习惯上后接for doing sth的名词
根据英语的搭配习惯,有些名词通常要可接for doing sth作定语,而不接to do sth。这类名词比较常用的有:
1. apology 道歉
用于apology for doing sth,意为“为做某事而道歉”。如:
I make no apology for repeating the question. 我多问一遍又没有错。
I must offer her an apology for not going to her party. 我必须为未参加她的晚会表示歉意。
I must offer my apology for not coming to your party. 我没来参加你的晚会,必须向你道歉。
2. aptitude 才能,天资
用于aptitude for doing sth,意为“做某事的才能(资质、天资)”。如:
He has a natural aptitude for teaching. 他有教书的天赋。
Edison had a great aptitude for inventing things. 爱迪生具有发明创造的卓越才能。
His aptitude for dealing with children got him the job. 他善于与儿童打交道的本事使他得到了这份工作。
He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing. 他有失言的倒霉本事。
3. excuse 借口
用于excuse for doing sth,表示“做某事的借口”。如:
The student fabricate an excuse for being late. 这名学生为迟到编了一个借口。
His excuse for being late was that he had missed the bus. 他迟到的理由是没有赶上公共汽车。
They invented an excuse for having to leave earlier than usual. 他们为提前离开编造了一个借口。
4. fashion 时尚,流行
用于fashion for doing sth,意为“做某事的时尚”“流行做某事”“时兴做某事”。如:
There is a fashion for painting your nails green. 现在时兴把指甲染成绿色。
There was a fashion for keeping reptiles as pets. 当时流行养爬行动物当宠物。
5. genius 天赋
用于genius for doing sth,意为“做某事的天赋(本领等)”。如:
He has a genius for acting. 他具有表演天才。
He had a genius for making people feel at home. 他有一种能使人轻松自在的本领。
I have a genius for learning languages; I can speak 10 languages fluently. 我有学语言的天赋,能流利地说10种语言。
He has a genius for getting into trouble. 他是个招惹麻烦的能手。
6. grounds 理由,根据
用于grounds for doing sth,意为“做某事的理由(根据)”。如:
You have no grounds for complaining. 你没有抱怨的理由。
The constable had reasonable grounds for arresting her. 警察有正当的理由逮捕她。
Their lawyer submits that there are no grounds for denying bail. 他们的律师声称没有理由拒绝给予保释。
7. implement 工具,器具
用于implement for doing sth,意为“做某事的工具(器具)”。如:
The best implement for digging a garden is a spade. 在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。
8. instrument 工具,仪器
用于instrument for doing sth,意为“做某事的工具或仪器”。如:
This is an instrument for measuring speed. 这是一种测量速度用的仪器。
The law is not the best instrument for dealing with family matters. 法律不是解决家庭问题的最好工具。
They agreed that the UN was the best instrument for reaching agreement. 他们一致认为要达成一致意见最好通过联合国。
9. justification 理由
用于justification for doing sth,意为“做某事的理由”。如:
The police had no justification for suspecting him. 警方是没有理由怀疑他的。
What’s the justification for paying nurses so little? 有什么正当的理由只支付给护士那么少的工资?
I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units. 我认为没有理由把公司划分成小单位。
10. medium手段,工具,方式
用于medium for doing sth,意为“做某事的手段(工具或方式)”。如:
Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising. 商业电视是有效的广告宣传工具。
A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for getting your message across. T恤衫可以是一种极好的表达信息的媒介。
Video is a good medium for practising listening to a foreign language. 看录像是一种很好的练习外语的方式。
11. motive 动机,目的
用于motive for doing sth,意为“做某事的动机(目的)”。如:
He claimed that his motive for stealing was hunger. 他说他因为饿才去偷东西。
I’d say he had a very strong motive for wanting her dead. 可以说他有十足的理由想她死。
People thought he must have an ulterior motive for wanting to help. 人们认为他想提供帮助一定是别有用心。
有时motive 后面可接in doing sth,表示“在……方面的动机或目的”。如:
I have an ulterior motive in offering to help you. 我主动提出要帮助你是有私心的。
What was their motive in setting fire to the building? 他们放火烧这栋房子的动机是什么?
12. passion 激情,热情;酷爱
用于passion for doing sth,意为“做某事的激情(热情)”“酷爱做某事”。如:
He has a passion for painting. 他酷爱绘画。
I have a passion for decorating houses. 我酷爱装饰房屋。
13. procedure 程序,手续,步骤;治疗,处理
用于procedure for doing sth,有以下两个意思:
(1) 表示“做某事的程序(手续、步骤)”。如:
What’s the procedure for applying for a visa? 申请签证需要怎样的手续?
This is standard procedure for getting rid of toxic waste. 这是清除毒物的标准步骤。
The procedure for doing this is explained fully in Appendix 3. 做这事的操作步骤在附录3有完整的解释。
(2) 表示“做某事的治疗(处理)”。如:
A doctor performed a procedure for cleaning and closing a wound. 医生对伤口做了清洗和缝合的处理。
有时procedure 后面可接in doing sth,表示“在……时的程序或步骤”。如:
Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa. 迈克尔在申请护照时没有遵循正确的程序。
14. rule 规则,规定,惯例
用于rule for doing sth,意为“做某事的规则(规定、惯例)”。如:
It is feared the government might change the rules for claiming dole. 人们担心政府会改变失业救济金申领的规定。
There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals. 在安排健康饮食方面,没有什么一定之规。
但是,make a rule of doing sth是固定搭配,其中用介词of,表示“有做某事的习惯”“通常做某事”。比较以下同义句:
He makes a rule of getting up at six.
= He makes it a rule to get up at six.
=It is his rule to get up at six.
=His rule is to get up at six.
=It’s a rule with him to get up at six.
15. talent 才能,天赋,天分
用于talent for doing sth,意为“做某事的才能(天分)”。如:
He prides himself on his talent for writing. 他为自己的写作才华感到自豪。
She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted. 她很有天分,能够心想事成。
Billy shows a remarkable talent for upsetting his sister. 比利很会惹他妹妹生气。
16. tool 工具
用于tool for doing sth,意为“做某事的工具”。如:
This is a tool for opening tins. 这是一个开罐头的工具。
A corkscrew is a tool for opening bottles. 螺丝刀是用来开启瓶塞的工具。
A good education is a necessary tool for succeeding. 良好的教育是成功的必要手段。
Words are essential tools for formulating and communicating thoughts. 语言是表达思想和交流思想的重要工作。
17. vocation 禀性,才能
用于vocation for doing sth,意为“做某事的禀性(才能)”。如:
He has little vocation for teaching. 他不是教书的材料。
She has a vocation for looking after the sick. 她有照顾病人的本领。
You should become a welfare worker; you have a vocation for helping people. 你应该去从事社会福利工作,因为你有乐于助人的禀性。