Thank you for replying so promptly to our enquiry for light-weight extinguishers and also for your
offer to arrange a demonstration.
Our general manager and our office manager will both be able to meet Mr. Burton at any time
during the morning or afternoon of Friday, 12
January. It would be helpful if Mr. Burton would
write or phone to say at what time we may expect him. 115
We have recently extended our radio and television department and are now thinking of adding
new ranges to our present stocks. We are particularly interested on your “Belltone” radio and
television receivers and should be glad if you would send us your trade catalogue and terms of
sale and payment.
Your products are not yet offered by any other dealer in this town, and if we decide to introduce
them we should like to have the rights of sole distribution in this area.
We look forward to a favourable reply. 116
Thank you for your letter of 8
April enquiring about our “Belltone” products. This range has now
been discontinued and replaced by the “Clairtone”. You will see from the enclosed catalogue that
the new models are attractively designed and include the latest technical improvements. Although
rather more expensive than the “Belltone”, receivers in the “Clairtone” range have already been
well received and good sales are regularly being reported from other areas.
Your request to be appointed sole distributor for your area is one with which we sympathize, but I
am sure you will understand when I explain that, as part of our efforts to keep down
manufacturing costs, we must increase sales by distibuting through as many outlets as possible.
Dealers in other areas appear to be well satisfied with their sales under this arrangement and I
hope we may look forward to receiving your own orders and your permission to include your
name in our list of approved dealers. 116
Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price-list for bicycles. We are
interested in machines for both men and women, and also for children.
We are the leading bicycle dealers in this city, where cycling is popularm and have branches in
five neighboouring towns. If therefore the quality of your machines is satisfactory and the prices
are right, we expect to place regular orders for fairly large numbers.
Will you please say whether, in these circumstances, you are able to allow us a special discount.
This would enabe us to maintain the low selling prices that have been an important reason for the
growth of our business. In return, we would be prepared to place orders for a guaranteed annual
minimum number of machines, the figure to be mutually agreed. 118
We were glad to learn from your letter of 18
July of your interest in our products and enclose the
catalogye and price-list asked for. Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and
terms of payment.
We have examined your proposal to place orders for a guaranteed minimum number of machines
in return for a special allowance, but after cinsidering it carefully feel it would be better to offer
you a special allowance on the follwing sliding-scale basis:
On purchases exceeding an annual total of:
£1,000 but not exceeding £3%
£2500 but not exceeding £4%
£5,000 5%
No special allowance could be given on annual total porchases be low £1,000.
We feel that an arrangement on these lines would be more satisfactory to both oh us than the one
you propose.
We shall be glad to learn that you acccept our proposal and, subject to the usual trade references,
look forward to your orders. 119
We have carefully considered your letter of 18
December. As our two firms have done business
with each other for so many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the prices of our
sportswear. But there are difficlties. Our own overheads have risen sharply in the past twelve
months and to reduce prices by the 15% you mention could not be done without considerably
lowering our standards of quality. This is something we are not prepared to do. Instead of a 15%
reduction on sportswear, we suggest a reduction of 5% on all our lines on orders for £75 or more.
On orders of this size we could manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards.
We hope you will agree to our counter-suggestion and look forward to receiving regular orders
from you as in the past. 120
Please inform us (let us know) on what terms you
We understand that you are manufacturers of (dealers in)... and should like to know whether you
We have seen your and shall be glad (obliged) if you will send us particulars
We should appreciate further information (full particulars)
We hope we may hear from you (We look forward to hearing from you) very soon (within the next
few days).
As the matter is urgent we should appreciate an early reply.
If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large
Thank you for (We were pleased to receive) your enquiry of ....
We are pleased (gratified) to learn from your letter of ... that you are interested
We are sending you (We have pleasure in enclosing) a copy of our ...asked for in your
We shall be pleased (glad, happy) to send you any further information you may need.
We hope you will be able to place an order with us.
We shall deal promptly with any order you send us.
Any orders you may place with us will have our prompt and careful attention.
Any orders you may place with us can be met at once from stock.
We have the items in stock and can deliver as soon as we receive your order.
We are confident that you will be satisfied with the quality of our goods.