Industry innovation spending and openness tocollaboration as levers for firm performance期刊名称: European Journal of Innovation Management作者: Caldas, Luiz Fernando de Paris,Paula, Fabio de Oliveira,Macedo-Soares, L. van Aduard de年份: 2019年关键词: Innovation spending;Knowledge spillover;Absorptivecapacity;Collaboration;Firm performance摘要:PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyze to what extent spendingon innovation activities and collaboration at the industry level affects therelationship between firm innovation /methodology/approachA conceptual model was proposedand empirically tested using multiple linear regression. The data were obtainedfrom the Community Innovation Survey 2012, composing a sample of 890 Italianmanufacturing gsThe results provided full support for the positivemoderating effect of intra-industry innovation spending and partial support for thepositive moderating effect of intra-industry collaboration, both regarding therelationship between firm innovation spending and performance. Knowledgespillovers derived from intra-industry innovation spending 内容由中国教育图书进出口有限公司引进