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DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针)
DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针)
DiO即DiOC18(3),全称为3,3′-dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate,是最常用的细胞膜荧光探针之一,呈现绿色荧光。DiO是一种亲脂性膜染料,进入细胞膜后可以侧向扩散逐渐使整个细胞的细胞膜被染色。
DiO的分子式为C53H85ClN2O6,分子量为881.72,CAS number为34215-57-1。
DiO 被广泛用于正向或逆向的,活的或固定的神经等细胞或组织的示踪剂或长期示踪剂(long-term tracer)。DiO通常不会明显影响细胞的生存力(viability)。DiO对于细胞膜染色的荧光强度通常要低于DiI,有时对于某些经过固定的组织的染色效果欠佳。
DiO除了最简单的细胞膜荧光标记外,还可以用于检测细胞的融合和粘附,检测发育或移植过程中细胞迁移,通过FRAP(Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching)检测脂在细胞膜上的扩散,检测细胞毒性和标记脂蛋白等。
DiO (细胞膜绿色荧光探针)
1. Ma Y, Zhuang Y, Xie X, Wang C, Wang F, Zhou D, Zeng J, Cai L. The
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3. Shi YY, Wang YS, Zhang ZX, Cai Y, Zhou J, Hou HY, van Rooijen N.
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16. He M, Wang Z, Cao YConstruction of Chitin/PV, Zhao Y, Duan B, Chen Y, Xu M, Zhang L.
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17. Wang W, Yuan C, Wang S, Song X, Xu L, Yan R, Hasson IA, Li X.
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21. Zheng Y, Yin G, Le V, Zhang A, Chen S, Liang X, Liu J.
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23. Jiang Q, Hao S, Xiao X, Yao J, Ou B, Zhao Z, Liu F, Pan X, Luo B, Zhi
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24. Xu H, Li Z, YM, Jiang L, Zhuang Z, Qin J . A dynamic in vivo-like organotypic
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25. Qiao H, Hu N, Bai J, Ren L, Liu Q, Fang L, Wang Z .
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27. Zhong Q, Li W, Su X, Li G, Zhou YDegradation pattern of porous CaCO3 and hydroxyapatite microspheres
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28. Kong X, Chen L, Ye P, Wang Z, Zhang J, Ye F, Chen S .
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29. Li J, Chen H, Xu Yelastic substrates mediates mechanosensing.
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32. Chen L, Wu LL, Zhang ZL, Hu J, Tang M, Qi CB, Li N, Pang DW .
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33. Yu J, Zhang J, Xing H, Sun YDing P. Novel guanidinylated bioresponsive poly(amidoamine)s designed
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34. Yu J, Zhang J, Xing H, Yang Z, Cai C, Zhang C, Zhao X, Wei M, Yang L,
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35. Zheng YPhotodynamic-therapy Activates Immune Response by disrupting
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36. Fan H, Li YStability and Guest Exchange Behavior of Shell-Sheddable Micelles
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37. Qiao H, Hu N, Bai J, Ren L, Liu Q, Fang L, Wang ulation of
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38. Xia D,He YY,Li Q,Hu C,Huang W,Zhang Y,Wan F,Wang C,Gan
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40. Wang H,Shen X,Tian G,Shi X,Huang W,Wu YS,Huang Y,Chen X,Zhang F,Chen Y,Ding W,Lu ,Sun L,Peng C,Liu
α2 deficiency
400-1683301/800-8283301 碧云天/Beyotime
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RADICAL BIO MED . 2018 Jun;121:202-214
41. Wang Y,Lei T,Yuan J,Wu Y,Shen X,Gao J,Feng W,Lu 2 deficiency
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60. Xu C,Wang J,Yang J,Lei C,Hu J,Sun 2 forms viroplasms during
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42. Jin Z,Wang P,Chen J,He L,Xiao L,Yong K,Deng S,Zhou L.A
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43. Tengda L,Shuping L,Mingli G,Jie G,Yun L,Weiwei Z,Anmei
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44. Zhang Z,Qian H,Huang J,Sha H,Zhang H,-EGFR-iRGD recombinant protein modified biomimetic
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45. Chen H,Sha H,Zhang L,Qian H,Chen F,Ding N,Ji L,Zhu A,Xu Q,Meng
F,Yu L,Zhou Ypaclitaxel-loaded erythrocyte membrane nanosystem by
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46. Li M,Liu et bio-nanobubbles as microvascular recanalization
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47. Liu J,Zhang F,Zhu L,Qu X,Chu interference-based technique for
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48. Wang GH,Ma
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49. Yang X,Shi G,Guo J,Wang C,He Yagainst intracellular infections of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
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50. Wang Yfunctional variant of SMAD4 enhances macrophage recruitment and
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51. Li Yand serum IgG on rituximab-dependent natural killer cell-mediated
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52. Zuo R, Liu M, Wang YW, Zhang C, Shi C, Zhou Y, Li J, Wang W, Wu J, Sun C, Li B, Wang Z, Lan
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54. Zheng Yexosomes uptake suppresses the functional response in bone marrow
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55. Wang YG,Ren J,Wang Q,Wu W,Wang etic Nanotherapies: Red Blood
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56. Zhuang M,Xin G,Wei Z,Li S,Xing Z,Ji C,Du J,Niu H,Huang
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57. Zhang J,Kong X,Wang Z,Gao X,Ge Z,Gu YX,Chen -activated protein kinase regulates glycocalyx impairment
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58. Liu P,Chen N,Yan L,Gao F,Ji D,Zhang S,Zhang L,Li YY,Xiao
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59. Zhu X,Huang L,Zheng Y,Song Y,Xu Q,Wang J,Si K,Duan S,Gong
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61. Li YWang Z, Ran H, Sun Y, Hao L, Liu F, Yin L, Yan S, Zhao H, Ding X, Guo Y, Cao Y, Li P,
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62. Dong D,Zhu L,Hu J,Pang DW,Zhang and rapid extracellular
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63. Zhang Ymesenchymal stem cells stereotactic transplantation alleviate brain
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64. Liu P,Shen H,Zhi Ystudy of bilayered membranous construct with human cells-laden
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65. Wang R,Yao X,Li T,Li X,Jin M,Ni ible Thermoresponsive Hydrogel Fabricated from Natural
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66. Pan Q,Zhang J,Li X,Han X,Zou Q,Zhang P,Luo Ypharmacokinetics of bifunctional epirubicin-loaded
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67. Wang F,Zuo Z,Yang Z,Chen K,Fang J,Cui H,Shu G,Zhou YY,Geng
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68. Bai L,Li J,Li H,Song J,Zhou YX,Wu J,Liang C,Zhou otective effects of artemisinin and
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70. Zhang C,Xiong X,Li ne-induced killer cells/natural killer cells combined with
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71. Li L,Han B,Wang Ycell surface for amplified detection of cancer cells via mild
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72. Cen J,Feng L,Ke H,Bao L,Li LZ,Tanaka YThrombospondin-1 Disrupts the Integrity of Endothelial Intercellular
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73. Fan JH, Fan GL, Yuan P, Deng FA, Liu LS, Zhou X, Yu XYSY, Cheng H, Li
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74. Yang L,Zhai YExosomes Derived from hUMSCs in 3D Culture for Alzheimer's Disease
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75. Dayong Chen,Hai Qiao,Yiting Wang,Ling Zhou,Na Yin,Liaoqiong
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76. Zhiping YLiu,Weihua Lan,Jun Jiang,Luofu Wang.G250 Antigen-Targeting
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77. Xiaozhen Liu,Tao Jiang,Xuefei Li,Chao Zhao,Jiayu Li,Fei Zhou,Limin
Zhang,Sha Zhao,Yijun Jia,Jinpeng Shi,Guanghui Gao,Wei Li,Jing
Zhao,Xiaoxia Chen,Chunxia Su,Shengxiang Ren,Caicun es
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78. Junling Gao,Juntao YCui,Fang Zhang,Wenjun Ding,Zhongbing min protects against
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79. Cai X,Yang Q,Weng Q,Wang sensitive doxorubicin-loaded
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80. Lin M,Guo W,Zhang Z,Zhou YQ,Wei Q,Han M,Xu D,Gao d Toxicity of Liposomal Nitrogen
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81. Peitao Zhou,Qianqin Li,Shuwen Su,Wenhui Dong,Suyu Zong,Qiong
Ma,Xi Yang,Daming Zuo,Shaoyi Zheng,Xianzhong Meng,Dingli
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82. Feng Liu,Junlin Sun,Wenqian YXu,Fengye Mo,Xiaoqing m dot-pulsed dendritic cell vaccines
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83. Xixi Cai,Qian Yang,Qingxia Weng,Shaoyun sensitive
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84. Di Wang,Changfu Hao,Lin Zhang,Jianhui Zhang,Suna Liu,Yiping
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85. Yi Liu,Jingtong Zhao,Jinlan Jiang,Fangfang Chen,Xuedong
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86. Xin Chang,Lei Xing,Yi Wang,Tian-Jiao Zhou,Li-Jun Shen,Hu-Lin
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87. Gen-Que Fu,Sheng-Chun Zhang,Ge-Gu Chen,Xiang Hao,Jing Bian,Feng
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88. Xianmou Fan,Shaobing Wang,Yan Fang,Peiyuan Li,Weikang
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89. Zhiping YLiu,Weihua Lan,Jun Jiang,Luofu -G250
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90. Xiaohong Yang,Timon Chengyi Liu,Shaojie Liu,Weicong Zhu,Honglin
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91. Hai Qiao,Zixin Wei,Yiting Wang,Na Hu,Sineng Sun,Jin Bai,Liaoqiong
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92. Yuchen Dai,Yi Yang,Baohong Liu,Liang -in-oil
microcompartments for the study of biomimetic drug metabolism
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93. Hao Shen,Emile Nibona,Gongyu Xu,Md Abdullah Al Hafiz,Xiaomei
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94. Honglian Li,Ruirui Lu,Yu Pang,Jicheng Li,Yiwen Cao,Hongxin
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