On English Culture from the Perspective of English Names

On English Culture from the Perspective of English Names


On English Culture from the Perspective of English Names

【Abstract】Personal names reflect splendid cultures from different perspectives

and culture is also restricted the choice of names. English personal names are studied

in this paper in order to reveal the culture information reflected in names.

【Key words】Surname; Given name; Culture reflection

0 Introduction

Personal names are the products of the historical development of human society.

They reflect the ancient civilization and splendid cultures from different perspectives.

The choice of names tells us about human thought processes at that time and reflects

the social reality. Therefore the personal names cannot be divorced from the social

culture. On the one hand, personal names are restricted by culture. On the other hand,

as a kind of social reality, personal names exert its influence and action on society and

culture. In short, personal names and culture influence each other, restrict each other

and act on each other. So making a study of personal names helps us to know better

about a culture.

1 Definition of Names

Ernst Pulgram in his “Theory of Names” offers a more detailed definition of a

name as following: “A proper name is a noun used in a non-universal function, with

or without recognizable current lexical value, of which the potential meaning

coincides with and never exceeds its actual meaning, and which is attached as a label

to one animate being or one inanimate object for the purpose of specific distinction

from among a number of like or in some respects similar beings or objects that are

either in no manner distinguished from one another or, for our interest, not sufficiently


From the definition, we can see a name is basically functioned as a “label”, with

the purpose of “specific distinction”. The article in the following will focus on

personal names, which makes up of a special branch in the system of names. Personal

names are people’s names--the names that they inherit at birth and the other names

that are given to them.

2 English Names and Their Culture Reflection

2.1 The structure of English names and its culture reflection

English names are also mainly made up of two components as Chinese ones are:

surnames and given names. But in English given name comes first and the surname is

at the end. Therefore, the surname to English native speakers is also called the last

name and given name the first name. For example, John Taylor, John is the given

name and Taylor is the surname. First name is also called baptized name or Christian

name, because most English native speakers believe in Christianity or Catholicism,

and their babies who are born around one week should be baptized and named by the

priest or parents in the phenomenon that the members of younger

generation use members of older generation’s given names as their own names is

very common in Britain or America, for example, British politician William Pitt and

his son William Pitt. It’s also the tradition of naming that he naming of a child in

Britain or America is totally decided by the parents. In western countries, the

individual thought is emphasized and advocated. This idea is embodied in the respect

for individuals and all members are equal. This is the reflection of individualism

orientation in English culture.

3 Conclusion

Names are an inseparable part of culture and the inevitable outcome of the

cultural evolution. Culture infiltrates into every aspect of human social lives and

exerts an imperceptible influence on people’s behavior. In this paper the phenomena

of personal names is studied in the scale of culture with the purpose of getting the

deep-going culture information reflected in English names. Through the analysis of

the structure of personal names, origin of English surnames and the given names we

can see English culture reflected in English names: religion, individualism and

equality. It is hoped that their culture reflection helps us to have a better

understanding of English language and English people, thus in the intercultural

communication we can communicate more effectively and successfully.











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