The First Day at a New Job: Why It's So Important
Have you ever started a new job before? Maybe it was your
first job ever, or maybe you've had a few jobs already. Either way,
the first day at a new workplace is always really exciting and
really nerve-wracking at the same time!
I haven't had a job myself yet since I'm still just a kid in
elementary school. But my mom recently started a new job, and I
got to see firsthand how big of a deal that first day was for her.
She was so anxious the night before - picking out her outfit,
getting all her paperwork together, barely sleeping because she
was going over everything in her head. Then in the morning, she
woke up super early, did her hair and makeup extra nice, and
tried to eat a good breakfast despite her tummy being filled with
Why was my mom so worked up over this first day? Well,
from what I could gather by watching her stress out, the first day
on a new job is crucially important for a few key reasons:
First Impressions Are Huge
They say you never get a second chance to make a first
impression, and that's definitely true when it comes to starting a
new job. My mom knew that how she came across on Day 1 was
going to really stick in the minds of her new boss, colleagues,
clients, etc. She wanted to put her best foot forward and show
them that she's a professional, capable person who has it all
If she had rolled in late, dressed sloppily, acting frazzled and
scattered, it would have made her seem unprepared and
unprofessional right off the bat. Instead, by being punctual,
polished, and poised from the get-go, she set the tone that she's
someone to be taken seriously in this new role.
It's About Establishing Yourself
Beyond just those first impressions, my mom also knew that
the first day would be her big chance to start establishing herself
at the company and really stake her claim. She wanted to make it
clear from Day 1 what her strengths and positive qualities are
that make her an asset to the team.
For example, if she spoke up with good ideas and
suggestions right away in meetings, it would show them she's
someone who brings valuable insights and problem-solving
skills to the table. If she had an easy rapport with everyone she
met and maybe even made them laugh, it would highlight her
strong interpersonal skills. If she asked smart, thoughtful