1. Sailing through smoothly (一帆风顺): When a company
effortlessly achieves its goals and objectives, it is said
to be sailing through smoothly. This metaphor implies that
the company is making progress without encountering
significant obstacles or challenges.
2. On track and on time (按时按序): A company that is
on track and on time is meeting its deadlines and
milestones while staying within the scope of its planned
activities. This phrase indicates that the company is well-
organized and efficient in its operations.
3. Hitting the ground running (开局顺利): This
expression is used to describe a company that quickly gains
momentum and makes progress towards its goals after being
established or undertaking a new initiative. It suggests
that the company has a clear plan and is well-prepared to
execute it.
4. Making headway (进展顺利): A company that is making
headway is consistently moving forward and achieving its
objectives. This phrase implies that the company is making
progress, even if it is gradual, and is not experiencing
any major setbacks.
5. Going from strength to strength (蒸蒸日上): This
phrase is used to describe a company that is growing and
improving over time. It suggests that the company is
building on its successes and is well-positioned for future
6. Experiencing smooth sailing (一帆风顺): Similar to
"sailing through smoothly," this expression indicates that
a company is progressing without encountering major
difficulties or setbacks. It implies that the company has a
clear strategy and is executing it effectively.
7. Riding the crest of a wave (乘风破浪): A company
that is riding the crest of a wave is taking advantage of
favorable conditions to achieve its goals. This metaphor
implies that the company is well-positioned to capitalize
on opportunities and is likely to continue to experience
8. Full steam ahead (全速前进): This phrase is used to
describe a company that is moving forward at full speed
towards its objectives. It suggests that the company is
well-resourced, motivated, and committed to achieving its
1. 一帆风顺,比喻事情顺利,没有遇到阻碍。
2. 按时按序,按照既定的时间和顺序进行,没有延误。
3. 开局顺利,新开始的工作进展顺利,取得了良好的开端。
4. 进展顺利,事情的进展符合预期,没有任何大的障碍。
5. 蒸蒸日上,形容事业或处境一天比一天兴旺。
6. 一帆风顺,同上。
7. 乘风破浪,比喻在有利条件下奋勇前进。
8. 全速前进,形容动作迅速、有力,毫不迟疑。