There are many ways to communicate today compared to fifty or sixty years ago. Not that I’ve
lived long enough to have experienced what we had back then, but I’ve read about the
challenges of those days to communicate compared to today’s communication connecting
more people in the shortest amount of time possible. This can be good and bad.
I enjoy writing as a way to communicate, it enables me to take time to sit down and put on
paper my thoughts and intentions, it’s tangible. It’s something you can read over and over
again, it can be treasured.
The phone is another way of communication I utilize but not as frequently; I use it mainly
for business purposes or for personal calls that need immediate attention.
E-mail is yet another way to communicate which I also utilize for business and to send a
written message I need to deliver right away. I don’t waste much time on chain letters. I like
to receive personal messages instead of forwarded messages even though some of them are
Visits and get-togethers are the ones I enjoy the most, all your senses get involved on this
one and you can feel the warmth of those who interact in a given place. I wish I could visit
more frequently but time and distance sometimes prevents it. I need to make a big effort to
create time to make it happen on a regular basis.
The way we communicate and with whom has a lot to do with the level of comfort we feel with
each other. Some people attract more sincere conversations than others just because they are
not uptight and judgmental about every little thing you say. Others keep you at bay because
they are shut down inside from the rest of the world. Others seem to be opened but try to
analyze you or get to know you but it’s only to attack you, to find faults and flaws. While you are
talking to them they are trying to figure out “your intentions” according to their own
perceptions disregarding yours. Those, I’m afraid to say, don’t get much communication with
others either, especially from me.
1. tangible/ˈtæn.dʒə.bl ̩/ adjective可触摸的, 可触知的, 有形的tangible evidence; tangible
2. treasure /ˈtreʒ.ə r / /-ɚ/ verb [ T ] 重视; 珍惜; 珍视; 珍爱; 珍重; 珍藏;视为珍宝似得treasure memories of; most treasured possessions
utilize, UK usuallyutilise/ˈjuː.tɪ.laɪz/ /-t ̬əl.aɪz/ verb [ T ] formal利用, 使用
forward /ˈfɔː.wəd/ /ˈfɔːr.wɚd/verb
[ T ] 发送; 转寄forward a mail to
I enjoy – as a way to communicate
The – is another way of communication I utilize
–is yet another way to communicate which I utilize for
– is/are the one(s) I enjoy the most
The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. E-mail has been the most rapidly adopted
form of communication ever known. Less than two decades ago, not many people had heard of it.
Now, many of us e-mail instead of writing letters or even calling people on the phone. People around
the world send out billions of e-mail messages every day.
But sometimes even e-mail isn't fast enough. You might not know if a person you want to e-mail is
online at that moment. Also, if you're e-mailing back and forth with someone, you usually have to
click through a few steps. This is why instant messaging (IM) has become so popular.
With IM, you can keep a list of people you interact with. You can IM with anyone on your buddy list
or contact list as long as that person is online. You type messages to each other into a small window
that shows up on both of your screens.
Most IM programs provide these features:
Instant messages - Send notes back and forth with a friend who is online
Chat - Create a chat room with friends or co-workers
Web links - Share links to your favorite Web sites
Video - Send and view videos, and chat face to face with friends
Images - Look at an image stored on your friend's computer
Sounds - Play sounds for your friends
Files - Share files by sending them directly to your friends
Talk - Use the Internet instead of a phone to actually talk with friends
Streaming content - Real-time or near-real-time stock quotes and news
Mobile capabilities - Send instant messages from your cell phone
IM capabilities have greatly expanded in recent years. Most services offer file-sharing, and AOL,
Yahoo!, Google and MSN have integrated IM service with e-mail service, so users can receive e-mail
notifications while instant messaging. Many providers also allow users to IM and file-share from their
cell phones and mobile devices, allowing access to their services any place, any time. A Google Talk
user can archive IM conversations and also drag files and folders directly onto the chat window, with
photos showing up instantly in their friend's chat window. Windows Live Messenger allows
instant-messaging between Xbox 360 gamers. Personalization capabilities have exploded, with IMers
able to customize personal icons, screen interfaces and greetings.
Most IM programs, including Windows Live Messenger and Google Talk, allow users to talk just as
you would over a telephone, and some offer video-chat capabilities. (For more information, see our
article on Voice over Internet Protocol technology.)
Several free utilities combine various services. Trillian provides a centralized location for AIM, ICQ,
Windows Live, Yahoo! Messenger and IRC contacts. All contacts are shown in the same window, with
different-colored circles representing each service. Trillian's "metacontact" feature displays one entry
in the contact list for people with multiple IM memberships, and it's the only multiservice client that
offers video-chat capabilities (although you'll have to shell out $25 for a Pro membership).
Users of Pidgin can IM, transfer files and share photos with contacts in AIM, ICQ, IRC, Google Talk,
Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger. Its "Buddy Pounce" feature sends notifications
when selected contacts change their online status or send IMs. Universal IM providers Meebo and
eBuddy are Web-based, meaning they don't require a software download. eBuddy also offers a
version of its service for cell phones. Friends IMing on Qnext, which works with all the major IM
providers, can listen to each other's music files without having to download them.
The future of instant messaging is very bright. All of the utilities described in this article continue to
be updated by their owners, and IM providers continue to collaborate on allowing more interfaces
between users of their services. Business users can now have virtual conferences and collaborate on
projects very easily. If you have not tried IM, you're missing out on a whole new world of
Social media describes websites that allow users to share content, media, etc. Common
examples are the popular social networking sites like Friendster, Facebook, MySpace, etc.
Social media also includes YouTube, Photobucket, Flickr, and other sites aimed at photo and
video sharing. News aggregation and online reference sources, examples of which are Digg
and Wikipedia, are also counted in the social media bucket.
News Corporation (NWS) owns MySpace, the most-viewed website in the world. It
also purchased Photobucket, a photo-sharing website.
Yahoo! (YHOO) has been making moves to enter the social media segment. Its Flickr
photo-sharing website and 360 social networking sites are examples of this.
Google (GOOG) purchased YouTube, a leading online video sharing website.
Microsoft (MSFT) announced a minority $240 million investment in Facebook in late
October, valuing the company at an estimated $5 to $15 billion overall.
AOL announced on March 2008 the $850 million purchase of Bebo. At the time, Bebo
was the third largest social networking site behind MySpace and Facebook in terms of
page views and unique monthly visitors, both key metrics for online advertising
In a recent discussion about another post I wrote, a commenter argued that the art of
following-up was degrading as a result of the information overload that social media has
created. While it is true that social media has pushed our ability to manage and monitor
information to capacity, I disagree that it’s harder to follow-up. I think the problem is that
people are still learning how to adapt to social media and the connections it enables.
Social networking will never replace traditional networking. Instead it complements
traditional networking, allowing us to stay more visible to our network, and be more aware of
what’s going on with our network. Yes, more aware, because we may learn things about
people we network with on a regular basis that we didn’t know…little details, but ones that can
help us help them.
The concept and practice of following up really comes down to caring enough about your
network to follow-up and just as importantly having multiple strategies in place to help you
follow up. If people are finding it harder to follow-up in a social media environment, it’s because
they probably don’t have a comprehensive strategy for how they will use social media to help
them follow-up, and they may not be very organized in general when it comes to following up.
The first strategy I recommend is to simplify your existing system of following up. For example,
you probably only really need one business card from each of your networking partners. Instead
of getting lots and lots of cards from the same person keep one and when you want to refer
someone to that person get the phone number and email off the card and share it with that
With social media sites, develop strategies that help you use those sites and also help you follow
up with people. Some of that will involve writing personal notes to people you connect with and
some of it will also involve recognizing how to use different sites to be proactive in your
connections and following up. For example a retweet can function as a follow up. A reply can as
well, and making an effort to comment on what other people are saying can also serve as
Managing and monitoring your social media through applications such as tweetdeck will also
help you with your follow-up efforts, because you’ll be able to track when people have replied to
you, making it easier for you to continue the conversation.
Follow-up doesn’t have to be impossible in a social media world. Yes, it’s true that we have more
information available to us than ever before, but it’s also true that we also have more means to
track that information and act on it. Most importantly, networking is successful when you
have an organized methodology for doing it and following-up is part of that methodology. If
you are having trouble following-up, it’s time to look at what you are doing so you can revise
your process accordingly.
1. network /ˈnet.wɜːk/ /-wɝːk/ noun [ C ]关系网;人际网;相互关系(或配合)的系统;verb将…连接成网络telephone network; distribution network; a network of –/a – network; networked to;a
good opportunity to do some networking
social networking sites (SNS)/social media
aggregate/ˈæg.rɪ.gət/ noun [ C or U ] verb [ T ](使)聚集aggregation/ˌæg.rɪˈgeɪ.ʃə
n/ noun [ U ]
segment /ˈseg.mənt/ noun [ C ] 业务板块
metric/ˈmet.rɪk/ adjective
overload /ˌəʊ.vəˈləʊd/ /ˌoʊ.vɚˈloʊd/ verb [ T ]使超载, 使过载,使(计算机)超载运行,使(电路)超负荷; noun过多;过量;超负荷[ C or U ] information overload
proactive/ˌprəʊˈæk.tɪv/ /ˌproʊ-/adjective积极主动的;主动出击的;先发制人的
application /ˌæp.lɪˈkeɪ.ʃə
n/ noun 应用程序;应用软件
9. view/vjuː/noun看;浏览量
10. methodology/ˌmeθ.əˈdɒl.ə.dʒi/ /-ˈdɑː.lə-/ noun [ C or U ](从事某一活动的)一套方法,原则
Social media has pushed our ability to manage and monitor information to capacity.
Social networking will never replace traditional networking.
Allow us to stay more visible to our network, and be more aware of what’s going on with our
Managing and monitoring your social media through applications.
Networking is successful when you have an organized methodology for doing it.