2012年,苹果(Apple)推出了两款平板电脑、一款笔记本和一款新手机。今年,苹果会拿出哪些新产品呢?投资银行Piper Jaffray的分析师吉恩•蒙斯特和道格拉斯•克林顿进行了一次前所未有的尝试:预测苹果的产品推出日程表。他们的报告中包括一些不太引人注目的产品升级。Piper Jaffray得出的结论是,2013年“将为苹果在2014年及以后对产品进行更大幅度的改进奠定基础。”然而,即便是发展缓慢的苹果也会吸引消费者的关注。以下为2013年苹果可能推出的五款产品。
In the
How will Apple follow up a 2012 lineup that included two new tablets,
a new notebook and a new phone? Analysts Gene Munster and Douglas Clinton
of Piper Jaffray took a stab at predicting what used to be unpredictable:
Apple's product calendar. Their report includes a number of
not-so-prominent product upgrades, which lead Piper's analysts to the
conclusion that 2013 "will set the stage for bigger changes in the product
lineup in 2014 and beyond." But even a slow year from Apple tends to turn
some heads. Here are five possible Apple products to look for in 2013.
去年10月份以来,媒体围绕苹果电台(Apple Radio)的讨论便一直未曾停止。因此,苹果在2013年初推出这项服务应该在意料之中。免费广播服务的盈利来源是广告收入,最有可能作为iTunes的一部分,并将成为流媒体音乐服务Pandora等公司的强劲竞争对手。10月,彭博新闻社(Bloomberg News)报道苹
Apple Radio, March 2013
Media discussion surrounding Apple Radio has been ongoing since October,
so an expected release in early 2013 would come as no surprise. The free
radio service -- which would make money through ad revenues -- will most
likely be part of iTunes and offer major competition to the likes of
Pandora. The day after Bloomberg News reported the possibility of Apple
Radio in October, Pandora stock fell 12%. Piper analysts believe that
Apple Radio will be unveiled alongside another product launch in March,
带Retina显示屏的iPad mini,2013年3月
据《电子时报》(Digitimes)报道,仅去年3月的一个周末,苹果便售出了超过300万台带Retina显示屏的iPad。截至2012年底,iPad mini出货量约为800万-1,000万台。通过结合这两款产品的优点,苹果有望在迅速增长的平板电脑市场中维持自己的霸主地位。而且时间的选择也很有道理:2011年和2012年,苹果均选择在3月份发布新iPad。理论上,视网膜屏将使像素点在正常视距内很难被观测到,将使图像更加清晰。目前的iPad mini显示屏的分辨率与iPad 2相同,均为1024 x 768。
iPad mini with Retina Display, March 2013
Apple sold more than 3 million iPads with retina display over a single
weekend in March, and between 8-10 million iPad mini devices are reported
to have shipped by the end of 2012, according to Digitimes. By combining
the best of both products, Apple is hoping to maintain its place atop of
the growing tablet market. The timing would make sense; Apple launched
new iPads in March of 2011 (iPad 2) and 2012 (iPad with retina display).
In theory, a retina display makes the pixels impossible to detect from
a normal viewing distance, providing crystal clear images on the screen.
The current iPad mini display has 1024-by-768 resolution, the same as the
iPad 2.
iOS 7,2013年6月
iOS 6升级去掉了YouTube和谷歌地图应用,让苹果用户大为光火。苹果自己的地图应用太过糟糕,公司CEO蒂姆•库克去年9月份不得不向消费者公开致歉,同时鼓励用户在苹果解决自身问题之前,尝试使用竞争对手的地图应用。移动软件开发部门负责人斯特克•福斯托的离职在苹果管理层引发了一场地震。有鉴于此,苹果面临很大压力,必将寄希望于iOS 7的强势回归。预计在更新中,苹果操作系统的移动钱包功能Passbook将占据更加重要的地位。
iOS 7, June 2013
Apple users were outraged with the iOS 6 upgrade that eliminated YouTube
and Google Maps apps. Apple's maps app was so bad, in fact, that CEO Tim
Cook issued an apology to customers in September and even encouraged them
to try competitor's apps until the problem could be resolved. Factor in
the management shakeup that resulted in the firing of mobile software
chief Scott Forstall, and the pressure is on Apple to come back strong
with iOS 7. Look for Passbook, the mobile wallet feature of Apple's
operating system, to play a more prominent role in the upgrade.
iPhone 5S,2013年6月
蒙斯特与克林顿认为,新款iPhone 5S将在今年9月份发布。而部分报告认为,该产品的上市日期应该在6月。iPhone 5的发布日期便是9月,iPhone 4S的发布日期为2011年9月。且不论它到底何时发布,果粉们肯定会发现,手机摄像头有大幅改进,电池使用寿命将更长。iPhone 5S的外观与iPhone 5完全相同——同样的屏幕尺寸、同样的宽度,但新卖点在内部。去年9月,iPhone 5上市的第一个周末,销量便超过了500万台。
iPhone 5S, June 2013
Munster and Clinton believe a new iPhone 5S will come out in September,
although some reports have pegged a launch date as early as June. The
iPhone 5 was a September release; so was the iPhone 4S in 2011. Regardless
of the date, users can expect an updated camera (as usual) and better
battery life. The 5S will look the same as the iPhone 5 -- same screen
size, same width -- but the new stuff will all be inside. Apple sold over
5 million iPhone 5 devices in the phone's first weekend in September.
这并非简单的如Apple TV一样的数字接收盒,而是货真价实的苹果电视机。发布时间恰好在节日季之前,很有道理,但并非所有果粉都认为苹果电视会在2013年大卖。首先,分析师们预测,苹果电视可能面临几年内没有内容可以播放的窘境。此外,电视的利润空间很小,而苹果最为人津津乐道的就是其在同行业产品中拥有最大的利润空间。蒙斯特与克林顿预测,苹果电视机的尺寸将在42寸至55寸之间,价格约为1,500美元至2,000美元。而瑞轩(Vizio)、三星(Samsung)和松下(Panasonic)生产的相同尺寸的等离子电视和LCD电视的售价基本都低于1,000美元,不过,以高价格提供高品质是苹果一贯的作风。
Apple Television, November 2013
Not just the digital receiver box already available as Apple TV -- an
actual Apple Television. The timing would make sense, right before the
holiday season, but not all Apple followers are convinced a TV will
actually hit the market in 2013. For starters, analysts have predicted
an Apple Television would arrive for years with nothing to show for it.
Plus, television margins are small, and Apple products are notorious for
having some of the largest margins in the industry. Munster and Clinton
predict an Apple TV will measure 42" to 55" and cost between $1500 and
$2000. Similarly sized plasma and LCD TVs from Vizio, Samsung and
Panasonic all clock in at under $1000, but Apple has never shied away from
offering high quality at high cost.