To use the oven symbol on a stove, first make sure the oven racks
are positioned where you want them. Then, turn the oven control
switch to the desired temperature setting. Once the oven has
preheated to the set temperature, place your food inside the oven
using heat-resistant oven mitts. Close the oven door securely and set
a timer if needed. Keep an eye on the cooking progress through the
oven window or by briefly opening the door if necessary. When the
food is fully cooked, use oven mitts to carefully remove it from the
oven and turn off the oven control switch. Always remember to
follow the manufacturer's instructions for your specific oven model,
as different ovens may have slightly different methods for using the
oven symbol.
将食物放入烤箱内。 securely, If necessary. Observe to the way of
cooking in the door occasionally, Keeping an eye on the cooking
progress through the oven window or by briefly opening the door
Close Place to close the oven door, close the oven door securely, and
if necessary, set a timer The food in the timetable is completed ,use
oven mitts to carefully remove it from the oven and turn off the oven
control switch。请务必遵循您所使用烤箱型号的制造商说明,因为不同的