1. The scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of
human beings. anthropology
1。科学研究的起源,行为,和物理,社会和文化发展的人类. 人类学
2. Surgical removal of the gallbladder . cholecystectomy
2。手术切除胆囊 胆囊切除术
3. A hormone causing contraction of the gallbladder, release of bile, and secretion of pancreatic
digestive enzymes cholecystokinin
3。一种激素引起的胆囊收缩,释放胆汁和胰腺分泌的消化酶 缩胆囊素
4. A specialist involved in the study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related
disorders. endocrinologist
4。参与此项研究的专家的身体的腺体和激素及其相关疾病 内分泌学家
5. Secreting externally, directly or through a duct exocrine
5。向外分泌,直接或通过一个管道 外分泌
6. Pain in the stomach gastralgia
6。胃痛 胃痛
7. Pertaining to stomach and intestine gastrointestinal
7。用于修饰或说明胃和小肠 胃肠的
10. A source of nourishment, especially a nourishing ingredient in a food . nutrient
10。营养的来源,特别是一个滋养成分在食品 营养
1. A chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation antioxidant
1。一个化合物或物质,可抑制氧化 抗氧化剂
2. Compounds produced by photosynthetic plants and containing only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
2。化合物产生的光合植物和只包含碳、氢、氧 碳水化合物
3. An abnormal fear of water hydrophobia
3。一个不正常的恐惧水 狂犬病
4. Of or related to secretion or production of milk lactating
4。或与之相关的分泌或生产的牛奶 分泌乳汁
5. Inducing lactation lactogenic
5。诱导泌乳 催乳的
6. pertaining to the medical study of nervous system and related disorders neurological
6。用于修饰或说明医疗研究神经系统和相关疾病的 神经学
7. Of, relating to, or affecting both nerves and muscles neuromuscular
7。属于、关于或影响两个神经和肌肉 神经肌肉的
8. A protein hormone with effects in regulating bodyweight, metabolism and reproductive function. 8. A mental illness resulting in high levels of anxiety, unreasonable fears and behavior and, often, a
8。一个在调节体重、代谢和生殖功能有效果的蛋白质激素 leptin 瘦素
9. The complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism, in which
some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances,
necessary for life, are synthesized metabolism
而其他物质,生命所必需的 新陈代谢
need to repeat actions unnecessarily neurosis
8精神疾病导致高水平的焦虑、不合理的恐惧和行为,以及经常需要重复动作不必要 神经病
9. A branched cell embedded in the matrix of bone tissue osteocyte
9。一个分支单元嵌入到矩阵的骨组织 骨细胞
10. A disease in which the bones become extremely porous. osteoporosis
10。一种疾病,骨骼变得非常多孔 骨质疏松
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1. An antigen that is a normal bodily constituent and against which the immune system produces
autoantibodies autoantigen
1。一个抗原,是一种正常的身体成分和对自身抗原免疫系统产生的 抗体
2. Mental introversion in which the attention or interest is fastened upon the patient’s own ego
2。心理内向,注意或兴趣系在病人自己的自我 autism 自闭症
3. A condition in which the body produces an immune response against its own tissue constituents
3。一种状态的身体会产生免疫反应对自己的组织成分 autoimmunity 自身免疫
4. A general restlessness or excess of movement hyperactivity
4。一般坐立不安或者过量的运动 多动
ally elevated basal metabolism unassociated with thyroid disease hypermetabolism
5基础代谢异常升高无关与甲状腺疾病 代谢亢进
6. Abnormally elevated blood pressure hypertension
6。血压异常升高的 高血压
7. The condition of being relatively slow in mental, emotional, or physical development retardation
7。在精神、情感或身体成长相对缓慢的 发育迟缓
8. An agent that temporarily arouses or accelerates physiological or organic activity stimulant
8。一个代理,暂时引起或加速生理或有机活动 兴奋剂
9. To be or go beyond, as in degree or quality surpass
9。是或超越,如学位或质量 超越
10. Not disposed to seek the company of others; reserved unsociable
10。不愿意找别人陪伴;保留不和气的 反社会
1. At, near, or on the kidneys adrenal
1。在附近,或对肾脏的 肾上腺
2. A drug used to prevent or relieve mental depression antidepressant
2。一种药物用于预防或减轻心理抑郁 抗抑郁
3. An agent that relieves or counteracts antidote
3。一个代理,缓解或抵消的 解毒剂
4. Counteracting or diminishing the symptoms of psychotic disorders antipsychotic
4。杜绝或减少精神障碍的症状 抗精神病
5. Lasting for a long period of time chronic
5。持续长时间 慢性
6. A mistaken thought, idea, or notion; a misunderstanding misperception
6。一个错误的念头、想法或概念;一个误会 误解
7. A physician who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional
disorders psychiatrist
7。一个医生专攻的诊断、治疗和预防的心理和情感障碍 精神病学家
8. The science that deals with mental processes and behavior psychology
8。科学处理心理过程和行为 心理学
9. Of, relating to, or in the region of the kidneys renal
9。属于、关于或地区的肾脏的 肾的
10. Making nervous or upset unnerving
10。使紧张或沮丧 不安
1. Surgical reconstruction of a blood vessel angioplasty
1。外科重建血管 血管整形术
2. A serum globulin formed by the liver that is cleaved by renin to form angiotensin
2。一个血清球蛋白由肝脏,通过肾素裂解形成血管紧张素 血管紧张素原
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3. Of or relating to heat caloric
3。属于或关于卡路里的 热量
4. Of, relating to, or associated with the stomach gastric
4。属于、关于或相关胃 胃
5. Chronic or acute inflammation of the stomach gastritis
5。慢性或急性炎症的胃 胃炎
6. An agent that causes disease, especially a living microorganism such as a bacterium or fungus
6。一个代理,导致疾病,特别是活体微生物如细菌或真菌 pathogen 病原体
7. Pertaining to the scientific study of the functional changes associated with or resulting from disease
4。检查结肠通过结肠镜 结肠镜检查
5. the curve traced by an electrocardiograph electrocardiogram
5。曲线跟踪通过心电图 心电图
6. failure or refusal to comply noncompliance
6。失败或拒绝遵守 不服从
7. not penetrating the body, as by incision or injection noninvasive
7。不穿透身体,通过切口或注射 无创
8. a naturally or artificially produced radioactive isotope of an element radioisotope
8。一种放射性同位素天然存在或人工合成元素的 放射性同位素
or-injury pathophysiologic
7。用于修饰或说明的科学研究相关的功能变化或造成的疾病或损伤 病理生理的
8. A naturally occurring ester of three fatty acids and glycerol triglyceride
8。一种天然酯三脂肪酸和甘油三酸 甘油三脂
9. Of, characterized by, or containing vessels vascular
9。的,其特点是,或含有血管 血管的
10. something, such as a nerve or drug, that causes vasodilation vasodilator
10。一些东西,比如神经或药物,导致血管舒张 血管舒张
1. an x-ray of one or more blood vessels produced by angiography angiogram
1。一个x射线的一个或多个血管造影血管造影片生产的 血管造影照片
2. localized pain in the region of the heart cardialgia
2。在该地区的局部疼痛的心 心痛
3. the medical study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart cardiology
3。医学研究的结构、功能、和紊乱的心 心脏病学
4. examination of the colon by means of a colonoscope colonoscopy
9. a backward or return flow reflux
9。一个落后或回流 回流
10. recurrence of stenosis after corrective surgery on a heart valve restenosis
10。矫正手术后复发的狭窄在心脏瓣膜 再狭窄
,relating to,or involving the heart and the blood vessels cardiovascular
1. 心血管的,与心脏或血管有关的,或涉及 心血管的
-tenth of a liter. deciliter
2.十分之一升。 分升
3.A process of filtering and removeing waste products from the blood stream dialysis
3.从血液中过滤和去除废物的方法 透析
4.A specialist involved in the study of the causes,distribution,and control of disease in populations.
4.参与研究原因、分布的专家,及人群疾病控制。 epidemiologist流行病学家
5.A portable monitor used to measure blood glucose levels glucometer
5.一种便携式监视器用于测量血糖水平, 血糖仪
ion of glucose in the urine,especially in elevated quantities glucosuria
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6.尿中葡萄糖的排泄,特别是在升高的数量 糖尿
caused by or affected with diabetes nondiabetes
7.不引起或影响糖尿病患者 非糖尿病
8.A children’s doctor pediatrician
8.儿科医生 儿科医生
ing that precedes precursor
9.先于前体的东西 预兆
condition of having a hereditary tendency or high probability for developing diabetes
mellitus prediabetes
10.有遗传倾向的条件或高概率发展糖尿病 前驱糖尿病
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