So、Such、Much、Many、Same 、As短语
1. as…so 象……那样 --- As you sow, so will you reap.
2. if so如果是那样的话 --- If so, I had quite misjudged him.
3. not so/as…as 不如…样 --- They didn’t arrive so early as we had expected.
4. so and so only只有这样…才 ---So and so only can it be done.
5. so far ① 到目前为止 --- Our work has not come to perfection so far. ②到
这种程度[范围]为止 --- I can only trust him so far.
6. so far as 就…而论 So far as I know, he will be away for three months.
7. so far from 决不是 So far from being a help, he was a hindrance.
8. so far, so good 到目前为止一切不错--- So far, so good; I hope we keep on
with such good luck.
9. so so 勉强 --- His grades were just so so on the test.
10. so that 为了--- I started early so that I might be in time for the train.
11. so…that 如此…以至 --- He was so angry that he couldn’t speak.
1. as such 照这样 --- He is a child, and must be treated as such.
2. no such 没有这样的 --- There are no such things as ghost.
3. not such as to 不至于 --- His illness is not such as to cause anxiety.
4. [or] some such [或]诸如此类的 --- He bought a dictionary or some such
5. such and such 某某 --- If they tell you to come on such and such a day,
don’t agree if it’s not convenient.
6. such as 例如,普普通通 --- Such as the food was, there was plenty of it.
7. such as to [do] 达到这样的程度,以至于 --- There are many obstacles such
as to make us discouraged.
8. such…that 这样…以致 His behavior was such that everyone disliked him.
1. as much 同样的 --- Don’t thank me; I would do as much for anyone.
2. as much as one can do 尽可能--- it was as much as we could do to help
3. as much as to say 等于说 --- That is as much as to say I am a fool.
4. be not much 不怎么样 --- I’ve read that book, and it’s not much.
5. be not much at 不善于 --- She is a good singer but not much at dancing.
6. be not much of不是很好 --- It’s not much of a day for a walk.
7. be not up to much 不算很好 --- The film is not up to much, though the
actors are good.
8. count for much 非常重要 --- That doesn’t count for much in this country.
9. have much to do with 与…很有关系 --- That hasn’t much to do with what
we are talking about.
10. how much 多少 --- How much money is there left?
11. in as much as /inasmuch as 因为 --- Inasmuch as the waves are high, I
shall not go out in the boat.
12. in so much that /insomuch that 如此地 --- He worked very fast,
insomuch that he was through in an hour.
13. leave much to be desired 有许多缺点 --- His behavior leaves much to
be desired.
14. make much of ①理解 --- I didn’t make much of his speech. ②恭维
--- A newly married woman doesn’t expect her husband to make much of other
women. ③重视 --- music is made much of in this school. ④悉心照顾 --- He
made much of his son. ⑤炫耀 --- He likes to make much of his fortune. ⑥非常重
要 --- One further criticism much be mentioned because much has been made of
15. mean much 具有非常重要的意义 --- Your cooperation means much to
16. much as 虽然 --- Much as I like to come, I can’t.
17. much better/worse 好[坏]多了 --- I feel much better today.
18. much of a size 大小相仿 --- He and his brother are much of a size.
19. much of a sort 差不多是同种类的 --- These two plants are much of a
20. much the same 没什么不同 --- The patient’s condition is still much
the same.
21. not so much…as 与其说是…不如说是 --- He is not so much a writer as a
teacher. / Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.
22. not / without so much as 甚至没有 --- He had not so much as his fare
23. see much of [neg. & inter.] 常见到 --- I haven’t seen much of him
24. set much by 认为很有价值 --- I don’t set much by the opinion of
people like him.
25. so much 这么多的 --- You can only buy so much with five dollars.
26. so much as 甚至于 --- He didn’t so much as thank me for returning
the book that I found.
27. so much for 到此为止 --- Now it’s started raining; so much for my
idea of taking a walk.
28. so much so that 至此程度以致 --- He is rich --- so much so that he does
not know what he is worth.
29. so much the
30. better/worse 那就更好/糟 --- It’s too late. So much the worse for us.
We can’t find a taxi home.
31. think much of 重视 --- He thinks so much of himself.
32. this/that much 这么/那么多 --- I’ll say this much, he’s a good
33. thus/this much 这些 --- thus much at least is clear.
34. too much 过度 --- I can’t believe that --- it’s too much.
35. too much for 超出…能力 --- Is the job too much for you?
36. very much 非常 --- Thank you very much.
37. without so much as 连…都没有 --- The student left the class without so
much as asking the teacher’s permission.
1. a good many 相当多 --- He has a good many friends at school.
2. a great many 大量 --- A great many gathered at the scene.
3. as many 同样多的 --- Those five days seemed to me as many years.
4. as many again [as] 再同样多的 --- He ate three apples and said he could
eat as many again. / I have 20 yuan, but I need as much again to buy a dictionary.
5. as many as 多达 --- Take as many as you want. / As many as 20 people
were injured in the accident.
6. be [one] too many for 胜过 --- I don’t like dealing with him. He’s always
one too many for me.
7. many a 许多 --- Many a child learns to walk before he can speak.
8. not so many as 没…那么多 --- We have not visited so many cities as you.
9. one too many 多余的 --- We have one book too many. / he has had one
too many at the party. …喝多了
10. too many by one 多一个 --- They gave me too many books by one.
1. about the same 几乎相同 --- “Is your wife still ill?” “Yes, she’s about
the same, not any better.”
2. all/just the same 仍然 --- He’s not very clever, but I like him all the same.
3. all/just the same to 对…完全一样 --- you can do it now or leave it till later;
it’s all the same to me.
4. be the same for/with 也是如此 --- One should speak clearly and it is the
same with writing.
5. much the same 差不多相同 --- The situation is much the same.
6. same here 我也一样 --- Tom said he was too tired to go any farther, and
Bill said, “Same here.”
7. the same…as 与…相同 --- My profession is the same as yours.
8. the same…that 和…相同 --- He uses the same books that you do.
9. the same with/as …相同 --- This word signifies the same as that.
10. the very same 完全相同的 --- You’ve made the very same mistake
1. as above 如上所述 --- Follow the rule as above stated.
2. as against 而 --- The business done this year amounts to $1.1 million as
against $1 million last year.
3. as… as anything 非常 --- He pretends to be as modest as anything.
4. as…as 象…一样 --- He considered her opinion as valuable as any of ours.
5. as…as ever 依旧 --- He was as much interested in music as ever.
6. as before 依旧--- Everything went on just as before.
7. as clear as day 一清二楚 --- That he loved her was as clear as day.
8. as compared to 与…相比--- The dangers I run are nothing as compared to
yours in the fire.
9. as compared with 与…相比 --- The risk is as nothing compared with the
10. as concerns 就…而论 --- As concerns the new traffic rule, we intend to
comply with it fully from now on.
11. as far as 到…为止 --- I did not go as far as that.
12. as / so far as…concerned 就…而论--- So far as my knowledge is
concerned, there is no such word in Chinese.
13. as follows 如下--- The report reads as follows:
14. as for就…而论 --- As for the book, I assure you, it has real merit.
15. as from 从..时起 --- The agreement starts as from May 1
16. as if / though 好像 --- It seemed as if the night would never end.
17. as is 照原来的样子 --- I bought the book as is. 这本书我买来就这个样子。
18. as of ①从..时起 --- As of today you are in charge. / ②到…时为止 ---
Following is an analysis of the situation as of this day.
19. as…so 象…那样 --- As 2 is to 4, so 8 is to 16. / As a man lives, so he dies.
20. as to 就…而论--- I don't know anything as to the others.
21. not so/as…as 不如…那样 --- She doesn’t run so fast as she used to.
22. so as not to 为了不 --- He listened carefully so as not to miss anything
that was said.
so as to [do] 结果是 --- He struck the snake so as to break its back.
so…as to [do] 如此…以致 --- The question is so obvious as to need no