Looking Good Growing and Changing 美丽的外表——成长与改变
It's natural if your appearance concerns you a good deal.
After all, the way you look now may still be very new to you.
From the age of about eleven, your body alters in shape and size, and your face changes too. 从
大约11岁开始,你的身体会改变形状和大小,你的脸也会改变。Slight little girls are
transformed into tall young women with well-developed figures. 苗条的小女孩会变成身材匀
称的高挑年轻女子。The girl who used to be tallest in her class may stop growing at sixteen and
find herself less than average in height. 曾经是班上最高的女孩可能在16岁时停止生长,发
现自己的身高低于平均水平。Snub noses lengthen: eyes that previously looked large may
appear smaller because they've remained the same size while the other features have grown.
特征都变大了。Not only that, but the texture of your skin probably is different, and you're likely
to suffer from spots. 不仅如此,你的皮肤质地也可能不同,你可能会出现斑点。1What Is
Beauty? 1什么是美丽?Different people have different ideas of beauty. 不同的人对美有不同
的看法。You only have to look at those around you to realize that people are attracted by every
possible physical type. 你只需看看你周围的人,就会意识到人们会被各种可能的身体类型所
吸引。Some people find plumpness attractive. 有些人觉得丰满很有吸引力。Some go for black
hair, others brown. 有些人喜欢黑头发,有些人喜欢棕色头发。At different times in history,
writers and artists have admired pure, high foreheads or low, broad ones; 在不同的历史时期,
作家和艺术家都曾赞美过纯洁的、高额头的或低额头的、宽额头的;large, round, lustrous eyes
or slanting, inscrutable ones; 大而圆的、有光泽的眼睛或倾斜的、难以捉摸的眼睛;sloping
shoulders or broad, square ones; 斜肩或宽肩、方肩;wide. 宽。humorous mouths or neat,
small ones; 幽默的嘴或整洁的,小的;turned-up noses or straight ones. 翻起鼻子或伸直鼻子。
If you're worried about how you look, you're certainly not the only one. 如果你担心自己的外
表,你肯定不是唯一一个。Most of your friends probably feel equally insecure, though they may
not admit or show it. 你的大多数朋友可能也有同样的不安全感,尽管他们可能不会承认或
表现出来。Girls who are tall usually long to be dainty and small, and vice versa; 个子高的女孩
通常渴望娇小玲珑,反之亦然;plump girls with rosy round faces would love to be pale and
delicate; 丰满的女孩,玫瑰色的圆脸,会喜欢苍白和精致;slender girls with very white skin
hate their pale and colourless look. 皮肤很白的苗条女孩讨厌她们苍白的脸色。You're being
conditioned into feeling as you do. 你已经习惯了感觉。A lot of pressures are encouraging you
to worry about your appearance. 许多压力促使你担心自己的外表。Women's magazines,
advertisements and the media all concentrate on the subject, and they bombard you with
warnings about bad breath, perspiration, being too fat or too thin. 女性杂志、广告和媒体都集
中在这个主题上,它们会连篇累牍地警告你口臭、出汗、太胖或太瘦。They even give the
impression that if you use a certain shampoo or cosmetic, you will become attractive to boys.
parents may become involved in this process too, by encouraging you to think about your
appearance, and your friends may create an atmosphere of competition 你的父母可能也会参
Image 身体形象The way you see yourself in your mind's eye may not even be accurate. 你在
脑海中看待自己的方式可能并不准确。For instance, girls who have once been fat often think of
hemselves like this long after they have become slim. 例如,曾经很胖的女孩往往在她们变苗
条很久之后还会这样想自己。Girls with a feature they don't like, such as a long nose or thick
ankles, become so unhappy about it that even when they look in the mirror, they're quite unable
to judge their total appearance. 长着自己不喜欢的特征的女孩,比如长鼻子或粗脚踝,会变
得非常不开心,甚至当她们照镜子时,也无法判断自己的整体形象。If they could only relax and
see themselves clearly, they might see how unimportant these so-called defects actually are. 如
What matters most is the kind of person you are. 最重要的是你是什么样的人。It would be
foolish to suggest that looks don't matter at all, but everyone knows people with all kinds of
"beauty handicaps" -a squint, bad skin, or a large nose -who nonetheless have easy, loving
relationships. 说长相不重要是愚蠢的,但每个人都知道有各种各样的“美丽障碍”——斜
视、皮肤不好或大鼻子——的人仍然拥有轻松、有爱的关系。The key to their success is often
a warm, kind heart and, most important, self-acceptance. 他们成功的关键往往是一颗温暖、
善良的心,最重要的是自我接纳。Looking good doesn't mean making yourself into a carbon
copy of a famous pop star, your popular older sister, or your best friend. 看起来漂亮并不意味
着你要变成一个著名流行歌手的翻版,你受欢迎的姐姐,或者你最好的朋友。It means making
the best of you, yourself. 它意味着充分利用你自己。