Samsung's Galaxy S5: Why it matters
三星Galaxy S5还行不行
Investors are bullish on Samsung after the Korean giant unveiled its latest
flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S5, at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona
this week. Shares for the company were up slightly after a 13% drop over the
last year -- a big deal when the company's market cap hovers around $182
投资界普遍看好三星(Samsung)在西班牙巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会上发布的最新款旗舰智能手机Galaxy 5。三星的股价随后在去年下跌13%的基础上出现了小幅上扬。鉴于三星的市值目前约为1820亿美元,哪怕是小幅上涨也非同小可。
The device, which will be available in April, isn't a huge step forward. Its
camera has grown from 13 megapixels to 16; its battery is promised to last
20% longer. It will have a fingerprint sensor like Apple's (AAPL) flagship
model, which went on sale in September. Its 5.1-inch active-matrix organic
light-emitting diode -- AMOLED for short -- display is rated for full high
definition. It has a leather-like feel, which business customers may enjoy. It
has a built-in heart rate monitor. And, perhaps most notably, it is said to
withstand dust and 30 minutes in shallow water, a welcome improvement for
slippery-fingered humans everywhere.
即将于4月份上市的Galaxy S5没有什么重大突破。它的摄像头从1300万像素提高到了1600万像素;电池续航时间据称将延长20%。GalaxyS5和苹果(Apple)去年9月开始发售的旗舰机型一样,也将配备指纹传感器。另外,Galaxy S5的5.1英寸主动矩阵有机发光二极管——简称 AMOLED——显示器被评定为全高清。此外,这款设备具有皮革般的触感,可能会赢得商务人士的欢心。Galaxy
Water resistance aside, much of these updates are incremental and expected.
This is the nature of the war waged at the premium end of the smartphone
market: It's no longer a single "killer" feature that moves units, but rather a
superior experience. That the Galaxy S5 has a fingerprint sensor, for example,
is a matter of relief to buyers who do not prefer Apple's iPhone; the feature
won't encourage people to switch who are otherwise happy with their device.
除了防水性外,Galaxy S5的大部分改进都不是质的改变,而且都在意料之中。不过,在智能手机高端市场的争夺战中,推动手机销量的不再是某一个“杀手级”功能,而是卓越的用户体验。举例来说,Galaxy S5配置有指纹传感器这一点会让那些对苹果iPhone不感冒的买家松一口气;但这项功能不会导致那些对自己手机满意的用户倒戈。
The dynamic is a blessing and a curse for Samsung. On one hand, it means the
mature smartphone market in Western markets has evolved to the point
where a single feature won't shift fortunes -- good news in a market in which
competing companies share suppliers. On the other, it means that the
company is burdened to tie those components -- from the plastic shell to the
screen to the software -- together in a way that is distinctive and preferred.
The dynamic in emerging markets is different -- particularly in China, where
Samsung leads the pack and Apple believes it can find growth. There,
Samsung's challengers include Lenovo, Huawei, ZTE, and Xiaomi. The biggest
pressure is economic: Low-priced phones have begun to flood the market,
pressuring high-end models to join the race to the bottom. A soft economic
outlook for the country complicates things, reducing the number of buyers
willing to upgrade to a premium device. Indeed, most of Samsung's growth in
China has been with low-end devices -- but the aspirational aura around
Samsung's brand is attributed to some of that success.
Samsung spent considerable sums of money on marketing and advertising on
behalf of its previous flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S4. (According to some
estimates, it spent four times more than Apple and two times more than
Microsoft (MSFT) in 2012.) At the time, the company was criticized for
drumming up too much hype. This time, with the Galaxy S5, it may need only
to ride that goodwill and keep the top end of its portfolio stable as it wages a
far more vicious battle below.
三星在上一款旗舰机型——Galaxy S4上花了大把的营销和广告费用。【据估计,2012年三星支付的营销和广告费用是苹果的四倍、微软(Microsoft)的两倍。】当时,三星曾被批过度宣传炒作。这一次,对于Galaxy S5,三星或许只需要维持形象,在低端市场恶战的同时,稳住高端产品的地位。