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iphone5英语新闻:iphone5上市 在本篇iphone5英语新闻中,讲述了iphone5发布会上的重要内容
点击此处向智课顾问进行免费咨询^_^ Apple on Wednesday
unveiled iPhone 5, its latest generation of smartphone that
features bigger display and support for faster LTE wireless
network, at a media event in San Francisco. "Now today we're
taking it to the next level, making a huge leap," Apple Chief
Executive Officer Tim Cook said at the event. The iPhone 5 has a
4-inch screen compared with the 3.5-inch display used by the
previous models, enabling a 5th row of icons to be displayed on
the homepage. According to Apple, the new phone features an
A6 chip, which is two times faster than the previous A5 but
22-percent smaller in size. Made entirely of glass and aluminum,
the new smartphone is the thinnest and lightest phone Apple has
ever produced. It is 7.6 mm thick, 18-percent thinner than iPhone
4S and weighs 112 grams, 20- percent lighter than the iPhone 4S.
The new iPhone 5 supports LTE networks by selected carriers in
North America, Europe and Asia, and its Wi-Fi speed is up to 150
mbps. The battery life is also expanded with a standby of 225
hours and eight hours of LTE browsing. The camera of iPhone 5,
which is 25 percent smaller than the one in iPhone 4S, has
several enhanced features like low light mode and taking
panorama pictures up to 28 megapixels. It is 40 percent faster on
photo capture and the Facetime camera is also HD. The iPhone 5
also has a suite of resigned accessories such as noise-cancelling
earpiece. The 30-pin connector, which has not changed since
2003, is replaced by a new connector called " Lighting." It is a
8-signal design and 80 percent smaller than the previous one.
Apple also introduced an adapter, enabling users to connect the
30-pin connector to the "Lighting" one. At the event, Apple
demonstrated how its latest iOS 6 mobile system runs on the
iPhone 5, showing off its new mobile map service and other new
features. The iOS 6 will be available as a free software update
next Wednesday. The iPhone 5 will come in white & silver or
black & slate. The price starts from 199 U.S. dollars for 16 GB
model in the United States. It will first be available in the U.S.,
Australia, Canada, France, Germany, China's Hong Kong, Japan,
Singapore and Britain on Sept. 21, and the pre-order will start on
Sept. 14. The new generation of iPhone will further roll out to 22
more countries on Sept. 28, Apple said. Analysts predicted that
the arrival of the iPhone 5 will spur a rebound in Apple's
smartphone sales and also give a boost to the growth of global
smartphone market in the rest of this year. Apple shipped 26
million units of iPhone in the second quarter in 2012, down 26
percent from 35 million units in the previous quarter, a drop
which was partly attributed to consumers holding off their
purchase in anticipation of the new iPhone. "Apple's smartphone
shipments typically are weak during the quarter preceding the
launch of a new iPhone model," Wayne Lam, an analyst at
research firm IHS, said in a report issued ahead of Apple's event.
"Buyers historically have delayed their purchases until the newest
model is available. Then they rush out to get the latest and
greatest version once it's being sold, leading to a spike in
demand. IHS predicts the same pattern will occur with the iPhone
5, " Lam said. 美国时间9月12日上午10点(北京时间9月13日1点),苹
果将在旧金山芳草地艺术中心(Yerba Buena
Center)召开发布会,如期发布了旗下第六款手机iPhone5。 发布会之
配,机身厚度仅为7.6毫米,手感比iPhone 4S提升明显。 苹果iPhone