enthusiastic的翻译可以是 "热情的",它形容一个人或一件事充满热情、积极主动并充满激情。下面是一些关于enthusiastic的中英文例句:
1. She is always enthusiastic about trying new things. (她总是对尝试新事物充满热情。)
2. The team members are enthusiastic and dedicated to their
work. (团队成员都充满热情,并且对工作全身心投入。)
3. John's enthusiastic personality makes him a great leader.
4. The audience gave an enthusiastic applause at the end of
the performance. (观众在演出结束时给予热烈的掌声。)
5. The students showed enthusiastic participation during the
class discussion. (学生们在课堂讨论中积极参与,热情高涨。)
6. The enthusiastic response from the public encouraged the
artist to continue his creative work. (公众的热情反响鼓励了艺术家继续创作。)
7. Susan's enthusiastic attitude towards life is contagious. (苏珊对生活的热情态度是具有感染力的。)
8. The team's enthusiastic support helped them win the
championship. (团队的热情支持帮助他们赢得了冠军。)
9. He greeted us with an enthusiastic smile. (他用热情的微笑向我们打招呼。)
10. The students displayed enthusiastic energy during the
sports event. (学生们在体育活动中表现出充沛的热情能量。)