新版pep五年级英语下册单词表 带音标
New n PEP Grade 5 English Textbook Unit 1 Word List with
eat breakfast /ˈbrekfəst/ - have a morning meal
have …… class - attend a class
play sports - engage in physical activities
exercise /ˈeksəsaɪz/ - physical activity
do morning exercises - perform physical activities in the
eat dinner - have an XXX
clean my room - tidy up my room
go for a walk - take a stroll
go shopping - visit shops for purchasing goods
take /teɪk/ - attend or participate in something
dancing /ˈdɑ:nsɪŋ/ - the activity of dancing
take a dancing class - attend a class to learn dancing
when /wen/ - at what time
after /ˈɑ:ftə(r)/ - following a particular time
start /stɑ:t/ - begin
usually /ˈju:ʒuəl/ - XXX
Spain /speɪn/ - a country in XXX
late /leɪt/ - after the expected or usual time
a.m。/ˌeɪˈem/ - before noon
p.m。/ˌpi: ˈem/ - after noon
why /waɪ/ - for what reason
shop - a place where goods are sold
work /wɜ:k/ - XXX
last /lɑ:st/ - most recent or final
sound /saʊnd/ - appear or seem
also /ˈɔ:lsəʊ/ - in n to
busy /ˈbɪzi/ - having a lot of work to do
need /ni:d/ - require or want
play /pleɪ/ - a dramatic work for the stage
letter /ˈletə(r)/ - a written or XXX
live /lɪv/ - reside or have a home in a particular place
island /ˈaɪlənd/ - a piece of land surrounded by water
always /ˈɔ:lweɪz/ - at all times
cave /keɪv/ - a large XXX