





My Wonderful Family

Hi there! I'd love to tell you all about my amazing family. We

have such a fun and lively household with lots of different

personalities. Let me start by introducing my mom and dad.

My mom's name is Jessica. She is one of the hardest working

people I know! My mom is a nurse at the big hospital downtown.

Her job is to take care of people who are sick or injured and help

them get better. She has to wake up super early, around 5am

most days, to get to the hospital on time. Even though her job

can be tiring, she loves helping others and making them feel

comfortable when they aren't feeling well. Some of her tasks

include giving patients medicine, checking their blood pressure

and temperature, and answering any questions they might have.

She also has to wear fun scrub outfits that are a pretty light blue

color. After a long day at work, my mom comes home exhausted

but always has a smile on her face. I'm so proud of her for being

so caring and dedicated.

Then there's my dad, Michael. He has a really cool job as a

computer programmer. Basically, he writes the code that makes

apps, websites, video games and software programs work. His

job allows him to solve puzzles and challenges every single day

using math, logic and creativity. He says it's kind of like doing a

gigantic digital jigsaw puzzle where all the pieces need to fit

together perfectly. To do his job well, he has to have incredible

focus and concentration. My dad works from home a few days

per week, typing away at his computer with huge headphones on

to block out distractions. The other days he goes into his office in

the city. I think it's fascinating how he can create things out of

codes that most of us have no idea how to read! Sometimes he

lets me play games or use apps he has built, which always blows

my mind.

Up next, my big sister Emily. She is 18 years old and just

started her first year of college. Emily is super smart and works

really hard at everything she does. Her dream is to become an

environmental scientist. That means she wants to study things

like weather patterns, climate change, animal behaviors and

pollution to help protect the planet we all live on. In her classes

now, she is learning about biology, chemistry, physics, ecology

and many other scientific topics. She spends a ton of time

reading, doing assignments and lab work. It sounds pretty





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