


A:This restaurant is so small, but it's always crowded. How did you find out

about it? 这家餐厅很小,但却始终客满。你是怎么知道这家餐厅的?

B:I heard by word of mouth that they had great food.我是藉着人家口耳相传,


5. Take the word right out of one's mouth


A: Did you see that girl in our English class. She is really beautiful. 你看见英语


B: You took the words right out of my mouth.我也正想这么说

509. 【只含一个单词的英文句】Rats! —— 差劲!Really? —— 真的?Relax! —

— 放轻松!Right! —— 对!Satisfied? —— 满意吗? —— 嘘...So so! ——

马马虎虎!Someday! —— 改天吧!Speaking! —— (打电话时)我就是!Still? —— 仍

是这样?Stingy! —— 小气鬼!你爱说哪句?

510. it's not chilly.一点都不冷。

511. 【棋逢对手】How about having a game of chess? 我们下盘棋怎么样?I fold.

我投降了。Do you want a rematch? 要不要再赛一盘? Let’s call it a day. 今天就到

此为止吧。Don’t think any more about it. 别再想它了。I play chess half for pleasure.



512. 【用于赞美的英语单词】adorable可爱的;gorgeous靓美养眼;fantastic可




513. 【各种舞蹈】街舞:street dance 民族舞:folk dance 芭蕾:ballet 踢踏舞:tap

dance 爵士舞:jazz 脱衣舞:striptease 肚皮舞:belly dance 交谊舞:ballroom dance 拉

丁舞:latin dance 伦巴:rumba 探戈:tango 桑巴:samba 华尔兹:waltz 狐步:foxtrot 弗


514. [谈谈你的兴趣爱好] folk musical instruments 民族乐器;modern dance 现

代舞;volleyball 排球;basketball 篮球;jogging 慢跑;skiing 滑雪;rock climbing

攀岩;mountain climbing 登山;painting 绘画;oil painting 油画;traditional Chinese

painting 国画;cooking 烹饪

515. 【砍价】Lower the price, and I'll consider it. 价钱低一点我才考虑。I like

everything about it except the price. 这东西除了价钱之外我都喜欢。I've seen this

cheaper (in) other places. 我在别家有看过更便宜的。If I buy more than one, will you

give me a discount? 多买一点有折扣吗?

516. 美国人常用个性经典短语:Thousand times no! 绝对办不到!Easy does it. 慢

慢来。What is the fuss? 吵什么?Still up? 还没睡呀?Don't let me down. 别让我失

望。God works. 上帝的安排。Does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?Don't flatter

me. 过奖了。Can-do. 能人。Bottle it! 闭嘴!


517. 【谁都可能犯错】1)I thought you were someone else. 我以为你是另一个人。

2)I misunderstood what you meant. 我误会你的意思了。 3)I said something I

shouldn’t have. 我说了不该说的话。 4)I was wrong. 我错了。 5)I made a mistake.

我犯了一个错误。 6)It’s my fault. 那是我的错

518. It's almost dinnertime快到饭点了。

519. 【"加油"的几种表达】1) Go! Go! Go! 还有Come on! 2)Go for it! 3)Don't give

up! 4)Hang in there! 5)You can do it! 6)Just do it! 7)Let's go! Let's go!8)Cheer up!

当朋友因为某事而垂头丧气时,你可以用Cheer up来鼓励他,表示加油!振作一点!高兴一

点!笑一笑吧等意思。 韩国人经常说fighting

520. 【小饰品】headband 头巾;tiara 小皇冠;clip-on earrings 夹式耳环;

magnetic earrings 磁石耳环;nose ring 鼻环;nose stud 鼻钉;coronet 花冠;Arm

ornaments 臂饰;armlet 臂环;cuff link 袖扣;bangle 手镯/脚镯;brooch 胸针;

chatelaine 腰链;anklet 脚链。

521. 【女孩化妆盒】1. lip gloss唇彩r腮红 polish指甲油 4. eyeliner

眼线笔 5. eyebrow pencil眉笔 6. mascara睫毛膏 7. pressed powder 粉饼

shadow眼影 remover卸妆水 mask面膜 foundation粉


522. 【"我该走了"各种地道表达】 's getting late. I've got to split. 要晚了,我

该走了。2.I’d better be making tracks.3.I’d better get going. 4.I’d better be off in

a (little) bit. 5.I’ve (got) to go/run now. 6.I must get/be going. 7.I guess I should be


going. 哪一句你最常用呢

523. 【宠物情缘】Cat is more independent than dog. 猫比狗独立性强。Dogs

provide people with good company. 狗是人类的好伴侣。You should spend time

playing with your pet. 你应该和你的宠物一起玩玩。How often do you groom it? 你


524. 【美国人高频口语】(2)How big of you! 你真棒!Poor thing! 真可怜!Does

it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。Big mouth! 多嘴

驴!Sure thing! 当然!Never mind. 不要紧。Drop it! 停止!Don’t get loaded. 别

喝醉了。Good for you! 好得很!

525.好多鱼:热带鱼tropical fish;秋刀鱼pacific saury;三文鱼salmon;大海鲢

tarpon;鲳鱼pomfret; 鲢鱼chub;鳗鱼eel;鲤鱼carp;鲣鱼skipjack;鲟鱼sturgeon;


salmon;梭子鱼 pike;淡水鱼

526. :【上厕所时】解小便是to urinate或to piss/take a piss/take a leak小孩常

用to pee或to go potty。解大便是to make a bowel movement或to take a

shit/defecate/discharge excrement/take feces.小孩常用to go poo poo 。放屁是to

expel gas。“我憋不住了”可以说 I can't hold it.

527. 【美国人高频口语】(5)I’ve been back and forth. 我犹豫不定。Ready for

a refill? 我再给你倒一杯吧?Go on, I dare you! 有种你就去!You are a freak! 你这个

变态!I have part of the fault. 我也有责任。Are you spying on me? 你监视我?


528. 【时代杂志推荐十大营养食品TIME Top 10 Nutrition Recommendations】①

番茄Tomatoes;②菠菜Spinach;③花生、杏仁等堅果Nuts (peanuts, almonds, etc.);


⑨綠茶Green Tea;⑩紅酒Red wine

529. 【美国人高频口语】(4)继续积累!can-do 能人,close-up 特写镜头,dog

walker 遛狗的人,talk you up 说你的好话,organize my thoughts 整理思绪,no way

to recover 没有掩饰的机会了,admire your candor 你还真胆大,creep me out 雷死

我了,goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩。

530. :【十大垃圾食品Junk Food】①deep-fried food油炸类食品;②preserved

food 腌制类;③processed meat加工肉类;④biscuits饼干类;⑤cola soft drinks汽水可乐

类;⑥convenience food方便类;⑦canned food罐头类;⑧preserved dried products 话

梅蜜饯类;⑨frozen desserts冷冻甜品;⑩ grilled food烧烤类

531. 【美国人高频口语】(3)That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。 It's up in the air. 尚

未确定。I am all ears. 洗耳恭听。Let's bag it. 先把它搁一边。You bet! 当然!Tell me

when! 随时奉陪!Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至 low key/profile 低调

532. 【世界十大名表】1、百达翡丽(Patek Philippe);2、江诗丹顿(Vacheron

Constantin);3、爱彼(Audemars Piguet);4、 宝玑(Breguet);5、 万国(IWC);6、 伯

爵(Piaget);7、 卡地亚(Cartier);8、 积家(Jaeger LeCoultre);9、 劳力士(Rolex);

10、 芝柏(Girard-Perregaux)、

533. 【一天一句 #地道美语#】I'll get out of the way: 我闪人了。


534. The walls have ears! 隔墙有耳!

535. 【数学】①整数Integers=自然数Natural Numbers +零Zero+负整数Negative

Integers / 奇数Odd Numbers 偶数Even Numbers; ②小数Decimals=循环小数

Recurring Decimals + 非循环小数Terminating Decimals;③分数 Fractions: 百分数

Percent / 千分数 Permille;④把?四舍五入到?:

536. 【美国人高频口语】(6)After you. 你先请. I’m really dead.我真的要累死了.Is

that so?真是那样的吗?Don’t play games with me.别跟我耍花招. Do you really

mean it.此话当真. That’s something.太好了,太棒了.Don’t take it to heart. 别往心


537. 【各种面】Hand Pulled Noodle:兰州牛肉拉面 Lanzhou beef noodle;红烧牛

肉拉面 Stewed beef noodle;雪菜排骨拉面 Xuecai pork noodle;鸡肉拉面 Chicken

noodle;海鲜拉面 Seafood noodle;牛肉炒面 Fried noodle with beef;猪肉炒面 Fried

noodle with pork;山西凉拌面Shanxi cold noodle

538. 【书籍的结构表达】封面front cover;目录table of contents;前页front

matter; 硬封面hardbound;软封面softcover; 书脊spine;序言foreword; 前言

preface; 章节chapter;附录appendix; 索引index;附注notes;参考文献

bibliography; 献词dedication;版权copyright,版税

539. 【各种花名】jasmine茉莉; lavender薰衣草;hyacinth风信子;rose玫瑰


向日葵;syringa(lilac)紫丁香;begonia秋海棠;holly冬青;water lily荷花; magnolia玉兰


花;cactus 仙人掌;camellia 山茶花

540. :【各种形】三角形△ triangle;四边形 quadrilateral ;凸四边形 convex

quadrilateral;多边形 polygon;平行四边形 parallelogram;矩形 rectangle;菱形

lozenge/ rhombus;梯形 trapezoid;正方形 square;长方形 oblong/ rectangle;对

角线 diagonal;内/外角 interior/ exterior angle

541. 【法律英语】宪法 constitutional law;刑法 criminal law;行政法

administrative law;民法 civil law;商法 commercial law, mercantile law;国际法

international law;劳工法 labour laws;财政法 fiscal law;民事诉讼法 Civil Suit Law,

Code of civil law;刑事诉讼法 Criminal Law

542. 【耳朵相关表达】/lend an ear to someone 倾听某人心声 a deaf

ear 不加理睬 one's ear off 喋喋不休 a pig's ear of 把事情搞得很糟糕

big ears 消息灵通 eyes and ears 聚精会神 it by ear 随机应变

from ear to ear 笑逐颜开

543. 【三角形Triangles】{要素}①边sides;②顶点vertex;③内/外角

interior/exterior angles;{按边分in terms of Sides}①等腰△ Isosceles Triangles;②

等边△ Equilateral Ts;③不等边△ Nonequilateral Ts;{按角分in terms of Angles}①锐

角△ Acute Ts;②钝角△ Obtuse Ts;③直角△ Right Ts

544. 【美国人高频口语】(8)1. It’s not like that.不是那样的。2. There is nothing

good playing. 没好电影可看.3. I’ve gotten carried away. 我扯太远了。4. Good thing

还好,幸好…5. I don’t believe you’re bringing this up.你现在提这件事真是岂有此理。


545. 【与香蕉相关】1. to be bananas:to be crazy 发疯的,神经错乱的

guuy's bananas!那家伙真是疯了!2. to go bananas: become crazy.发疯,神经错

乱3. play second banana (to):to be second choice 第二选择,次要人物 4. top

banana:main boss领袖,头头,大老板

546. :【实用口语】 1. Peace out. 再见。2. All set. 都准备好了。3. Wait up. 等等。

4. About time. 差不多是时候了。5. Not ever. 从来不。6. Hush hush. 安静。7. No class.

没水准。8. You fool. 你这个笨蛋。9. Where to? 上哪儿?10. My bad. 我的错。11.

Hands off. 不准碰。

547. 【地道口语】I'm thrilled. 我太激动了;I'm in a good mood today. 我今天心

情很好;I'm walking on air. 我高兴得飘飘欲仙;I jumped for joy. 我高兴得跳了起来;

This is too good to be true. 这简直难以置信;Nothing could be more wonderful. 没

有比这更让人高兴了;Hold your horses. 沉住气.

548. 【运算符】①+加号/正号 plus/positive(+7读plus/positive7);②-减号/负号

minus/negative;③×乘号 multiplied by/ times;④—,/,÷ 除号over/ is to/ divided

by(a:b读a is to b);⑤+正号 positive;⑥-负号 negative;⑦: 比例 proportion;

⑧%百分比 percent/per cent;⑨‰千分比 permille

549. 【美国人高频口语】(7)No peeking! 不要偷看啊!I feel wild today. 我今天

好亢奋!I’m kind of beat. 我有点累了。My ears are ringing so bad. 我耳鸣得厉害。

Can you get the door? 你能去开门吗?Any luck? 找到了吗?You got me. 你还真问

住我了。It doesn’t count. 那不算。


550. 【表达积累】have a good command of 对…熟练;have intensive interest in

对…有广泛兴趣;strong sense of 强烈的…感;to obtain a position as 想获得…一职务;

participate in 参与…;served as 担任…;be responsible for 负责…;be good at 擅

长…;... 多少年的…

551. 【各种手机款式】手机的英文表达是cell phone(美)mobile phone(英)。1)

直板手机 slab / bar phone 2)翻盖手机flip phone 3)滑盖手机 slider phone 4)侧滑

盖式手机side slider 5)旋盖式手机 swivel 6)智能手机smart phone ~What kind of cell

phone do you have?

552. 【关于睡觉的表达】 熟睡中be fast asleep;睡不着 can’t get to sleep; 躺

在床上醒着睡不着lie awake;辗转难眠toss and turn;熬夜到三更半夜stay up until the

wee hours;夜猫子night owl ;深度睡眠者heavy/sound sleeper 浅睡者light sleeper;

习惯早起者early riser; 习惯晚起者late riser

553. When you really care about someone, age, distance, weight, height, skin

color, and sexuality, do not matter. 当你真的在乎某个人,年龄,距离,体重,身高,


554. 【递烟的地道表达】1. Have a smoke? 抽根儿烟? 2. Would you like a

cigarette? 要来根儿烟吗? 3. Cigarettes? 你抽烟吗? 4. Let's go have a smoke. 我

们去抽根烟吧。 5. Do you smoke? 你抽烟吗? 6. Cigar or cigarette? 想抽雪茄还是香

烟? 7. Would you like to try one? 要不要抽一口?

555. 【写邮件必备】 of all 首先 the meantime 同时 one's point


of view 从某人的观点来看 lly speaking一般而言 5. in conclusion 总之

accordance with (according to) 根据... terms of 在某方面 from that 此外

to由于 to在……之前

556. 【加班相关的表达】1.I’ve worked a great deal of overtime this month.这

个月我加了很多的班。 much is the overtime pay? 3. Do I get overtime pay?我

有加班费吗? , you are an exempt (salaried) employee, and do not get paid for


557. #生活英语在线#1. We fully support you on this. 在这件事情上,我们全力支

持你。 2. Why not just give it a shot/try? 为什么不试一试呢? 3. I'm having trouble

hearing you. 我听不清楚。 4. Are we clear? 清楚了吗? 5. What would you like/do u

want me to do? 你想让我怎么做?

558. 【谈论吸烟】①Smoking sucks!吸烟很糟!②Smoking is bad for your

health./Smoking is harmful to your health.吸烟有害健康。③Smoking will give you

cancer.吸烟致癌。④Smoking will kill you.吸烟致命。⑤Smoking pollutes the air.吸烟

污染空气。⑥Smoking makes your teeth yellow and ugly.

559. 【算命相关的表达】占卜divination;占卜者diviner;风水Feng Shui; 塔罗

牌tarot cards;算命fortune-telling;算命先生fortune-teller;迷信superstition;相

面face reading/physiognomy;看手相palm-reading/hand analysis;八字hour of the

eight characters;求签Chinese fortune sticks

560. I’ll tied up all day. 我一整天都在忙。I’m up to my ears/neck in work. 我


工作忙得无法抽身。I’m running out of time. I need to finish this. 没多少时间了,我

一定要做完这个。I’m swamped. I never have time to relax. 我忙得不可开交,连休息


561.【吵架气话】You’re a jerk! 你这个废物!You have a lot of nerve. 你脸皮真

厚。Knock it off.少来这套。Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去!You are the one who

brought about that quarrel. 是你先引起这次争吵的。You can’t even handle this little

thing. 你连这点事都处理不好。

562.【宿舍生活】I hope you don't mind, I took the bottom bunk. 我希望你不介

意我睡下铺。Where should I put my belongings? 我该把行李放在哪里呢?Look! Your

room is in a mess! 看,你的宿舍乱七八糟的!You have to do your fair share around

here. 你应该分担你应负的责任。


老兄,Come on快点,别胡扯,Fabulous极好,Awesome出色的,Whatever随便,

Alright好吧,What's up近况如何,Holy crap我滴神啊,Oh, my God/Gosh我的天!

564. 【容易被误解的英语】Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是"西班牙运动员");blue

stocking 女学者、女才子(不是"蓝色长统袜");Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是"中国龙");

American beauty 红蔷薇/月月红(不是"美国美女");an apple of love 西红柿(不是"


565. 【各种表情】snicker偷笑;grin露齿笑,smirk假笑;simper傻笑;beam眉

开眼笑;pout 噘嘴;flush脸红;frown 皱眉;brood沉思;stupified精神恍惚的;




566.【五险一金的表达】1. endowment insurance(养老保险);2. medical insurance

(医疗保险);3. unemployment insurance(失业保险);4. work-related injury

insurance(工伤保险);5. childbirth insurance(生育保险)6. housing accumulation


567. 【iphone5】智能手机smart phone;用户subscriber;短信SMS;铃声ringtone;

电池battery;充电器charger;按键 keypad;按钮(侧面的)button;屏幕screen;分

辨率resolution;屏保screen protector;存储卡memory card;手机套cover;手机链

phone strap

568. 【职场短语】break an agreement 违约;self-assessment 自我评估;

constructive criticism 有益的批评;enhance the efficiency 提升效率;enhance

customer loyalty 增强客户忠诚度;future projection 长远规划;strive for sth. 努力

(追求)…;do one's utmost 竭力。

569. 【sub-health亚健康】high stress level高度精神紧张;physical disorder身

体不适;overload负担过重;neglect of exercise缺乏运动;overfatigue疲劳过度;



570. 【英语短信简写】b/c—because;b4—before;b'day—birthday;b4n(or bfn)

—bye for now(再见);bbl—be back later(稍后回来);brb—be right back(很快回


来);brt—be right there(马上到);btw—by the way(顺便提一下);bcnu—be seeing


571【面试短语】be on overtime 在加班;go into overtime 延长时间;work

overtime 加班;overtime fee 加班费;complain about sth.抱怨…;on business trip

出差;notice in writing 书面通知;a short / a moment's notice 提前很短时间通知;

guarantee sb. sth. 向某人保证某事

572. 【口语】You moron.你没得救了。It's your fond hope.你是一厢情愿。You're

as bold as brass.你脸皮够厚。Don't push your luck.你别太嚣张了。It's out of our

hands now.现在就等着吧。I was rooting for you the whole time.我一直都支持你的。

It's just an empty threat.只是虚张声势。

573. 【EQ的12个方面】Awareness 洞察,Control 控制,Assessment 评估,

Vision 远见,Creativity 创见,Innovation 革新,Ambition 抱负,Initiative 主动,

Conscientiousness 尽责,Adaptability 适应,Independence 独立,Optimism 乐观 你


574. 【地道口语】's the hold-up?磨蹭什么呢?2.I'm so scatty.我太健忘了

3.I can't call to mind.我想不起来了 've made your bed.你自找的 5.I'm on a

rocky road.最近有点不顺 6.I'm stuck in a rut.我生活太单调了 look so pale.你脸

色看起来很苍白 went all out!你已尽力了!

575. 【俚语】cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(开门见山,单刀直入);daily grind

例行苦事,每天得干的苦工;days are numbered 来日无多;dead-end street 死路,


死巷子;domino effect 骨牌效应;down to the wire 最后关头;down under 南边(常

指面半球的澳洲);get hitched 拴起来(结婚)

576. 【关于"心"】1. He seems unfriendly at first but honestly his heart's in the

right place. 他看似很难相处,但其实是个很好的人。2. He wears his heart on his sleeve,

you always know exactly how he's feeling. 他很容易被别人识破。3. Have a heart! 有


577. 【关于头脑】1. Get your head out of the clouds. 别胡思乱想了。2. I laughed

my head off at that film. 太好笑了。3. I don't know the answer off the top of my

head. 想破脑袋也想不出来。4. Don't bite his head off for that tiny mistake. 得饶人处


578. 【地道口语】 seem under pressure.你看上去很有压力。.很棒。

see right through me.你完全看穿我了。4.I'm at a loss.我不知所措了。 a

clue.毫无头绪。 biggie.没什么大不了的。 go easy.放松点。8.I have right on

my side.正义站在我这边。

579. 【娱乐节目】相声:crosstalk;小品:witty skit;脱口秀:talk show;达人秀:Got

Talent;相亲:dating show;合唱:chorus;杂技:acrobatics;魔术:magic;武术:martial

arts;二人转:song-and-dance duet;京剧:Peking Opera;配音秀:movie dubbing;朗

诵:recital;独奏:instrumental solo

580. 【潮词】选择焦虑症 choice anxiety;hardcore 重口味;性感妈妈 yummy

mummy;熟女 cougar;奉子成婚 shotgun marriage;脑残体 leetspeak;


Interview-screening process 面试筛选;醉驾 driving while intoxicated;致癌物

carcinogen;Nice guy syndrome 好人综合症

581. 【俚语】ball and chain 铁球铁链(老婆);beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其

奔驰(徒劳)beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看);bet your life 把命赌

上(绝对错了);better half 我的另一半;big headed 大脑袋(傲慢,自大);bigger fish

to fry 有更大的鱼要炸(有更重要的事要办)

582. 【好句型学起来】I 我总是…;I'm 我愿意…;I have no

我在…方面没有困难;I need to 我需要在…提高;I pride

我在…方面出色;I've the specific 我在…方面很有经验;To be

frankly, I...坦率地讲,我…

583. 【地道口语】 time is your time!请你吩咐!'s a date.一言为定。's

a steal.真便宜。 has no sense.她不懂事。's not a big deal.没什么了不起。

a good of it.玩得高兴。 of your keyhole.不准偷看。8.I can't make two

ends meet.我是月光一族。

584. 【如何回应骂你的人】1. It takes one to know one.彼此彼此。2. See if I care.

懒得理你。3. I don't give a crap.我一点都不在乎。4. Talk to my hand(头撇开,略微举

起手掌,表示对方只够格跟你的手说话)别烦我。5. Whatever.随你的便。6. All I hear is

blah blah blah.废话一堆。

585. 【俚语】a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在

林;a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的开始);a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满);


a cat nap 打个盹儿;a couch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼);a headache 头痛(麻

烦事);a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒)

586. 【表达积累】I have high 我熟练…;I am quick and efficient

我能快速而高校地…;I 我主要学习…;I 我专攻…;

I got the bachelor/master 我获得…学士/硕士学位;I have good command

of ...我熟练掌握…

587. 【常见品牌】飘柔(洗发水)Rejoice 欣喜;汰渍(洗衣粉)Tide 潮流;雪碧

(饮料)Sprite 小妖精,调皮鬼;乐百氏(饮料)Robust 健康的;金利来(领带)Goldlion

金狮子;苏泊尔(压力锅)Super 特级品;雅戈尔(衬衫) Younger 更年轻的;美登高(冰

淇淋) Meadow gold 金草地

588. 【老外吵起架灰常的猛】You’re a jerk! 你是个混球. I don’t want to see your

face! 我不愿再见到你! Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! Get lost.滚开!Take a hike!

哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。You piss me off. 你气死我了。适当发泄愤怒是可以的,千万不


589. 【“运气好的几种表达”】1)It's your lucky day. 你真走运2)That's fortunate. 真

有好运气。3)You got lucky.谢天谢地。4)What luck! 太走运了!5)I was just lucky.只是运

气好。6)I lucked out today.今天的运气真好7)Today's my lucky day./I feel lucky

today./I'm in luck today.今天的运气真好

590. ① 买一送一。 Buy one get one free. ② 打个折吧! Give me a discount! ③

真是有缘! It must have been destiny / fate. ④ 一言为定。 It’s a deal. ⑤ 马马虎


虎。 So-so. ⑥ 再接再厉。 Work harder.

591. 【如何表达想上厕所⑴】①Where's the toilet?(不太委婉)②I need to use the

lavatory.③Where's the restroom?④Where's the ladies' /men's (room)?⑤I need to

use the bathroom / washroom.(美国人用得较多)

592. 【弄错了会很丢脸的英文】 room 厕所(不是休息室)ng room

化妆室(不是更衣室)ng house 妓院(不是体育室) sense 常识(不是

“马的感觉”)l idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)dy 爱管闲事的


593. 【12星座的英文写法】白羊座(Aries)、金牛座(Taurus)、双子座(Gemini)、



594. #生活英语在线#1)I want to do you a favor.我想帮你一个忙。2) It doesn't

make any sense to me.我觉得那样很没道理。 3)I guess so.我也这么想。4)It's not like

that. 不是那样的。5)I'm a little bit embarrassed. 我有点尴尬。6)Don't get me wrong.


595. 【男人不要这样子】1. old-womanish 挑三拣四的,婆婆妈妈的;2. sissy

(sissified, womanish )娘娘腔的,女人气的;3. effeminate 缺乏阳刚之气的,娇气的;

4. prissy 神经质的,谨小慎微的,过分挑剔;5. soft 软弱无能的;6. unmanly 怯懦的,

缺乏男子汉气概的;7. chicken 胆小鬼;So, man up!


596. 【美剧口语】#老友记# 1. The more I worried about it, the more I couldn't

sleep. 我越是担心越是睡不着。2. I'm all yours!我全听你的。3. You fall for it every time.

你每次都要上当。4. 、I think I should give it a shot! 我觉得应该尝试一下!5. Where

were we? 刚才我们谈/做到哪里了?

597. 【各种类型的笑】smile微笑;laugh笑、大笑;giggle 咯咯笑;grin 咧嘴笑、

露齿笑;smirk 傻笑、假笑;sneer 嘲笑、冷笑、讥笑;cackle 咯咯大笑;snicker 窃笑、

暗笑、偷笑;snigger 吃吃地窃笑;titter 嗤笑、傻笑;cachinnate/guffaw 狂笑、哄笑、


598. 【形容味道】 taste 味道; tasty 美味的; delicious 味道好的; sweet 甜

的; sour 酸的; bitter 苦的; hot 辣的; salty 咸的; spiced 加香料的; fragrant

香的; seasoned 加作料的; tasteless 无味的; flat 淡而无味的(如走了气的啤酒);

greasy 油腻的; bland 清淡的; light 清淡的

599. 【常用财经证券词汇】股票/股权 stock/share;债券/债务 bond/debts;基金

fund;期权 option;期货 futures;外汇 foreign exchange(forex, FX) ;negotiable

share 可流通股份;convertible bond 可转换债券;treasury/government bond 国库

券/政府债券;corporate bond 企业债券

600. 【亲近大自然】nature 大自然;scenery 景色、风景;spectacle 奇观、景象;

scenic 风景优美的;creek/brook 小溪;spring 泉水;jungle 丛林;canyon 峡谷、溪

谷;lawn 草地、草坪;valley 山谷;mountain 山脉;breeze 微风;stream 溪流;

waterfall 瀑布;plateau 高原;basin 盆地;swamp 沼泽


601. 【一天一句 #地道美语#】I have a parent-teacher conference next week

下周去开家长会(parent-teacher conference: 家长会)

602. 【卑鄙VS和善】各种卑鄙:1. mean 卑鄙的、刻薄的,2. shameless 无耻的、

不要脸的,3. ignominious 可耻的、不光彩的,4. filthy 污秽的;各种善良:1.

kind-hearted 好心肠的、善良的,2. humane 仁慈的、高尚的,3. merciful 仁慈的,

4. pitiful 慈悲的,5. facile 随和的,6. affable 和蔼可亲的

603. 【俚语】pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步);punch your

lights out 揍得你两眼发黑;put all of one's eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子

里(孤注一掷);put one's foot in one's mouth 把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了);rob the

cradle 劫摇篮(老牛吃嫩草)

604. 【每天五句话送给自己】1. Being yourself! 做你自己!2. You did it! 你做到

了!3. Don't give up! 不要放弃!4. Follow your dreams! 追寻你的梦想! 5. Be strong!







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