My Weekend Plans with My Best Friend
Last week at school, my best friend Timmy and I were talking
about what we wanted to do over the upcoming weekend. We
had so many fun ideas that we could hardly wait for Saturday to
Timmy lives just down the street from me, so it's really easy
for us to hang out together. On Saturday morning, I'm going to
wake up early and eat a big breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and
sausage to give me lots of energy for our adventures. Then I'll
get dressed and brush my teeth before rushing out the door.
My mom said she can drop me off at Timmy's house around
9am. I'll ring the doorbell and his mom will let me in. Timmy and
I have a secret best friend handshake we always do when we see
each other. It's really complicated with all sorts of fist bumps and
high fives! After we do our handshake, we'll head up to Timmy's
room to start planning our day.
The first thing we've both been dying to do is have an epic
pillow fight battle! We'll take all the pillows and couch cushions
we can find and build forts on opposite sides of Timmy's room.
Then we'll take turns trying to knock each other's fort down by
throwing pillows back and forth. Whoever's fort gets destroyed
first is the loser and has to do 10 pushups! We always get really
sweaty and out of breath from our pillow fights.
Once we're tired out from that, we're going to work on our
latest top secret project - building a super awesome tree house
in the backyard! We've been collecting scraps of wood, nails, a
hammer, and some old boards to try and construct the coolest
tree house ever. Timmy has a big oak tree that will be perfect to
build it in. We're going to add a trap door, a lookout post, secret
hiding spots, and more! Of course, no girls will be allowed inside
our super cool tree house club house.
Around lunchtime, we'll head inside to refuel with peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, apple slices, and juice boxes
that Timmy's mom prepared for us. We'll probably watch some
TV and play video games for a little bit to rest after working so
hard on our tree house blueprints.
In the afternoon, we're hoping to break out our bikes and go
on an adventure around the neighborhood! We'll pack a