2023年12月22日发(作者:谷歌 翻墙入口)
· general
· n. ['dʒenrəl] ( generals )
· 双解释义
1. 普通〔遍〕的事或物 the common thing
C 2. 将军 army officer of very high rank
· 基本要点
· 词汇搭配
brigadier general 旅长
commissary general 兵站总监
famous general 著名的将军
five-star general 五星上将
great general 伟大的将军
lieutenant general 陆军中将
major general 陆军少将
in general 大体上,一般地,通常,总的来说
in the general 概括地(说)
general of the Air Force 空军五星上将
general of the Army 陆军五星上将
· 常用短语
in general
一般而言,总的来说 in a word
In general,I agree to what you said.总的说来,我同意你的讲话。
In general, the two accounts agree.一般说来,这两个报告是一致的。
But in general they were all with her.但一般说来他们都同意她的意见。
I like fish in general, and salmon in particular.总的说来我喜欢吃鱼,尤其喜欢吃鲑鱼。
Women in general like to shop for new clothes.一般而言,女人喜欢购买新衣服。
He doesn't like to care about things in general.他不在意一般的东西。
· 句型例句
Here is the report,General.将军,这是您要的报告。
The general made a stupid decision.将军作出了一个愚蠢的决定。
The general had a severe manner.那位将军态度严肃。
The general presented a sound analysis of the situation.将军对形势作出了合理的分析。
The general wore a decoration on his left breast.那位将军在左胸前佩戴了一枚勋章。
The deceased general was a great soldier.这位已故的将军曾是一位伟大的战士。
He was many things, but he was primarily a general.他一人兼多种身份,但首先他是一位将军。
The guard saluted the general smartly.卫兵向将军行了个 3
He fancies himself as a great general.他想象自己是个大将军。
Hitler's generals were dubious about the success of an
offensive in the West.希特勒的将领们对于在西部战场发动攻势能否成功表示怀疑。
It was found necessary to retire several generals who
lacked energy and enterprise.使几位缺乏精力和上进心的将军解职是必要的。
· 正误解析
[误] For general, your plan is good.
[正] In general, your plan is good.
[析] in general是一个固定搭配,意思是“总的来说”,没有for general的用法。
· 补充资料
[同义词] adj. collective, common, everyday, normal,
ordinary, public, regular, total, typical, usual n.
chief, commander, leader, officer
[反义词] adj. limited, novel, particular
[词源] <拉丁语generalis(生的,全面的)
· · general
· adj. ['dʒenrəl]
· 双解释义
· 1.普遍的,全面的; 总的,整体的 affecting all or most
people, places or things
· 2.非专门的,一般的 not specialized in subject, matter
· 3.正常的,常规的; 通常的 normal; usual
· 4.大致的,笼统的 showing the chief aspects of sth;
5. 总的,首席的 chief, head
· 基本要点
l的基本含义是“普遍的,全面的; 总的,整体的”,该词侧重牵涉人人或绝大多数地方。引申可表示“非专门的,一般的”“正常的,常规的; 通常的”“大致的,笼统的”。
general practitioner 全科医生
general affair 总务
general attack 总攻击,全面进攻
general cleaning 大扫除
general computer 通用计算机
general conditions 一般条件,基本条款
general education 普通教育
general hospita l综合性(军)医院,总医院
general knowledge 常识
general meeting 大会,全会
general principles 通则,总则
general public 公众
general readers 一般读者
general rule 一般说来,概而言之,通常
G- Secretary 总书记
general manager 总经理
general strike 总罢工
general war 全面战争
the G- American 普通美语,美国普通话
Secretary G- 秘书长
Staff G- 总参谋长
· 常用短语
as a general rule
一般说来 usually
I don't give interviews as a general rule, but in this case
I will make an exception.通常我不会见别人,不过,这次我会破例的。
general knowledge
1.常识 common knowledge
In our general knowledge lessons, we learn the people
around us and the things that are happening.在常识课上,我们了解了周围的人及发生的事情。
2.人所共知的事 thing which all know
It is general knowledge that he will come tomorrow.大家都知道他明天来。
· 句型例句
The general opinion is in favor of us.普遍的舆论对我们有利。
This will demonstrate the general principle.这将论证那个普遍原理。
The price of food is a matter of general anxiety.食物价格是人们普遍担心的事。
What is the general impression it makes on you.它给你留 8
His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.他的总的健康状况相当令人满意。
There should be a general trend toward a stable population
rather than one that will continue to increase.总的趋势应当是人口稳定,而不是继续增长。
They'll soon be having another general strike.不久他们将再次举行总罢工。
The serum is available to the general public.一般公众均可获得血清。
He preferred the general approach.他喜欢一般性的处理方法。
The general opinion is that he is a good chairman.一般舆论认为他是一个好主席。
I have a general idea of how a car works.我对汽车怎样工作有一个大概的了解。
The committee has settled on him as secretary general.委员会决定选他为秘书长。
The employees had another general strike.雇员们又举行了一次总罢工。
The fog was general.到处都是雾。
At first, only a few people wanted to go, but now, interest
has become general.起初,只有少数几人想去,但现在这种兴趣已变得非常普遍。
His statement was too general and should have been
qualified with phrase “in most cases”.他的话太笼统,本应加上“在大多数情况下”加以限制。
These difficulties are general among people of his age.这些困难在他那个年龄的人中普遍存在。
· 正误解析
[误] General speaking, parents love their children.
[正] Generally speaking, parents love their children.
[析] 表示“一般说来”,应该说generally speaking,其中generally是副词,修饰speaking。
[误] What is the general attitudes of the people
towards this policy?
[正] What is the general attitude of the people towards
this policy?
[析] general是“总的,大体的”意思,它所修饰的名词一律用单数。