2024年2月24日发(作者:vivo apex 2020)
常见外观缺陷中英文对照表Chinese&Engilish Comparision Table For General Visual Defects中文名称 管脚长 脱脚 弯脚角度大 弯脚角度小 元件插反 元件插错 元件漏插 元件损伤 元件压铜皮 按键不良 按键装反 表盖刮伤 包焊 标签不良 标签刮伤 标签漏 标签来料不良 标签模糊 标签填错 标签贴错 标签贴反 标签贴偏 标签贴斜 标签有气泡 标签脏污 有灰尘 板响 保险管夹松 变压器断线 插错 初,次级绕反 贴反 次级对磁蕊短路 初级短路 次级短路 初级断线 次级断线 初级胶带破 次级胶带破 初级圈数多 初级圈数少 次级圈数少 次级圈数多 次级绕错匝数 插破侧盖 插破骨架 超声波压伤 磁头装反 错位 磁芯不干净英文名称lead longlead pull offlead bend angle biglead bend angle smallcomponent insert inversecomponent insert wrongmissing componentcomponent damagedcomponent press padkeystroke no clickkeystroke assemble inversesurface cover scratchexcess solderlabel NGlabel scratchmissing labelincoming label NGlabel vaguefill wronly in labellabel stick wronglylabel stick inverselabel stick with offsetlabel stick leanlabel with air bulblabel dirtydustboard with noisefuse clip loosewire of transformer breakdowninsert wronglyinversemounting inversesecondary short to magnetprimary circuit shortsecondary circuit shortopen circuit in primaryopen circuit in secondarytape damage in primarytape damage in secondaryexcessive primary wrapinsufficient primary wrapinsufficient secondary wrapexcessive secondary wrapis wrongside cover breakbobbin breakultrasonic press injurymagnetic core inversewrong positionmagnetic core dirty中文名称 屏蔽罩击穿 PCB不清洁 PCB变形 PCB来料不良 PCB线路不良 PCB有裂/缺 批峰 破损 偏移 气泡 其它 日期印漏 日期印错 日期印模糊 绕线交叉 绕组不均匀 绕组错 输出插头松 手插管脚长 手插管脚短 输出.输入线破损 少插跳线 输出线断 输出线内部错位 输出线头断 手插元件插错 手插元件插反 手插元件多插 手插元件高 手插元件漏插 手插元件损伤 少垫片 上盖变形 少件 高件 红胶溢出 竖件 少锡 元件氧化 元件虚焊 元件短路 元件贴反 元件翘起 元件损伤 元件偏移 元件翻面 元件多贴 元件漏贴 元件脱落 输入插头松英文名称shield breakdownPCB dirtyPCB deformationIncoming PCB NGCircuit NG on PCBPCB crack/flawburrdilapidationshiftair bulbothersmissing date code stampwrong date code stampdate code stamp vaguewrap wire crosswrap no evencoil wrongoutput plug looseM/I lead longM/I lead shortoutput&input wire damegedmissing jumper wireoutput wire openoutput wire wrong insideoutput wire head breakdownM/I component wrongM/I component inverseM/I component excessiveM/I component highmiss M/I componentM/I component damagelack of gasketupper case deformationlack of componentcomponent raise upred adhesive overflowcomponent stand upinsufficient soldercomponent oxidizeempty soldercomponent short circuitcomponent mount inversecomponent lift upcomponent damagecomponent excursioncomponent turnoverexcessive componentmissing componentcomponent break offinput plug loosePage 1 of 3
常见外观缺陷中英文对照表Chinese&Engilish Comparision Table For General Visual Defects中文名称 磁芯破 磁芯松动 磁芯套变形 插座不良 插针漏插 插座破 插针倾斜 插针少 插针松动 插针歪 对地短路 多垫片 电感倾斜 钉刮伤 打胶不良 短路 钉来料不良 垫片破损 多锡 多元件,数量多 断柱 底座划伤 缝隙过大 盖板断扣 高件 管脚短 骨架断钉 管脚长 骨架开裂 管脚连铜线 骨架破损 骨架烫伤 挂锡 光学盒断裂 焊错位 焊点不良 盒座刮伤 后盖划伤 焊接不良 盒内有响声 簧片不清洁 簧片刮伤 簧片来料不良 簧片松 焊盘氧化 焊盘有绿油 盒座变形 盒座来料不良 盒座烫伤 盒座装反英文名称magnetic core breakmagnetic core loosedeformationsocket NGmiss inserting connectorconnector breakconnector bentlack of connectorconnector looseconnector twistshort to groundexcessive gasketinductor bentscratched by nailadd adhesive NGshort circuitincoming nail NGwasher damagedexcessive solderexcessive partscolumn breakbase scratchbig gapthe buckle of top case brokencomponent raise upshort leadbobbin with broken naillongleadbobbin cracklead connect with copper wirebobbin brokenbobbin scaldpending solderoptics box brokensolder wrong positionsolder NGbox base with scratchback cover with scratchdefective soldernoise in boxspring dirtyspring scratchincoming spring NGspring loosepad oxidizepad with green oilbox base deformationincoming box base NGbox base scaldbox base assemble inverse中文名称 输入线头断 上下盒不吻合 丝印不良 贴错 贴反 套管破 套管松脱 脱焊 条码不能扫描 铜箔断 铜箔短路 铜箔开路 元件掉件 元件贴翻 烫伤&刮伤 跳铜皮 跳线断 铜线露出 无标记 外壳划伤 外壳沾有异物 未露管脚 无输出 未上锡 线包不良 线包大 小板坏 线不良 线插错 线断 矽钢片变形 矽钢片多插 矽钢片松 矽钢片少插 矽钢片氧化 线刮伤 线焊反 线路割错 锡裂 线路划伤 线路开/断路 线路露铜 线路没割断 线路起泡 线没接好 线内部开路 线破皮 线圈变形 线头长 线头短英文名称input wire head breakdownthe upper case can't match lowercasesilkscreen NGmount wonglymount inversesleeve tube breaksleeve tube peel offsolder peel offbarcode can't be scannedcopper foil brokencopper foil shortcopper foil opencomponent fall offcomponent mount inversescald&scratch,copper pad peel offjump wire break offcopper wire come outno markcase scatchedcase with foreign bodyleads hideno outputno solderwrap NGwrap bigsmall board damagewire NGwire insert wronglywire break offlamination deformationinsert excessive laminationslamination looseinsufficient laminationlamination oxidizewire scratchedwire solder inversecircuit cut wronglysolder crackcircuit scratchedcircuit opencopper out of wirecircuit no cut offcircuit blisterwire connect no wellwire open insideinsulation of wire brokencoil deformationwire head longwire head shortPage 2 of 3
常见外观缺陷中英文对照表Chinese&Engilish Comparision Table For General Visual Defects中文名称 盒座脏污 胶带少缠 加工反 假焊 结合缝大 金脚上锡 镜面污点 键盘坏 金手指长短不一 金手指划伤 金手指上锡 金手指脏 绝缘片破 绝缘片歪 绝缘线破 接触不良 刻度盘刮伤 刻度盘黑点 刻度盘印刷不良 开关刷变形 控制面板划伤 滤波器响 LCD多划 LCD少划 漏插&漏贴 漏灌胶 冷焊 漏焊 漏件 来料不良 螺丝不良 螺丝打错 螺丝漏打 螺丝没打紧 连铜皮 连锡 连锡致短路英文名称box base dirtytape wrap insufficientlymanufacture inversevoid solderconnective gap is biggold foot wih soldermirror surface with spotkeyboard brokrnvariancegold finger scratchgold finger with soldergold finger dirtyinsulative sheet brokeninsulative sheet bentinsulative wire brokencontact NGdial scratchdial maculadial print NGswitch brush deformationcontrol panel scratchfilter with noiseLCD with excessive displayLCD with insufficient displaymiss insertion/mountingmissing filling gluecold soldermiss solderingmiss componentincoming material NGscrew NGwrong screwmiss screwno fasten screw tightlyconnect with copper foilsolder bridgesolder bridge to short中文名称 线烫伤 线脏污 锡珠&锡渣 有灰尘 溢胶 元件表面脏污 元件变形 元件成型反 元件脚插错位 元件脚断 元件开路 元件内部短路 元件内部开路 元件破损 元件贴错 元件贴歪 元件用错 元件一脚未插入路 元件装反 元件阻值偏差 有亮点 压伤 压铜皮 有响声 异物 支架未装到位 针孔(锡孔) 磁芯间有间隙 装配不良 扎线不符合要求 总装错误 绿油掉 绿油起泡 漏装绝缘片 漏装塑胶上壳 漏装磁芯 尼龙盖破英文名称wire scaldwire dirtysolder ball&solder residuedustadhesive overflowcomponent surface dirtycomponent deformationcomponet moulding inverselead insert to wrong positionlead brokencomponent opencomponent short insidecomponent open insidecomponent damagedpart mount wronglypart mount inclinewrong componentone of lead no insertcomponent short with heat sinkcomponent assemble inverseresistor value deviationlight dotpress injurypress copper foilwith noiseforeign bodybracket don't be fixed correctlysoldering holegap between magnetic coresassemble NGtie out of requirementfinal assemble NGgreen oil peel offgreen oil blistermiss assembling insulative sheetcasemiss assembling magnetic corenylon cover brokenPage 3 of 3