
绝对连续变换absolutely convergent 绝对曲率向量绝对收敛的absolutely convergent integral series
absolute differential calculus
绝对偏差absolute deviation
absolute convergence 绝对收敛绝对收敛积分/级数absolutely convex hull 绝对凸包绝对微分学absolutely discontinuous function absolute error 绝对误差绝对不连续函数绝对可积的absolute extremes /extremum absolutely integrable
absolutely irreducible character
绝对不可约特征/ /绝对频率几何表示/簇绝对极值/representation /variety absolute frequency/ geometry
absolutely normal number绝对范数绝对不等式absolutely prime ideal 绝对素理想绝对无偏估计量小值/绝对极大absolute inequality
absolute instability 绝对不稳定性absolutely unbiased estimator absolute maximum /minimum
absolutely unramified extension absolute moment /neighborhood
邻域/绝对矩绝对非分歧扩张absorbing barrier/ set/ state
absolute neighborhood retract
吸收障碍/集/态accessible vertex 可达顶点accessory extremal 吸收配连极值absorption
absorption coefficient/curve /factor accidental
accidental coincidence 偶然符合偶然的accidental error 随机误差/吸收系数/曲线因数/指数/律/概率accommodation abstract 抽象的abstract algebra /mathematics accumulated error 累积误差accumulating point 聚点抽象代数/数学abstract algebraic geometry accumulation
accumulation point 聚点抽象代数几何accumulator 累加器存储器accuracy 准确性抽象复形abstract category 抽象范畴abstract complex
累积accuracy grade/rating准确度abstract group 抽象群accuracy of measurement
测量精确度抽象区间函数abstract number 不名数action integral 酌积分抽象有序单纯复形abstract interval function
acnod 孤点acount 计算abstract ordered simplicial complex
abstract simplex 酌变量action variable 抽象单形active restriction
abstract space 抽象空间有效限制actual 真实的abstraction 抽象actual
abstraction operator 抽象算子实无穷谬论的absurd absurdity 谬论acute angle 锐角acute 尖锐的acute angled triangle; acute triangle
形acceleration of convergence
收敛性的加速非循环的重力加速度accelerated motion 加速运动加速度acceleration 锐角三角锐度acuteness
非循环复形acyclic complex acceleration of gravity
acceptable quality level合格质量水平无穷地肯定acceptance 阿达姆斯圆adams extrapolation method
适应基adapted basis 带/区域接受概率/
added circuit 加法电路加/线/接受界限数adams circle
ad infinitum
acceptance limit /line/ number
适应阿acceptance inspection 接受检查adaptability 适应性acceptance probability/ region /zone
accessibility 存取access 可达性add,plus
加数addend adder 加法器加法公式加法addition
accessible boundary point /point /set 集/点/可达边界点可达序数accessible ordinal numberaddition formulas
addition sign 加号adjoint linear map 伴随线性映射adjoint matrix 伴随阵addition system 加法系(operator算子process过程addition table 加法表空间曲面system系)
微分方程的伴随概率的加法定理representation表示spaceaddition theorem 加法定理addition theorem of probability surfaceadjoint system of differential equations
系additional /additive加法的adjoint transformation 伴随算子condition 附加条件adjunct 代数余子式additional code 附加代码adjoint vector 伴随向量additional
additive category 加性范畴adjunction additive class 加性类附加单位元的附加additive functional 加性泛函数additive adjunction of an identity element
operator/process /relation admissibility limit
admissible 容许的容许界限加法可分的additive /加性算子/过程关系admissible category /chart
容许范畴/容许图法性admissible decision function/ rule
register 地址寄存器(domain区域阿代尔address 地address part 地址部分容许判决函数容许形变address
additive theory of numbers 堆垒数论admissible control 可行控制additivity 加admissible deformation addressing 指定箱位adele function函数homomorphism 同态adele group 阿代尔群,hypothesis假设lifting提升map
映射sequence序列space空间strategy策略adequate 适合的subgroup子群test检定adherent point
affine 邻接附着adhesion adjacency algebraic set 仿射代数集(collineation直射变换adjacency matrix 邻接矩阵adjacent angles/edge/side/ vertex connection联络curvature曲率)
affine coordinates 平行坐标affine differential geometry
仿射微分几何学伴随边值问题伴随行列式/边//邻角棱顶邻角adjacent supplementary angles
adjoint boundary value problem
affine distance 仿射距离adjoint determinant
affine group scheme 仿射群概型(differential 伴随差分方程) 微分仿adjoint difference equation
射等温网affine isothermal net
affine length /line /normal parameter adjoint differential expression
伴随微分式/参数直线仿射长度//法线adjoint form/ function/ functor/group
仿射变换导出图adjoint graph affirmation
principal curvature
affinity 群/函子/函数/伴随形式algebraically dependent elements
after effect 后效酌affirmative proposition
) affix 附标algebraization 代数化agreement
air coordinates 空间坐标algebra 代数学aggregate 集aggregation 聚合algebro geometric 代数几何的一致algebroid function 代数体函数algebroidal function 代数体函数algorithm 算法algebra of events 事件场algorithm of division 辗转相除法algebra of logic 逻辑代数algebra of tensors 张量代数algorithm theory 算法论algebraic 代数的k上的代algorithm of euclid 欧几里得算法数algebra over k 环algorithmic language 算法语言algorithmization 算法化代数的附加algebraic adjunction
alignment chart 列线图algebraic branch point 代数分歧点aliquot part 整除部分代数计算algebraic calculus
配置问题alligation algebraic closure 代数闭包混合法algebraic closure operator allocation problem
allowable 代数闭包算子容许的容许靠algebraic complement/cone allowable defects
allowable error 容许误差allowance
/代数余子式锥允许代数对应algebraic correspondence
algebraic curve 代数曲线代数式algebraic expression
algebraic hull
代数整数algebraic integer/irrational number /almost
almost all 几乎处处几乎必然收敛代数包almost certain convergence
almost everywhere 几乎处处无理数
impossible event algebraic lie algebra 代数的李代数殆不可能事件almost invariant set 袖珍计算机的代数almost periodic function 逻辑殆周期函数容量代数重度calculator 殆不变集pocket logic algebraic of
alpha capacity algebraic multiplicity
alphabetical 字母的alpha limit set algebraic number 代数数极限集代数运算algebraic operation
algebraic polynomial 代数多项式alphanumeric representation of 代alphanumeric 字母数字式数奇点algebraic singularity
information 信息的字母algebraic space 代数空间数字表示代数结构algebraic alternate angles algebraic spiral 错角structure
alternating differential form
代数螺线alternating chain 交错链系/代数和algebraic sum /system
differential alternating
代数闭域algebraically closed field
algebraically equivalent form differential of
交错微分时间序列分析方差分析alternating direction method analysis of variance
analytic 分析的交替方向法analytic arc 解析弧alternating form 交错形式analytic completion /continuation
解析开拓alternating group 交错群alternating harmonic series analytic curve
dynamics 分析动力学莱布尼兹级数反对称函数alternating function
解析曲线analytic expression 解析式alternating matrix 交错矩阵analytic function 分析函数alternating method 交错法analytic function of several variables 多元解析函数外积alternating product
analytic geometry alternating sequence 交错序列analytic index 解析指数分析几何学交错级数alternating series
解析廖alternating series test analytic manifold
analytic method 解析法交错级数检验analytic proposition 交错和解析命题alternating sum
analytic set alternation 交错解析集analytic space alternative 交错;择一解析空间解析微分analytical hierarchy alternative hypothesis 解析分层alternative algebra /field analytical differential
analytical geometry
择一假设analytical mapping
全纯映射分析几何学/交错代数域析取范式alternative normal form
alternative proposition 选言命题analytical transformation 解析可表示的函数高度altitude
angle 角融合积amalgamated product
ambiguous point 歧altitude theorem 高度定理analytically representable function
ancillary statistic 辅助统计量angle at center 圆心角点亲和数弦和切线的角amalgamation 合并angle between chord and tangent
amicable numbers
angle function 角函数角;振幅量amount amplitude
amplitude of a complex number 切线角angle of contingence
angle of declination 复数角analogous angle of intersection
angle of refraction 折射角旋转角angle of rotation
俯角模拟计算机类似的相交角analog computer angle of inclination
analogue display 相似表示反射角斜角angle of
相似法analogue method
analysis 类似analogy 数学分析analysis of time series angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度antitony 角系数反序性antitonicity 反序性angular coefficient
angular coordinates 角坐标反三角函数角位移angular displacement antitrigonometric function
apex 顶点apex angle 顶角angular distance 角距apical angle 顶角angular distribution 角分布apolar 非极性的angular domain 角域apolarity 从配极性angular frequency 角频率apothem 边心距angular magnification
apparent error 貌似误差角测度application 应用angular metric 角度量applied mathematics 应用数学角动量angular momentum
角速度应用力学annihilator /annulator 零化角放大率angular measure
applied mechanics angular velocity
子approximability 可逼近性环approximable 可逼近的approach 接近anharmonic ratio 交比approach infinity 接近无穷大annular annulus 圆环anomalous propagation 反常传播反常散射anomalous scattering
近似连续性反自反性antianalytic function
approximate 近似的;使近似approximate calculation 前项近似计算approximate continuity anti reflexiveness
approximate differentiability
反解析函数anticlockwise revolution/rotation approximate integration
approximate limit 近似极限逆时针回转approximate number 近似数antiisomorphy
approximate partial derived function approximate partial
differential 近似偏/全微分approximate total differentiability
approximate value
approximately equal
approximation 逼近近似全可微性(近似导数)
antiderivative 不定积分的近似积分approximate partial derivative 反同构antilinear mapping 反线性映射/total
antiparallel 逆平行的approximate solution 近似解反平面antiplane
对映映射antipodal map
对映点antipodal point 近似值antipodal set 对映集近似等于对映点antipode
antisymmetric function
approximation calculus 近似计算approximation error 近似误差反对称函数approximation function 逼近函数反对称态antisymmetrical state
反序映射antitone mapping approximation theory
arbitrarily small 任意小argand plane 复数平面
argument 自变数;辐角arbitrary 任意的arbitrary constant/element /parameter argument function
argument of a function
辐角函数arbitrary small number 任意小数参数任意常数/元素/函数的自变数arc 弧argument principle 辐角原理aristotelian logic
亚里斯多德逻辑学argumentation 论证arc component 弧分量反余割arc cosecant
反双曲函数arc hyperbolic function
arithmetic arc length 弧长算术arithmetic difference 算术差arc of a circle 圆弧arithmetic division 算术除法arc sine
arc sine law
数论函数arc set 弧集arithmetic element 运算元素逆正弦arithmetic expression 反正弦定律算术表达式arithmetic function arc sine transformation
arithmetic genus 算术狂反正弦变换arc tangent 反正切arch 拱形算术几何平均正实数archimedean 阿基米德性的/级数arithmetic geometric mean/ series
arithmetic mean 算术平均archimedean group 阿基米德群archimedean semigroup arithmetic number
arithmetic of algebraic number fields 代数数域的数论阿基米德半群代数的数论arithmetic of algebras archimedean space 阿基米德空间arithmetic of local fields
局部域的数沦赋值archimedean valuation ~ ~
阿基米德公理archimedes spiral
archimedes axiom
阿基米德螺线全序archimedean total order ~ ~
arithmetic operation
算术操作算术运算arithmetic progression arcwise connected set 弧连通集算术级数arcwise connected space arithmetic subgroup 算术子群arithmetic unit 弧连通空间运算元素arithmetics 弧连通性arcwise connectedness 算术arithmetization 公亩are 算术化area 面积arithmometer 四则计算机面积函数area function
arrangement 圆面积area of a circle 排列array 重心坐标areal coordinates 排列arrow
artificial variable areal derivative
artificial variable method
射面积导数人工变量面积元素areal element 人工变量法ascending difference 后向差分ascending power series
面积分areal integral
面积速度areal velocity 升幂级数ascending powers 升幂asymptotically equivalent function
asymptotically normal distribution
asymptotically normally distributed
asynchronous computer
assertion sign 断定号递升序列渐近正态分布渐近等价函数ascending sequence
非球面空间aspherical space 渐近正规分布的assemblage 集assembler 汇编atlas asphericity 非球面牲异步计算机atom 原子坐标邻域系atomic element 原子元素assignable cause 可指定的原因atomic formula 配置问题原子公式assignment problem
atomic lattice 原子格associate equation 相伴方程atomic proposition 相伴方程原子命题associated equation
associated radius of convergence atomicity 原子性
attaching map 接着映射相伴收敛半径attenuation associated space 相伴空间衰减attenuation constant 衰减常数attraction 引力结合代数attractive force
association 结合associative algebra
associative law 结合律引力级数的结合律扩张结合性associativity
associative law for series attractor 吸引区attribute 属性augend 被加数augmentation
augmentation preserving map
假定增广保存映射augmented matrix
assumption 假定assume
asteroid asterisk 星号星形线增广矩阵augmented complex 扩张复形assumption formula 假定公式austausch 交换asymmetric 非对称的autocorrelation 自相关asymmetric relation 非对称关系autocorrelation coefficient/function
asymmetrical 非对称的自相关系数automatic testing
automation 自动化curve
auxiliary 浙近的asymptotic
近圆asymptotic circle 辅助圆自动检验asymmetrical graph 恒等图/函数非对称性asymmetry
曲线的渐近线asymptote of asymptote 渐近线automaton graph 自动机图辅助的渐近状态asymptotic behavior auxiliary angle 辅助角渐auxiliary circle
auxiliary equation
asymptotic point
辅助线asymptotically equal 辅助变数auxiliary variable
渐近相等序列average deviation 平均average 平均值asymptotic line 渐近线相伴齐次方程auxiliary function 辅助函数渐近点渐近相等偏差8
average error 平均误差axiomatic 平均寿命渐近值asymptotic value auxiliary line
asymptotically equal sequence
axiom scheme 公理格式average life 公理的average sample number axiomatic method 公理法axis 平均样本数轴axis of a cone 锥轴average speed 平均速度axis of abscissas 横坐标轴average term 普通项axis of absolute convergence
axis of affinity 平均法仿射轴average time /value平均时间/值绝对收敛轴averaging method
averaging 取平均数axis of convergence 收敛轴averaging operator 平均算子axis of coordinate
axiom 公理axiom of accessibility
坐标轴axes of coordinates 座标轴axis of ordinates 轴的axial symmetry 轴对axis of projection 射影轴axis of reals 实轴可达性公理axis of symmetry
axiom of addition 加法公理对称轴axiom of choice 选择公理axonometry 轴测法完备性公理axiom of 轴对称的axiom of the empty set 空集公理方位角方位角的并集公理axiom of union
band matrix 带状矩阵B
(bar graph) bar diagram 条线图b measurability b可测性back substitution 逆计算barrel 桶集barrel shape 后向差分backward difference 桶型
backward difference operator
backward difference quotient
重心复形barrelled space 桶型空间重心的barycentric
重心闸barrier barycenter 后向差分算子barycentric complex 后向差商底角base angle baire function 贝利函数base 底baire measure base number 底数base line 底线贝利测度对数的底base of logarithms
base register
平衡超图balanced hypergraph
基址寄存器变址寄存器balance 平衡基点base point 平衡范畴balanced category
球扫除balayage ball
巴拿赫代数banach algebra 基向量base vector base space ballistic curve 弹道底空间基础的basic 巴拿赫空间banach space
basic block /field/ form
best uniform approximation
betti group
的biangular 双角的basis of vector space 向量空间的基基替换过程basis replacement procedure bias 偏倚band 带带状图band chart 形式基本块/ /基域9
basic point 基础点最佳一致逼近basic representation 基本表示beta
函数贝蒂数双加法分布basic ring 基环beta function basic solution 基本解贝蒂群basic symbol 基本符号betti number basic variable 基本变量群间方差between group variance basis 基biadditive basis of linear space 线性空间的基biased estimator 有偏估计量basis theorem of hilbert biased sample 有偏样本biased statistics 有偏统计量希耳伯特基定理biased test 有偏检验基本向量basis vector
biaxial batch processing 成批处理双轴的bayes decision function bicartesian square 双笛卡儿方bicompact set 贝叶斯判定函数紧集bicompact space bayes formula 贝叶斯公式列紧空间biconditional 等价bayes postulate 贝叶斯公假设bicontinuous function 双连续函数bicylinder 行为双圆柱behavior
二维的贝叶斯解bayes solution
bidimensional behavior strategy 行为策略bidimensionality bellman principle 贝尔曼原理二维性beltrami equation bifurcation point 歧点贝尔特拉米方程bifurcation theory 分歧理论bigraded group 双重分次群bihomomorphism 双同态bijection (bijective mapping)bijectivity 伯努利法双射性bending point 转向点伯格曼度量bergman metric
bernoulli equation 伯努利方程双射伯努利不等式bilateral 两面的bernoulli inequality
bernoulli method
bilinear form 多项式/伯努利数双线性形式bernoulli number/polynomial
bernstein polynomial
双线性耳积分bilinear 双线性的双线性泛函bilinear functional
bessel integral binary arithmetic 二进制算术binary code
贝塞best approximation
最佳估计量贝塞耳不等式bessel inequality binary 二元的binary coding 二进制编码best estimator
最佳检验best test binary digit 二进制数字binary digital computer bisector of angle 角的平分线
biunique 一对一的二进制数字计算机二维分布bivalent binary element 双态元件binary number
binary number system
二价的bivariate distribution 二进制数bivariate distribution function
二元分布函数二进制数系binary operation 二元运算binary point 二进制小数点二元频率函数binary system 二进制的二元正态分布binary relation 二元关系二进制变换binary
bivariate frequency function
bivariate normal distribution
bivariate population 二元总体bivector 二重向量二项式bind 连结block 块binomial
二项式系数区组设计block design binomial coefficient
block relaxation 块松弛block tridiagonal matrix
块三对角阵二项式微分binomial differential
二项分布立体图binomial differential equation
blockdiagram binomial distribution 二项微分方程body 体binomial equation 二项方程body of revolution 旋转体boole function 布尔函数binomial expansion 二项展开式二项式积分binomial integral
boolean algebra binomial series 二项级数布尔代数boolean optimization 二项式定理binomial theorem 布尔最优化生物数学的/向量boolean ring/vector布尔环biomathematic
biomathematics 边缘生物数学biomechanics 生物力学边缘元素生物统计学biometrics
border element
域的边缘border of the domain
border set
双正交系bornological set 有界型集bornology 有界型性双标准正交展开biometrika 生物统计学边缘集biophysics 加边矩阵biorthogonal system
biorthonormal expansion
bordered matrix 生物物理学bornological space 有界型空间界bound
双标准正交化bound decision variable
约束决策变量边界配置出生率birth rate
边缘boundary 边界平分点bisecting point ; boundary collocation
平分bisect bound term 约束项平分bisection
平分线bisector boundary condition 边界条件boundary correspondence 边界对应branching 边界曲线branch point 分枝点分枝boundary curve
branching process 分枝过程boundary element method边界元法breadth 幅boundary interval 边界区间break point 断点;分割点boundary layer 边界层briggs' logarithm 界线常用对数boundary line
briggsian logarithm 常用对数boundary point 边界点broken line 折线boundary simplex 边界单形broken number 分数boundary strip 边界带brownian motion 布朗运动boundary surface 带边界曲面边界值boundary value brownian movement 布朗运动buckling 弯曲budget 顸算boundary value problem 边值问题
buffer 缓冲器bundle 束bounded 有界的bounded above/ below 上/ bounded above/ below sequence bundle of planes 下有界的平面把bundle of rays 线把bundle of spheres 球把/上下有界序列bundle space 丛空间有界链bounded chain
byte 字节bus bounded closed set 有界闭集母线c function c 类函数有界域bounded domain
bounded sequence 有界序列bounded set
calculability 可计算性calculable relation 有界性上有界的calculable mapping 可计c mapping c类映射ca set 上解析集有界集合bounded to the downwards/ upwards
算映射/下boundedness 可计算关系bounding manifold 边界廖计算bounding surface 计算自动机框box 大括号calculate 计算calculation
calculating automaton 边界曲面计算电路calculating element 计算单元括号bracket brace 无限的boundless calculating circuit
brachistochrone problem
最速降线问题计算寄存器算布喇格曲线穿孔计算机计算机calculating machine 最速降线brachistochrone
calculating punch
calculating register
计算装置bragg curve calculation of areas
面积计辫braid 演算calculator 计算机bracket operation 括号运算calculating unit
辫群braid group
calculus of approximations 分支branch
曲线的分枝branch of a curve 误差论calculus of errors
分枝线branch line 近似计算calculus of finite differences
差分法branch of function 函数的分枝categorical proposition 范畴判断calculus of probability categorical theory 概率范畴论categoricity 范畴性calibration 校准canal 管道category 范畴canal surface 管道曲面category of modules 模的范畴cancel 消去cancellation 消去category of sets 集的范畴cancellation law 消去律category of topological spaces
canonical basis 典范基causal relation 标准坐标因果关系canonical coordinates
标准分解canonical 因果律cancelling of significant figures 有效数字消去拓扑空间的范畴causality equation canonical decomposition
cause 原因典型方程ccr algebra ccr代数canonical form 标准型celestial body 天体canonical function 标准函数celestial coordinates 天体坐标标准同态canonical image 标准象cell 胞腔标准映射canonical mapping center 中心canonical homomorphismcelestial mechanics 天体力学cell complex canonical solution 标准解多面复形canonical system of differential equations center of a circle 标准微分方程圆心center of curvature 组曲率中心center of expansion 展开中心典型变量canonical variable
center of force 力心卡积cap 交cap product
center of gravity 重心capacity 容量card 卡片
center of gyration 旋转中心card reader 卡片读数器center of mass 质心知的cardinal
center of pressure cardinal number 基数压力中心center of symmetry 基数积cardinal product
centered process cardioid 心脏线中心化过程centi 支柱carrier
厘centigram 进位carry 厘克carry signal 进位信号厘米对称中心cartesian coordinate system central angle 圆心角central confidence interval
central line 笛卡儿方程笛卡儿坐标系中心置信区间笛卡尔座标cartesian equation 中线cartesian folium 中心点笛卡儿空间cartesian space
cartesian coordinates
central point 笛卡儿叶形线centre of a circle 圆心旋转中心centrifugal force 离心力cartesian product 笛卡儿积centre of gyration
突变理论catastrophe theory
centripetal acceleration 范畴判断categorical judgment 向心加速度13
centroid 形心circulant 循环行列式circulant matrix 必然事件轮换矩阵certain event
circular certainty 必然圆的circular arc 链圆弧chain
circular cone 圆锥chance 偶然性;偶然的circular cylinder 圆柱随机事件circular disk
chance event
chance move 随机步圆盘圆形域chance quantity circular domain 随机量circular frequency 角频率chance variable 机会变量circular functions 圆函数变化change
弧度change of the variable 变circular measure change of metrics 度量的变换circular ring
量的更换channel 信道圆扇形circular sector
信道宽度circumcenter 符号外心character
circumcircle 外接圆特者圆环change of the base 基的变换circular section 圆截面循环circulation channel width
特征characteristic circumcentre 外心characteristic boundary value
外接圆示性类值问题circumscribe 外接problem
characteristic class circumscribed circle
图charge 电荷chart circumsphere 外接球chebyshev inequality /polynomial
经典力学classical mechanics
check digit 检验位经典语句演算分布chi square distribution
classical statistical mechanics
选择函数choice function
切弦chord of contact
christoffel symbol
克里斯托弗尔符号classifying map
类chebyshev function 切比雪夫函数classical sentential calculus
check 校验类域class field
/切比雪夫不等式多项式经典集论classical set theory
检验chi squared test
classical theory of probability chord 弦弦chord line 经典统计力学经典概率论chordal distance 弦距离分类分类定理circle
分类统计classification statistic
classification theorem 数字cipher 圆分类圆图circle diagram 分类映射分类空间classifying space 切圆circle of contact
收敛圆circle of convergence clear 擦去14
clockwise 顺时针的直射变换collineation group 直射群顺时针方向clockwise direction collineatory transformation
clockwise rotation 顺时针旋转clopen set 闭开集边界配置collocation method 配置法closable linear operator collocation of boundary
collocation point 可闭线性算子配置点column 列closable operator 可闭算子column finite matrix 列有限矩阵closed ball 闭球column matrix 列阵闭合电路closed circuit
column rank 列秩closed convex hull 闭凸包column space 列空间closed domain 闭域closed half plane column vector 列向量闭半平面combination 闭半空间closed half space 组合command 命令closed hull 闭包commensurability 可通约性closed interval 闭区间commensurable 可通约的closed kernel 闭核common denominator 公分母common difference 上域公差编器coder
common divisor coefficient 系数公约数common factor 公因子coefficient domain 系数域common factor theory 公因子论common fraction
系数函数coefficient function
coefficient functional
常用对数系数群公共点系数泛函普通分数common logarithm coefficient group
coefficient of alienation common point
common ratio 公比不相关系数commutant 换位coefficient of association 相伴系数commutation law 交换律共变系数交换关系余函数cofunction
coefficient of covariation
commutation relation
可换的叠合点coincidence point commutative diagram 交换图交换群coincident
一致coincidence commutative
表重合的commutative group
阿贝耳广群commutative groupoid 收集collect
集体collective 交换律列线图collinear diagram commutative lie ring
共线点交换李commutativity 共线向量collinear vectors
commutative law
交换性环collinear points 交换环commutative ring
换位子commutator 共线性collinearity
直射变换collineation commutator group
commute 交换complete space 完备空间complete subcategory
完备系completely additive 紧群完全加性的completely additive family of sets
completely continuous mapping
completely distributive lattice
completely homologous maps
完全子范畴compact 紧的complete system compact convergence 紧收敛compact group
compact open topology紧收敛拓扑(operatorcompact set 紧完全加性集族compact operator 紧算子全连续映射compact space 紧空间完全分配格比较函数comparison function
compact subgroup 紧子群
完全同党射comparison method 比较法比较用级数完全独立公理系统比较检completely independent system of axioms comparison series
验comparison test
compatibility condition complex conjugate matrixcomplex curve 复曲线相容性条件复共轭阵comparison theorem 比较定理完备化复形compatibile condition 相容性条件complex conjugate 复共轭的一致性complex curvelinear integral compensate 补偿复曲线积分compensating method 补偿法complex domain 复域补偿compensation
compensation of error
复值函数complex field 复数域误差的补偿complex flnction 编译程序compiler
complex fraction compiling routine 编译程序繁分数complanar line
complex group 辛群共面线complex line 复线complele induction 数学归纳法complex line bundle 复线丛补集complex manifold 复廖complement of an angle 余角complex multiplication
complex number
补的complementary 复数乘法complementary angle 余角复数complex number plane 补集complementary set 复数平面complex plane with cut
有割的复平面补空间complementary space
完全连续性复量完全析取complex root 完全域complete field 复根complete continuity
complex quantity complete disjunction
complex series 集的完全域复级数complex sphere 复球面complex variable
complete field of sets
群/完全图complete graph/group
complete induction 复变量数学归纳法complex vector bundle 复向量丛conditionally convergent 复杂性conditionally convergent series
条件收敛级数cone 锥component 分量conditional convergence 条件收敛条件收敛的complexity
composable 组成的cone of a complex compose 组成复形锥面单形锥面composite 合成confidence belt 置信带composite divisor 合成除数cone of a simplex
confidence coefficient 置信系数functor 合成函子置信区间confidence level 置信水平confidence limit 置信界限composite function 合成函数confidence interval composite
composite group 合成群composite hypothesis 复合假设composite number
computable function
confidence region 置信区域合成数configuration 可计算函数布局confirmation computation 计算证实confrontation 比较computational error 计算误差confusion 混乱计算公式computational formula
congruence computational mistake 计算误差同余式congruence group 同余群计算compute
congruence method 同余法computer 计算机computing center
计算单元同余函数congruence subgroup 同余子群计算中心congruence zeta function computing element
congruent 同余的computing machine 计算机congruent mapping 合同映射congruent number 同余数computing time 计算时间凹的concave
/concave angle /curve凹角曲线congruent transformation 合同映射conic 圆锥曲线凹函数conic function 圆锥函数concave function
concave polygon 凹多边形圆锥曲线conic section 凹性concavity
conical helix concavo convex 凹凸的圆锥螺旋线conical surface 锥面浓度;集中concentration
conics 圆锥曲线论conjugate
concentration ellipse 同心椭圆同心圆concentric circles 共轭的概念concept
conjugate axis 共轭轴conjugate class 共轭类结论conjugate complex 共点面concurrent planes 共轭复形conjugate complex number
concyclic points 共圆点共轭复数凝聚点condensation point
conjugate convex function
保守力场共轭凸函数conservative field of force
conservative force 保守力consistency 相容性conjugate curve 共轭曲线conjugate curve of the second order 共轭二次曲线conjugate diameter 共轭直径conjugate foci 共轭焦点conjugate function 共轭函数consistency conditions 相容条件consistency problem 相容性问题consistencyproof 相容性的证明conjugate gradient method consistent estimator 相容估计constant 常数共轭梯度法constant coefficient 常系数conjugate hyperbola 共轭双曲线conjugate line /number/数常值函数constant field 常数域共轭直线conjugate operator /points constant function
constant mapping 共轭算子/常值映射constant of integration 积分常数constant of proportionality
constant of structure
点conjugate quaternion 共轭四元数conjugate space 共轭空间conjugate root 共轭根比例系数构造常数共轭变换conjugate transformation
constant pressure chart conjugate vector 共轭向量等压面图constant pressure surface 等压面conjunction 合取constant term 常数项constant value
conjunctive normal form 合取范式定值连通的connected
connected domain 连通域/ minimization约束最大化最小化连通图constrained maximization
connected graph
constraint 约束connected set 连通集construct 准连通空间connected space
constructibility 可构成性connected sum 连通和constructible 可构成的连通性connectedness
constructible map 可构成映射connection 联络connection component
content 含量constructible set 可构成集连通分量construction connectivity 连通性构成后项consequent
hypergeometric function
连接超几何函数守恒律conservation law contiguous hypergeometric function
能量守恒contiguous map
contingent 偶然事故动量守恒连接映射conservation of energy
conservation of momentum 列contingency
质量守恒conservation of mass 随机性守恒扩张conservative extension continuability 可延拓性continuation method 连续法control chart method
区间控制线路control domain
件control language
序列control signal
原理控制空间control variable 决策变量controllability
控制信号控制语言控制域control 控制continued equality 连等式control circuit continuity interval 连续控制图法continuity method 连续法函数的连续性continuity of function control element 控制元控制control sequence continuity on the left 左连续性continuity on the right 右连续性control space continuity principle 连续性continuity theorem 连续性定理continuous 可控性连续的continuous curve 连续曲线可控制的约定continuous differentiability convention
converge 连续可微性收敛几乎处处收敛性convergence 收敛continuous distribution 连续分布continuous distribution function
convergence domain 收敛区域convergence in mean 平均收敛convergence factor 连续函数continuous group 拓扑群continuous map 连续映射convergence almost everywhere
连续分布函数收敛因子continuous function
convergence in probability continuous limit 连续极限contour line
依概率收敛convergence radius 收敛半径等高线收缩收敛域convergence region contract
convergence space
convergence strip
contracted notation 收敛空间简算记号contracted tensor 短缩张量收敛带收缩性contractibility 收敛定理convergence theorem
收敛的收缩函数convergent power series contraction 收缩压contractive 收缩的convergent sequence 收敛序列converse 逆逆步contragredience
converse order
矛盾命题contractible graph 可缩图收敛contracting function convergent
缩映射contraction map 收敛幂级数contradictory proposition convergent series 收敛级数逆步contragredient converse of a theorem逆定理type 相反命题标contravariant coordinate
反变向量contravariant vector conversion 转换19
convertibility 可逆性coplanar line 共面线convex
互素数coplanar vector 凸的共面向量contrary propositions 逆序型converse sentence 反变式contravariant 逆命题逆定理converse theorem 反变坐coprime numbers 凸分析convex analysis
core 凸体核心convex angle 凸角/body
corollary 系convex closure /hull 凸包correction 改正凸组合convex combination
correction factor 校正因子convex curve 凸曲线correction term 凸域修正项convex domain
correction value 改正值convex function 凸函数correlated variables 凸多边形相关变数convex polygon
相关变数相关分析凸子格correlated variates convex polyhedron 凸多面体correlation 相关convex set 凸集correlation analysis convex sublattice
相关系数convex subset 凸子集convex surface
下凸相关行列式correlation function
correlation coefficient
correlation curve 相关曲线凸面correlation determinantconvex to the below
相关函数下凸convex to the downwards
凸性对应correspond convexity
convexity of function correspondence
principle 对应原则函数的凸性对应convexo concave 凸凹的convolution
correspondence problem 对应问题卷积correspondent 相应的convolution equation 卷积方程coordinate axis
coordinate curve 坐标曲线对应点坐标函数coordinate function
corresponding points
corresponding angles 坐标轴余割cosecant
cosecant curve coordinate hyperplane 坐标超平面余割曲线余弦余弦cosine function cosine 坐标线coordinate line
余弦曲线cosine curve
coordinate plane
cosine law/ rule/ theorem coordinate ring 坐标环余弦定律边的余弦定理坐标面coordinate
surface cosine law for sides
坐标系coordinate system cosine of an angle
of angle/ sides
坐标变换/边的余弦定理角coordinates 价格函数cost function 坐标向量的坐标coordinates
角的余弦coordinate transformation cosine theorem
coordinate neighborhood 坐标邻域cosine formula 余弦公式坐标平面of vector cotangent 余切余切曲线cotangent curve
共面的coplanar cotangent function 余切20
counion 余并集crooked 余单位critical value 临界值弯曲的counit
crooked line 曲线countability 可数性cross countable infinity 可数无穷大横的cross point 交叉点countable set 可数集cross product 叉积countable subadditivity可数次可加性cross ratio 交比可数超加性countable superadditivity
cross section 横截面countably additive class 可数加性类crossing point 交点countably additive familycountably additive function crosswise
crunode 结点可数加性的函数counter clockwise rotation cubage 求体积cubature 求体积cubature formula 体积公式反时针方向旋转交叉的可数加性族
cube 立方体counter example 反例;三乘cube root 立方根cubic 原象counter image
三次方程cubic equation
计数counting 矩体格子cuboidal lattice
counting constants 常数计数cup product 上积耦合力偶协方差函数couple coupling
cumulant 累积量三次方程counterclockwise direction 长方体counterclockwise 反时针方向covariance 协方差cup product operation
曲率curved line
上积运算covariance function
covariance functional 协方差泛函数曲线curve 曲线方差矩阵covariance
空间曲线curve in space
cover 覆盖覆盖covering curve of growth
增长的曲线覆盖维数covering dimension 生长曲线; covering theorem 覆盖定理二次曲线cramer formula curve theory
曲多面体criterion by comparison curved surface 曲面critical condition
临界点临界的critical 曲线角curvilinear angle
critical angle 临界角曲线坐标系临界条件curve of second order
准则criterion curved polyhedron
比较判别准则曲线的curvilinear co ordinate system
临界水平critical level curvilinear coordinates
critical point
曲线运动曲线坐标curvilinear integral 线积分critical region 临界区域curvilinear motion
临界态critical state cut point 切断cut off
cut set 割集decade scaler 十进制计数器decagon 割集矩阵十边形cut set matrix
十面体decahedron cutting plane 割平面decameter 割平面法deci 分闭链cycle
十米cutting plane method
decay curve 衰变曲线cutting problem 剖线问题decidability 可判定性cyclic 循环的decile 循环常数cyclic constant
decimal 十进位的十分位数cyclic coordinates 循环座标cyclic derterminant decimal arithmetic 十进算术循环行列式decimal binary conversion
十二进制变换cyclic field 循环域循环方程cyclic equation
decimal digit 十进制数字/cyclic graph /group循环图群decimal expansion 十进制展开cylinder cycloid 摆线(decimal representation )
循环雅可比法cyclic jacobi method
decimal notation
十进小数decimal fraction cyclic method 循环法圆柱十进制记数法圆柱域cylindrical domain
decimal number 十进小数d integrable
decimal number system 柱极坐标cylindrical set 柱面集cylindrical surface
decimal place 积分d integral d
cylindrical polar coordinates
柱面多位十进小数小数位小数点cyclindrical coordinates 十进制decimal of many places
decimal part
d'alembert principle 达朗贝尔原理d可积小数部分decimal point
damped harmonic oscillation
decimal to binary conversion
十进制decimal system
阻尼谐振动阻尼振动damped oscillation 二进制变换十阻尼振动damped vibration
decision 判定阻尼damping
decision function 判定函数决策论data 数据决策变量damping factor 阻尼因子decision variable
decision vector
data storage register declination 倾斜数据存储寄decision theory 达布定理darboux theorem
数据处理data processing 决策向量decisive 数据存储器存器译码器decoder
data storage 决定的death rate decomposability
死亡率可分解性十deca 十个decade decomposable form 可分解decomposable matrix 可分解矩阵degeneracy operator 退化算子退化degree 分解次数decomposition
degeneracy 退化decomposable operator 可分解算子degenerate decompose 分解degree of accuracy 精确度decomposition field 分解域degree of an equation
群decomposition into linear factors degree of approximation
degree of freedom 自由度原理del 倒三角形decomposition theorem 分解定理decrease 减少线性因子分解近似度decomposition principle 分解decomposition formula 分解公式方程式的次数decomposition group 分解degree of stability 稳定度del operator 倒三角形delay 延迟decreasing function 递减函数delete 删去decrement 减量deleted neighborhood deduce 去心邻域deletion 删除deducibility 可推断delta function 狄垃克demarcation 划分界线proof
demonstrate defect 靠证明论证demonstration 证明圆心轨迹deferent
函数deduction 演绎法deductive method 演绎法demi continuous 半连续的演绎证明deductive
演绎denominator 分母definability 可定义性dense 稠密的dense in itself
dense in itself set definiendum 自密集被定义者density definiens 定义者密度density distribution defining contrast
density function defining equation
density matrix 密度矩阵密度分布定义对比定义方程密度函数定义域defining field
denumeration 计算derivability
defining relations 定义关系depend 依赖定的definite
definite integral 定积分可微性可微的definition by induction derivable
derivate 用归纳法定义导出数derivation deflation 微分降阶derivative 使变形deform 导数derivative of a vector 向量导数derivative of higher order
变形deformation 高阶导数
derivative of n th order n阶导数diagonally dominant matrix
对角占优矩阵diagonalize 对角化导出derive
derived algebra 导出代数diagram 图表derived equation 导出方程diagram scheme 图解概型derived function 导数diameter 直径derived functor 导函子diameter of a circle 圆的直径derived graph 导出图descending power series diametric plane 径面diamond shaped 菱形的递减幂级数dichotomy 二分法下降descent
下降法descent method
描述形式差分diffeomorphic mapping
边值问题差description 描述difference boundary value problem descriptive form
difference differential equation
difference equation 差分方程difference method 差分法design 计划差分微分方程determinant 行列式design of experiments 实验设计difference operator determinantal determinantal divisor 行列式因子equation 差分算子行列式方程determinate 一定的difference product 差积developability 可展性difference quotient 均差差数序列developable function 可展函数difference schema 可展的developable
difference sequence
差分格式差集difference set 可展曲面developable surface
差分表difference table
幂级数展开可微的可微函数微分分析仪development 展开development in power series 可微性differentiability
deviation from the mean
differentiable function
differential 微分deviation 偏差differential algebra 微分代数平均偏差diagonal 对角线differential analyzer
diagonal element 对角元素differential and integral calculus
角阵diagonal matrix
diagonal map 对角映射微积分对微分学differential calculus
differential circuit 微分电路微分曲线行列式的对角线differential diagonal of a determinant
differential difference equation
分方程diagonal sum 矩阵的迹diagonal sum rule
对角求和规则差分微对角线化diagonalization differential equation
variables 分离变数型微分方程direct 直接的dirac measure 狄拉克测度微分形式直积differential expression 微分式direct product differential form
直和有向图differential form of the first kind direct sum
directed graph 第一种微分形式directed group
有向元directed line segment
quotient 微分系数有向线段有向群differential geometry 微分几何学directed line differential method 微分法differential parameter 微分参数directed quantity differential
有向量direction 方向differentiate 微分direction angle 方向角微分电路direction cosine
differentiating circuit
differentiation 微分方向余弦方向场differentiation of a function direction field
direction parameter 函数的微分法方向参数directional 定向的differentiation of implicit function 隐函数微分法directional derivative 方向导数微分算子directional differentiation
分法directrix diffraction
逐项微分directional field 方向场differentiation operator
微分记号differentiation term by term 方向微differentiation theorem 微分定理扩散diffusion
dirichlet boundary condition 数字digit
directivity 方向性differentiation symbol
衍射准线directrix of a conic
扩散系数二次曲线的准线digital 数字的diffusion coefficient
狄利克雷分布狄利克雷条件dirichlet conditions 数字计算机dirichlet distribution
dihedron 二面体digital control 数字控制digital differential analyzer
disagreement 不符合拆卸disassembly
消失disappearance 二面角dihedral angle
量纲dimension dimensionality 圆盘disc
discontinuity 不连续不连续区间离散分布无量纲的disconnected space 不连通空间无因次量dimensionless quantity discontinuity interval
dimetric 二维的数狄垃克dirac delta distribution
狄拉克方程discontinuity on the left/ right
discontinuous function
左/右方不连续性不连续函数函dirac equation discrete distribution
位移算符discrete distribution function displacement operator
display statusconcomitant
disproportion 离散群相伴式离散分布函数disposition 离散傅里叶变换配置不相称discrete group
discrete mathematics 离散数学discrete problem 离散问题两点间距discrete process 离散随机过程disproportionate 不成比例的distance between two points
distance circle 距离圆discrete programming 离散规划距离函数discrete random variable distance function
distance matrix 距离矩阵离散随机变量distributed parameter 分布参数discrete series 离散序列distribution 分布discrete set 离散集distribution coefficient 分布系数discrete time 离散时间分布曲线discrete topological space distribution curve
distribution family
distribution function
distribution law
离散拓扑空间分布函数分布族discrete topology 离散拓扑分布律离散性discreteness
discriminatory analysis
distribution parameter discretization
distribution ratio 分布系数判别式函数distribution rule 分布规则discriminant 判别式distribution space 广义函数空间判别分析distributionfree test disjoint elements 不相交元素无分布检验distributive 分配的disjoint relations 不相交关系distributive lattice 分配格disjoint sets 不相交集distributive law 分配律析取disjunction
distributivity 分配性disjunction sign 析取记号disjunction symbol disturbance 扰动disturbing function 扰动函数divergence 发散选言命题级数发散析取范式disjunctive normal form
disjunctive proposition diverge 发散圆盘disk divergence of a series
disorder order transformation 发散序列disorder 无秩序divergence of tensor field
divergent sequence
发散级数变化有序无序divergent series
均差方差矩阵分散关系dispersion 方差divide 除dispersion matrix divided difference
dispersion relations 被除数dividend
divisibility 可除性扩散的dispersive
位移displacement divisible 可除的26
divisible element 可除元素econometrics 计量经济学effective divisor 辗转相除法echelon matrix 梯阵division 除法;划分edge division algebra 可除代数非负除数division algorithm
边division of a line segment efficiency
efficiency factor 效率因子效率efficient point divisor 因有效点线段的分割弹性常数elastic coefficient 除子类divisor class
弹性常数弹性限度文elastic constant divisor function
elastic deformation
件编制弹性变形除数函数divisor problem 除数问题elastic limit documentation
elasticity 弹性dodecagon 十二边形elastodynamics 弹性动力学十二边形的dodecagonal
electrodynamics dodecahedral number 十二面体数电动力学电磁dodecahedron 十二面体electromagnetism
electronic computer 电子计算机electronics
收敛域domain of convergence 静电学electrostatics
domain 定义域电子学domain of attraction 吸引范围元件domain of definition 定义域element
面积元素element of area 积分区域domain of integration
element of best approximation
element of surface 面元素dot 点elementary 基本的倍角公式double angle formulas
domain of unsolvability 不可解域最佳逼近元素定义域domain of
二重积分elementary divisor 初等因子double integral
double limit elementary function
double negation
初等运算elementary operation 二重面double plane
消去eliminate double point 重点消去二重积double product elimination
double ratio 交比duplication formula
椭圆ellipse 离心角eccentric
代入消元法重根double root
dual operation 对偶运elimination by substitution
算倍角公式未知数消去初等函数二重极限双重否定elementary geometry 初等几何对偶数dual number elimination method
elimination theorem
离心率eccentricity ellipsoidal
equal set 相等集椭圆抛物面消元法elimination of unknowns
倍立方duplication of the cube 消去定理椭面的27
equal 相等的elliptic paraboloid
ellipsoidal coordinates 椭球面坐标equal sign elongation 伸长等号equality 嵌入等式embedding
equality constraint 等式约束empty mapping 空映射equate 使...相等empty relation 零关系
equation 方程end 端empty set 空集equation of a circle 圆方程end device
end around carry 循环进位equation of a curve 曲线方程输出设备equation of continuity 连续方程equation of heat conduction
equation of higher order
可比方程endless 无穷的energetic inequality 能量不等式endpoint 端点热传导方程energy 能量高阶方程式energy barrier 能量障碍equation of jacobi 雅energy distribution 能量分布equation of motion 运动方程energy integral 能量积分equation of state 状态方程equation of the straight line
equation root 方程的根扩大enlarge
enneagon 九边形直线方程ensemble 总体entire 整个的equatorial radius entire function 赤道半径整函数equiconvergence entire series 整级数同等收敛性entrance angle equidistant 等距的入射角equilateral 等边的entropy 熵可数性enumerability
可数集enumerable set
equilateral triangle 等边三角形equilibrium 平衡equipotential surface 等位面equivalent 等价的列举enumerable 可数的equipotential line 等位线enumeration
enumeration problem 列举问题等值命题equivalent equation 等价方程equivalent proposition 满射的epimorphic
equivalent states epimorphic image 满射像等价状态equivalent transformation 初等运算满射epimorphism
误差分析映射误差范围邻域函数epsilon function error 误差epsilon map error analysis
epsilon neighborhood error band
error coefficient 误差系数error curve 误差曲线网epsilon net
数epsilonnumber error component 误差分量欧几里得向量空间evaluate 求...的值error equation 误差方程evaluation 计算error estimation 误差估计evaluation of functions 函数值计算error in the input data输入数据误差even 偶数的error law 误差律error limit 误差界限error function 误差函数evaluation of integrals 积分计算even function 偶函数even number 偶数error mean square 误差方差even permutation 偶置换event 事件第一类误差error model 误差模型error of first kind
测量误差error of measurement
evenness 偶数性error of estimation 估计误差everywhere convergent sequence
处处收敛序列观测误差error of observation
迷evidence error of reading 读数误差evident 迷的第二类误差evolution 第三类误差开方error of second kind
error of the third kind
舍位误差发展方程evolution equation error of truncation
exact differential equation
全微分方程输入误差error originated from input
exact solution 精确解error probability 误差概率exactitude 精确度误差平方和error sum of squares
error variance 误差方差example 例估计estimate exactness axiom 正合性公理exceed 估计超过estimation
excenter estimation of error 外心误差估计exceptional curve estimation of parameterexceptional jordan algebra
参数的估计例外曲线estimation theory 估计论estimation region 估计区域例外约当代数例外点exceptional point 估计量estimator
exceptional value etale neighborhood 层邻域例外值excess 超过层空间etale space
标准etalon excess function 超过函数exchange 交换因子分euclid factorization theorem for rational integers
exchange integral 解定理交换积分exchange lattice euclid lemma 交换格algorithm 交换定理excision 切除欧几里得空间euclidean vector space
欧几里得引理exchange theorem 欧几里得算法euclidean
euclidean space
exclusion 排除exradius 外圆半径extend 扩大exclusive disjunction 不可兼析取扩张平面extended ideal
扩张平面extension theorem
extensive quantity
值的存在exterior 外存在定理existence theorem
外角existence theorem of implicit 外边界问题扩张定理外延量exist 存在extensionality existence 存在外延existence conditions 存在条件extent 范围existence of extremum 极广义理想exclusive or 不可兼的或extended plane executive program 执行程序extended complex plane exclusive events 互斥事件existence theorem for roots exterior angle
exterior boundary problem 根的存在性定理external 外部的function 隐函数的存在性定理external composition 外部合成期望值向量expactation vector
extract expand 展开开方extraction of a root 开方expansion 展开extreme point 极值点extreme value
极值分布expansion coefficient 展开系数极值级数展开expansion in series
extreme value problem 展开定理极值问题expansion theorem
extreme value distribution expansion of a determinant
行列式的展开extremity expectation 端期望值extremum expected value 期望值极值extremum conditions 期望值向量extremum
expected value vector 极值条件附加条件极值问题实验的experiment 实验problem with subsidiary condition
extremum with a condition
条件极值explicit function
实验误差experimental error
extremum with a constraint
f distribution f 收敛指数exponent 指数指数记法exponent notation F
exponent of convergence 分布f ratio 指数函数exponential 方差比face 面exponential curve 指数曲线face centered 指数函数exponential function
face centered cubic 面心立方体的面心的输出exportation
face of a polyhedron 表示express 多面体面factor
式expression 因子factor analysis 因子分析fiducial estimation 置信估计置信推理factor of a polynomial fiducial inference
fiducial limit 多项式的因子置信限fiducial probability 因子可分解性置信概率factorability
fiducial region 置信区域factorable 可因子分解的field 域;场factorial 阶乘field of algebraic functions
常数域factorization theorem field of events
field of constants 因式分解factorization
field of definition
事件场field of numbers 数域fair game 适当对策因子分解定理定义域factorization method 因子分解方法field of rational functions factorize 因子分解有理函数域有理数域faithful anti representation field of rationals
一一反表示faithful functor
;场论field of real numbers 实数域field of scalars 系数域一一的函子field of sets faithful module
field theory 域论一一表示figure faithfully flat ring
filter 滤子假的false
filtered group 过滤群final decision 最后判决finite difference equation
有限差分方程一一的模集域faithful representation
一一平坦环图形false conclusion 假结论filtering 过滤filtration 过滤family 族family of curves 曲线族finite base
可行约束有限基元素族family of elements
feasible constraint
finite dimensional
finite discontinuity
feasible region
有限维扩张域有限域feasible control 可行控制有限维的可行方向feasible direction 有限不连续性有限元法finite equation 有限方程可行区域feasible point 可行点finite element method
可行约束feasible restriction finite extension
fermat theorem finite group 有限群费马定理费可行解feasible solution finite field
finite induction
feeble solution 弱解finite function 有限函数曼积分feynman integral 有限归纳法finite mathematics 有限数学纤维fiber
置信分布fiducial distribution finite point
floating point calculation
浮点记数法finite progression 有限级数有限表示finite presentation
floating point notation 浮点记数法finite sequence 有限序列finite set floating point representation
flow 流finite sum 有限和finite series 有限级数浮点记数法有限集flow line 吝纯量场的流起状first boundary condition flow of scalar field
flow problem 潦题狄利克雷边界条件first boundary value problem fluctuation
fluent 变数fluid 铃狄利克雷问题fluid dynamics 铃动力学第一类first class
fluid mechanics first derivative
first fundamental form of surface
量曲面的第一基本形式first integral 初积分first mean value theorem
焦弦平均值定理flux of the vector
焦轴focal axis
focal chord
焦距focal distance
focal line 焦线first term 首项拟合曲线focal point
一阶理论first order theory
焦点fitted curve
first quadrant 第一象限focal length 焦距fitting focal radius 拟合焦半径focus fixed point calculation
物线的焦点fixed point of mapping
fix 固定focal strip 焦带焦曲面定点fold singularity 折奇性folding
fixed point focal surface
定点计算焦点fixed point method 不动点法focus of a parabola 抛映射的不动点卷积point representation
笛卡儿叶形线folium of descartes 不动点定理fixed point theorem
垂足定点表示法跟平坦点flat point follow
flat surface
力force 平坦性flatness
平坦空间flat space foot 垂足平面foot of a perpendicular
拐结点flecnode force function 力函数重力force of gravity
浮点floating point force of inertia
force vector 力向量fourier series
傅里叶正弦变换傅里叶级数fourier integral 傅里叶积分forced oscillation 受迫振动fourier sine transform 受迫振动forced
forcing method 力迫法forecasting 预报form 形式fourier synthesis 傅里叶综合法fourier transform 傅里叶变换fractal 分形formal 形式的fraction 分数formal derivative 形式导数fraction in lowest terms 最简分数formal language 形式语言fractional derivative 分数导数形式逻辑formal logic
形式模型分数方程formal power series 形式幂级数formal system
分式理想formation rule
fractional equation formal model
fractional exponent 分式指数fractional function 分数函数形式系统fractional ideal 形式实域formally real field
fractional integral 分数次积分fractional part formless 无形状的fractional rational function
formation 形成fractional number 分数形成规则分数部分formula 公式分数有理函数formula language 公式语言
fractional replication 计算公式formula of computation
formula of propositional logic fractionary ideal
frame 架命题逻辑公式frechet derivative 弗雷谢导数formulation
frechet space f 前向差分空间fredholm alternative
forward difference
分式理想分数配置formulate 公式化frechet differential 弗雷谢微分用公式表示前向差分算子forward difference operator
foundation 基础fredholm operator 弗雷德霍姆算foundations of mathematics
fredholm type integral 弗雷德霍姆型积分方程fredholm point 弗雷德霍姆点前向解法forward solution
数学基础fredholm radius
弗雷德霍姆择一弗雷德霍姆半径子几何基础foundation of geometry
equation 四维的four dimensional
free decision variable
傅里叶分析仪傅里叶展开无界变差函数four dimensionality 四维性自由端自由决策变量傅里叶分析fourier coefficient
fourier analysis
free group fourier analyzer free end
fourier expansion free liberty
free monoid 自由独异点自由群傅里叶系数自由指标free index fourier cosine transform free groupoid 自由广群自由可动性自由可动性function of unbounded variation free mobility
free optimization problem function representation
function sequence 函数序列function series 函数级数function space 函数空间自由最优化问题函数表示free product 自由积free variable 自由变量free vector 自由向量n变数函数符号frequency 频率function symbol of n arguments
function theoretic 函数论的function theoretic null set
函数论的零集function theory 函数论frequency curve 频率曲线频率图frequency diagram
频率分布frequency distribution
frequency function 频率函数function value 函数值frequency polygon 频数多边形frequency theory of probability function variable
functional 泛函概率的频率论函数变数functional analysis 泛函分析front 前面functional calculus 函项演算functional constant
frontier point 边界点函数常数functional dependence fulcrum 函数相关支点functional determinant full line
functional differential equation
实线函数行列式function 函数泛函微分方程function constant
函数式function algebra 函数代数functional equation 函数方程函数常数function continuous on the right functional expression
functional matrix 右连续函数functional relation
函数矩阵function field 函数域函数关系函数尺function of bounded variation functional scale
functional space 有界变差函数函数空间functional symbol 类函数function of class 函数符号泛函变换function of complex variable functional transformation
functionelement 复变函数函数元素
functor 函子function of function 合成函数fundamental 基本的元函数function of n variables n
fundamental class 基本类一元函数function of one variable
基本上循环function of several real variables fundamental cocycle
fundamental conjunction
fundamental curve
多实元函数基本合取基本常数基本曲线function of several variables fundamental constants
三阶函数function of third order
fundamental cycle 基本闭链galois field 伽罗瓦域伽罗瓦群fundamental discriminant 高尔顿沃森过程fundamental determinant galois group
galton watson process
game 基本判别式标准型对策对策基本行列式game in normalized form 基本元素fundamental element
fundamental equations 基本方程基本形式fundamental form
基本恒等game in partition function form
分拆函数形对策式机会对策fundamental formulae 基本公式game of chance fundamental identity
game of hex 六角形对策基本不变量game of pursuit 追逐对策基本律fundamental invariant
fundamental law
game theoretic 对策论的fundamental lemma 基本引理game theoretic model 对策论模型theory 对策论本引理fundamental lemma of calculus of variation 变分法的基game
gamma distribution 分布fundamental matrix 基本矩阵gamma function 函数基本有向点族gamma rays 基本平行六面体射线gap fundamental period 基本周期fundamental net
fundamental parallelepipedon
间隙gap series fundamental point 基本点间隙级数gap theorem 间隙定理基本多角形gauge group 规范群gauge surface 规范面fundamental polygon
fundamental set 基本集基本解fundamental solution
fundamental theorem 基本定理fundamental theorem of algebra gauge transformation 度规变换gaugeinvariance 度规不变性gauss curvature 代数基本定理高斯曲率fundamental theorem of calculus gauss distribution
gauss elimination method
gauss equations 高斯方程微积分基本定理基本变换fundamental unit
高斯分布fundamental transformation 高斯消去法gauss formula 高斯公式基本单位gauss integral fundamentals 原理高斯积分gauss markov theorem fuzzy set 模糊集高斯g space g 空间马尔可夫定理gauss transformation 曲面g surface g高斯变换gaussian algorithm 高斯消去法gaussian curve 误差曲线伽罗瓦代数35
加勒金方程galerkin equations
加勒金法galerkin method
galois algebra 高斯分布gaussian distribution
gaussian elimination 高斯消去法一般单值化定理
general validity 一般有效性高斯整数general valuation 高斯插值公式generalization
化一般化gaussian integer
广义赋值普遍gaussian interpolation formula
gaussian number field 高斯数域generalize gaussian plane 复数平面gaussian quadrature formula generalized almost periodic function
generalized boolean algebra 高斯求积公式广义布尔代数一般代数广义殆周期函数general algebra
general dirichlet series generalized coordinates 广义坐标generalized derivative 广义导数一般狄利克雷级数广义距离general equation
general distributive law generalized distance
generalized fourier series 一般分配律广义傅里叶级数一般方程generalized function 广义函数general factor 一般因子generalized green function 通积分general integral
general laplace transform 广义格林函数generalized inverse 广义逆矩阵一般拉普拉斯变换广义极限弱解general linear equation generalized limit
generalized solution 一般线性方程generalized sum general linear group 全线性群广义级数的和generalized symmetric group general point 普通点广义对称群一般多项式general polynomial
generate general position 生成一般位置generated group general proposition 一般命题生成群general purpose computer generated subspace 生成子空间generating line 通用计算机母线广义逆矩阵general reciprocal generating line of surface
general recursive function 曲面的母线generation 生成一般递归函数general recursive predicate generator 母线generator of a surface 一般递归谓词曲面的母线general recursive relation generic 一般的generic point 一般递归关系一般点generic zero 一般零点general set theory 一般集合论狂genus 通积分general solution
genus of a surface 曲面的狂geodesic 测地线通项general term
集论拓扑general topology
测地坐标general uniformization theorem geodesic coordinates
geodesic curvature 测地曲率global existence 整体存在global convergence 整体收敛geodesic deviation 测地偏差global limit theorem geodesic distance 测地距整体极限定理global mapping 测地线整体映射geodesic line
global property 整体性质geodesic parameter 测地参数globe 球geodesic torsion 测地挠率globular geodesy 测地学gluing theorem 地球体胶合定理geoid
磬折形心射图法球的gnomon geometric average 比例中项geometric boundary condition gnomonic projection
godel number 本质边界条件哥德尔数geometric complex 几何复形golden cut algorithm 黄金分割算法golden section 黄金分割几何截面geometric cross section
geometric difference equation goniometer
goniometry 测角术几何差分方程gradient 梯度geometric figure 几何图形gradient method 梯度法几何解释纯量场的梯度重数施密特正交化法格兰姆行列式geometric genus 几何狂gradient of scalar field
geometric mean 比例中项geometric meaning 几何意义格兰姆geometric multiplicity 几何geometric interpretation
量角计grade geometric distribution 几何分布百分度gram schmidt orthogonalization
gramian 几何光学geometric optics
gramian matrix geometric probability 几何概率格兰姆矩阵geometric progression grand average 总平均等比级数grand total 总计geometric representation 几何表示geometric sequence 等比级数图图色几何级数geometric series
graph coloring
方程的图几何和geometric sum graph of 几何单形geometric simplex graph of an equation
function 函数的图图解积分法图示法几何元素graph theory 图论geometrical element
graphic integration 几何轨迹geometrical locus
图示geometrization graphic solution 图解几几何光学geometrical optics graphic method
几何向量geometrical vector graphic representation
何化引力几何geometry gravitation
gravitational constant 引力常数数的几何学geometry of numbers
增长整体分析global analysis gravitational field
gravity 重力growth curve 增长曲线growth function
律greatest common divisor growth rate
half 最大公因子半增长率生长函数great circle 大圆growth law greater than or equal to 大于或等于greatest common submodule half angle 半角half angle formulas 最大公共子模half axis 最大元半角公式半轴greatest element
最大下界半闭区间半直线格林函数half closed interval greatest lower bound
half exact 半正合的greek numerals 希腊数字half line green function
green operator 格林算子green space
half neighborhood 半邻域half plane 半无限平面格林空间half plane of absolute convergence green theorem 格林公式half plane of convergence 网格大小grid size
绝对收敛半平面gross error 过失误差收敛半平面半圆的half round gross profit 总利润grothendieck category
grothendieck group
half side formulas 半边公式格罗坦狄克范畴half space 半空间hamilton characteristic halve 对分halving method 二等分法格罗坦狄克群function 基域哈密顿特寨数群group
ground field
group algebra 群代数哈密顿函数hamilton function hamilton formula 哈密顿公式
hamilton jacobi equation
列式哈密顿原理群元素哈密顿函数group comparison 群比较雅可比方程哈密顿group determinant 群行group element
hand 边hamilton principle
group scheme 群概型handle 环柄群空间group space
group theory 群论谐振动harmonic
group of n cycles n循环群hamiltonian
低常数低曲线harmonic curve
群运算group operation
harmonic constant
oscillation 群簇group variety
群速度group velocity heat 热grouping heat conduction 热传导hectoliter
hectometer 百米群论的grouptheoretical
增长growth helicograph 螺旋规38
helicoid 螺旋面hilbert space
微分方程histogram 半连续的直方图hemi continuous
highest weight 最高权helicoidal surface 螺旋面hill differential equation helix 螺旋线希耳希耳伯特空间分类百升groupoid 广群history 履历hemihedry 半对称holding domain 解域hemipyramid 半棱锥体holomorphy hemisphere 半球正则完全性条件完整七面hemispherical holonomic condition 半球面的holonomy hemispherical shape 半球形holonomy group
体homogeneity relation 齐性关系完整群heptagon 七边形homogeneity of variances heptahedron 同方差性hereditary set 遗传集hereditary system of sets homogeneous 均匀的homogeneous element 集的遗传系齐次元素homogeneous equation 齐次方程hermite function
homogeneous function of order k
k 埃尔米特多项式阶齐次函数齐次积分方程hero formula 海伦公式boundary value problem 齐次线性边值问题hermite polynomial
heredity 遗传性homogeneous function 齐次函数埃尔米特函数homogeneous linear
hesse normal form 海赛正规形式homogeneous linear differential equation
齐次线性微分hexagon 六边形方程六面体的, 六边形homogeneous linear transformation hexahedron 六面体齐次线性变换齐次线性变换高速计算机high speed
homogeneous lineare transformation 六四面体hexakistetrahedron
homogeneous hierarchy 分层system of linear equations 齐次线性方程组computer
homogeneous variational problem 齐次变分问题homology equivalence 同等价homology equivalent complex
homology functor 同弹子homomorphism
higher order term 高阶项higher plane curve 同态高次奇异性higher singularity
广义换位子高等代数higher algebra
higher commutator
高等数学higher higher derivative 高阶导数同等价复形高次平面曲线homomorphism theorem 同态定理
homoscedastic 同方差的最大公约homoscedasticity 最大公因子homothetic transformation
highest common divisor
highest common factor 同方差性highest derivative 最高阶导数最高位highest order 相似扩大homothety 相似扩大旋转双曲面horizon 水平线双叶双曲面超上同调水horizontal axis 水平轴hypercohomology hyperboloid of two sheets
horizontal component 水平分量hypercomplex
平面超复数hypercone 超锥面hypercyclic group 超循环群hypercyclide 超四次圆纹曲面双曲线的超椭圆函数超复数horizontal coordinates 水平坐标hypercomplex number horizontal plane
horizontal projection 水平射影hyperconjugation 超共轭horned sphere 角形球hyperarithmetical 超算术的双曲线hyperbola hyperbolic line
超椭圆的hyperbolic automorphism 双曲代换hyperelliptic theta function
双曲函数hyperbolic function
hyperelliptic hyperbolic
hyperelliptic function
integral hyperbolic equation 双曲型方程双曲几何学超椭圆函数hyperbolic geometry
hyperfinite c* algebra 超有限c*hyperbolic involution
hyperbolic motion
双曲对超几何微分方程双曲运动hyperbolic inverse point 双曲逆点合代数hypergeometric differential equation
hypergeometric distribution
平面超几何函数双曲点双曲线轨道hyperbolic point
hyperbolic orbit
hypergeometric function hyperbolic plane 双曲hyperbolic paraboloid 双曲抛物面超几何分布hyperbolic riemann surface 第二类超几双曲型黎曼曲面正弦超几何学何函数hypergeometric function of the second kind
hypergeometric series 双曲正割双曲hyperbolic secant 超几何级数hypergeometry hyperbolic sine
超平面hyperplane hyperbolic spiral 双曲螺线hyperbolic substitution
双曲正切hyperbolic tangent hypocycloid 内摆hyperbolic space 超群hypergroup 双曲空间hyperplane coordinates 超平面坐标双曲代换线hyperbolic tangent function
双曲型组hyperbolic system hyperspace 超空间斜边hypotenuse
假设双曲型hyperbolic type hypothesis
双曲性hyperbolicity hypothetical population
辐圆内旋轮线hyperboloid of one sheet
单叶双曲面iconic model 图象模型icosahedron 二十面体imaginary point
假言总体hypotrochoid hyperboloid 双曲面长短40
洛必达规则i'hospital rule
icosahedral 二十面体的hyperboloid of revolution
imaginary plane 虚平面理想边界虚根虚球ideal class group
理想群虚数单位理想点嵌入素理想嵌入法虚点ideal 理想imaginary root ideal boundary
imaginary sphere 理想类群imaginary unit ideal group
不稳定ideal number 理想数imbedded prime ideal ideal point
嵌入idemfactor 幂等因子imbedding method idempotence law 幂等律幂等律idempotent law imbedding theorem 嵌入定理immeasurability 非可测的immeasurable 不可度量的immediate
直接推理直接的恒等分布的identical relation 恒等关系式identical representation 恒等表示immediate inference identically distributed identical transformation 恒等变换
imperfect field identifiability
implication 蕴涵粘合映射identity 恒等式implicit
differential equation
能识性不完全域implicate 蕴涵identification 同化identification map
隐含的implicit definition identity element 单位元隐定义implicit
恒等函数identity function
隐式微分方程隐微分法identity map 恒等映射implicit differentiation
恒等算子identity operator
当且仅当if and only if
恒等图identity graph
隐函数implicit function
implicit function theorem
ill conditioned 隐函数定理病态的ill conditioned matrix
不适定问题病态阵不可能事件impossible event
ill posed problem 非正常的improper
illusory correlation
象集image set image point 象点improper divergence 非正常发散improper differentiability
假面improper face
产生错觉相关象集image 非正常可微性image space 假分数improper fraction
imaginary axis 虚轴假分数函数象空间improper fractional function 虚数imaginary
反常积分虚虚圆imaginary circle improper function 拟函数椭圆面imaginary ellipsoid improper integral
虚数imaginary number improper integral of the first kind
in terms by terms 逐项地41
第一种反常积分虚部imaginary part
inaccessible boundary point
incompleteness theorem
inconsistency 不一致性incompleteness 不完全性不可达边界点不完全性定理inaccessible element 不可达元素inaccessible number 不可达数inaccessible ordinal 不可达序数inconsistent equations 不相容方程incorrect proposition 错误命题inaccuracy 不精密increase 增加内心incenter 内心incentre
increasing function 增函数英寸inch
increasing progression 递增级数incidence 关联increasing sequence 增序列increasing series 递增级数incidence angle 入射角incidence formula 关联公式关联矩阵incidence matrix increasing transfinite sequence
incidence number 关联数递增超限序列increment 增量incidence relation 关联关系increment of a function
inclined plane
indefinite form include
indefinite integral
不定形式包含included angle 夹角不定积分的inclusion
incircle 内切圆函数的增量inclination 倾斜indefinable 斜面难下定义的不可分解的inclination of a line 直线的倾角indefinite operator 不定算子包含indefiniteness 无定性inclusion functor 包含函子independence 独立包含映射inclusion map
independent events 独立事件inclusion relation 包含关系不能通约incommensurability
不相容性incompatible equations
不完全函数independent variable 自变量independent sampling 独立抽样independent set 独立集incompatibility
independent system 独立系不相容方程incomplete beta function independent tests 独立检验
indeterminacy 不确定性不完全方程incomplete equation
incomplete factorial function indeterminancy principle
测不准原理不完全阶乘函数incomplete gamma function
incomplete induction
不定的不定方程indeterminate equation
indeterminate form 不定式不完全函数indeterminate system of equations 不定方程组解析指数index incomplete polynomial
不完全多项式infinite space
index number 指数42
infinite set 无限集无限空间indirect proof 间接证明infinite system of differential equations indirect
index of a radical 根式的指数sampling 间接抽样无穷微分方程组无穷线性方程组除不尽元素indivisible 除不尽的infinitely continuously
无限次连续可微函数induce 诱导infinite system of linear equations
derivable function indivisible element
infinitely near point 无限接近点induction 归纳induction hypothesis infinitely small 无穷小的归纳假设infinitesimal 无穷小induction method 归纳法infinitesimal analysis 微积分归纳步骤infinitesimal contact transformation
infinitesimal deformation
小形变infinitesimal displacement
无穷小切变换induction variable 归纳变量inductive dimension 归纳维数无穷induction rule 归纳规则infinitesimal calculus 微积分induction step
inductional assumption 归纳假设归纳限inductive limit
归纳系inductive system 无穷小位移infinitesimal generator 无穷小算子inequality constraint
无穷小inequality 不等式infinitesimal operator 不等式约束无穷小刚性无穷小旋转无穷小算子inequality sign 不等号infinitesimal quantity
infinitesimal transformation
推理模型inference pattern
inferior limit 下极限膨胀最大下界infimum
不等边的inequilateral infinitesimal rigidity
inertia 惯性infinitesimal rotation
inertia group 惯性群无穷大infinity
拐渐近线无尽小数infinite interval
inflexional tangent 拐切线infinite
infinite decimal inflexional asymptote
dimensional 无限维的无限矩阵infinite matrix 信息处理infinite of the same order
inhomogeneous coordinates
information processing
inhomogeneous 同阶无穷大非齐次的inhomogeneity 不均匀性无限远点infinite point
infinite product 无穷乘积非齐次坐标无限序列infinite sequence
inhomogeneous equation infinite progression 无穷级数inhomogeneous integral equation
inradius 内径无穷级数infinite series
内接initial 初始的inscribed angle initial condition
内切圆initial data
初始分布初始条件圆周角inscribed circle 原始数据inscribed polygon 内接多边形inscribed quadrangle
initial distribution
初始错误内接四边形initial error
inscribed tetragon initial manifold 初始廖内接四边形inscribed triangle 初相内接三角形inseparable 始点initial point
inseparable degree 不可分次数分元inseparable extension 不可分扩张inseparable polynomial
initial term 初项inside 内部的initial value 初值insoluble equation 不可解方程instability 不稳定性初值定理instability constant 初速度初始顶点initial vertex
insurance mathematics
整数规划整数部分数规划initial phase
不可分的initial position 初始位置inseparable element initial set 始集不可initial solution 初始解initial strip 初始带insertion 嵌入initial state 初态不可分多项式柯问题initial value problem
initial value theorem
不稳定常数initial velocity
单射包络保险injection 单射指令insurance injective envelope
instantaneous velocity 瞬时速度injective mapping 单射instruction word 指令码injective dimension 单射维数injective object 单射对象保险数学inner capacity 内容量integer optimization
内部求导inner derivation integer part
integer programming 内点inner point
inner product module 整数值函数整整数解integer
inner normal 内法线integer polyhedron 整数多面体纯量积inner product integer solution
valued function 内积模可积性integrability
integrability conditions
可积条件入口input 可积的inner product space 内积空间无数innumerability
黎曼可积性无innumerable integrability in the sense of riemann
可积函数integrable function 输入字母input alphabet
输入值input variable integral 积分44
integral transcendental function
整超越函数积分学integral calculus
integral curvature 总曲率integral curve 积分曲线integral transform 积分变换integral vector 积分向量integrand 被积函数integraph 积分仪integral domain 整环integral element 积分元素integral equation 积分方程integrate 积分integral exponential 积分指数integrating factor 积分因子积分公式integral formula
积分轮integral formula of cauchy integrating wheel
integration 积分柯锡分公式integration by parts 分部积分法integration by substitution
代换积分法integral function 整函数integral geometry 积分几何学integral homology group 整同岛integral homology theory
integral ideal
积分不等式逐项积分整同帝integration constant 积分常数integration operator 积分算子整理想integration term by term integral inequality
integration theory 积分论integral invariant 积分不变式integration variable 积分变数logarithm
integral number 整数integrimeter 求积仪integral of a differential equation integro differential
integral kernel 积分核integrator 积分仪积分对数integral
积分微分方程微分方程的积分integro differential operator integral of a function 函数的积分积分算子integral operator
integral point
integral relation 积分关系利率integral representation
interest rate
积分微分算子integral part 整数部分intension 内涵intensity 整点interchange 交换组内相关整有理函数interclass 强度integral rational function
;积分表示整数表示内错角interior 积分符号integral sign 内部积分interference function 干涉函数带integral strip interior alternate angles
内角积分曲面integral surface interior angle
积分表interior approximation
interior boundary problem
内截面测度interior cross sectional measure
内逼近integral table
integral theorem of cauchy 内边值问题柯锡分定理45
integral theorem 积分定理interpolation method 插值法算子插值interior domain 内域interpolation polynomial 内部棱interpolation of operators
interior edge
interior lebesgue measure 插值多项式interpolation problem 插值问题interpolation quadrature formula
interpretater routine interior normal
勒贝格内测度interior mapping 开映射插值求积公式内测度内法线解释程序interior measure
解释interior of domain 域的内部intersect interior opposite angle 内对角交intersect transversally 相交横截interior point 内点intersecting lines 相交线中间微分intermediate field 中间域交intermediate value theorem
介值定理intermediate differential
相交图intersection graph
网络图intermediate value 介值intersection chart
相交重数intersection multiplicity
intersection number 交数intermediate variable 中间变量intersection point 交点内分internal division
内存储器interval 区间internal memory
internal ratio interval algebra
右闭区间间函数interval function
区间图interval graph 二圆的内切线收敛区间interval of convergence
definition 内部顶点internal vertex
区间拓扑国际单位制internally tangent 内切的interval topology
intra class correlation 同类相关同类相关系数intra class correlation coefficient
intransitive group 非可迁群interpenetrating samples 互相负穿样本internal transformation 内点变换定义区间interval of
内比区间代数internal storage 内存储器interval closed at the right区内存储器internal store interval estimation 区域估计internal tangent of two circles
international system of units
interpolate 非可递关系intrinsic geometry
内插样条函数intransitive relation 插值interpolating spline function 内蕴几何学intrinsic property 内蕴性质interpolation 插值intuition 直观直观的插值误差interpolation error intuitive
invariability 不变插值公式interpolation formula
插值函数interpolation function invariable
invariance 不变性inverse mapping
inverse number
逆运算inverse operator
李子群反比inverse proposition 逆命题方程的不变量逆置换逆算子inverse logarithm 反对数逆映射不变的46
inverse matrix invariant 不变式逆阵不变元不变invariance theorem 不变性定理反数invariant continuation 不变开拓inverse operation invariant element
invariant factor 不变因子inverse permutation invariant lie subgroup
inverse problem 逆问题invariant measure 不变测度invariant of an equation inverse proportion
inverse relation 逆关系不变性invariant property
反正割invariant subalgebra
inverse secant invariant set 不变集inverse similarity 逆相似性inverse sine 逆正弦不变子代数invariant subgroup 不变子群invariant test 不变检定invariant theory
inverse spectrum 逆谱invariant subspace 不变子空间inverse square law 平方反比定律inverse system 逆向系不变量理论inverse tangent inventory control 库存管理论反正切inverse theorem 逆定理inverse 逆元inverse transformation 反变换反三角函数反三角函数inverse value 逆值逆对应inverse correspondence
inverse cosecant 逆余割逆余弦inverse cosine
inverse calculation 逆计算inverse trigonometric function inverse circular function
inverse vector iteration 逆向量迭代inversely proportional quantities
逆余切反比例量inverse cotangent
反演inversion 反曲线inverse curve
inversion formula 反演公式fraction
inversion principle
inversion problem
反双曲函数反演定理inversion theorem
inverse function 反函数反演原理inverse hyperbolic function 反演问题inverse element 逆元inversion of a point 点的反演反分数inverse
逆象inverse image 反演器inversor
invert inverse interpolation 逆插法翻转反同构inverse isomorphism 可逆性invertibility
逆等周问题inverse isoperimetric problem
invertible element 可逆元invertible fractional ideal
逆向极限inverse limit 可逆分式理想invertible map 可逆映射isobaric surface 等压面等角多角形isogeny 同种invertible matrix 可逆矩阵isogon invertible operator 可逆算子isogonal 可逆层等角的等角映射involve 包含invertible sheaf
可逆变换invertible transformation isogonal conformal mapping
isogonal conformal transformation
角变换irrational 无理的isogonality irrational equation 无理方程等
isohypse 等压等高线irrational fraction 无理分数isolate irrational function
irrational number 无理数irrationality
孤立素理想isolated singular point 孤立奇点抽数无理函数isolated element 孤立元素isolated point 孤点无理性irreducibility criterion isolated prime ideal
isolated set 离散集不可约性判别准则isolated subgroup 孤立子群不可约元isolated vertex 孤立项点irreducible factor
isometric chart irreducible matrix 不可约阵irreducible 不可约的irreducible element
isometric 同度量的不可约因子irreducible equation 不可约方程等距图irreducible polynomial isometric circle
isometric mapping
证明等距映射等距圆isometric operator irreducible proof 等距算子不可约不可约多项式irreducible quadratic form isometric space
isometric stereogram 等距图不可约二次形式isometric surface
等距映射等距空间rirreducible r module 不可约模等距曲面irreducible set 不可约集同度量度换irreflexive relation
irreflexible 不反射的isometry isometric transformation
非自反关系irreflexively partially ordered set isomorphic
isomorphic field 同构域非自反半序集isomorphic graph 同构图isomorphic image 不规则的不正则的isomorphic map 同构象isomorphic mapping
irregular ; 同构象非正则点irregular point
irregular singular point 同构映射非正则奇点isomorphic partially ordered set irregularity
同构不可逆性irreversibility isomorphism
非正则性同构半序集isomorphism class 同构类不可逆的irreversible
不可逆过程雅可比标准型irreversible process isomorphism condition
同构不变量isomorphism problem 同构问题isomorphism theorems 同构定理isoptic curve 切角曲线同构条件48
jacobi canonical form isomorphism invariant
jacobi criterion 雅可比准则jacobi identity 雅可比恒等式jacobi method 雅可比法isosceles 等腰的isosceles trapezoid 等腰梯形jacobi polynomial 雅可比多项式jacobian 函数行列式isosceles triangle 等腰三角形isotherm 等温线isothermal parameter 等温参数特盏问题的雅可比法等温参jacobian curve 雅可比曲线jacobian matrix 函数矩阵数曲线isothermal parameter curve jacobian method of eigenvalue problem
jacobian variety 雅可比簇isothermal surface 等温曲面jacobson radical 雅讣森根基保序映射isotone mapping
join isotone transformation 保序变换并集joint distribution 联合分布isotone valuation 保序赋值约当代数isotonic injective mapping jordan algebra
jordan automorphism 保序单射映射约当自同构isotonic mapping 保序映射jordan canonical form theorem 约当标准型定理
jordan curve 约当曲线jordan domain
约当可测的迭代约当域jordan measurable iterated function 叠函数jjordan module iterated integral 累积分约当模iterated kernel
iterated limit 迭代极限叠对数iterated logarithm
叠级数iterated series
jordan normal form 约当标准型叠核jordan ring 约当环joukowski function
儒可夫斯基函数judgment iterating 判断重复jump 跳跃iteration 迭代jump function
迭代法iteration method
iteration step
迭代计算连通图迭代法k rational point k有理点特盏问题迭代iterative
跳跃函数迭代循环iteration loop
jump point 跳跃点juxtaposition 并列迭代步k connected graph k iterative computation
k isomorphism kiterative method
method for eigenvalue problems
k samples problem k样本问题法iwasawa decomposition k statistic kk th moment k阶矩伊娃沙娃分解同构统计量雅可比括号lag 延迟jacobi bracket 理论k theory k 49
k vertex connected graph k连通图lagrange bracket
拉格朗日运动方程拉格朗日括号k3 surface k3曲面lagrange equation of motion 卡普兰斯基稠密性定理kaplansky density theorem
kappa curve 曲线kepler equation 开普勒方程拉格朗日插置公式kepler laws 开普lagrange interpolation formula
勒定律lagrange interpolation polynomial
lagrange multiplier 拉格朗日乘子lagrange problem
拉格朗日剩余项公斤lagrange residual term
拉格郎日插值多项式核key 链kernel 核kernel function
keyboard 盘lagrange remainder term 基林形式killing form
动势kinematic potential
kinematics 运动学kinetic energy
knot 纽结lagrange theorem 拉格朗日定理动能lagrangian 拉格朗日算子kinetics 动力学lagrangian function 拉格朗日算子knot complement 结点余空间lagrangian operator 拉格朗日算符laminar 薄层的纽结理论knot theory
kolmogorov criterion 拉普拉斯贝尔特拉米算known number 已知数language of formula
子laplace beltrami operator
laplace distribution 拉普拉斯分布laplace equation 拉普拉斯方程分布laplace expansion theorem
kurtosis 峰态l distribution l
l integral 勒贝格积分l function l函数拉普拉斯展开定理l measurable function large sample analysis 大样本分析large sample test 大样本检验勒贝格可测函数last multiplier l null set l零集最后乘子l'hospital rule 末项last term 洛必达规则
latency 标号图潜在latent labile 潜在的lateral area 侧面积lateral surface
labeled graph
不稳定的实验室坐标系laboratory system of coordinates lateral 横的labyrinth 迷宫侧面介值定理lacation principle latin cube 拉丁立方latitude 缺项性lacunarity 纬度lattice lacunary series 格子间隙级数;格lattice constant
缺项空间lacunary space 点阵常数lattice design 格子设计least squares estimator
最小二乘逼近lattice distribution 格分布最小二乘估计量格同构最小上界lattice function 点阵函数least upper bound lattice isomorphism
lebesgue area 勒贝格面积lattice matrix 点阵矩阵lebesgue decomposition
勒贝格分解交换律law of commutation
lebesgue integrable law of composition
lebesgue integral
演绎定律左连续函数勒贝格积分合成律勒贝格可积的law of deduction
law 法则law of cosines 余弦定律left continuous function
左陪集误差律law of double negation 双重否定律左傍系空间left coset law of errors
排中律law of excluded middle
左导函子惯性律left coset space
指数定律left direct product 迭对数定律左直积left
左导数left derivative law of exponentiation
law of iterated logarithm
left derived functor law of inertia
left differential 左微分divisor 左因子law of large numbers 大数定律law of similarity transformation
子正弦定律law of sines
left end point 左端点相似变换律left exact functor 左正合函左正合性left exactness
left faithful functor law of small numbers 小数定律左一一的函子left hand differentiable function
laws of integral exponents
正切定律law of tangents
整指数定律左边left hand side 左可微函数left handed co ordinate system
左手坐标系衷角线left handed system
首项系数leading coefficient
leading diagonal
leading ideal 猪想左手坐标系知项leading term left isolated point 左孤立点leaf 叶left limit value 左极限值least common denominator
莱布尼兹定理最小公分母莱布尼兹级数leibniz theorem
least common multiple
伯努利双纽线双纽线函数lemniscate function
least significant digit least
leibniz series
least common left/ right multiple
lemniscate 双纽线/左右最小公倍数最小公倍数lemniscate of bernoulli
squares approximation
最小有效数字length 长度51
极限序数切线的长极限点length of arc 弧长limit ordinal number
limit point
型limit relation 向量的长极限关系极限点length of curve 曲线的长limit point type length of tangent
length of vector
limit theorem 极限定理length unit 长度单位limit theorem in probability theory 概率论极限定理lens 透镜limit value less than or equal 小于
或等于极限值limitation 文字限制letter
limited level 水准有界的limited function
limiting point
limiting position
有界函数level curve 阶层曲线limiting distribution level line
level surface
极限分布等高线极限点level plane 水准面极限位置等位面limitless lever 杠杆无界的limits of integration
line 提升定理线积分限提升映射lifting map
lifting theorem
线积分line integral like term 同类项line of curvature 曲率线likelihood 似然line of discontinuity
line of horizon
不连续线似然函数likelihood function
likelihood ratio
似然比值检验交线似然比水平线line of intersection likelihood ratio test
line of nodes limacon of pascal 帕斯卡蚶线交点线limes inferior line of steepest descent 最速下降线下极限line of vector 向量线limes superior 上极限line segment 线段极限limit
linear 线的limit case 极限情况linear acceleration 线性加速度linear algebra limit distribution
极限圆limit circle
极限分布线性代数limit element linear approximation 线性近似极限元linear approximation problem
线性逼近问题点态收敛极linear closure 线性闭包linear combination
限极限函数limit function
limit in the sense of pointwise convergence
有效极限limit of efficiency 线性组合linear convergence 线性收敛linear density 线密度积分极限误差限度limit of error
limit of integration
线性关系右极限limit on the right 线性差分方程linear dependence 比例极限limit of proportionality
linear difference equation
limit on the left 左极限linear differential equation 线性向量函数linear velocity 线速度线性微分方程linear differential equation with constant coefficients linearity
linearization 线性化常系数线性微分方程linearly dependent set 线性相关集linearly dependent system
线性相关集外插线性特盏问题linear extrapolation
线性形式linear form
linear dimension 线性维数线性linear eigenvalue problem
linearly independent set linear equation 线性方程线性无关系线性linearly independent system
线性无关系单应函数linear fractional function
升linear fractional transformation liter
load 载荷线性分式变换local condition linear function 线性函数局部条件
local continuity 局部连续性线性泛函local convergence 线性群局部收敛linear functional
linear group
介值linear homogeneous equation location principle
locus 轨迹线性齐次方程log curve
关linear integral equation logarithm
logarithm table 对数表对数对数曲线linear hull 线性闭包log log paper linear independence 重对数坐标纸线性无线性积分方程线性映射linear map
logarithm to the base 10 常用对数logarithmic 对数的operator
logarithmic curve
数表linear measure 线性测度logarithmic convexity
线性最优化对数曲线linear optimization
对数导数线性最优化问题logarithmic table 对线性常微分方程logic 逻辑线性束linear pencil
logarithmic derivative linear optimization problem
linear ordinary differential equation
logic calculus 逻辑学linear programming 线性规划linear regression logic of relations 关系逻辑线性回归logic product 线性关系linear relationship 合取logic sum 析取logical
悖论logical shift 逻辑移位53
线性空间linear space
linear subspace 线性子空间逻辑的线性子系logical paradox 线性系linear system 逻辑logical operation linear subsystem 逻辑运算线性变换linear transformation
逻辑符号linear vector function logical symbol
mathematical approximation
数学近似法逻辑变量logical variable
longitudinal axis 纵向轴loop 闭路lot 一批low of cosines 余弦定律数学公式mathematical constant 数学常数mathematical expectation 期望值lower approximate limit mathematical formula
mathematical induction数学归纳法mathematical logic 数理逻辑下近似极限lower bound /limit下界lower limit of integration mathematical model
mathematical pendulum 数学摆积分的下极限数学模型lowest common denominator mathematical physics
mathematical programming
mathematical random sample
mathematical statistics 数理统计mathematics 数学弓形lune
计算机语矩阵的秩最小公分母数学物理最低项lowest term
lowest common multiple 数学规划最低公倍数数学随机样本lozenge diagram 菱形图形matricial rank machine word
matrix 矩阵马克劳林展开maclaurin expansion
matrix algebra 矩阵代数maclaurin formula 马克劳林公式matrix analysis 矩阵分析cone
matrix element 映射柱矩阵元mapping cylinder
map 映射mapping 映射matrix calculation 矩阵计算映射锥mapping
mapping function 矩阵方程映射函数mapping norm 映射范数矩阵形式集映射mapping of sets
matrix equation
matrix form
矩阵函数matrix function
matrix inversion
系数矩阵matrix of the transformation
mapping of the boundary 边缘映射矩阵求逆映射空间mapping space 矩阵范数matrix norm
mapping theorem 映射定理matrix of coefficients
mapping transformation 映射变换marginal density 边缘密度变换矩阵matrix unit
mark 记号maximal ideal space 极大理想空间质量mass 极大整环maximal order
边缘分布marginal distribution 矩阵单位marginal distribution function
极大理想maximal ideal
极大元maximal element
边缘分布函数function 最大算子maximal operator
maximal principle
数学分析mathematical analysis maximal separable extension
极大可分扩张mean ordinate
比例中项mean number 平均数平均纵坐标maximal strip 极大带mean proportional maximal tree 最大树生成树mean square 均方极大性maximality
mean square deviation maximin 极大极小mean square of error
极大化序列均方值极大条件平均型误差的均方方差maximization 极大化mean square value maximizing sequence
mean term 内项maximum 最大mean type maximum condition
mean value 平均值maximum deviation 最大偏差平均值法maximum likelihood equations mean value method
mean value theorem 平均值定理极大似然方程mean vector 均值向量measurability 可测性极大似然估计量可测的maximum likelihood estimating function
maximum likelihood estimator measurable
measurable function
可测映射maximum likelihood principle measurable set
measure 测度极大似然法可测函数极大似然估计量maximum likelihood method measurable mapping
可测集maximum number 最大数measure space 测度空间measure theory 函数最大maximum of a function
maximum or minimum condition measure zero
measurement 测量极大或极小条件measuring rule maximum principle
测度论零测度最大点测量误差maximum point measuring error
量尺最大值原理mechanics maximum problem 极大值问题力学median maximum solution
median line maximum term
median point
中位数最大解极大项中线maximum value 中点绝对极大值mediant 中间数mean 平均medium 媒体平均收敛mean convergence
meet mean curvature 平均曲率交meet irreducible element
交不可约元素平均微商平均密度mean density
mean derivative
mega mean deviation 兆平均偏差member 项mean difference 平均差平均误差mean error member of an equation 方程的端边55
平均寿命mean life 存储器memory
memory capacity 存储容量metric subspace 度量子空间量化mid square method
纯函数中点meromorphy 亚纯millimeter 毫米mesh point 网格点mesh size
极小元素平方取中法中垂线mental arithmetic 心算middle term meridian 子午线中项亚metric space 度量空间memory cell 存储单元metrization memory register 存储寄存器度meromorphic differential 亚纯微分midpoint meromorphic function
midrange 中列数million 百万网格大小minimal basis
minimal disjunctive normal form
minimal element 近似法method of approximation
method of artificial variables minimum
minimum condition
minimum modulus
最小模原理特者法最小数极小条件人工变量法最小method of balayage 扫除法最小模minimum modulus principle method of characteristic curves
minimum number method of comparison 比较法method of conjugate gradients minimum
of a function 函数的最小minimum point 共轭梯度法minimum principle
极小点method of elimination
method of difference 差分法极小原理minimum problem 极小问题消元法minimum solution 极小解minimum value 最小值minkowski inequalities
method of estimation 估计法有限元法method of finite elements
method of fractional steps 分步法闵可夫斯基不等式偏method of
integration of partial differential equations
minkowskian addition/ space
间minkowskian linear combination
minuend 度量metric 被减数minus infinity
minus mark
负无穷大度量系数metric coefficient
metric connection 度量联络负号度量形式miscalculation form normal metric of 计算误差;计算误差二次method of power series 幂级数法闵可夫斯基线性组合米metre
微分方程的积分法闵可夫斯基加法/迭代法method of iteration 空minute metric form 分形式的度量56
form quadratic
可能持续时间mixed concomitant
标准形式混合mixed area 混合面积most probable value 最常见的值混合相伴式most stringent test 最紧迫检验mixed distribution 混合分布motion 运动mixed graph 混合图形
motion equation 运动方程mixed group 混合群movable singularity 可移奇点混合理想movement 运动mixed number 带分数mixed partial derivative moving arm
moving average 移动平均混合偏导数moving average method mixed problem 混合问题移动平均法mnemonics
mixed side condition 混合边条件移动臂mixed ideal
mrkoff process 马尔可夫过程助记mu continuity mobility 可动性连续性连续函数modality logics 模态逻辑mu integrable 可积分mode 众数mu continuous function
mu measurable 可测的振动模式mode of vibration
奇异model of moving means mu singular
multidimensional space 多维空间移动平均模型multigroup model test 模型试验超群多重线性形式model theory 模型理论modern geometry 近世几何学multinomial modification 多项multilinear form
式变形multilinear function 多重线性函数multinomial coefficient
多项式系数边界模模modulo 模module
module of boundaries
;modulus 绝对值模多项分布modus tollens
multinomial distribution
multinomial expansion 多项展开式否定式moment 矩多项级数multinomial series
矩量矩阵moment matrix
数multiple decision problem
问题moments method 多重棱亡率mortality rate
multinomial theorem 多项式定理moment of force 力矩multiple 倍moment of inertia 惯性矩moment of momentum 动量矩多重判定multiple edge 矩量法multiple fourier series 动量momentum
被乘数multiplicand 死空间montel space 多重傅里叶级数morphism 射multiple root 多重根死亡率表mortality table multiplication
multiplication sign
法定理元集重扩张乘号n维行向量乘最most probable duration multiplication operator 乘n dimensional simplex n 单形multiplication table 九九表n element set nmultiplication theorem 乘n fold extension n乘法的multiplicative
角积闭集n th member multiplicator
重数乘数第n项n gon n乘法公理multiplicative axiom
n graph n 图multiplicatively closed set
n th power operation n次幂运算multiplicity
n th root n次根根的重数数寄存器n 乘次连续可微的multiplicity of a root
multiplier register 乘multiply
次连续可multiply connected domain/region多连通区域n th term 乘群第n项;multiplier 乘数n times continuously differentiable
n times continuously differentiable function n微函数多元分布计重连通域multivariate distribution
multivariate distribution function
nmultivariate statistics
组n tuple n n tuply connected domain 多元分布函数多元统multivector 多重矢量n universal bundle n通用丛nabla mutual information 交互信息倒三角算
子nabla calculation 倒三角算子计算互不相交的mutually disjoint events
mutually disjoint
互不相交事件natural boundary 自然边界nabla operator 倒三角算子natural boundary condition mutually disjoint subsets
互不相交子集互相独立事件自然边界条件mutually independent events 固有频率natural frequency
自然几何natural geometry
natural injection myria 万自然单射无数的myriad 自然等价natural isomorphism
自然语言n ary relation nnatural logarithm 元关系自然对数自然数n connected space n连通空间n dimensional column vector
无数myriads natural language
natural mapping 自然映射natural number
固有振荡维列向量nnatural oscillation
naught 零维欧几里得空间nnecessary and sufficient conditions
必要条件necessary condition
n dimensional row vector negation 否定58
负角网络潦题n dimensional euclidean space
必要充分的条件n dimensional rectangular
necessity 维长方体parallelepiped n必然性negation sign/symbol否定符号network analysis 网络分析network 网络negative 负数network flow problem negative angle
网络矩阵negative binomial distribution network matrix
neutral element 零元素负二项分布neutral line
面negative definite quadratic form neutral point
newton formula 负定二次形式newton identities
negative number
牛顿插值多项式负算子negative operator
newton method 负电阻negative parity
newton potential 牛顿位势mechanics 牛顿力学nice function 佳函数否定特称命题nil ideal
向旋转nilalgebra 半负定的negative semidefinite
negative semidefinite form nilpotency
nilpotent algebra 幂零代数nilpotent element 幂零元素半负定型零理想牛顿恒等式牛顿公式中线negative correlation 负相关neutral plane negative definite form 负定型中性平中性点negative function 负函数newton interpolation polynomial 负数牛顿法negative particular proposition newtonian negative part 负部分negative proposition 否定命题nil radical 幂零根基negative rotation 反时针方幂零代数幂零nilpotent 幂零negative semidefinite quadratic form 半负定二次形式nilpotent
group 幂零群negative sign 负号negligible quantity 幂零矩阵可除量neighborhood 邻域幂零根基邻域基neighborhood base
邻域滤子neighborhood filter
nilpotent radical
九点圆nine point circle
niveau line
等位面niveau surface
交点线nilpotent matrix
neighborhood basis 邻域基等位线neighborhood space 邻域空间nodal line neighborhood system nodal point 节点邻域系node 节点邻域拓扑neighborhood topology
算图邻近项点neighboring vertex nomogram
非加性nerve 神经non additivity
区间套nested intervals non countable set 不可数集曲线网net of curves
net non critical point 非奇点网网格函数net function 不可数的non denumerable
non denumerable set 不可数集直线网net of lines non oriented graph 无向图non parametric test 无分布检验normal distribution 正态分布normal distribution function
分布函数normal form 标准型非相对性近似normal basis theorem 正规基定理non rational function 无理分数non relativistic approximation 正态normal form problem 标准形问题non reversibility 不可逆性normal mapping 正规映射normal matrix 正规矩阵normal number 正规数non steady state 不稳定状态non symmetric 非对称的non symmetry 非对称non zero sum game 非零和对策normal operator 正规算子nonabsolutely convergent series normal order 良序normal plane 法面非绝对收敛级数normal population nondegeneracy 非退化normal probability paper
正态概率纸正态总体疏集nondense set
nondenumerability 不可数性高斯过程nonexistence 不存在性normal sequence 正规序列非齐性normal process
normal series 非齐次的nonhomogeneous 正规列正规空间nonhomogeneous linear boundary value problem normal space
normal surface 法曲面非齐次线性边值问题normal vector 法向量equation 非齐次线differential nonhomogeneous linear
normality 性微分方程正规性标准化正规化非线性方程nonhomogeneous linear system of differential equations normalization
normalization theorem 正规化定理nonlinear equation
normalized function
化向量非负除数规范化函数nonnegative divisor
非负数normalized vector 非空真子集正规非齐次线性微分方程组normalize
normalized variate nonnegative number
nonvoid proper subset
正规化变量normed algebra 赋范代数非空集nonvoid set
nonzero vector 非零向量normed space 赋范线性空间范数normed linear space 赋范线性空间norm
notation norm axioms 范数公理记法notation free from bracket
无括号记号阵的范数notion 概念范形式norm form
norm of a matrix
向量的模norm of vector
nowhere dense norm topology 范拓朴无处稠密的nowhere dense set normal 无处稠密点集正规算法normal algorithm 零nought
null class 零类oblique angle 斜角oblique angled 斜角的null divisor 零因子oblique circular cone null hypothesis 虚假设斜圆锥
oblique circular cylinder 零线斜圆柱null line
oblique cone 斜圆锥null point 零点observable 可观测的空集null set
零解可观测分量零变换观测函数observable component null solution
observation 零系观测null system
observation function null transformation
observational error 观测误差null vector 零向量observer number 数观察器观测员obstruction 障碍number field 数域obtuse 钝的数区间number interval
钝角number sequence
obtuse angle 数值轴number line
obtuse triangle 钝角三角形number notation 数记法octant 卦限数列octuple number set 数集八倍的odd 奇的数系number system
odd dimensional space 奇维空间odd number numeration 计算奇数odd parity 负电阻分子one dimensional 一维的numerator
numerical 数值的数值算法numerical algorithm
numerical determinant
equations linear solution numerical of
数值稳定性numerical stability
number theory 数论odd function 奇函数数变量number variable
one dimensional boundary value
problem 数字行列式一维边值问题one dimensional differential
equation 一维微分方程one figure 单位的one sided continuity
线性方程组的数值解法one dimensional space 一维空间numerical table 数表one sided 单侧的数值numerical value
numerical value equation 数值方程单侧连续性one sided derivative 章动nutation 单边导数O
one term 单项的one to many correspondence
一对多对应射one to one 一对一的61
对象变数object variable 一对多映object language 对象语言one to many mapping
客观分析objective analysis
one to one correspondence 目标函数objective function
控制optimal disjunctive normal form 一一序列最优析取范式one to one sequence
opposition 对立最佳的one to one mapping 一一映射optimal control one to one relation 一一关系最优optimality 单值的one valued 最优性optimalization problem
最优化问题单值函数one valued function
onevaluedness 单值性onto hpmpmprphism 满射同态onto mapping 满射工序的最优化open base 开底optimization 最优化optimization of scheduling
optimization problem 最优化问题open cover 开覆盖optimum 最佳open interval 开区间open map
open mapping theorem
optimum conditions 最优条件开映射optimum programming 最优规划开映射定理
最优解optimum solution open neighborhood
任意抽样开有序集optional selection 任意抽样开邻域轨道operand
open ordered set optional sampling
open set 开集orbit 运算对象operating characteristic 运算特征order function 序函数order of a differential equation
of an infinitesimal
order 次数order bounded set 运算operation 有序有界集有序区间order interval 运筹学operational research
算子operator 微分方程的阶无穷小的阶order
operational 运算的operations research 运筹学operator algebra 算子代数算子域operator domain operator
equation 算子方程逼近的阶收敛的阶order of approximation
order of convergence 算子函数operator function
operator homomorphism 算子同态order of infinity 无穷大的阶算order of infinities 无穷大的阶子同构operator isomorphism
order of magnitude
逆的位数operator method 符号法绝对值的阶反对oppose 多项式的阶order of
order of units opposite
零点的阶对边opposite sides order relation 序关系序order of zero point 对角opposite angles
单群导号opposite sign order simple group
反向向量order statistic
orthogonal expansion
正交函数展开顺序统计量opposite vector
对顶opposite vertex order type 有序型62
ordinal 序数ordinal number 序数orthogonal functions 正交函数orthogonal groups 正交群ordinal number class 序数类ordinary
正交多项式展开正交多项式orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵导常的ordinary differential equation orthogonal polynomial expansion
orthogonal polynomials
orthogonal series 正交级数常微分方程常微分算子正交空间ordinary differential operator
ordinary dirichlet series orthogonal space
orthogonal subspaces 正交子空间狄利克雷级数ordinary integral element orthogonal substitution
orthogonal sum 寻常积分元素orthogonal system 正交系正交和线性常微分方程ordinate axis 纵轴正交正交代换ordinary linear differential equation
独立检验orthogonal tests ordinate 纵坐标orthogonal transformation
变换orient 定向orthogonal vectors 定向正交向量orientation
oriented element 有向元orthogonality
列正交性orthogonality of lines
space orthogonality relation
行正交性orthogonality rows origin 坐标的原点正交化过程正交化过程ortho pinacoid
orthonormal basis orthocenter 垂心标准正交基orthonormalization 垂心的orthocentric 标准正交化orthonormalization process
orthonormalized basis 正交基orthogonal basis
orthogonalization procedure 坐标的原点orthogonalization process
origin of coordinates
正投影法orthography 正交平行双面original 初始的正交性有向直线oriented line orthogonality of columns
oriented oriented plane 有向平面行正交性正交关系有向空间标准正交化过程正交圆orthogonal circle 标准正交化基
orthogonal complement 正交补振动orthogonal coordinate system
正交坐标系振动方程oscillation equation oscillation 振动orthogonal coordinates oscillation function
oscillation of a function
正交坐标振动函数orthogonal decomposition
oscillation theorem 振动定理parallel curve
的平行位移parallel edge
平行棱平行曲线parallel coordinates 平行坐标oscillatory 振动的parallel displacement osculation 密切osculatory 密切outdegree 出度outer 外部的parallel line outer diameter 外径平行线outer lebesgue measure parallelotope 超平行体平行outer direct product 外直积勒贝格外测度parallels of latitude 纬度线parameter 参数外测度parametric curvature
parametric curve
直积参数方程outer measure
outer point 外点参数曲率outer product 外积parametric equation outer semidirect product 外半参数曲线parametric estimation 参数估计输出parametric hypothesis
output alphabet 输出字母表参数假设parametric representation outside 外部参数表示parent population 母体outward normal 外法线pairwise independent events parenthesis 圈括弧parenthesize 引入括弧内互相独立事件parity 抛物线parabola 奇偶性parted hyperboloid parabolic coordinates 抛物线坐标双叶双曲面parabolic curve
parabolic cylinder 抛物柱面偏导数partial 部分的抛物曲线partial carry 部分进位parabolic cylinder function partial derivative
partial difference
偏差分方程抛物柱面函数偏差partial difference equation parabolic differential equation
抛物型微分方程parabolic folium partial difference quotient 偏差商抛物叶形线partial differential
偏导数parabolic orbit 抛物线轨道偏微分抛物点parabolic point partial differential coefficient
paradox 悖论partial differential equation paradoxical 荒谬的偏微分方程paradoxical set 不合理集合一阶偏微分方程partial differential equation of first order
parallel 平行线视差位移parallactic displacement
partial differential equation of hyperbolic type parallel angle
axiom 平行公理partial differentiation
partial functor
平行体parallel body 偏微分法平行圆parallel circle 部分函子partial graph 部分图pentagonal number
sum 部分和五角星pentagon 五角形五角数partial linear differential equation 线性偏微分方程pentagram partial